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00001 //# GBTScanLogReader: GBTScanLogReader reads and iterates through a GBT ScanLog
00002 //# Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email:
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //#
00027 //# $Id$
00032 #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
00033 #include <casa/Containers/Block.h>
00034 #include <casa/Containers/RecordField.h>
00035 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTStateTable.h>
00036 #include <fits/FITS/FITSTable.h>
00037 #include <casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
00038 #include <casa/OS/File.h>
00039 #include <casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
00040 #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
00041 #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
00043 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTGOFile.h>
00044 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTLO1File.h>
00046 #include <casa/namespace.h>
00047 //# Forward Declarations
00048 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00049 class Record;
00050 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
00053 // <summary>
00054 // </summary>
00056 // <use visibility=local>
00058 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
00059 // </reviewed>
00061 // <prerequisite>
00062 //   <li> SomeClass
00063 //   <li> SomeOtherClass
00064 //   <li> some concept
00065 // </prerequisite>
00066 //
00067 // <etymology>
00068 // </etymology>
00069 //
00070 // <synopsis>
00071 // </synopsis>
00072 //
00073 // <example>
00074 // </example>
00075 //
00076 // <motivation>
00077 // </motivation>
00078 //
00079 // <thrown>
00080 //    <li>
00081 //    <li>
00082 // </thrown>
00083 //
00084 // <todo asof="yyyy/mm/dd">
00085 //   <li> add this feature
00086 //   <li> fix this bug
00087 //   <li> start discussion of this possible extension
00088 // </todo>
00090 class GBTScanLogReader
00091 {
00092 public:
00093     // the types of backends
00095                    UNKNOWN, NUM_BACKENDS=UNKNOWN};
00097     // construct this using the indicated ScanLog FITS file
00098     GBTScanLogReader(const File& scanlog, Int minscan=-1,
00099                      Int maxscan=LONG_MAX);
00101     ~GBTScanLogReader();
00103     // inquire about the health of the underling table
00104     Bool isValid() {return scanLog_p.isValid();}
00106     // reopen using the given file.  If scanlog is the same
00107     // file then it will be repositioned at the same current
00108     // position (same scan) as it currently is if keepPosition
00109     // is True.  This assumes that nothing in the scanlog has 
00110     // changed up until that point.  If scanlog is a different
00111     // file or if keepPosition is False, then this resets 
00112     // everything to the state it would have been immediately
00113     // after construction using the given scanlog.
00114     Bool reopen(const File &scanlog, Bool keepPosition=True);
00116     // reopen using the same file
00117     Bool reopen(Bool keepPosition=True);
00119     // Toggle the emission of warning messages.  This object starts
00120     // off initially being silent (no warning messages)
00121     // regarding missing files or scans without backends.
00122     // This is desirable so that warnings aren't issued until
00123     // real data is seen to arrive and a fill is started.
00124     void warn(Bool dowarn = True) {dowarn_p = dowarn;}
00126     // move the pointer to the next group in the log.
00127     // When next has been called and the file is at the end, the
00128     // scan number will be < 0
00129     void next();
00131     // the current scan number, this will be negative if
00132     // the file is empty
00133     Int scan() const {return scan_p;}
00135     // the indicated DMJD
00136     const MVTime &dmjd() const {return dmjd_p;}
00138     // The timestamp from the file names (uses the backend file
00139     // file name, which should be consistent with the others, although
00140     // there is no consistency check here).
00141     const MVTime &timeStamp() const {return timeStamp_p;}
00143     // return the next time stamp
00144     const MVTime &nextTimeStamp() const { return nextTimeStamp_p;}
00146     //# update the pointer to re-read the same scan log
00147     //# not yet implemented
00148     //# void update();
00150     // are there more groups (T) or is this pointed at the end (F)
00151     Bool more() const {return nextScan_p >= 0;}
00153     // return the name of the DCR backend FITS file in this scan
00154     // This string has zero length if there is no DCR data in
00155     // this scan.  There should never be more than one DCR
00156     // file in a scan but if there is, a warning is issued and
00157     // the last one seen is used.
00158     const String &dcrfile() const {return itsDCRFile;}
00160     // return the name of the HOLO backend FITS file in this scan
00161     // This string has zero length if there is no HOLO data in
00162     // this scan.  There should never be more than one HOLO
00163     // file in a scan but if there is, a warning is issued and
00164     // the last one seen is used.
00165     const String &holofile() const {return itsHOLOFile;}
00167     // return the name of the SP backend FITS file in this scan
00168     // This string has zero length if there is no SP data in
00169     // this scan.  There should never be more than one SP
00170     // file in a scan but if there is, a warning is issued and
00171     // the last one seen is used.
00172     const String &spfile() const {return itsSPFile;}
00174     // return the names of the ACS backend FITS file in this scan
00175     // This vector has zero elements if there are no ACS files
00176     // in thie scan.
00177     const Vector<String> &acsfiles() const {return itsACSFiles;}
00179     // return the list of backend types in this group
00180     const Block<Int>& backends() const {return backends_p;}
00182     // The names of the current backend files
00183     const Block<String>& backendFiles() const {return backendFiles_p;}
00185     // The names of all of the current DAP files
00186     const Block<String>& dapFiles() const {return dapFiles_p;}
00188     // The name of the IF manager file - there should only be one in a scan.
00189     // When more than one is seen, the first seen is used and a warning
00190     // message is sent to the logger.  If no IF manager file is present in
00191     // the scan, this string will be empty.
00192     const String &ifManagerFile() const {return ifManagerFile_p;}
00194     // The GBTGOFile from the FITS file written by the user interface - there should
00195     // be only one in a scan.  When more than one is seen, the first is used
00196     // and a warning message is sent to the logger.  If no user FITS file is
00197     // present in the scan, this GBTGOFile will not be attached.
00198     const GBTGOFile &GOFile() const {if (!goFileSet_p) attachGO(); return goFile_p;}
00200     // The GBTLO1File for LO1A.  There should be only one in a scan.  When more
00201     // than one is seen, the first is used and a warning message is sent to the 
00202     // logger.  If no LO1A file is seen, then this GBTLO1File will not be attached.
00203     const GBTLO1File &LO1A() const {if (!lo1Aset_p) attachLO1A(); return itsLO1A_p;}
00205     // The GBTLO1File for LO1B.  There should be only one in a scan.  When more
00206     // than one is seen, the first is used and a warning message is sent to the 
00207     // logger.  If no LO1B is seen, then this GBTLO1File will not be attached.
00208     const GBTLO1File &LO1B() const {if (!lo1Bset_p) attachLO1B(); return itsLO1B_p;}
00210     // The name of the Antenna FITS file - there should be only one in a scan.
00211     // When more than one is seen, the first seen is used and a warning message
00212     // is sent to the logger.   If no Antenna file is present in the scan,
00213     // this string will be empty.
00214     const String &antennaFile() const {return antennaFile_p;}
00216     // The names of any RX_CAL_INFO files
00217     const Block<String> &rxCalInfoFiles() const {return rxCalFiles_p;}
00219     // The master state table as indicated by the state files in the backend
00220     // files.  The first state file found indicating where the master is
00221     // will be believed.  If no master is indicated, this table will be null.
00222     const GBTStateTable &masterState() const {if (!masterStateSet_p) attachMasterState(); return state_p;}
00224     // The name of the backend file from which the master state came.
00225     const String &masterStateBackend() const { if (!masterStateSet_p) attachMasterState(); return stateName_p;}
00227     // return the names of all of the files associated with this scan
00228     const Block<String> &allFiles() const {if (!lo1Bchecked_p) checkLO1Bname(); return allFiles_p;}
00230     // return the current minimum scan number
00231     Int minscan() const { return minScan_p;}
00233     // set the minimum scan number
00234     void setMinscan(Int minscan) { minScan_p = minscan; doScanCheck();}
00236     // return the current maximum scan number
00237     Int maxscan() const { return maxScan_p;}
00239     // set the maximum scan number
00240     void setMaxscan(Int maxscan)
00241     { maxScan_p = maxscan; if (maxScan_p<0) maxScan_p = LONG_MAX; doScanCheck();}
00243     // recheck and possible reset the current scan to ensure it lies between minscan
00244     // and maxscan.  Necessary because setting minscan and maxscan involves two calls.
00245     // This should be done after min and max scan have been set.
00246     void checkScanNumber() {while (scan()>=0 && (scan() < minscan() || scan() > maxscan())) next();}
00248     // translate a string into a backend type
00249     static GBTScanLogReader::BACKENDS type(const String &name);
00251     // translate a type into a name, all lower case
00252     static String name(const GBTScanLogReader::BACKENDS type);
00254     // return the primary keywords associated with the underlying FITSTable
00255     const TableRecord &primaryKeywords() { return scanLog_p.primaryKeywords();}
00257     // return the STARTING line for this scan
00258     const String &starting() { return startingLine_p;}
00260     // return the FINISHED line for this scan
00261     const String &finished() { return finishedLine_p;}
00263 private:
00264     File scanLogFile_p;
00265     String rootdir_p;
00267     FITSTable scanLog_p;
00268     MVTime dmjd_p, nextDmjd_p, workingDmjd_p,
00269         timeStamp_p, nextTimeStamp_p;
00270     Int scan_p, nextScan_p, workingScan_p, minScan_p, maxScan_p;
00272     Block<Int> backends_p, nextBackends_p, workingBackends_p;
00273     Block<String> backendFiles_p, nextBackendFiles_p, workingBackendFiles_p,
00274         dapFiles_p, nextDapFiles_p, workingDapFiles_p;
00276     Block<String> rxCalFiles_p, nextRxCalFiles_p, workingRxCalFiles_p;
00278     String itsDCRFile, itsHOLOFile, itsSPFile, itsNextDCRFile, 
00279            itsNextHOLOFile, itsNextSPFile;
00281     Vector<String> itsACSFiles, itsNextACSFiles;
00283     mutable Block<String> allFiles_p;
00284     Block<String> nextAllFiles_p;
00286     // these counts apply only to the working* blocks.
00287     Int backendCount_p, dapCount_p, rxCalCount_p;
00289     Bool dowarn_p;
00291     // the rownr corresponding to the start of this scan
00292     // -1 if nothing started yet
00293     Int thisStartRow_p;
00294     // the rownr corresponding to the start of the next scan
00295     // -1 if nothing started yet
00296     Int nextStartRow_p;
00298     Record *currow_p;
00299     RecordFieldPtr<Double> dmjdField_p;
00300     RecordFieldPtr<Int> scanField_p;
00301     RecordFieldPtr<String> filePathField_p;
00302     RecordFieldPtr<String> dateObsField_p;
00304     String ifManagerFile_p, nextIFManagerFile_p,
00305         antennaFile_p, nextAntennaFile_p;
00307     String startingLine_p, nextStartingLine_p;
00308     String finishedLine_p, nextFinishedLine_p;
00310     mutable GBTStateTable state_p;
00311     mutable Bool masterStateSet_p;
00312     mutable String stateName_p;
00314     mutable GBTGOFile goFile_p;
00315     String goFileName_p, nextGoFileName_p;
00316     mutable Bool goFileSet_p;
00318     mutable GBTLO1File itsLO1A_p, itsLO1B_p;
00319     String lo1Aname_p, nextLO1Aname_p, nextLO1Bname_p;
00320     mutable Bool lo1Aset_p, lo1Bset_p, lo1Bchecked_p;
00321     mutable String lo1Bname_p;
00323     Int itsBaseVer, itsDeviceVer;
00325     // initialize things after scanLog_p exists
00326     Bool init(Int startrow=0);
00328     // this is the thing which actually fills out all of the information
00329     void digestScan();
00331     // set the state table given a file name
00332     void setStateTable(const String &fileName) const;
00334     // ensure that minScan_p <= maxScan_p
00335     void doScanCheck();
00337     // attach the GO file - only done as needed
00338     void attachGO() const;
00340     // attach the LO1A file - only done as needed
00341     void attachLO1A() const;
00343     // attach the LO1B file - only done as needed
00344     void attachLO1B() const;
00346     // check for the existance of an un-named LO1B file
00347     void checkLO1Bname() const;
00349     // attach master state table - only done as needed
00350     void attachMasterState() const;
00352     // unset and unavailable
00353     GBTScanLogReader();
00354     GBTScanLogReader(const GBTScanLogReader &);
00355     GBTScanLogReader &operator=(const GBTScanLogReader &);
00356 };
00358 #endif