# task_swappol.py
# Copyright (C) 2009
# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
# 520 Edgemont Road
# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
# Huib Intema (NRAO)
# swappol stands for swap polarizations.
# task_swappol.py is a python script providing a task for swapping the R and L
# (or X and Y) polarizations for a selection of antennas. This is particularly
# useful for fixing VLA lowband observations from the commissioning period
# (midway 2012 through midway 2013), where various antenna polarization cables
# were mislabelled.
# This task swaps polarizations in the raw visibilities 'DATA' column. This task
# does not swap polarizations in calibration tables. It should therefore be run
# prior to any calibration tasks.
# To provide a CASA-alternative for the AIPS task SWPOL (or FIXRL).
from taskinit import *
import os, shutil, numpy, math, pdb
gigabyte = 1024L * 1024L * 1024L # bytes
def swappol( vis = '', outputvis = '', antenna = '', spw = '', field = '',
scan = '', rows_per_block = 10000L, data_cache = gigabyte ): #, observation = '' ):
# initialize task
ms_tool, md_tool, tb_tool = gentools( [ 'ms', 'msmd', 'tb' ] )
# define stokes ids
stokes_dict = { 'I' : 1, 'Q' : 2, 'U' : 3, 'V' : 4,
'RR' : 5, 'RL' : 6, 'LR' : 7, 'LL' : 8,
'XX' : 9, 'XY' : 10, 'YX' : 11, 'YY' : 12 }
stokes_full_RL_list = [ stokes_dict[ x ] for x in [ 'RR', 'RL', 'LR', 'LL' ] ]
stokes_full_XY_list = [ stokes_dict[ x ] for x in [ 'XX', 'XY', 'YX', 'YY' ] ]
# handle input & output MS names
if ( ( len( vis ) == 0 ) or ( not os.path.exists( vis ) ) ):
casalog.post( 'Input MS does not exist.', 'SEVERE' )
return False
if ( ( outputvis != '' ) and ( outputvis != vis ) ):
if ( os.path.exists( outputvis ) ):
casalog.post( 'Output MS already exists. ' +
'Please remove or choose a different outputvis name.', 'SEVERE' )
return False
if ( ( outputvis == '' ) or ( outputvis == vis ) ):
casalog.post( 'Overwriting original MS ...', 'NORMAL' )
outputvis = vis
# get MS info
md_tool.open( vis )
antenna_count = md_tool.nantennas()
spw_count = md_tool.nspw()
field_count = md_tool.nfields()
scan_count = md_tool.nscans()
row_count = int( md_tool.nrows() )
# obs_count = ...
# parse data selection parameters
ms_tool.open( vis )
selection = ms_tool.msseltoindex( vis = vis, baseline = antenna, spw = spw,
field = field, scan = scan ) #, observation = observation )
antennas = selection[ 'antenna1' ]
baselines = selection[ 'antenna2' ]
spws = selection[ 'spw' ]
fields = selection[ 'field' ]
scans = selection[ 'scan' ]
if ( antenna == '' ):
casalog.post( "Antenna selection is empty.", 'SEVERE' )
return False
if ( len( antennas ) == 0 ):
casalog.post( "Antenna selection returned zero results.", 'SEVERE' )
return False
if ( len( baselines ) != antenna_count ):
casalog.post( "Antenna selection should not contain baseline selections.",
return False
if ( len( spws ) == 0 ):
spws = numpy.arange( spw_count, dtype = spws.dtype )
if ( len( fields ) == 0 ):
fields = numpy.arange( field_count, dtype = fields.dtype )
if ( len( scans ) == 0 ):
# scans = numpy.arange( scan_count, dtype = scans.dtype )
scans = numpy.arange( 1000000L, dtype = scans.dtype )
# if ( len( obss ) == 0 ):
# obss = numpy.arange( obs_count, dtype = obss.dtype )
# pdb.set_trace()
# create data description id selection
dd_table = read_table( vis + '/DATA_DESCRIPTION' )
spw_table = read_table( vis + '/SPECTRAL_WINDOW' )
pol_table = read_table( vis + '/POLARIZATION' )
dds = []
swap_table = []
for dd_id in range( len( dd_table ) ):
spw_id = dd_table[ dd_id ][ 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID' ]
pol_id = dd_table[ dd_id ][ 'POLARIZATION_ID' ]
# check if spw in selection
if ( not spw_id in spws ):
# check for flagged rows
if ( dd_table[ dd_id ][ 'FLAG_ROW' ] or spw_table[ spw_id ][ 'FLAG_ROW' ] or
pol_table[ pol_id ][ 'FLAG_ROW' ] ):
# casalog.post( "Spectral window %d" % spw_id + " is flagged" +
# " and will not be swapped." , 'WARN' )
pol_array = pol_table[ pol_id ][ 'CORR_TYPE' ]
pol_list = pol_array.tolist()
if ( ( pol_list != stokes_full_RL_list ) and
( pol_list != stokes_full_XY_list ) ):
casalog.post( "Spectral window %d" % spw_id + " does not contain a " +
"suitable set of polarization products to be swapped." , 'WARN' )
dds.append( dd_id )
dd_count = len( dds )
if ( dd_count == 0 ):
casalog.post( "No polarizations found that can be swapped.", 'SEVERE')
return False
dds = numpy.array( dds, dtype = numpy.int32 )
# compute polarization permutation matrices
# [ 0 ] for ANT1 only: PP,PQ,QP,QQ <-> QP,QQ,PP,PQ (2,3,0,1)
# [ 1 ] for ANT2 only: PP,PQ,QP,QQ <-> PQ,PP,QQ,QP (1,0,3,2)
# [ 2 ] for ANT1 & ANT2: PP,PQ,QP,QQ <-> QQ,QP,PQ,PP (3,2,1,0)
perms = numpy.array( [ [ 2,3,0,1 ], [ 1,0,3,2 ], [ 3,2,1,0 ] ],
dtype = numpy.int16 )
perm_count = len( perms )
dd_perms = numpy.zeros( ( dd_count, 3,4,4 ), dtype = numpy.bool )
for i in range( dd_count ):
pol_id = dd_table[ dds[ i ] ][ 'POLARIZATION_ID' ]
pols = pol_table[ pol_id ][ 'CORR_TYPE' ]
pols = pols - pols.min()
pols = pols.reshape( ( 1,4 ) ).repeat( 4, axis = 0 )
perms = numpy.array( perms, dtype = pols.dtype )
for j in range( perm_count ):
perm = perms[ j ].reshape( ( 4,1 ) ).repeat( 4, axis = 1 )
dd_perms[ i, j ] = ( pols == perm )
# create selection masks from main table columns
tb_tool.open( vis )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'FLAG_ROW' )
mask = numpy.invert( data.transpose() )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'FIELD_ID' )
mask = mask & numpy.in1d( data.transpose(), fields )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'SCAN_NUMBER' )
mask = mask & numpy.in1d( data.transpose(), scans )
# data = tb_tool.getcol( 'OBSERVATION_ID' )
# mask = mask & numpy.in1d( data.transpose(), obss )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'DATA_DESC_ID' )
ms_dd_id = data.transpose()
mask = mask & numpy.in1d( ms_dd_id, dds )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'ANTENNA1' )
mask_ant1 = numpy.in1d( data.transpose(), antennas )
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'ANTENNA2' )
mask_ant2 = numpy.in1d( data.transpose(), antennas )
mask = mask & ( mask_ant1 | mask_ant2 )
if ( not numpy.any( mask ) ):
casalog.post( 'Selection did not yield any data to modify.', 'NORMAL' )
if ( outputvis != vis ):
casalog.post( 'No data modified, therefore no outputvis created.', 'WARN' )
return True
mask_perms = []
for i in range( dd_count ):
mask_perm0 = mask & ( ms_dd_id == dds[ i ] ) & numpy.invert( mask_ant2 )
mask_perm1 = mask & ( ms_dd_id == dds[ i ] ) & numpy.invert( mask_ant1 )
mask_perm2 = mask & ( ms_dd_id == dds[ i ] ) & ( mask_ant1 & mask_ant2 )
mask_perms.append( [ mask_perm0, mask_perm1, mask_perm2 ] )
mask_perms = numpy.array( mask_perms, dtype = numpy.bool )
# create outputvis main table
if ( outputvis != vis ):
casalog.post( 'Copying original MS to outputvis ...', 'NORMAL' )
shutil.copytree( vis, outputvis )
# open outputvis main table for writing
# limit memory usage for main data columns
tb_tool.open( outputvis, nomodify = False ) #, lockoptions = 'user' )
tb_tool.setmaxcachesize( 'DATA', data_cache )
tb_tool.setmaxcachesize( 'FLAG', data_cache / 16 )
# tb_tool.setmaxcachesize( 'FLAG_CATEGORY', data_cache / ... )
# tb_tool.setmaxcachesize( 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', data_cache / ... )
casalog.post( 'Processing visibilities ...', 'NORMAL' )
casalog.post( '... %3d percent done' % ( 0 ), 'NORMAL' )
# read per block
block_count = int( math.ceil( float( row_count ) / float( rows_per_block ) ) )
blocks_done = 0L
rows_done = 0L
not_done = True
while ( not_done ):
# read data columns
start_row = blocks_done * rows_per_block
end_row = min( start_row + rows_per_block, row_count )
delta_rows = end_row - start_row
if ( delta_rows < rows_per_block ):
not_done = False
if ( delta_rows <= 0 ):
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'DATA', startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
ms_data = data.transpose()
data = tb_tool.getcol( 'FLAG', startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
ms_flag = data.transpose()
# data = tb_tool.getcol( 'FLAG_CATEGORY', startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
# ms_flag_cat = data.transpose()
# data = tb_tool.getcol( 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
# ms_weights = data.transpose()
del data
# modify data
for i in range( dd_count ):
for j in range( perm_count ):
mask_perm = mask_perms[ i, j, start_row : end_row ]
if ( numpy.any( mask_perm ) ):
perm = dd_perms[ i, j ]
ms_data[ mask_perm ] = numpy.dot( ms_data[ mask_perm ], perm )
ms_flag[ mask_perm ] = numpy.dot( ms_flag[ mask_perm ], perm )
# ms_flag_cat[ mask_perm ] = numpy.dot( ms_flag_cat[ mask_perm ], perm )
# ms_weights[ mask_perm ] = numpy.dot( ms_weights[ mask_perm ], perm )
# write modified data
tb_tool.putcol( 'DATA', ms_data.transpose(), startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
tb_tool.putcol( 'FLAG', ms_flag.transpose(), startrow = start_row, nrow = delta_rows )
# tb_tool.putcol( 'FLAG_CATEGORY', ms_flag_cat.transpose(), startrow = start_row,
# nrow = delta_rows )
# tb_tool.putcol( 'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM', ms_weights.transpose(), startrow = start_row,
# nrow = delta_rows )
del ms_data, ms_flag
# del ms_flag_cat, ms_weights
# track progress
blocks_done = blocks_done + 1
casalog.post( '... %4d / %4d blocks done' % ( blocks_done, block_count ), 'DEBUGGING' )
fraction = float( end_row ) / float( row_count )
fraction = round( 10. * fraction ) / 10.
delta = end_row - int( round( fraction * float( row_count ) ) )
if ( ( delta > 0 ) and ( delta < rows_per_block ) ):
casalog.post( '... %3d percent done' % ( int( 100. * fraction ) ),
# close outputvis main table
casalog.post( '... %3d percent done' % ( 100 ), 'NORMAL' )
# fix SYSPOWER table too
sp_table_path = vis + '/SYSPOWER'
if ( not os.path.exists( sp_table_path ) ):
return True
tb_tool.open( sp_table_path, nomodify = False ) #, lockoptions = 'user' )
casalog.post( 'Processing SYSPOWER table ...', 'NORMAL' )
ant_ids = tb_tool.getcol( 'ANTENNA_ID' )
mask = numpy.in1d( ant_ids.transpose(), antennas )
spw_ids = tb_tool.getcol( 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID' )
mask = mask & numpy.in1d( spw_ids.transpose(), spws )
pdiff = tb_tool.getcol( 'SWITCHED_DIFF' )
pdiff[ : , mask ] = pdiff[ :: -1 , mask ]
tb_tool.putcol( 'SWITCHED_DIFF', pdiff )
psum = tb_tool.getcol( 'SWITCHED_SUM' )
psum[ : , mask ] = psum[ :: -1 , mask ]
tb_tool.putcol( 'SWITCHED_SUM', psum )
greq = tb_tool.getcol( 'REQUANTIZER_GAIN' )
greq[ : , mask ] = greq[ :: -1 , mask ]
tb_tool.putcol( 'REQUANTIZER_GAIN', greq )
casalog.post( '... done', 'NORMAL' )
return True
def read_table( table_name ):
skip_columns = [ 'ASSOC_SPW_ID', 'ASSOC_NATURE' ] # cause errors
tb_tool, = gentools( [ 'tb' ] )
tb_tool.open( table_name )
column_names = tb_tool.colnames()
for colname in skip_columns:
if ( colname in column_names ):
column_names.remove( colname )
column_count = len( column_names )
row_count = tb_tool.nrows()
columns = []
for colname in column_names:
column = tb_tool.getcol( colname )
except RuntimeError:
column = numpy.array( [ [] for i in range( row_count ) ], dtype = numpy.float64 )
column = column.transpose()
columns.append( column )
table = []
for row_id in range( row_count ):
row = {}
for col_id in range( column_count ):
column = columns[ col_id ]
value = ( column.transpose() )[ row_id ]
row[ column_names[ col_id ] ] = value
table.append( row )
return table