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00001 //# GBTMultiACSTable.h: GBT multi-bank backend table for the ACS.
00002 //# Copyright (C) 2003
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email:
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //#
00027 //# $Id$
00032 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTBackendTable.h>
00033 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTScanLogReader.h>
00034 #include <nrao/FITS/GBTACSTable.h>
00036 #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
00037 #include <casa/Containers/Block.h>
00038 #include <casa/Containers/SimOrdMap.h>
00039 #include <tables/Tables/Table.h>
00040 #include <tables/Tables/TableRow.h>
00041 #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
00043 #include <casa/namespace.h>
00044 //# forward includes
00045 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00046 class Record;
00047 class RecordDesc;
00048 class TableRecord;
00049 template <class T> class Array;
00050 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
00052 class GBTStateTable;
00055 // <summary>
00056 // A GBTMultiBackendTable for the ACS
00057 // </summary>
00058 //
00059 // <use visibility=export>
00060 //
00061 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
00062 // </reviewed>
00063 //
00064 // <prerequisite>
00065 // </prerequisite>
00066 //
00067 // <etymology>
00068 // </etymology>
00069 //
00070 // <synopsis>
00071 // GBTMultiACStTable is a GBTACSTable holding
00072 // data from multiple banks.  It makes it look as if it all
00073 // came from the same data source.  In order for this
00074 // to work.  The ACT_STATE and STATE tables must be the
00075 // same in all banks and the integration time in each
00076 // bank must be the same.
00077 // </synopsis>
00078 //
00079 // <example>
00080 // </example>
00081 //
00082 // <motivation>
00083 // </motivation>
00085 class GBTMultiACSTable : public GBTBackendTable
00086 {
00087 public:
00088      // Construct it from a vector of file names
00089     GBTMultiACSTable(const Vector<String> &fileNames,
00090                      GBTACSTable::VanVleckCorr vanVleckCorr=GBTACSTable::DefaultVanVleck,
00091                      GBTACSTable::Smoothing smoothing = GBTACSTable::DefaultSmoothing, 
00092                      Int vvsize=65, Bool useDCBias = False, Double dcbias=0.0,
00093                      Int minbiasfactor=-1, Bool fixlags = False, String fixlagslog="",
00094                      Double sigmaFactor=6.0, Int spikeStart=200);
00096     ~GBTMultiACSTable();
00098     // Attach this GBTMultiACSTable to a new set of file names.
00099     // If fileNames are the same as the
00100     // currently opened filse, if there are any, then this just
00101     // closes and reopens the FITS files, setting things right
00102     // back to the next row in each table, if there are any.
00103     virtual Bool reopen(const Vector<String> &fileNames, Bool resync=True);
00105     // reopen if there's just one file
00106     virtual Bool reopen(const String &fileName, Bool resync) 
00107     {return reopen(Vector<String>(1,fileName), resync);}
00109     // This is necessary to avoid hiding the FITSTabular version
00110     virtual Bool reopen(const String &fileName) {return reopen(fileName,True);}
00112     // Return the type of this backend
00113     GBTScanLogReader::BACKENDS type() const {return GBTScanLogReader::ACS;}
00115     // Returns the name of the file serving up the default bank
00116     virtual const String &name() const {return defBank().name();}
00118     virtual const Vector<String> &names() const {return itsFiles;}
00120     // Is everything okay.
00121     virtual Bool isValid() const {return itsValid;}
00123     // The number of elements along the STATE axis
00124     virtual uInt nstate() const {return defBank().nstate();}
00126     // The number of elements along the frequency axis (default to 1
00127     // for non-spectral line data) for a specific sampler.
00128     virtual uInt nchan(uInt whichSampler) const;
00130     // The bandwidth of the indicated sampler.  If this is < 0 then that
00131     // signals that it is not known here and it should be fetched from 
00132     // the IF BANDWDTH column.
00133     virtual Double bw(uInt whichSampler) const;
00135     // The center IF for the indicated sampler.  If this is < 0 then that
00136     // signals that it is not known here and it should be fetched from
00137     // the IF CENTER_IF column.
00138     virtual Double centerIF(uInt whichSampler) const;
00140     // Indicates whether frequency increases with channel number for the
00141     // given sampler.
00142     virtual Bool increases(uInt whichSampler) const;
00144     // The keywords from the FITS data tables merged into a single record.
00145     virtual const TableRecord &keywords() const {return defBank().keywords();}
00147     // advance to the next row in all tables
00148     virtual void next();
00150     // return the current row in the default underlying table
00151     // It is here because of inheritance but it should not be used.
00152     virtual const Record &currentRow() const {return defBank().currentRow();}
00154     // The unhandled keywords
00155     virtual const Record &unhandledKeywords() {return defBank().unhandledKeywords();}
00157     // Mark a keyword as handled;
00158     virtual void handleKeyword(const String &kwname) {defBank().handleKeyword(kwname);}
00160     virtual const RecordDesc &description() const {return defBank().description();}
00161     virtual const Record &units() const {return defBank().units();}
00162     virtual const Record &displayFormats() const {return defBank().displayFormats();}
00163     virtual const Record &nulls() const {return defBank().nulls();}
00165     // Return the unhandled fields in the current row of the current table
00166     virtual const Record &unhandledFields() {return defBank().unhandledFields();}
00168     // Mark a field in the current row of all tables as being handled.
00169     virtual void handleField(const String &fieldname) {defBank().handleField(fieldname);}
00171     // The ancilliary tables
00172     // <group>
00173     virtual const Table &sampler() const {return itsSampler;}
00174     virtual const GBTStateTable &state() const {return defBank().state();}
00175     virtual const Table &actState() const {return defBank().actState();}
00176     virtual const Table &port() const {return itsPort;}
00177     // </group>
00179     // Total number of rows in each bank (should be the same)
00180     virtual uInt nrow() const {return defBank().nrow();}
00182     // This specific row (relative to total from all banks)
00183     virtual uInt rownr() const {return defBank().rownr();}
00185     // FITSVER - should be the same for all banks
00186     virtual const String &fitsVers() const {return defBank().fitsVers();}
00188     // Leading integer (before decimal) of FITSVER
00189     virtual Int baseVersion() const {return defBank().baseVersion();}
00191     // Trailing integer(after decimal) of FITSVER
00192     virtual Int deviceVersion() const {return defBank().deviceVersion();}
00194     // get the raw data at the current row.
00195     virtual const Array<Float> rawdata(uInt whichSampler);
00197     // get the data for the current row, applying the indicated vanVleck 
00198     // correction and smoothing for the Schwab correction, use the indicated 
00199     // table size. If useDCBias is True, an attempt is made to use the 
00200     // DCBias (average of the autocorrelations over the last 5% of the lags) in
00201     // the van vleck correction if the Schwab correction is specified.
00202     virtual const Array<Float> data(uInt whichSampler);
00204     // get the zero channel for the current row, vanVleck correction is
00205     // applied.  It is only done once for each row, independent of whether
00206     // data or zeroChannel are called first.
00207     virtual const Array<Float> zeroChannel(uInt whichSampler);
00209     // is the data in the current row bad.  It is only done once for each row,
00210     // independent of whether data, zeroChannel, or badData are called first.
00211     virtual const Array<Bool> badData(uInt whichSampler);
00213     // Do the switching signals in ACT_STATE follow the
00214     // documentation?  Prior to FITSVER 1.2 they had the
00215     // opposite sense.
00216     virtual Bool switchOK() const {return defBank().switchOK();}
00218     // return the number of sampler levels for the indicate sampler
00219     virtual Int nlevels(uInt whichSampler) const;
00221     // The value of the INTEGRAT field in the current row for
00222     // the given sampler and state
00223     virtual Float integrat(uInt whichSampler, uInt whichState) const;
00225     // The DMJD value from the current row
00226     virtual Double dmjd() {return defBank().dmjd();}
00228     // The value of the TIME-MID field in the current row
00229     virtual Double timeMid() {return defBank().timeMid();}
00231     // A string comprising the banks to be filled
00232     virtual String banks() {return itsBankNames;}
00233 private:
00234     Bool itsValid;
00236     GBTACSTable::VanVleckCorr itsVVCorr;
00237     GBTACSTable::Smoothing itsSmoothing;
00238     Int itsVVSize, itsMinbiasfactor, itsSpikeStart;
00239     Bool itsUseDCBias, itsFixlags;
00240     Double itsDCBias, itsSigmaFactor;
00242     Vector<String> itsFiles;
00244     Table itsSampler, itsPort;
00245     TableRow itsSamplerRow, itsPortRow;
00247     //# The individual banks, there should never be more than 4
00248     Block<GBTACSTable *> itsBanks;
00250     //# the index of the 0 sampler in that bloc
00251     Block<uInt> itsSampler0;
00253     uInt itsNbanks;
00255     String itsBankNames;
00257     //# maps from requested sampler to index into bank blocks
00258     SimpleOrderedMap<uInt, uInt> itsBankMap;
00260     String itsFixLagsLog;
00262     Bool init(Bool resync=False);
00264     GBTACSTable &defBank() const {return *(itsBanks[0]);}
00266     // Undefined and inaccessible.
00267     GBTMultiACSTable();
00268     GBTMultiACSTable(const GBTMultiACSTable &);
00269     GBTMultiACSTable &operator=(const GBTMultiACSTable &);
00270 };
00273 #endif