casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 """
00002 casapy functions for converting ASCII ephemerides from JPL-Horizons into
00003 CASA tables and installing them where casapy can find them.
00005 jplfiles_to_repository() puts it all together, so it is most likely the
00006 function you want.
00008 There are various utilities like convert_radec, datestr*, get_num_from_str,
00009 mean_radius*, and construct_tablepath defined in here as well.
00010 """
00012 from glob import glob
00013 import os
00014 import re
00015 import scipy.special
00016 import time                  # We can always use more time.
00018 from taskinit import gentools, qa, casalog
00019 me = gentools(['me'])[0]
00021 from dict_to_table import dict_to_table
00023 # Possible columns, as announced by their column titles.
00024 # The data is scooped up by 'pat'.  Either use ONE group named by the column
00025 # key, or mark it as unwanted.  '-' is not valid in group names.
00026 # Leading and trailing whitespace will be taken care of later.
00027 # Sample lines:
00028 #  Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A.___(ICRF/J2000.0)___DEC Ob-lon Ob-lat Sl-lon Sl-lat   NP.ang   NP.dist               r        rdot            delta      deldot    S-T-O   L_s
00029 #  2010-May-01 00:00     09 01 43.1966 +19 04 28.673 286.52  18.22 246.99  25.34 358.6230      3.44  1.661167637023  -0.5303431 1.28664311447968  15.7195833  37.3033   84.50
00030 # 
00031 # some mod to label names and comments so that they corresponds to
00032 # JPL-Horizons naming comvension
00033 cols = {
00034     'MJD': {'header': r'Date__\(UT\)__HR:MN',
00035             'comment': 'date',
00036             'pat':     r'(?P<MJD>\d+-\w+-\d+ \d+:\d+)'},
00037     'RA': {'header': r'R.A._+\([^)]+',
00038            'comment': 'Right Ascension',
00039            'pat':    r'(?P<RA>(\d+ \d+ )?\d+\.\d+)'}, # require a . for safety
00040     'DEC': {'header': r'\)_+DEC.',
00041             'comment': 'Declination',
00042             'pat':    r'(?P<DEC>([-+]?\d+ \d+ )?[-+]?\d+\.\d+)'},
00043     'NP_ang': {'header': r'NP\.ang',
00044                'comment': 'North-Pole pos. angle',
00045                'pat': r'(?P<NP_ang>[0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00046                'unit': 'deg'},
00047     'NP_dist': {'header': r'NP\.dist',
00048                 'comment': 'North-Pole ang. distance',
00049                'pat': r'(?P<NP_dist>[-+0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00050                 'unit': 'arcsec'},
00051     'illu': {'header': r'Illu%',
00052              #'comment': 'Illumination',
00053              'comment': 'Illuminated fraction',
00054              'pat':    r'(?P<illu>[0-9.]+)',
00055              'unit': r'%'},
00056     # put back to original heading...
00057     'DiskLong': {'header': r'Ob-lon',
00058     #'Obs_Long': {'header': r'Ob-lon',
00059                'comment': 'Sub-observer longitude',
00060     #           'pat':    r'(?P<Obs_Long>[0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00061                'pat':    r'(?P<DiskLong>[0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00062                'unit': 'deg'},
00063     'DiskLat': {'header': r'Ob-lat',
00064     #'Obs_Lat': {'header': r'Ob-lat',
00065                'comment': 'Sub-observer latitude',
00066     #           'pat':    r'(?P<Obs_Lat>[-+0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00067                'pat':    r'(?P<DiskLat>[-+0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00068                'unit': 'deg'},
00069     'Sl_lon': {'header': r'Sl-lon',
00070                'comment': 'Sub-Solar longitude',
00071                'pat':    r'(?P<Sl_lon>[0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00072                'unit': 'deg'},
00073     'Sl_lat': {'header': r'Sl-lat',
00074                'comment': 'Sub-Solar longitude',
00075                'pat':    r'(?P<Sl_lat>[-+0-9.]+|n\.a\.)',
00076                'unit': 'deg'},
00078     # These are J2000 whether or not ra and dec are apparent directions.
00079     'NP_RA': {'header': r'N\.Pole-RA',
00080               'comment': 'North Pole right ascension',
00081               'pat':    r'(?P<NP_RA>(\d+ \d+ )?\d+\.\d+)'}, # require a . for safety
00082     'NP_DEC': {'header': r'N\.Pole-DC',
00083                'comment': 'North Pole declination',
00084                'pat':    r'(?P<NP_DEC>([-+]?\d+ \d+ )?[-+]?\d+\.\d+)'},
00086     'r': {'header': 'r',
00087           'comment': 'heliocentric distance',
00088           'unit':    'AU',
00089           'pat':     r'(?P<r>[0-9.]+)'},
00090     'rdot': {'header': 'rdot',
00091              #'comment': 'heliocentric velocity',
00092              'comment': 'heliocentric distance rate',
00093              'unit': 'km/s',
00094              'pat': r'(?P<rdot>[-+0-9.]+)'},
00095     #         'unwanted': True},
00096     'Rho': {'header': 'delta',
00097             'comment': 'geocentric distance',
00098             'unit':    'AU',
00099             'pat':     r'(?P<Rho>[0-9.]+)'},
00100     'RadVel': {'header': 'deldot',
00101                #'comment': 'Radial velocity relative to the observer',
00102                'comment': 'geocentric distance rate',
00103                'pat': r'(?P<RadVel>[-+0-9.]+)',
00104                'unit': 'km/s'},
00105     'phang': {'header':  'S-T-O',
00106               'comment': 'phase angle',
00107               'unit':    'deg',
00108               'pat':     r'(?P<phang>[0-9.]+)'},
00109     'ang_sep': {'header': 'ang-sep/v',
00110                 'comment': 'Angular separation from primary',
00111                 'pat': r'(?P<ang_sep>[0-9.]+/.)'},  # arcsec, "visibility code".
00112                                                     # t: transiting primary
00113                                                     # O: occulted by primary
00114                                                     # p: partial umbral eclipse
00115                                                     # P: occulted partial umbral eclipse
00116                                                     # u: total umbral eclipse
00117                                                     # U: occulted total umbral eclipse
00118                                                     # *: none of the above
00119                                                     # -: target is primary
00120     'L_s': {'header': 'L_s',  # 08/2010: JPL does not supply this and
00121             'unit': 'deg',    # says they cannot.  Ask Bryan Butler.
00122             'comment': 'Season angle',
00123             'pat': r'(?P<L_s>[-+0-9.]+)'}
00124     }
00126 def readJPLephem(fmfile):
00127     """
00128     Reads a JPL Horizons text file (see
00129 ) for a solar system object and
00130     returns various quantities in a dictionary.  The dict will be blank ({}) if
00131     there is a failure.
00132     """
00133     retdict = {}
00134     casalog.origin('readJPLephem')
00136     # Try opening fmfile now, because otherwise there's no point continuing.
00137     try:
00138         ephem = open(fmfile)
00139     except IOError:
00140"Could not open ephemeris file " + fmfile,
00141                      priority="SEVERE")
00142         return {}
00144     # Setup the regexps.
00146     # Headers (one time only things)
00148     # Dictionary of quantity label: regexp pattern pairs that will be searched
00149     # for once.  The matching quantity will go in retdict[label].  Only a
00150     # single quantity (group) will be retrieved per line.
00151     headers = {
00152         'NAME': {'pat': r'^Target body name:\s+\d*\s*(\w+)'},   # object name, w.o. number
00153         'ephtype': {'pat': r'\?s_type=1#top>\]\s*:\s+\*(\w+)'}, # e.g. OBSERVER
00154         'obsloc': {'pat': r'^Center-site name:\s+(\w+)'},        # e.g. GEOCENTRIC
00155         # Catch either an explicit mean radius or a solitary target radius.
00156         'meanrad': {'pat': r'(?:Mean radius \(km\)\s*=|^Target radii\s*:)\s*([0-9.]+)(?:\s*km)?\s*$',
00157                     'unit': 'km'},
00158         # Triaxial target radii
00159         #'radii': {'pat': r'Target radii\s*:\s*([0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+)\s*km.*Equator, meridian, pole',
00160         'radii': {'pat': r'Target radii\s*:\s*([0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+\s*x\s*[0-9.]+)\s*km.*Equator, meridian, pole|Target radii\s*:\s*([0-9.]+)\s*km\s*',
00161                   'unit': 'km'},
00162         'T_mean': {'pat': r'Mean Temperature \(K\)\s*=\s*([0-9.]+)',
00163                    'unit': 'K'},
00165          # Figure out the units later.
00166         'rot_per': {'pat': r'(?i)(?<!Inferred )\b(rot(ation(al)?|\.)?\s*per.*=\s*([-0-9.]+\s*[dhr]*|Synchronous))'},
00167         'orb_per': {'pat': r'Orbital period((, days)?\s*=\s*[-0-9.]+\s*[dhr](\s*\(?R\)?)?)'},
00169         # MeasComet does not read units for these! E-lon(deg),  Lat(deg),     Alt(km)
00170         'GeoLong': {'pat': r'^Center geodetic\s*: ([-+0-9.]+,\s*[-+0-9.]+,\s*[-+0-9.]+)'},
00171         'dMJD':    {'pat': r'^Step-size\s*:\s*(.+)'},
00173         #                     request method v  wday mth   mday  hh  mm  ss   yyyy
00174         'VS_CREATE': {'pat': r'^Ephemeris / \w+ \w+ (\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+:\d+:\d+\s+\d+)'}
00175         }
00176     for hk in headers:
00177         headers[hk]['pat'] = re.compile(headers[hk]['pat'])
00179     # Data ("the rows of the table")
00181     # need date, r (heliocentric distance), delta (geocentric distance), and phang (phase angle).
00182     # (Could use the "dot" time derivatives for Doppler shifting, but it's
00183     # likely unnecessary.)
00184     datapat = r'^\s*'
00186     stoppat = r'\$\$EOE$'  # Signifies the end of data.
00188     # Read fmfile into retdict.
00189     num_cols = 0
00190     in_data = False
00191     comp_mismatches = []
00192     print_datapat = False
00193     # define interpretation of invalid values ('n.a.')
00194     invalid=-999.
00195     for line in ephem:
00196         if in_data:
00197             if re.match(stoppat, line):
00198                 break
00199             matchobj =, line)
00200             if matchobj:
00201                 gdict = matchobj.groupdict()
00202                 for col in gdict:
00203                     if gdict[col]=='n.a.':
00204                         gdict[col]=invalid
00205                     retdict['data'][col]['data'].append(gdict[col])
00206                 if len(gdict) < num_cols:
00207                     print "Partially mismatching line:"
00208                     print line
00209                     print "Found:"
00210                     print gdict
00211                     print_datapat = True
00212             else:
00213                 print_datapat = True
00214                 # Chomp trailing whitespace.
00215                 comp_mismatches.append(re.sub(r'\s*$', '', line))
00216         elif re.match(r'^\s*' + cols['MJD']['header'] + r'\s+'
00217                       + cols['RA']['header'], line):
00218             # See what columns are present, and finish setting up datapat and
00219             # retdict.
00220             havecols = []
00221             # extract coordinate ref info
00223             m=re.match(r'(^\s*)(\S+)(\s+)('+cols['RA']['header']+')', line)
00224   '(')[-1]
00225             cols['RA']['comment']+='('+coordref+')'
00226             cols['DEC']['comment']+='('+coordref+')'
00227             # Chomp trailing whitespace.
00228             myline = re.sub(r'\s*$', '', line)
00229             titleline = myline
00230             remaining_cols = cols.keys()
00231             found_col = True
00232             # This loop will terminate one way or another.
00233             while myline and remaining_cols and found_col:
00234                 found_col = False
00235                 #print "myline = '%s'" % myline
00236                 #print "remaining_cols =", ', '.join(remaining_cols)
00237                 for col in remaining_cols:
00238                     if re.match(r'^\s*' + cols[col]['header'], myline):
00239                         #print "Found", col
00240                         havecols.append(col)
00241                         remaining_cols.remove(col)
00242                         myline = re.sub(r'^\s*' + cols[col]['header'],
00243                                         '', myline)
00244                         found_col = True
00245                         break
00246             datapat += r'\s+'.join([cols[col]['pat'] for col in havecols])
00247             sdatapat = datapat
00248   "Found columns: " + ', '.join(havecols))
00249             datapat = re.compile(datapat)
00250             retdict['data'] = {}
00251             for col in havecols:
00252                 if not cols[col].get('unwanted'):
00253                     retdict['data'][col] = {'comment': cols[col]['comment'],
00254                                             'data':    []}
00255             num_cols = len(retdict['data'])
00256         elif re.match(r'^\$\$SOE\s*$', line):  # Start of ephemeris
00257   "Starting to read data.", priority='INFO2')
00258             in_data = True
00259         else:
00260             #print "line =", line
00261             #print "looking for", 
00262             for hk in headers:
00263                 if not retdict.has_key(hk):
00264                     matchobj =[hk]['pat'], line)
00265                     if matchobj:
00266                         if hk=='radii':
00267                             mobjs=matchobj.groups()
00268                             for gp in mobjs:
00269                                 if gp!=None:
00270                                     retdict[hk] = gp
00271                                     break
00272                             break
00273                         else:
00274                             retdict[hk] = # 0 is the whole line
00275                             break
00276     ephem.close()
00278     # If there were errors, provide debugging info.
00279     if comp_mismatches:
00280         print "Completely mismatching lines:"
00281         print "\n".join(comp_mismatches)
00282     if print_datapat:
00283         print "The apparent title line is:"
00284         print titleline
00285         print "datapat = r'%s'" % sdatapat
00287     # Convert numerical strings into actual numbers.
00288     try:
00289         retdict['earliest'] = datestr_to_epoch(retdict['data']['MJD']['data'][0])
00290         retdict['latest'] = datestr_to_epoch(retdict['data']['MJD']['data'][-1])
00291     except Exception, e:
00292         print "Error!"
00293         if retdict.has_key('data'):
00294             if retdict['data'].has_key('MJD'):
00295                 if retdict['data']['MJD'].has_key('data'):
00296                     #print "retdict['data']['MJD']['data'] =", retdict['data']['MJD']['data']
00297                     print "retdict['data'] =", retdict['data']
00298                 else:
00299                     print "retdict['data']['MJD'] has no 'data' key."
00300                     print "retdict['data']['MJD'].keys() =", retdict['data']['MJD'].keys()
00301             else:
00302                 print "retdict['data'] has no 'MJD' key."
00303                 print "retdict['data'].keys() =", retdict['data'].keys()
00304         else:
00305             print "retdict has no 'data' key."
00306         raise e
00308     for hk in headers:
00309         if retdict.has_key(hk):
00310             if headers[hk].has_key('unit'):
00311                 if hk == 'radii':
00312                     radii = retdict[hk].split('x')
00313                     if len(radii)==1:
00314                         a = float(radii[0])
00315                         retdict[hk] = {'unit': headers[hk]['unit'], 'value': (a,a,a)}
00316                         retdict['meanrad'] = {'unit': headers[hk]['unit'],
00317                                           'value': a}
00318                     else:
00319                         a, b, c = [float(r) for r in radii]
00320                         retdict[hk] = {'unit': headers[hk]['unit'],
00321                                    'value': (a, b, c)}
00322                         retdict['meanrad'] = {'unit': headers[hk]['unit'],
00323                                           'value': mean_radius(a, b, c)}
00324                 else:
00325                     try:
00326                         # meanrad might already have been converted.
00327                         if type(retdict[hk]) != dict:
00328                             retdict[hk] = {'unit': headers[hk]['unit'],
00329                                            'value': float(retdict[hk])}
00330                     except Exception, e:
00331                         print "Error converting header", hk, "to a Quantity."
00332                         print "retdict[hk] =", retdict[hk]
00333                         raise e
00334             elif hk == 'GeoLong':
00335                 long_lat_alt = retdict[hk].split(',')
00336                 retdict['GeoLong'] = float(long_lat_alt[0])
00337                 retdict['GeoLat']  = float(long_lat_alt[1])
00338                 retdict['GeoDist'] = float(long_lat_alt[2])
00339             elif hk == 'dMJD':
00340                 retdict[hk] = qa.convert(qa.totime(retdict[hk].replace('minutes', 'min')),
00341                                          'd')['value']
00342             elif hk == 'orb_per':
00343                 unit = 'h'
00344                 retrograde = False
00345                 if 'd' in retdict[hk].lower():
00346                     unit = 'd'                 # Actually this is most common.
00347                 if 'r' in retdict[hk].lower():
00348                     retrograde = True
00349                 value = get_num_from_str(retdict[hk], 'orbital period')
00350                 if value != False:
00351                     if retrograde and value > 0.0:
00352                         value = -value
00353                     retdict[hk] = {'unit': unit, 'value': value}
00354                 else:
00355                     del retdict[hk]
00357     # The rotation period might depend on the orbital period ("Synchronous"),
00358     # so handle it after all the other headers have been done.
00359     if 'rot_per' in retdict:
00360         rpstr = retdict['rot_per']
00361         if 'ROTPER' in rpstr:                            # Asteroid
00362             retdict['rot_per'] = {'unit': 'h',         # Always seems to be for asteroids.
00363                                   'value': get_num_from_str(rpstr, 'rotation period')}
00364         elif 'Synchronous' in rpstr:
00365             retdict['rot_per'] = retdict['orb_per']
00366         else:  # Most likely a planet.
00367             match ='(\d+)h\s*(\d+)m\s*([0-9.]+)s', rpstr)
00368             if match:
00369                 hms = [float( for i in range(1, 4)]
00370                 retdict['rot_per'] = {'unit': 'h',
00371                                       'value': hms[0] + (hms[1] + hms[2] / 60.0) / 60.0}
00372             else:
00373                 # DON'T include the optional r in hr!  qa.totime can't handle it.
00374                 try:
00375                     match ='([-0-9.]+)(?:\s*\+-[0-9.]+)?\s*([dh])', rpstr)
00376                     if match:
00377                         retdict['rot_per'] = {'unit':,
00378                                               'value': float(}
00379                 except:
00380                     print "Error parsing the rotation period from"
00381                     print rpstr
00383     if retdict['data'].has_key('ang_sep'):
00384         retdict['data']['obs_code'] = {'comment': 'Obscuration code'}
00385     for dk in retdict['data']:
00386         if dk == 'obs_code':
00387             continue
00388         if cols[dk].has_key('unit'):
00389             retdict['data'][dk]['data'] = {'unit': cols[dk]['unit'],
00390                       'value': scipy.array([float(s) for s in retdict['data'][dk]['data']])}
00391             if dk == 'RadVel':
00392                 # Convert from km/s to AU/d.  Blame MeasComet, not me.
00393                 retdict['data'][dk]['data']['unit'] = 'AU/d'
00394                 kmps_to_AUpd = qa.convert('1km/s', 'AU/d')['value']
00395                 retdict['data'][dk]['data']['value'] *= kmps_to_AUpd
00397         if re.match(r'.*(RA|DEC)$', dk):
00398             retdict['data'][dk] = convert_radec(retdict['data'][dk])
00399         elif dk == 'MJD':
00400             retdict['data']['MJD'] = datestrs_to_MJDs(retdict['data']['MJD'])
00401         elif dk == 'ang_sep':
00402             angseps = []
00403             obscodes = []
00404             for asoc in retdict['data'][dk]['data']:
00405                 angsep, obscode = asoc.split('/')
00406                 angseps.append(float(angsep))
00407                 obscodes.append(obscode)
00408             retdict['data'][dk]['data'] = {'unit': 'arcseconds',
00409                                            'value': angseps}
00410             retdict['data']['obs_code']['data'] = obscodes
00412     if len(retdict.get('radii', {'value': []})['value']) == 3 \
00413            and retdict['data'].has_key('NP_RA') and retdict['data'].has_key('NP_DEC'):
00414         # Do a better mean radius estimate using the actual theta.
00415         retdict['meanrad']['value'] = mean_radius_with_known_theta(retdict)
00417     # To be eventually usable as a MeasComet table, a few more keywords are needed.
00418     retdict['VS_TYPE'] = 'Table of comet/planetary positions'
00419     retdict['VS_VERSION'] = '0003.0001'
00420     if retdict.has_key('VS_CREATE'):
00421         dt = time.strptime(retdict['VS_CREATE'], "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
00422     else:
00423"The ephemeris creation date was not found.  Using the current time.",
00424                      priority="WARN")
00425         dt = time.gmtime()
00426     retdict['VS_CREATE'] = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M', dt)
00428     # VS_DATE is required by MeasComet, but it doesn't seem to be actually used.
00429     retdict['VS_DATE'] = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d/%H:%M', time.gmtime())
00431     if retdict['data'].has_key('MJD'):
00432         retdict['MJD0'] = retdict['data']['MJD']['value'][0] - retdict['dMJD']
00433     else:
00434         print "The table will not be usable with me.framecomet because it lacks MJD."
00436     return retdict
00438 def convert_radec(radec_col):
00439     """
00440     Returns a column of RAs or declinations as strings, radec_col, as a
00441     quantity column.  (Unfortunately MeasComet assumes the columns are
00442     Quantities instead of Measures, and uses GeoDist == 0.0 to toggle between
00443     APP and TOPO.)
00444     """
00445     angstrlist = radec_col['data']
00446     angq = {}
00447     nrows = len(angstrlist)
00449     if len(angstrlist[0].split()) > 1:
00450         # Prep angstrlist for qa.toangle()
00451         if radec_col['comment'][:len("declination")].lower() == 'declination':
00452             for i in xrange(nrows):
00453                 dms = angstrlist[i].replace(' ', 'd', 1)
00454                 angstrlist[i] = dms.replace(' ', 'm') + 's'
00455         else:                                                  # R.A.
00456             for i in xrange(nrows):
00457                 angstrlist[i] = angstrlist[i].replace(' ', ':')        
00459         # Do first conversion to get unit.
00460         try:
00461             firstang = qa.toangle(angstrlist[0])
00462         except Exception, e:
00463             print "Error: Could not convert", angstrlist[0], "to an angle."
00464             raise e
00465         angq['unit'] = firstang['unit']
00466         angq['value'] = [firstang['value']]
00468         for angstr in angstrlist[1:]:
00469             angq['value'].append(qa.toangle(angstr)['value'])
00470     else:
00471         angq['unit'] = 'deg'                    # This is an assumption!
00472         angq['value'] = [float(a) for a in angstrlist]
00474     return {'comment': radec_col['comment'],
00475             'data': {'unit': angq['unit'],
00476                      'value': scipy.array(angq['value'])}}
00478 def get_num_from_str(fstr, wanted="float"):
00479     """
00480     Like float(fstr) on steroids, in that it ignores things in fstr that aren't
00481     numbers.  Returns False on failure.
00483     wanted: an optional label for the type of number you wanted.
00484             Only used for distinguishing error messages.
00486     Example:
00487     >>> from JPLephem_reader import get_num_from_str
00488     >>> get_num_from_str('  Sidereal rot. period  =    58.6462 d  ')
00489     58.6462
00490     >>> get_num_from_str('Rotation period = 16.11+-0.01 hr', wanted='rotation period')
00491     16.109999999999999
00492     >>> get_num_from_str('Rotation period = Synchronous', wanted='rotation period')
00493     Could not convert "Rotation period = Synchronous" to a rotation period.
00494     False
00495     """
00496     match ='([-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\d*\.\d+)([eEdD][-+]?\d+)?)', fstr)
00497     if match:
00498         value = float(
00499     else:
00500         print "Could not convert \"%s\" to a %s." % (fstr, wanted)
00501         value = False
00502     return value
00504 def mean_radius(a, b, c):
00505     """
00506     Return the average apparent mean radius of an ellipsoid with semiaxes
00507     a >= b >= c.
00508     "average" means average over time naively assuming the pole orientation
00509     is uniformly distributed over the whole sphere, and "apparent mean radius"
00510     means a radius that would give the same area as the apparent disk.
00511     """
00512     # This is an approximation, but it's not bad.
00513     # The exact equations for going from a, b, c, and the Euler angles to the
00514     # apparent ellipse are given in Drummond et al, Icarus, 1985a.
00515     # It's the integral over the spin phase that I have approximated, so the
00516     # approximation is exact for b == a, and appears to hold well for b << a.
00517     R = 0.5 * c**2 * (1.0 / b**2 + 1.0 / a**2)   # The magic ratio.
00518     if R < 0.95:
00519         sqrt1mR = scipy.sqrt(1.0 - R)
00520         # There is fake singularity (RlnR) at R = 0, but it is unlikely to
00521         # be a problem.
00522         try:
00523             Rterm = 0.5 * R * scipy.log((1.0 + sqrt1mR) / (1.0 - sqrt1mR)) / sqrt1mR
00524         except:
00525             Rterm = 0.0
00526     else:
00527         # Use a (rapidly converging) series expansion to avoid a fake
00528         # singularity at R = 1.
00529         Rterm = 1.0               # 0th order
00530         onemR = 1.0 - R
00531         onemRtothei = 1.0
00532         for i in xrange(1, 5):    # Start series at 1st order.
00533             onemRtothei *= onemR
00534             Rterm -= onemRtothei / (0.5 + 2.0 * i**2)
00535     avalfabeta = 0.5 * a * b * (1.0 + Rterm)
00536     return scipy.sqrt(avalfabeta)
00538 def mean_radius_with_known_theta(retdict):
00539     """
00540     Return the average apparent mean radius of an ellipsoid with semiaxes
00541     a >= b >= c (= retdict['radii']['value']).
00542     "average" means average over a rotation period, and "apparent mean radius"
00543     means the radius of a circle with the same area as the apparent disk.
00544     """
00545     a = retdict['radii']['value'][0]
00546     b2 = retdict['radii']['value'][1]**2
00547     c2 = retdict['radii']['value'][2]**2
00548     onemboa2 = 1.0 - b2 / a**2
00549     units = {}
00550     values = {}
00551     for c in ['RA', 'DEC', 'NP_RA', 'NP_DEC']:
00552         units[c] = retdict['data'][c]['data']['unit']
00553         values[c] = retdict['data'][c]['data']['value']
00554     av = 0.0
00555     nrows = len(retdict['data']['RA']['data']['value'])
00556     for i in xrange(nrows):
00557         radec = me.direction('app', {'unit': units['RA'], 'value': values['RA'][i]},
00558                              {'unit': units['DEC'], 'value': values['DEC'][i]})
00559         np = me.direction('j2000', {'unit': units['NP_RA'], 'value': values['NP_RA'][i]},
00560                           {'unit': units['NP_DEC'], 'value': values['NP_DEC'][i]})
00561         szeta2 = scipy.sin(qa.convert(me.separation(radec, np), 'rad')['value'])**2
00562         csinz2 = c2 * szeta2
00563         bcosz2 = b2 * (1.0 - szeta2)
00564         bcz2pcsz2 = bcosz2 + csinz2
00565         m = csinz2 * onemboa2 / bcz2pcsz2
00566         av += (scipy.sqrt(bcz2pcsz2) * scipy.special.ellipe(m) - av) / (i + 1.0)
00567     return scipy.sqrt(2.0 * a * av / scipy.pi)
00569 def datestr_to_epoch(datestr):
00570     """
00571     Given a UT date like "2010-May-01 00:00", returns an epoch measure.
00572     """
00573     return me.epoch(rf='UTC', v0=qa.totime(datestr))
00575 def datestrs_to_MJDs(cdsdict):
00576     """
00577     All of the date strings must have the same reference frame (i.e. UT).
00578     """
00579     datestrlist = cdsdict['data']
00581     # Convert to FITS format, otherwise qa.totime() will silently drop the hours.
00582     datestrlist = [d.replace(' ', 'T') for d in datestrlist]
00584     timeq = {}
00585     # Do first conversion to get unit.
00586     firsttime = qa.totime(datestrlist[0])
00587     timeq['unit'] = firsttime['unit']
00588     timeq['value'] = [firsttime['value']]
00590     for datestr in datestrlist[1:]:
00591         timeq['value'].append(qa.totime(datestr)['value'])
00593     return {'unit': timeq['unit'],
00594             'value': scipy.array(timeq['value'])}
00596 def construct_tablepath(fmdict, prefix=''):
00597     """
00598     Construct a suitable pathname for a CASA table made from fmdict,
00599     starting with prefix.  prefix can contain a /.
00601     If prefix is not given, it will be set to
00602     "ephem_JPL-Horizons_%s" % fmdict['NAME']
00603     """
00604     if not prefix:
00605         prefix = "ephem_JPL-Horizons_%s" % fmdict['NAME']
00606     return prefix + "" % (fmdict['earliest']['m0']['value'],
00607                                             fmdict['latest']['m0']['value'],
00608                                             fmdict['latest']['m0']['unit'],
00609                                             fmdict['latest']['refer'])
00611 def ephem_dict_to_table(fmdict, tablepath='', prefix=''):
00612     """
00613     Converts a dictionary from readJPLephem() to a CASA table, and attempts to
00614     save it to either to tablepath or a constructed directory name.
00615     Returns whether or not it was successful.
00617     If tablepath is blank and prefix is not given, the table will go to
00618     something like
00620     If tablepath is blank and prefix is given, the table will go to
00621     something like  prefix can contain a /.
00622     """
00623     if not tablepath:
00624         tablepath = construct_tablepath(fmdict, prefix)
00625         print "Writing to", tablepath
00627     # safe gaurd from zapping current directory by dict_to_table()
00628     if tablepath=='.' or tablepath=='./' or tablepath.isspace():
00629         raise Exception, "Invalid tablepath: "+tablepath
00630     retval = True
00631     # keepcolorder=T preserves column ordering in collist below
00632     keepcolorder=False
00633     try:
00634         outdict = fmdict.copy() # Yes, I want a shallow copy.
00635         kws = fmdict.keys()
00636         kws.remove('data')
00637         collist = outdict['data'].keys()
00639         # For cosmetic reasons, encourage a certain order to the columns, i.e.
00640         # start with alphabetical order,
00641         collist.sort()
00642         # but put these ones first, in the listed order (ignore the reverse and
00643         # the pops) if they are present.
00644         #put_these_first = ['MJD', 'RA', 'DEC', 'Rho', 'RadVel', 'NP_RA', 'NP_DEC',
00645         #                   'DiskLong', 'DiskLat', 'sl_lon', 'sl_lat', 'r',
00646         #                   'ang_sep', 'obs_code']
00647         put_these_first = ['MJD', 'RA', 'DEC', 'Rho', 'RadVel', 'NP_ang', 'NP_dist',
00648         #                   'Obs_Long', 'Obs_Lat', 'Sl_lon', 'Sl_lat', 'r','rdot']
00649                            'DiskLong', 'DiskLat', 'Sl_lon', 'Sl_lat', 'r','rdot']
00650         # Like l.sort(), reverse() acts on its instance instead of returning a value.
00651         put_these_first.reverse()
00652         for c in put_these_first:
00653             if c in collist:
00654                 collist.remove(c)
00655                 collist.insert(0, c)
00657         clashing_cols = [c for c in collist if c in kws]
00658         if clashing_cols:
00659             raise ValueError, 'The input dictionary lists ' + ', '.join(clashing_cols) + ' as both keyword(s) and column(s)'
00661         # This promotes the keys in outdict['data'] up one level, and removes
00662         # 'data' as a key of outdict.
00663         outdict.update(outdict.pop('data'))
00665         # This is primarily because MeasComet insists on it, not because it
00666         # ever gets used.  Maybe subType should be changed to 'Asteroid',
00667         # 'Moon', or 'Planet', but I'm leaving it at 'Comet' for now.
00668         info = {'readme': 'Derived by from a JPL-Horizons ephemeris (',
00669                 'subType': 'Comet', 'type': 'IERS'}
00671         retval = dict_to_table(outdict, tablepath, kws, collist, info, keepcolorder)
00672     except Exception, e:
00673         print 'Error', e, 'trying to export an ephemeris dict to', tablepath
00674         retval = False
00676     return retval
00679 def jplfiles_to_repository(objs, jpldir='.', jplext='.ephem',
00680                            log='null'):
00681     """
00682     For each Solar System object obj in the list objs,
00683         look for matching JPL-Horizons ASCII files with jplext in jpldir,
00684         read them into python dictionaries,
00685         write the dicts to CASA tables in $CASAROOT/data/ephemerides/JPL-Horizons/,
00686         and check that they can be read by me.framecomet().
00687     Returns the number of ephemerides processed + readable by me.framecomet.
00689     jpldir and jplext can be glob patterns.
00691     $CASAROOT is derived from $CASAPATH.
00693     Log messages will be directed to log for the duration of this function.
00694     Note that 'null' makes a NullLogSink, so it might be better than /dev/null.
00696     Example:
00697     import recipes.ephemerides.request as jplreq
00698     objs = jplreq.asteroids.keys() + jplreq.planets_and_moons.keys()
00699     jplfiles_to_repository(objs, os.getenv('CASAPATH').split()[0])
00700     """
00701     neph = 0
00702     casapath = os.getenv('CASAPATH')
00703     if not casapath:
00704         print "CASAPATH is not set."
00705         return 0
00706     datadir = casapath.split()[0] + '/data/ephemerides/JPL-Horizons'
00707     if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
00708         try:
00709             os.mkdir(datadir)
00710             print "Created", datadir
00711             print "You should probably svn add it."
00712         except Exception, e:
00713             "Error", e, "creating", datadir
00714             return 0
00715     datadir += '/'
00717     #oldlog = casalog.logfile()
00718     # This is needed to stop WARN and above from printing to the console,
00719     # but it permanently severs the logger window.
00720     #casalog.setglobal(True)
00721     #casalog.setlogfile(log)
00723     if jpldir[-1] != '/':
00724         jpldir += '/'
00725     for sob in objs:
00726         capob = sob.capitalize()
00727         lob = sob.lower()
00728         jplfiles = glob(jpldir + lob + jplext) + glob(jpldir + capob + jplext)
00729         for jplfile in jplfiles:
00730   'Reading ' + jplfile)
00731             fmdict = readJPLephem(jplfile)
00732             tabpath = construct_tablepath(fmdict, datadir + capob)
00733             ephem_dict_to_table(fmdict, tabpath)
00735             # Check if it is readable by me.framecomet.
00736             epoch = fmdict['earliest']
00737             epoch['m0']['value'] += 0.5 * (fmdict['latest']['m0']['value'] -
00738                                            epoch['m0']['value'])
00739             me.doframe(epoch)
00740             if me.framecomet(tabpath):
00741                 neph += 1
00742             else:
00743        + " was not readable by me.framecomet.",
00744                              'WARN')
00746     #casalog.setlogfile(oldlog)
00748     return neph