casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 import sys
00002 import os
00003 import pylab as pl
00004 import Tkinter as Tk
00005 from matplotlib.backend_bases import cursors
00006 import matplotlib
00007 rcParams = matplotlib.rcParams
00008 from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
00010 cursord = {
00011     cursors.MOVE: "fleur",    
00012     cursors.HAND: "hand2",
00013     cursors.POINTER: "arrow",
00014     cursors.SELECT_REGION: "tcross",
00015     }
00017 class PlotFlag:   
00018     """
00019     (1) Start the internal python interpreter... 
00020     and make the 'pylab' module from the main python/casapy namespace 
00021     visible inside it. ( done inside TPPlotter )  Note that 'pylab' is the 
00022     only module of casapy that is visible from this internal interpreter.
00024     (2) figmanager = pl.get_current_fig_manager() 
00025     -> This gets a handle to the current window, canvas, toolbar.
00027     (3) Create the python-C++ call-back module -> PyBind. 
00028         ( description in tables/implement/TablePlot/ )
00030     (3)  implements a python class called 'PlotFlag'
00031         which takes an instance of 'PyBind' and 'figmanager' and makes 
00032         the connection between the two.
00034         - Additional buttons are placed in the toolbar, and their callbacks
00035           defined to call methods of PyBind.
00036         - The toolbar event-loop is captured - by explicitly disconnecting
00037           previous bindings, and re-defining them for 'pan','zoom','mark-region'
00038           modes. (need to do all three, to get them to interact properly with each other)
00039         - Some Canvas events are also redefined to allow mark-region boxes to
00040           automatically resize and move around, when the window is resized or
00041           when in pan or zoom modes. ( This is needed to allow flagging with
00042           zooming ).
00044     (4) Back to the internal python interpreter. The following steps are carried out.
00045         -> figmanager = pl.get_current_fig_manager()
00046         -> import PyBind
00047         -> from TablePlotTkagg import PlotFlag
00048         -> pf = PlotFlag( PyBind )
00049         -> pf.setup_custom_features( figmanager )
00051         ----> All binding is complete at this point.
00052         ----> All other logic is to ensure things like... make sure new buttons are
00053               added only when needed... make sure they *are* added when needed... and
00054               this has to keep up with the native TkAgg matplotlib backend's
00055               whimsical decisions of when to create a new figure and when not to.
00057     """
00058     def __init__(self,PyBind):
00059         #print "Init PlotFlag"
00060         self.PyBind = PyBind;
00061         self.newtoolbar = True;
00062         self.quitted = False;
00064     def sub(self):
00065         #pass
00066         self.quitted = True;
00067         self.PyBind.quit(True);
00069     def setup_custom_features(self,cfigman):
00070         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00071             return
00072         self.toolbar = cfigman.toolbar;
00073         self.canvas = self.toolbar.canvas;
00074         self.window = cfigman.window;
00075         self.figmanager = cfigman;
00076         self.figmanager.window.wm_title("CASA Plotter");
00077         self.figmanager.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.sub);
00079         if self.newtoolbar is True:
00080                 # Add new buttons
00081                 self.add_buttons();
00083                 # Reconfigure buttons.
00084                 self.configure_buttons();
00086                 self.newtoolbar = False;
00088         # Toolbar parameters
00089         self.panel=0;
00090         self.rows=0;
00091         self.cols=0;
00093         # Canvas parameters
00094         self.regionlist=[];
00095         self.panelregionlist=[];
00096         self.axeslist=[];
00097         self.erase_rects();
00099         # Re-Make event bindings
00100         self.canvas.keyvald.update({65307 : 'escape'});
00101         self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idDrag)
00102         self.toolbar._idDrag=self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move)
00103         self.canvas._tkcanvas.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.key_release);
00104         self.canvas._tkcanvas.bind("<Configure>", self.resize);
00105         self.canvas._tkcanvas.bind("<Destroy>", self.destroy);
00106         #self.window.bind("<Destroy>", self.destroy);
00109     def plotflag_cleanup(self):
00110         self.canvas._tkcanvas.bind("<Destroy>", None);
00112     def set_cursor(self, cursor):
00113         self.toolbar.set_cursor(cursor);
00114         #self.toolbar.window.configure(cursor=cursord[cursor]);
00116     def _NewButton(self, frame, text, file, command, side=Tk.LEFT):
00117         #file = os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'], 'images', file)
00118         #file = '/opt/casa/stable/darwin/python/2.5' + file;
00119         #im = Tk.PhotoImage(master=frame, file=file)
00120         if(os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin'):
00121                 b = Tk.Button(master=frame, text=text, command=command)
00122         else:
00123                 b = Tk.Button(master=frame, text=text, padx=2, pady=2, command=command)
00124         #master=frame, text=text, padx=2, pady=2, image=im, command=command)
00125         #b._ntimage = im
00126         b.pack(side=side)
00127         return b
00129     def add_buttons(self):
00130         #self.newframe = Tk.Frame()
00131         self.newframe = Tk.Frame(master=self.window)
00132         bside = Tk.LEFT;
00133         self.toolbar.bMarkRegion = self._NewButton( frame=self.newframe, 
00134                                             text="Mark Region", 
00135                                             file="markregion.ppm",
00136                                             #file="markregion2.ppm",
00137                                             command=self.markregion,
00138                                             side=bside)
00139         self.toolbar.bFlag = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00140                                      text="Flag", 
00141                                      file="flag4.ppm",
00142                                      command=None,
00143                                      side=bside)
00145         self.toolbar.bUnflag = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00146                                        text="Unflag", 
00147                                        file="unflag4.ppm",
00148                                        command=None,
00149                                        side=bside)
00151         self.toolbar.bLocate = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00152                                        text="Locate", 
00153                                        file="locate4.ppm",
00154                                        command=None,
00155                                        side=bside)
00157         self.toolbar.bIterNext = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00158                                        text=" Next ", 
00159                                        file="locate4.ppm",
00160                                        command=None,
00161                                        side=bside)
00163         self.toolbar.bClear =None;
00164         #self.toolbar.bClear = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00165         #                               text=" Clear ", 
00166         #                              file="locate4.ppm",
00167         #                              command=None,
00168         #                              side=bside)
00170         self.toolbar.bQuit = self._NewButton(frame=self.newframe,
00171                                        text=" Quit ", 
00172                                        file="locate4.ppm",
00173                                        command=None,
00174                                        side=bside)
00175         self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(background='lightblue');
00176         self.toolbar.bFlag.config(background='lightblue');
00177         self.toolbar.bUnflag.config(background='lightblue');
00178         self.toolbar.bLocate.config(background='lightblue');
00179         self.toolbar.bIterNext.config(background='lightblue',state='disabled');
00180         #self.toolbar.bClear.config(background='lightblue');
00181         self.toolbar.bQuit.config(background='lightblue');
00183         self.newframe.pack(side=Tk.BOTTOM,fill=Tk.BOTH);
00184         #self.newframe.pack_propagate();
00186     def configure_buttons(self):
00187         self.toolbar.bHome.config(command=self.home);
00188         self.toolbar.bForward.config(command=self.forward);
00189         self.toolbar.bBack.config(command=self.back);
00190         self.toolbar.bsubplot.config(command=self.configure_subplots);
00191         self.toolbar.bPan.config(command=self.pan);
00192         self.toolbar.bZoom.config(command=self.zoom);
00193         self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(command=self.markregion);
00194         self.toolbar.bFlag.config(command=self.flag);
00195         self.toolbar.bUnflag.config(command=self.unflag);
00196         self.toolbar.bLocate.config(command=self.locate);
00197         self.toolbar.bIterNext.config(command=self.iterplotnext);
00198         #self.toolbar.bClear.config(command=self.clearplot);
00199         self.toolbar.bQuit.config(command=self.quit);
00200         #self.toolbar.bIterstop.config(command=self.iterplotstop);
00201         ### comment the next line when Wes updates matplotlib.
00202         #self.toolbar.bsave.config(command=self.savefig);
00204     def flag(self, *args):
00205         self.operate(1);
00207     def unflag(self, *args):
00208         self.operate(0);
00210     def locate(self, *args):
00211         self.operate(2);
00213     def operate(self, flag=1):
00214         #print '** Record the following regions'
00215         #for pr in self.canvas.panelregionlist:
00216                 #print 'Region on panel [%(r)d,%(c)d,%(p)d] : [%(t1).3f, %(t2).3f, %(t3).3f, %(t4).3f] '%{'r':pr[5],'c':pr[6], 'p':pr[4],'t1':pr[0],'t2':pr[2], 't3':pr[1], 't4':pr[3]};
00217         self.PyBind.markregion(self.panelregionlist);
00218         self.erase_rects();
00219         if( flag is 1 ):
00220                 #print "**Flag !!";
00221                 self.PyBind.flagdata();
00222         if( flag is 0 ):
00223                 #print "**UnFlag !!";
00224                 self.PyBind.unflagdata();
00225         if( flag is 2 ):
00226                 #print "**Locate !!";
00227                 self.PyBind.locatedata();
00229     def iterplotnext(self, *args):
00230         self.PyBind.iterplotnext();
00232     def iterplotstop(self, *args):
00233         self.PyBind.iterplotstop();
00235     def clearplot(self, *args):
00236         #print 'Gui::calling clearplot'
00237         self.PyBind.clearplot();
00238         #print 'Gui::finished clearplot'
00240     def savefig(self, *args):
00241         import time;
00242         fname = 'plot-casapy-'+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')+'.png';
00243         print 'Saving figure as ', fname, ' in current working directory.'
00244         self.canvas.figure.savefig(fname);
00246     def enable_iter_button(self):
00247         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00248             return
00249         if( self.toolbar.bIterNext is not None ):
00250                 self.toolbar.bIterNext.config(state='normal');
00252     def disable_iter_button(self):
00253         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00254             return
00255         if( self.toolbar.bIterNext is not None ):
00256                 self.toolbar.bIterNext.config(state='disabled');
00258     def enable_markregion_button(self):
00259         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00260             return
00261         if( self.toolbar.bMarkRegion is not None ):
00262                 self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(state='normal');
00264     def disable_markregion_button(self):
00265         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00266             return
00267         if( self.toolbar.bMarkRegion is not None ):
00268                 self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(state='disabled');
00270     def enable_flag_button(self):
00271         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00272             return
00273         if( self.toolbar.bFlag is not None ):
00274                 self.toolbar.bFlag.config(state='normal');
00276     def disable_flag_button(self):
00277         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00278             return
00279         if( self.toolbar.bFlag is not None ):
00280                 self.toolbar.bFlag.config(state='disabled');
00282     def enable_unflag_button(self):
00283         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00284             return
00285         if( self.toolbar.bUnflag is not None ):
00286                 self.toolbar.bUnflag.config(state='normal');
00288     def disable_unflag_button(self):
00289         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00290             return
00291         if( self.toolbar.bUnflag is not None ):
00292                 self.toolbar.bUnflag.config(state='disabled');
00294     def enable_locate_button(self):
00295         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00296             return
00297         if( self.toolbar.bLocate is not None ):
00298                 self.toolbar.bLocate.config(state='normal');
00300     def disable_locate_button(self):
00301         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00302             return
00303         if( self.toolbar.bLocate is not None ):
00304                 self.toolbar.bLocate.config(state='disabled');
00306     def enable_clear_button(self):
00307         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00308             return
00309         if( self.toolbar.bClear is not None ):
00310                 self.toolbar.bClear.config(state='normal');
00312     def disable_clear_button(self):
00313         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00314             return
00315         if( self.toolbar.bClear is not None ):
00316                 self.toolbar.bClear.config(state='disabled');
00318     def enable_quit_button(self):
00319         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00320             return
00321         if( self.toolbar.bQuit is not None ):
00322                 self.toolbar.bQuit.config(state='normal');
00324     def disable_quit_button(self):
00325         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00326             return
00327         if( self.toolbar.bQuit is not None ):
00328                 self.toolbar.bQuit.config(state='disabled');
00330     def draw_rubberband(self, event, x0, y0, x1, y1):
00331         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00332             return
00333         ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00334         #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height()  #0.91.4
00335         #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height    #>=0.98
00336         height = self.get_bbox_size(self.canvas.figure.bbox,"height") #workaround
00337         y0 =  height-y0
00338         y1 =  height-y1
00339         try: self.toolbar.lastrect
00340         except AttributeError: pass
00341         else: self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.toolbar.lastrect)
00342         self.toolbar.lastrect = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=2,outline='black')
00345     def draw_rect(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x0data, y0data, x1data, y1data,a,panel,rows,cols):
00346         self.panelregionlist.append([x0data,y0data,x1data,y1data,panel+1,rows,cols]);
00347         self.axeslist.append(a);
00348         ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00349         #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height()  #0.91.4
00350         #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height    #>=0.98
00351         height = self.get_bbox_size(self.canvas.figure.bbox,"height") #workaround
00352         y0 =  height-y0
00353         y1 =  height-y1
00354         if(os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin'):
00355                rect = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=2,outline='black')
00356         else:
00357                rect = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=2,fill='black',stipple='gray50',outline='black')
00358         self.regionlist.append(rect);
00360     def erase_rects(self):
00361         #print "erase rects"
00362         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00363             return
00364         for q in self.regionlist:
00365           self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(q);
00366         self.regionlist = [];
00367         self.panelregionlist = [];
00368         self.axeslist = [];
00371     def redraw_rects(self):
00372         for q in self.regionlist:
00373           self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(q);
00374         self.regionlist = [];
00376         for z in range(0,len(self.panelregionlist)):
00377           q = self.panelregionlist[z];
00378           a = self.axeslist[z];
00379           x0=q[0]; y0=q[1]; x1=q[2]; y1=q[3];
00380           # map to new zoom limits (current fig co-ords)
00381           ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00382           #px0,py0 = a.transData.xy_tup( (x0, y0) )     #0.91
00383           #px0,py0 = a.transData.transform( (x0, y0) )  #>=0.98
00384           px0,py0 = self.get_xy(a.transData, (x0, y0) ) #workaround
00385           ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00386           #px1,py1 = a.transData.xy_tup( (x1, y1) )     #0.91
00387           #px1,py1 = a.transData.transform( (x1, y1) )  #>=0.98
00388           px1,py1 = self.get_xy(a.transData, (x1, y1) )
00390           ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00391           #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height()   #0.91
00392           #height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height     #>=0.98
00393           height = self.get_bbox_size(self.canvas.figure.bbox,"height") #workaround
00394           py0 =  height-py0
00395           py1 =  height-py1
00396           if(os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin'):
00397                rect = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(px0, py0, px1, py1, width=2,outline='black')
00398           else:
00399                rect = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle(px0, py0, px1, py1, width=2,fill='black',stipple='gray50',outline='black')
00400           self.regionlist.append(rect);
00402     def resize(self, event):
00403         #print 'canvas resize'
00404         self.canvas.resize(event);
00405         self.redraw_rects();
00407     def destroy(self,*args):
00408         #print 'Gui::destroy.'
00409         self.erase_rects();
00410         self.newtoolbar = True;
00411         if self.quitted is False:
00412                 self.quit(closewin=True);
00413                 print " ";
00414                 #print "................................................................";
00415                 #print "............. Please IGNORE Tkinter error message. .............";
00416                 #print "................................................................";
00418     def quit(self, closewin=True):
00419         #print 'quit with close-window : ', closewin;
00420         self.quitted = True;
00421         self.PyBind.quit(closewin);
00423     def key_release(self, event):
00424         #print 'key release'
00425         self.canvas.key_release(event);
00426         key = self.canvas._get_key(event);
00427         if(key=='escape'):
00428                 numreg = len(self.regionlist);
00429                 if(numreg>0):
00430                         self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.regionlist[numreg-1]);
00431                         self.regionlist.pop();
00432                         self.panelregionlist.pop();
00433                         self.axeslist.pop();
00436     def home(self, *args):
00437         'restore the original view'
00438         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00439             return
00440         self.toolbar.home();
00441         self.redraw_rects();
00443     def back(self, *args):
00444         'move back up the view lim stack'
00445         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00446             return
00447         self.toolbar.back();
00448         self.redraw_rects();
00450     def forward(self, *args):
00451         'move forward in the view lim stack'
00452         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00453             return
00454         self.toolbar.forward();
00455         self.redraw_rects();
00457     def configure_subplots(self):
00458         'configure subplots'
00459         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00460             return
00461         self.toolbar.configure_subplots();
00462         self.redraw_rects();
00465     def markregion(self, *args):
00466         'activate mark-region mode'
00467         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00468             return
00469         if self.toolbar._active == 'MARKREGION':
00470             #self.toolbar._active = None
00471             self.erase_rects();
00472             self.update_relief(newmode=None);
00473         else:
00474             #self.toolbar._active = 'MARKREGION'
00475             self.update_relief(newmode='MARKREGION');
00478         if self.toolbar._idPress is not None:
00479             self.toolbar._idPress=self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idPress)
00480             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00482         if self.toolbar._idRelease is not None:
00483             self.toolbar._idRelease=self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idRelease)
00484             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00486         if  self.toolbar._active:
00487             self.toolbar._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press_markregion)
00488             self.toolbar._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release_markregion)
00489             self.toolbar.mode = 'Mark Region mode'
00490             self.canvas.widgetlock(self.toolbar)
00491         else:
00492             self.canvas.widgetlock.release(self.toolbar)
00494         for a in self.canvas.figure.get_axes():
00495             a.set_navigate_mode(self.toolbar._active)
00497         self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode)
00499     def press_markregion(self, event):
00500         'the press mouse button in mark region mode callback'
00501         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00502             return
00503         if event.button == 1:
00504             self.toolbar._button_pressed=1
00505         elif  event.button == 3:
00506             self.toolbar._button_pressed=3
00507         else:
00508             self.toolbar._button_pressed=None
00509             return
00511         # Check that the click is inside the canvas.
00513         x, y = event.x, event.y
00515         # push the current view to define home if stack is empty
00516         if self.toolbar._views.empty(): self.toolbar.push_current()
00518         self.toolbar._xypress=[]
00519         for i, a in enumerate(self.canvas.figure.get_axes()):
00520             #if x is not None and y is not None and a.in_axes(x, y) and a.get_navigate():
00521             if x is not None and y is not None and event.inaxes==a and a.get_navigate():
00522                 xmin, xmax = a.get_xlim()
00523                 ymin, ymax = a.get_ylim()
00524                 lim = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
00525                 ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00526                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, a.transData.deepcopy() ))  #0.91.4
00527                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, a.transData.frozen() ))    #>=0.98
00528                 self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, self.copy_trans(a.transData)))  #workaround
00529                 one, two, three = event.inaxes.get_geometry()
00530                 self.panel = three-1
00531                 self.rows = one
00532                 self.cols = two
00536     def release_markregion(self, event):
00537         'the release mouse button callback in mark region mode'
00538         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00539             return
00540         if not self.toolbar._xypress: return
00542         for cur_xypress in self.toolbar._xypress:
00543             x, y = event.x, event.y
00544             lastx, lasty, a, ind, lim, trans = cur_xypress
00546             xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = lim
00548             # mark rect
00549             ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00550             #lastx, lasty = a.transData.inverse_xy_tup( (lastx, lasty) )        #0.91.4
00551             #lastx, lasty = a.transData.inverted().transform( (lastx, lasty) )  #>=0.98
00552             lastx, lasty = self.get_inverse_xy(a.transData, (lastx, lasty) )    #workaround
00553             ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00554             #x, y = a.transData.inverse_xy_tup( (x, y) )        #0.91.4
00555             #x, y = a.transData.inverted().transform( (x, y) )  #>=0.98
00556             x, y = self.get_inverse_xy(a.transData, (x, y) )    #workaround
00557             Xmin,Xmax=a.get_xlim()
00558             Ymin,Ymax=a.get_ylim()
00560             if Xmin < Xmax:
00561                 if x<lastx:  xmin, xmax = x, lastx
00562                 else: xmin, xmax = lastx, x
00563                 if xmin < Xmin: xmin=Xmin
00564                 if xmax > Xmax: xmax=Xmax
00565             else:
00566                 if x>lastx:  xmin, xmax = x, lastx
00567                 else: xmin, xmax = lastx, x
00568                 if xmin > Xmin: xmin=Xmin
00569                 if xmax < Xmax: xmax=Xmax
00571             if Ymin < Ymax:
00572                 if y<lasty:  ymin, ymax = y, lasty
00573                 else: ymin, ymax = lasty, y
00574                 if ymin < Ymin: ymin=Ymin
00575                 if ymax > Ymax: ymax=Ymax
00576             else:
00577                 if y>lasty:  ymin, ymax = y, lasty
00578                 else: ymin, ymax = lasty, y
00579                 if ymin > Ymin: ymin=Ymin
00580                 if ymax < Ymax: ymax=Ymax
00582         ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00583         #px1,py1 = a.transData.xy_tup( (xmin, ymin) )     #0.91.4
00584         #px1,py1 = a.transData.transform( (xmin, ymin) )  #>=0.98
00585         px1,py1 = self.get_xy(a.transData, (xmin, ymin) ) #workaround
00586         #px2,py2 = a.transData.xy_tup( (xmax, ymax) )     #0.91.4
00587         #px2,py2 = a.transData.transform( (xmax, ymax) )  #>=0.98
00588         px2,py2 = self.get_xy(a.transData, (xmax, ymax) ) #workaround
00590         self.draw_rect(px1, py1, px2, py2, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, a, self.panel, self.rows, self.cols)
00591         #print 'Region on panel [%(r)d,%(c)d,%(p)d] : [%(t1).3f, %(t2).3f, %(t3).3f, %(t4).3f] '%{'r':self.rows,'c':self.cols, 'p':self.panel+1,'t1':xmin,'t2':xmax, 't3':ymin, 't4':ymax};
00594         #self.toolbar.draw()
00595         self.toolbar._xypress = None
00596         self.toolbar._button_pressed = None
00598         self.toolbar.push_current()
00599         self.toolbar.release(event)
00602     def zoom(self, *args):
00603         'activate zoom to rect mode'
00604         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00605             return
00606         if self.toolbar._active == 'ZOOM':
00607             #self.toolbar._active = None
00608             self.update_relief(newmode=None);
00609         else:
00610             #self.toolbar._active = 'ZOOM'
00611             self.update_relief(newmode='ZOOM');
00613         if self.toolbar._idPress is not None:
00614             self.toolbar._idPress=self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idPress)
00615             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00617         if self.toolbar._idRelease is not None:
00618             self.toolbar._idRelease=self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idRelease)
00619             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00621         if  self.toolbar._active:
00622             self.toolbar._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.press_zoom)
00623             self.toolbar._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.release_zoom)
00624             self.toolbar.mode = 'Zoom to rect mode'
00625             self.canvas.widgetlock(self.toolbar)
00626         else:
00627             self.canvas.widgetlock.release(self.toolbar)
00629         for a in self.canvas.figure.get_axes():
00630             a.set_navigate_mode(self.toolbar._active)
00632         self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode)
00635     def press_zoom(self, event):
00636         'the press mouse button in zoom to rect mode callback'
00637         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00638             return
00639         if event.button == 1:
00640             self.toolbar._button_pressed=1
00641         elif  event.button == 3:
00642             self.toolbar._button_pressed=3
00643         else:
00644             self.toolbar._button_pressed=None
00645             return
00647         x, y = event.x, event.y
00649         # push the current view to define home if stack is empty
00650         if self.toolbar._views.empty(): self.toolbar.push_current()
00652         self.toolbar._xypress=[]
00653         for i, a in enumerate(self.canvas.figure.get_axes()):
00654             #if x is not None and y is not None and a.in_axes(x, y) and a.get_navigate():
00655             if x is not None and y is not None and event.inaxes==a and a.get_navigate():
00656                 xmin, xmax = a.get_xlim()
00657                 ymin, ymax = a.get_ylim()
00658                 lim = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
00659                 ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00660                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, a.transData.deepcopy() ))   #0.91.4
00661                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, a.transData.frozen() ))     #>=0.98
00662                 self.toolbar._xypress.append(( x, y, a, i, lim, self.copy_trans(a.transData)))  #workaround
00667     def release_zoom(self, event):
00668         'the release mouse button callback in zoom to rect mode'
00669         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00670             return
00671         if not self.toolbar._xypress: return
00673         for cur_xypress in self.toolbar._xypress:
00674             x, y = event.x, event.y
00675             lastx, lasty, a, ind, lim, trans = cur_xypress
00676             # ignore singular clicks - 5 pixels is a threshold
00677             if abs(x-lastx)<5 or abs(y-lasty)<5:
00678                 self.toolbar._xypress = None
00679                 self.toolbar.release(event)
00680                 self.toolbar.draw()
00681                 return
00683             xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = lim
00685             # zoom to rect
00686             ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00687             #lastx, lasty = a.transData.inverse_xy_tup( (lastx, lasty) )        #0.91.4
00688             #lastx, lasty = a.transData.inverted().transform( (lastx, lasty) )  #>=0.98
00689             lastx, lasty = self.get_inverse_xy(a.transData, (lastx, lasty) )    #workaround
00690             ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00691             #x, y = a.transData.inverse_xy_tup( (x, y) )        #0.91.4
00692             #x, y = a.transData.inverted().transform( (x, y) )  #>=0.98
00693             x, y = self.get_inverse_xy(a.transData, (x, y) )    #workaround
00694             Xmin,Xmax=a.get_xlim()
00695             Ymin,Ymax=a.get_ylim()
00697             if Xmin < Xmax:
00698                 if x<lastx:  xmin, xmax = x, lastx
00699                 else: xmin, xmax = lastx, x
00700                 if xmin < Xmin: xmin=Xmin
00701                 if xmax > Xmax: xmax=Xmax
00702             else:
00703                 if x>lastx:  xmin, xmax = x, lastx
00704                 else: xmin, xmax = lastx, x
00705                 if xmin > Xmin: xmin=Xmin
00706                 if xmax < Xmax: xmax=Xmax
00708             if Ymin < Ymax:
00709                 if y<lasty:  ymin, ymax = y, lasty
00710                 else: ymin, ymax = lasty, y
00711                 if ymin < Ymin: ymin=Ymin
00712                 if ymax > Ymax: ymax=Ymax
00713             else:
00714                 if y>lasty:  ymin, ymax = y, lasty
00715                 else: ymin, ymax = lasty, y
00716                 if ymin > Ymin: ymin=Ymin
00717                 if ymax < Ymax: ymax=Ymax
00719             if self.toolbar._button_pressed == 1:
00720                 a.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
00721                 a.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))
00722             elif self.toolbar._button_pressed == 3:
00723                 if a.get_xscale()=='log':
00724                     alpha=log(Xmax/Xmin)/log(xmax/xmin)
00725                     x1=pow(Xmin/xmin,alpha)*Xmin
00726                     x2=pow(Xmax/xmin,alpha)*Xmin
00727                 else:
00728                     alpha=(Xmax-Xmin)/(xmax-xmin)
00729                     x1=alpha*(Xmin-xmin)+Xmin
00730                     x2=alpha*(Xmax-xmin)+Xmin
00731                 if a.get_yscale()=='log':
00732                     alpha=log(Ymax/Ymin)/log(ymax/ymin)
00733                     y1=pow(Ymin/ymin,alpha)*Ymin
00734                     y2=pow(Ymax/ymin,alpha)*Ymin
00735                 else:
00736                     alpha=(Ymax-Ymin)/(ymax-ymin)
00737                     y1=alpha*(Ymin-ymin)+Ymin
00738                     y2=alpha*(Ymax-ymin)+Ymin
00739                 a.set_xlim((x1, x2))
00740                 a.set_ylim((y1, y2))
00742         self.toolbar.draw()
00743         self.redraw_rects();
00744         self.toolbar._xypress = None
00745         self.toolbar._button_pressed = None
00747         self.toolbar.push_current()
00748         self.toolbar.release(event)
00751     def pan(self,*args):
00752         'Activate the pan/zoom tool. pan with left button, zoom with right'
00753         # set the pointer icon and button press funcs to the
00754         # appropriate callbacks
00755         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00756             return
00758         if self.toolbar._active == 'PAN':
00759             #self.toolbar._active = None
00760             self.update_relief(newmode=None);
00761         else:
00762             #self.toolbar._active = 'PAN'
00763             self.update_relief(newmode='PAN');
00765         if self.toolbar._idPress is not None:
00766             self.toolbar._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idPress)
00767             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00769         if self.toolbar._idRelease is not None:
00770             self.toolbar._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idRelease)
00771             self.toolbar.mode = ''
00773         if self.toolbar._active:
00774             self.toolbar._idPress = self.canvas.mpl_connect(
00775                 'button_press_event', self.press_pan)
00776             self.toolbar._idRelease = self.canvas.mpl_connect(
00777                 'button_release_event', self.release_pan)
00778             self.toolbar.mode = 'pan/zoom mode'
00779             self.canvas.widgetlock(self.toolbar)
00780         else:
00781             self.canvas.widgetlock.release(self.toolbar)
00783         for a in self.canvas.figure.get_axes():
00784             a.set_navigate_mode(self.toolbar._active)
00786         self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode)
00789     def press_pan(self, event):
00790         'the press mouse button in pan/zoom mode callback'
00791         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00792             return
00794         if event.button == 1:
00795             self.toolbar._button_pressed=1
00796         elif  event.button == 3:
00797             self.toolbar._button_pressed=3
00798         else:
00799             self.toolbar._button_pressed=None
00800             return
00802         x, y = event.x, event.y
00804         # push the current view to define home if stack is empty
00805         if self.toolbar._views.empty(): self.toolbar.push_current()
00807         self.toolbar._xypress=[]
00808         for i, a in enumerate(self.canvas.figure.get_axes()):
00809             #if x is not None and y is not None and a.in_axes(x, y) and a.get_navigate():
00810             if x is not None and y is not None and event.inaxes==a and a.get_navigate():
00811                 xmin, xmax = a.get_xlim()
00812                 ymin, ymax = a.get_ylim()
00813                 lim = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
00814                 ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00815                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append((x, y, a, i, lim,a.transData.deepcopy()))  #0.91.4
00816                 #self.toolbar._xypress.append((x, y, a, i, lim,a.transData.frozen()))    #>=0.98
00817                 self.toolbar._xypress.append((x, y, a, i, lim,self.copy_trans(a.transData))) #workaround
00818                 self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idDrag)
00819                 self.toolbar._idDrag=self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.drag_pan)
00824     def release_pan(self, event):
00825         'the release mouse button callback in pan/zoom mode'
00826         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00827             return
00828         self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.toolbar._idDrag)
00829         self.toolbar._idDrag=self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move)
00830         if not self.toolbar._xypress: return
00831         self.toolbar._xypress = None
00832         self.toolbar._button_pressed=None
00833         self.toolbar.push_current()
00834         self.toolbar.release(event)
00835         self.toolbar.draw()
00836         self.redraw_rects();
00839     def drag_pan(self, event):
00840         'the drag callback in pan/zoom mode'
00841         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00842             return
00844         def format_deltas(event,dx,dy):
00845             if event.key=='control':
00846                 if(abs(dx)>abs(dy)):
00847                     dy = dx
00848                 else:
00849                     dx = dy
00850             elif event.key=='x':
00851                 dy = 0
00852             elif event.key=='y':
00853                 dx = 0
00854             elif event.key=='shift':
00855                 if 2*abs(dx) < abs(dy):
00856                     dx=0
00857                 elif 2*abs(dy) < abs(dx):
00858                     dy=0
00859                 elif(abs(dx)>abs(dy)):
00860                     dy=dy/abs(dy)*abs(dx)
00861                 else:
00862                     dx=dx/abs(dx)*abs(dy)
00863             return (dx,dy)
00865         for cur_xypress in self.toolbar._xypress:
00866             lastx, lasty, a, ind, lim, trans = cur_xypress
00867             xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = lim
00868             #safer to use the recorded button at the press than current button:
00869             #multiple button can get pressed during motion...
00870             if self.toolbar._button_pressed==1:
00871                 ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00872                 #lastx, lasty = trans.inverse_xy_tup( (lastx, lasty) )          #0.91.4
00873                 #lastx, lasty = trans.inverted().transform( (lastx, lasty) )    #>=0.98
00874                 lastx, lasty = self.get_inverse_xy(trans, (lastx, lasty) )      #workaround
00875                 ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00876                 #x, y = trans.inverse_xy_tup( (event.x, event.y) )        #0.91.4
00877                 #x, y = trans.inverted().transform( (event.x, event.y) )  #>=0.98
00878                 x, y = self.get_inverse_xy(trans, (event.x, event.y) )    #workaround
00879                 if a.get_xscale()=='log':
00880                     dx=1-lastx/x
00881                 else:
00882                     dx=x-lastx
00883                 if a.get_yscale()=='log':
00884                     dy=1-lasty/y
00885                 else:
00886                     dy=y-lasty
00888                 dx,dy=format_deltas(event,dx,dy)
00890                 if a.get_xscale()=='log':
00891                     xmin *= 1-dx
00892                     xmax *= 1-dx
00893                 else:
00894                     xmin -= dx
00895                     xmax -= dx
00896                 if a.get_yscale()=='log':
00897                     ymin *= 1-dy
00898                     ymax *= 1-dy
00899                 else:
00900                     ymin -= dy
00901                     ymax -= dy
00902             elif self.toolbar._button_pressed==3:
00903                 try:
00904                     ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00905                     #dx=(lastx-event.x)/float(a.bbox.width())  #0.91.4
00906                     #dx=(lastx-event.x)/float(a.bbox.width)    #>=0.98
00907                     dx=(lastx-event.x)/float(self.get_bbox_size(a.bbox,"width")) #workaround
00908                     ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00909                     #dy=(lasty-event.y)/float(a.bbox.height()) #0.91.4
00910                     #dy=(lasty-event.y)/float(a.bbox.height)   #>=0.98
00911                     dy=(lasty-event.y)/float(self.get_bbox_size(a.bbox,"height"))  #workaround
00912                     dx,dy=format_deltas(event,dx,dy)
00913                     if a.get_aspect() != 'auto':
00914                         dx = 0.5*(dx + dy)
00915                         dy = dx
00916                     alphax = pow(10.0,dx)
00917                     alphay = pow(10.0,dy)#use logscaling, avoid singularities and smother scaling...
00918                     ### workaround for matplotlib API changes
00919                     #lastx, lasty = trans.inverse_xy_tup( (lastx, lasty) )       #0.91.4
00920                     #lastx, lasty = trans.inverted().transform( (lastx, lasty) ) #>=0.98
00921                     lastx, lasty = self.get_inverse_xy(trans, (lastx, lasty) )   #workaround
00922                     if a.get_xscale()=='log':
00923                         xmin = lastx*(xmin/lastx)**alphax
00924                         xmax = lastx*(xmax/lastx)**alphax
00925                     else:
00926                         xmin = lastx+alphax*(xmin-lastx)
00927                         xmax = lastx+alphax*(xmax-lastx)
00928                     if a.get_yscale()=='log':
00929                         ymin = lasty*(ymin/lasty)**alphay
00930                         ymax = lasty*(ymax/lasty)**alphay
00931                     else:
00932                         ymin = lasty+alphay*(ymin-lasty)
00933                         ymax = lasty+alphay*(ymax-lasty)
00934                 except OverflowError:
00935                     warnings.warn('Overflow while panning')
00936                     return
00937             a.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
00938             a.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
00939             self.redraw_rects();
00941         self.toolbar.dynamic_update()
00944     def mouse_move(self, event):
00945         #print 'mouse_move', event.button
00946         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00947             return
00949         if not event.inaxes or not self.toolbar._active:
00950             if self.toolbar._lastCursor != cursors.POINTER:
00951                 self.set_cursor(cursors.POINTER)
00952                 self.toolbar._lastCursor = cursors.POINTER
00953         else:
00954             if self.toolbar._active=='ZOOM':
00955                 if self.toolbar._lastCursor != cursors.SELECT_REGION:
00956                     self.set_cursor(cursors.SELECT_REGION)
00957                     self.toolbar._lastCursor = cursors.SELECT_REGION
00958                 if self.toolbar._xypress:
00959                     x, y = event.x, event.y
00960                     lastx, lasty, a, ind, lim, trans= self.toolbar._xypress[0]
00961                     self.draw_rubberband(event, x, y, lastx, lasty)
00962             elif self.toolbar._active=='MARKREGION':
00963                 if self.toolbar._lastCursor != cursors.SELECT_REGION:
00964                     self.set_cursor(cursors.SELECT_REGION)
00965                     self.toolbar._lastCursor = cursors.SELECT_REGION
00966                 if self.toolbar._xypress:
00967                     x, y = event.x, event.y
00968                     lastx, lasty, a, ind, lim, trans= self.toolbar._xypress[0]
00969                     self.draw_rubberband(event, x, y, lastx, lasty)
00970             elif (self.toolbar._active=='PAN' and
00971                   self.toolbar._lastCursor != cursors.MOVE):
00972                 self.set_cursor(cursors.MOVE)
00974                 self.toolbar._lastCursor = cursors.MOVE
00976         if event.inaxes and event.inaxes.get_navigate():
00979             try: s = event.inaxes.format_coord(event.xdata, event.ydata)
00980             except ValueError: pass
00981             except OverflowError: pass
00982             else:
00983                 if len(self.toolbar.mode):
00984                     self.toolbar.set_message('%s : %s' % (self.toolbar.mode, s))
00985                 else:
00986                     self.toolbar.set_message(s)
00987         else: self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode)
00990     def update_relief(self,newmode):
00991         'activate new mode'
00992         if (rcParams['backend'].lower() == 'agg'):
00993             return
00994         if self.toolbar._active == 'ZOOM':
00995             self.toolbar.bZoom.config(relief='raised');
00996         if self.toolbar._active == 'PAN':
00997             self.toolbar.bPan.config(relief='raised');
00998         if self.toolbar._active == 'MARKREGION':
00999             self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(relief='raised');
01001         self.toolbar._active = newmode;
01003         if self.toolbar._active == 'ZOOM':
01004             self.toolbar.bZoom.config(relief='sunken');
01005         if self.toolbar._active == 'PAN':
01006             self.toolbar.bPan.config(relief='sunken');
01007         if self.toolbar._active == 'MARKREGION':
01008             self.toolbar.bMarkRegion.config(relief='sunken');
01011     #### Workarounds for Matplotlib version handling (ugly) ####
01012     def ismatlab_new(self):
01013         verstr=matplotlib.__version__.split(".")
01014         maj=int(verstr[0])
01015         sub=int(verstr[1])
01016         return (maj>0 or sub>=98)
01018     def get_inverse_xy(self,trans,(x,y)):
01019         if hasattr(trans,"inverse_xy_tup"): return trans.inverse_xy_tup((x, y))
01020         elif hasattr(trans,"inverted"): return trans.inverted().transform((x, y))
01021         else: return None
01023     def get_xy(self,trans,(x,y)):
01024         return self.switch_func(trans,["xy_tup","transform"],(x,y))
01026     def copy_trans(self,trans): 
01027         return self.switch_func(trans,["deepcopy","frozen"])
01029     def get_bbox_size(self,obj,func=""):
01030         return self.get_called_or_attr(obj,func)
01032     def switch_func(self,obj,funcs=[],*args,**kwargs):
01033         """
01034         Tries a list of functions and return a result from callable one.
01035         Deals with function name changes but parameters have to be unchanged.
01036         """
01037         for func in funcs:
01038             called_func=self.get_called_or_attr(obj,func,*args,**kwargs)
01039             if called_func != None: break
01040         return called_func
01042     def get_called_or_attr(self,obj,func="",*args,**kwargs):
01043         """
01044         Returns a result from function call if it's callable.
01045         If not callable, returns the attribute or False (non-existent). 
01046         """
01047         #if not hasattr(obj,func): return False
01048         #else: called=getattr(obj,func)
01049         try: called=getattr(obj,func)
01050         #except: return False
01051         except: return None
01052         if callable(called): return called(*args,**kwargs)
01053         else: return called