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casa::ImageAnalysis Member List
This is the complete list of members for casa::ImageAnalysis, including all inherited members.
_fitpolynomial(const String &residfile, const String &fitfile, const String &sigmafile, const Int axis, const Int order, Record &region, const String &mask, const bool overwrite=false)casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
_haveRegionsChanged(ImageRegion *pNewRegionRegion, ImageRegion *pNewMaskRegion, ImageRegion *pOldRegionRegion, ImageRegion *pOldMaskRegion)casa::ImageAnalysis [private, static]
_histogramscasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
_imagecasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
_logcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
_regrid(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const Vector< Int > &axes, const Record &region, const String &mask, const String &method, const Int decimate, const Bool replicate, const Bool doref, const Bool dropdeg, const Bool overwrite, const Bool force, const Bool extendMask) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
_regridByVelocity(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const CoordinateSystem &csysTemplate, const Vector< Int > &axes, const Record &region, const String &mask, const String &method, const Int decimate, const Bool replicate, const Bool doref, const Bool dropdeg, const Bool overwrite, const Bool force, const Bool extendMask) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
addnoise(const String &type, const Vector< Double > &pars, Record &region, const Bool zero=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
boundingbox(const Record &region)casa::ImageAnalysis
calc(const String &pixels)casa::ImageAnalysis
calcmask(const String &mask, Record &regions, const String &name, const Bool asdefault=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
centreRefPix(casa::CoordinateSystem &cSys, const casa::IPosition &shape) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
className()casa::ImageAnalysis [inline, static]
continuumsub(const String &outline, const String &outcont, Record &region, const Vector< int > &channels, const String &pol="", const Int fitorder=0, const Bool overwrite=false)casa::ImageAnalysis
convertflux(Bool &fakeBeam, const Quantity &value, const Quantity &major, const Quantity &minor, const String &type="Gaussian", const Bool topeak=True, const Bool supressNoBeamWarnings=False, const Int channel=-1, const Int polarization=-1) const casa::ImageAnalysis
convertModelType(casa::Fit2D::Types typeIn) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
convolve(const String &outfile, Array< Float > &kernel, const String &kernImage, const Double scale, Record &region, String &mask, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool async=False, const Bool stretch=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
convolve2d(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &type, const Quantity &major, const Quantity &minor, const Quantity &pa, Double scale, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool stretch=False, const Bool targetres=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
coordmeasures(Quantity &intensity, Record &direction, Record &frequency, Record &velocity, const Vector< double > &pixel)casa::ImageAnalysis
coordsys(const Vector< int > &axes)casa::ImageAnalysis
csys(const Vector< int > &axes)casa::ImageAnalysis
decompose(Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool simple=false, const Double threshold=-1, const Int ncontour=11, const Int minrange=1, const Int naxis=2, const Bool fit=True, const Double maxrms=-1, const Int maxretry=-1, const Int maxiter=256, const Double convcriteria=0.0001)casa::ImageAnalysis
decompose(Matrix< Int > &blcs, Matrix< Int > &trcs, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool simple=false, const Double threshold=-1, const Int ncontour=11, const Int minrange=1, const Int naxis=2, const Bool fit=True, const Double maxrms=-1, const Int maxretry=-1, const Int maxiter=256, const Double convcriteria=0.0001, const Bool stretch=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
deconvolvecomponentlist(const Record &complist, const Int channel, const Int polarization)casa::ImageAnalysis
deleteHist()casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
echo(Record &v, const Bool godeep=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
fft(const String &real, const String &imag, const String &amp, const String &phase, const Vector< Int > &axes, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool stretch)casa::ImageAnalysis
findsources(const Int nmax, const Double cutoff, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool point=True, const Int width=5, const Bool negfind=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
fromRecord(const RecordInterface &rec, const String &imagename="")casa::ImageAnalysis
getchunk(Array< Float > &pixel, Array< Bool > &pixmask, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const Vector< Int > &inc, const Vector< Int > &axes, const Bool list=False, const Bool dropdeg=False, const bool getmask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
getFreqProfile(const Vector< Double > &xy, Vector< Float > &zxaxisval, Vector< Float > &zyaxisval, const String &xytype="world", const String &specaxis="freq", const Int &whichStokes=0, const Int &whichTabular=0, const Int &whichLinear=0, const String &xunits="", const String &specframe="", const Int &whichQuality=0, const String &restValue="")casa::ImageAnalysis
getFreqProfile(const Vector< Double > &x, const Vector< Double > &y, Vector< Float > &zxaxisval, Vector< Float > &zyaxisval, const String &xytype="world", const String &specaxis="freq", const Int &whichStokes=0, const Int &whichTabular=0, const Int &whichLinear=0, const String &xunits="", const String &specframe="", const Int &combineType=0, const Int &whichQuality=0, const String &restValue="", Int beamChannel=-1)casa::ImageAnalysis
getImage() const casa::ImageAnalysis
getregion(Array< Float > &pixels, Array< Bool > &pixmask, Record &region, const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &mask, const Bool list=False, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool getmask=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
getslice(const Vector< Double > &x, const Vector< Double > &y, const Vector< Int > &axes, const Vector< Int > &coord, const Int npts=0, const String &method="linear")casa::ImageAnalysis
getSpectralAxisVal(const String &specaxis, Vector< Float > &specVal, const CoordinateSystem &cSys, const String &xunits, const String &freqFrame="", const String &restValue="")casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
hanning(const String &outfile, Record &region, const String &mask, const Int axis=-10, const Bool drop=True, const bool overwrite=False, const Bool extendMask=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
hanning_smooth(casa::Array< casa::Float > &out, casa::Array< casa::Bool > &maskOut, const casa::Vector< casa::Float > &in, const casa::Array< casa::Bool > &maskIn, casa::Bool isMasked) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
histograms(const Vector< Int > &axes, Record &region, const String &mask, const Int nbins, const Vector< Double > &includepix, const Bool gauss, const Bool cumu, const Bool log, const Bool list, const Bool force=False, const Bool disk=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
history(const Bool list=False, const Bool browse=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
ImageAnalysis(const ImageInterface< Float > *inImage)casa::ImageAnalysis
ImageAnalysis(ImageInterface< Float > *inImage, const Bool cloneInputPointer)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagecalc(const String &outfile, const String &pixels, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
imageconcat(const String &outfile, const Vector< String > &infiles, const Int axis, const Bool relax=False, const Bool tempclose=True, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagefromarray(const String &outfile, Array< Float > &pixels, const Record &csys, const Bool linear=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool log=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagefromascii(const String &outfile, const String &infile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const String &sep, const Record &csys, const Bool linear=False, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagefromfits(const String &outfile, const String &infile, const Int whichrep=0, const Int whichhdu=0, const Bool zeroblanks=False, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagefromimage(const String &outfile, const String &infile, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
imagefromshape(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const Record &csys, const Bool linear=True, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool log=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
imageMomentsProgressMonitorcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
insert(const String &infile, Record &region, const Vector< double > &locate, Bool verbose)casa::ImageAnalysis
last_chunk_shape_pcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
lock(const Bool writelock=False, const Int nattempts=0)casa::ImageAnalysis
make_image(casa::String &error, const casa::String &image, const casa::CoordinateSystem &cSys, const casa::IPosition &shape, casa::LogIO &os, casa::Bool log=casa::True, casa::Bool overwrite=casa::False)casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
makecomplex(const String &outfile, const String &imag, Record &region, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
makeCoordinateSystem(const casa::Record &cSys, const casa::IPosition &shape) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
makeExternalImage(std::auto_ptr< ImageInterface< Float > > &image, const String &fileName, const CoordinateSystem &cSys, const IPosition &shape, const ImageInterface< Float > &inImage, LogIO &os, Bool overwrite=False, Bool allowTemp=False, Bool copyMask=True)casa::ImageAnalysis [static]
makeMask(casa::ImageInterface< Float > &out, String &maskName, Bool init, Bool makeDefault, LogIO &os, Bool list)casa::ImageAnalysis [private, static]
makeRegionBlock(casa::PtrBlock< const casa::ImageRegion * > &regions, const casa::Record &Regions, casa::LogIO &logger)casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
maketestimage(const String &outfile="", const Bool overwrite=False, const String &imagetype="2d")casa::ImageAnalysis
maskhandler(const String &op, const Vector< String > &nam)casa::ImageAnalysis
maxfit(Record &region, const Bool point, const Int width=5, const Bool negfind=False, const Bool list=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
modify(Record &model, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool subtract=True, const Bool list=True, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
moments(const Vector< Int > &moments, const Int axis, Record &region, const String &mask, const Vector< String > &method, const Vector< Int > &smoothaxes, const Vector< String > &smoothtypes, const Vector< Quantity > &smoothwidths, const Vector< Float > &includepix, const Vector< Float > &excludepix, const Double peaksnr, const Double stddev, const String &doppler="RADIO", const String &outfile="", const String &smoothout="", const String &plotter="/NULL", const Int nx=1, const Int ny=1, const Bool yind=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool drop=True, const Bool stretchMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
name(const Bool strippath=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
newimage(const String &infile, const String &outfile, Record &region, const String &Mask, const bool dropdeg=False, const bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
newimagefromarray(const String &outfile, Array< Float > &pixelsArray, const Record &csys, const Bool linear=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool log=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
newimagefromfile(const String &fileName)casa::ImageAnalysis
newimagefromfits(const String &outfile, const String &infile, const Int whichrep=0, const Int whichhdu=0, const Bool zeroblanks=False, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
newimagefromshape(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const Record &csys, const Bool linear=True, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool log=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
oldHistStorageForce_pcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
open(const String &infile)casa::ImageAnalysis
pixelValue(Bool &offImage, Quantum< Double > &value, Bool &mask, Vector< Int > &pos) const casa::ImageAnalysis
pixelvalue(const Vector< Int > &pixel)casa::ImageAnalysis
pOldHistMaskRegion_pcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
pOldHistRegionRegion_pcasa::ImageAnalysis [private]
putchunk(const Array< Float > &pixels, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &inc, const Bool list=False, const Bool locking=True, const Bool replicate=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
putregion(const Array< Float > &pixels, const Array< Bool > &pixelmask, Record &region, const Bool list=False, const Bool usemask=True, const Bool locking=True, const Bool replicate=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
rebin(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &bin, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool dropdeg, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
regrid(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &shape, const Record &csys, const Vector< Int > &axes, Record &region, const String &mask, const String &method="linear", const Int decimate=10, const Bool replicate=False, const Bool doref=True, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool force=False, const Bool specAsVelocity=False, const Bool extendAxes=False) const casa::ImageAnalysis
regrid(const String &outfile, const ImageInterface< Float > *other, const String &method="linear", const Bool specAsVelocity=False, const Vector< Int > &axes=Vector< Int >(0), const Record &region=Record(), const String &mask="", const Int decimate=10, const Bool replicate=False, const Bool doref=True, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool force=False, const Bool extendAxes=False) const casa::ImageAnalysis
remove(Bool verbose=true)casa::ImageAnalysis
rename(const String &name, const Bool overwrite=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
replacemaskedpixels(const String &pixels, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool update=False, const Bool list=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
rotate(const String &outfile, const Vector< int > &shape, const Quantity &pa, Record &region, const String &mask, const String &method="cubic", const Int decimate=0, const Bool replicate=False, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
sepconvolve(const String &outfile, const Vector< Int > &axes, const Vector< String > &types, const Vector< Quantity > &widths, Double scale, Record &region, const String &mask, const bool overwrite=False, const bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
set(const String &pixels, const Int pixelmask, Record &region, const Bool list=false)casa::ImageAnalysis
set_cache(const casa::IPosition &chunk_shape) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
setboxregion(const Vector< Double > &blc, const Vector< Double > &trc, const Bool frac=False, const String &infile="")casa::ImageAnalysis
setbrightnessunit(const String &unit)casa::ImageAnalysis
setcoordsys(const Record &csys)casa::ImageAnalysis
sethistory(const String &origin, const Vector< String > &history)casa::ImageAnalysis
setmiscinfo(const Record &info)casa::ImageAnalysis
setMomentsProgressMonitor(ImageMomentsProgressMonitor *progressMonitor)casa::ImageAnalysis
setregion(const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const String &infile="")casa::ImageAnalysis
setrestoringbeam(const Quantity &major, const Quantity &minor, const Quantity &pa, const Record &beam, const Bool remove=False, const Bool log=True, Int channel=-1, Int polarization=-1)casa::ImageAnalysis
summary(const String &doppler="RADIO", const Bool list=True, const Bool pixelorder=True, const Bool verbose=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
toASCII(const String &outfile, Record &region, const String &mask, const String &sep=" ", const String &format="%e", const Double maskvalue=-999, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool extendMask=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
tofits(const String &outfile, const Bool velocity, const Bool optical, const Int bitpix, const Double minpix, const Double maxpix, Record &region, const String &mask, const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool dropdeg=False, const Bool deglast=False, const Bool dropstokes=False, const Bool stokeslast=False, const Bool wavelength=False, const Bool airWavelength=False, const String &origin="", Bool stretch=False, const Bool history=True)casa::ImageAnalysis
topixel(Record &value)casa::ImageAnalysis
toRecord(RecordInterface &rec)casa::ImageAnalysis
toworld(const Vector< double > &value, const String &format="n")casa::ImageAnalysis
toWorldRecord(const Vector< Double > &pixel, const String &format) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
trim(Vector< Double > &inout, const Vector< Double > &replace) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
twopointcorrelation(const String &outfile, Record &region, const String &mask, const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &method="structurefunction", const Bool overwrite=False, const Bool stretch=False)casa::ImageAnalysis
worldVectorToMeasures(const Vector< Double > &world, Int c, Bool abs) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
worldVectorToRecord(const Vector< Double > &world, Int c, const String &format, Bool isAbsolute, Bool showAsAbsolute) const casa::ImageAnalysis [private]
~ImageAnalysis()casa::ImageAnalysis [virtual]