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casa::TableProxy Member List
This is the complete list of members for casa::TableProxy, including all inherited members.
addArrayColumnDesc(TableDesc &tableDesc, const String &valueType, const String &columnName, const String &comment, const String &dataManagerType, const String &dataManagerGroup, int options, Int ndim, const Vector< Int > &shape, Bool cOrder, String &message)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
addColumns(const Record &tableDesc, const Record &dminfo, Bool addToParent)casa::TableProxy
addReadmeLine(const String &line)casa::TableProxy
addRow(Int nrow)casa::TableProxy
asciiFormat_pcasa::TableProxy [private]
calcResult_pcasa::TableProxy [private]
calcValues(Record &rec, const TableExprNode &expr)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
cellContentsDefined(const String &columnName, Int rownr)casa::TableProxy
checkRowColumn(Table &table, const String &colName, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, const Char *caller)casa::TableProxy [private]
columnArrayType(const String &columnName)casa::TableProxy
columnDataType(const String &columnName)casa::TableProxy
copy(const String &newTableName, Bool toMemoryTable, Bool deepCopy, Bool valueCopy, const String &endianFormat, const Record &dminfo, Bool noRows)casa::TableProxy
copyRows(TableProxy &out, Int startIn, Int startOut, Int nrow)casa::TableProxy
deleteTable(Bool checkSubTables)casa::TableProxy
endianFormat() const casa::TableProxy
fillAxes(const IPosition &, Bool cOrder)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
findKeyId(RecordFieldId &fieldid, const TableRecord *&keySet, const String &keyname, const String &column)casa::TableProxy [private]
findKeyId(RecordFieldId &fieldid, TableRecord *&keySet, const String &keyname, const String &column, Bool mustExist, Bool change, Bool makeSubRecord)casa::TableProxy [private]
flush(Bool recursive)casa::TableProxy
getAsciiFormat() const casa::TableProxy
getCalcResult() const casa::TableProxy
getCell(const String &columnName, Int row)casa::TableProxy
getCellSlice(const String &columnName, Int row, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const Vector< Int > &inc)casa::TableProxy
getCellSliceIP(const String &columnName, Int row, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc)casa::TableProxy
getColInfo(const String &colName, Bool useBrackets, String &type, String &message)casa::TableProxy [private]
getColumn(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr)casa::TableProxy
getColumnDescription(const String &columnName, Bool actual, Bool cOrder=False)casa::TableProxy
getColumnShapeString(const String &columnName, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, Bool cOrder=False)casa::TableProxy
getColumnSlice(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const Vector< Int > &inc)casa::TableProxy
getColumnSliceIP(const String &columnName, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr)casa::TableProxy
getFieldNames(const String &columnName, const String &keywordName, Int keywordIndex)casa::TableProxy
getKeyValue(const TableRecord &keySet, const RecordFieldId &fieldId)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
getKeyValues(const TableRecord &keySet)casa::TableProxy [static]
getKeyword(const String &columnName, const String &keywordName, Int keywordIndex)casa::TableProxy
getKeywordSet(const String &columnName)casa::TableProxy
getPartNames(Bool recursive)casa::TableProxy
getProperties(const String &name, Bool byColumn)casa::TableProxy
getTableDescription(Bool actual, Bool cOrder=False)casa::TableProxy
getTypeStr(DataType)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
getValueFromTable(const String &colName, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, Bool isCell)casa::TableProxy [private]
getValueSliceFromTable(const String &colName, const Slicer &slicer, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, Bool isCell)casa::TableProxy [private]
getVarColumn(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr)casa::TableProxy
hasLock(Bool mode)casa::TableProxy
isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables)casa::TableProxy
isReadable() const casa::TableProxy
isScalarColumn(const String &columnName)casa::TableProxy
isWritable() const casa::TableProxy
lock(Bool mode, Int nattempts)casa::TableProxy
makeEndianFormat(const String &endianFormat)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
makeHC(const Record &gdesc, TableDesc &tabdesc, String &message)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
makeLockOptions(const Record &options)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
makeTableDesc(const Record &gdesc, TableDesc &tabdesc, String &message)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
operator=(const TableProxy &)casa::TableProxy
printArray(const Array< T > &arr, ostream &os, const String &sep) const casa::TableProxy [private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, Bool v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, Int v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, Int64 v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, Double v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, const DComplex &v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printArrayValue(ostream &os, const String &v, const String &) const casa::TableProxy [inline, private]
printValueHolder(const ValueHolder &vh, ostream &os, const String &sep, Int prec, Bool useBrackets) const casa::TableProxy [private]
putCell(const String &columnName, const Vector< Int > &rownrs, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy
putCellSlice(const String &columnName, Int row, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const Vector< Int > &inc, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy
putCellSliceIP(const String &columnName, Int row, const ValueHolder &, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc)casa::TableProxy
putColumn(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy
putColumnSlice(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr, const Vector< Int > &blc, const Vector< Int > &trc, const Vector< Int > &inc, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy
putColumnSliceIP(const String &columnName, const ValueHolder &, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr)casa::TableProxy
putKeyValue(TableRecord &keySet, const RecordFieldId &fieldId, const ValueHolder &value)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
putKeyValues(TableRecord &keySet, const Record &valueSet)casa::TableProxy [static]
putKeyword(const String &columnName, const String &keywordName, Int keywordIndex, Bool makeSubRecord, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy
putKeywordSet(const String &columnName, const Record &valueSet)casa::TableProxy
putTableInfo(const Record &value)casa::TableProxy
putValueInTable(const String &colName, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, Bool isCell, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy [private]
putValueSliceInTable(const String &colName, const Slicer &slicer, Int rownr, Int nrow, Int incr, Bool isCell, const ValueHolder &)casa::TableProxy [private]
putVarColumn(const String &columnName, Int row, Int nrow, Int incr, const Record &values)casa::TableProxy
recordColumnDesc(const ColumnDesc &, Bool cOrder)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
recordHCDesc(const TableDesc &tableDesc)casa::TableProxy [private, static]
removeColumns(const Vector< String > &columnNames)casa::TableProxy
removeKeyword(const String &columnName, const String &keywordName, Int keywordIndex)casa::TableProxy
removeRow(const Vector< Int > &rownrs)casa::TableProxy
rename(const String &newTableName)casa::TableProxy
renameColumn(const String &nameOld, const String &nameNew)casa::TableProxy
rowNumbers(TableProxy &other)casa::TableProxy
selectRows(const Vector< Int > &rownrs, const String &outName)casa::TableProxy
setDefaultForSlicer(IPosition &vec) const casa::TableProxy [private]
setMaximumCacheSize(const String &columnName, Int nbytes)casa::TableProxy
setProperties(const String &name, Bool byColumn, const Record &properties)casa::TableProxy
showStructure(Bool showDataMan=True, Bool showColumns=True, Bool showSubTables=False, Bool sortColumns=False) const casa::TableProxy
syncTable(Table &table)casa::TableProxy [private]
table()casa::TableProxy [inline]
table() const casa::TableProxy [inline]
table_pcasa::TableProxy [private]
TableProxy(const Table &table)casa::TableProxy [inline]
TableProxy(const String &tableName, const Record &lockOptions, int option)casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const String &tableName, const Record &lockOptions, const String &endianFormat, const String &memType, int nrow, const Record &tableDesc, const Record &dmInfo)casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const Vector< String > &tableNames, const Vector< String > &concatenateSubTableNames, const Record &lockOptions, int option)casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const std::vector< TableProxy > &tables, const Vector< String > &concatenateSubTableNames, int dummy1=0, int dummy2=0, int dummy3=0)casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const String &command, const std::vector< TableProxy > &tables)casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const String &fileName, const String &headerName, const String &tableName, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition &autoShape, const String &separator, const String &commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine, const Vector< String > &columnNames=Vector< String >(), const Vector< String > &dataTypes=Vector< String >())casa::TableProxy
TableProxy(const TableProxy &)casa::TableProxy
toAscii(const String &asciiFile, const String &headerFile, const Vector< String > &columns, const String &sep, const Vector< Int > &precision, Bool useBrackets)casa::TableProxy