casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 ###############################################
00002 #                                             #
00003 # Regression/Benchmarking Script for G192     #
00004 #                                             #
00005 ###############################################
00007 import time
00008 import os
00010 os.system('rm -rf g192*.ms g192_a* g192.*.im')
00012 startTime = time.time()
00013 startProc = time.clock()
00015 print '--Import--'
00016 datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] +'/data/regression/ATST1/G192/'
00018 default('importvla')
00019 importvla(archivefiles=[datapath + 'AS758_C030425.xp1',datapath+'AS758_C030425.xp2',datapath+'AS758_C030425.xp3',datapath+'AS758_C030426.xp4',datapath+'AS758_C030426.xp5'],
00020           vis='',bandname='K',frequencytol=10000000.0)
00021 importtime = time.time() 
00022 print '--Observation summary--'
00023 default('listobs')
00024 listobs(vis='')
00025 #listtime = time.time()
00026 print '--Flag auto-correlations--'
00027 default('tflagdata')
00028 tflagdata(vis='',mode='manual',autocorr=True)
00029 flagtime = time.time()
00030 print '--Setjy--'
00031 default('setjy')
00032 setjy(vis='',field='4',scalebychan=False,standard='Perley-Taylor 99') #set flux density for 1331+305 (3C286)
00033 setjytime = time.time()
00034 print '--Gaincal--'
00035 #Select data for gain calibrators and drop outer channesl that may bias the solution
00036 #correct for specified zenith opacity and VLA gain curves (default)
00037 default('gaincal')
00038 gaincal(vis='',caltable='g192_a.gcal',
00039         field='0,2,3,4',spw='0:3~117', gaintype='G',
00040         opacity=0.062,solint='inf',combine='',refant='VA05')
00041 gaintime = time.time()
00042 print '--Bandpass--'
00043 #Select bandpass calibrator. Arrange to solve for a single solution over the entire observation 
00044 default('bandpass')
00045 bandpass(vis='',caltable='g192_a.bcal',
00046          field='3',  
00047          opacity=0.062,gaintable='g192_a.gcal',gainfield='3',interp='nearest',
00048          solint='inf',combine='scan',
00049          refant='VA05')
00050 bptime = time.time()
00051 print '--Fluxscale--'
00052 #Transfer the flux density scale from the flux calibrator to the gain calibrators
00053 #Solutions are written to a table (g192_a.fluxcal) on disk.
00054 default('fluxscale')
00055 fluxscale(vis='',caltable='g192_a.gcal',fluxtable='g192_a.fluxcal',
00056           reference=['1331+305'],transfer=['0530+135','05309+13319'])
00057 fstime = time.time()
00059 print '--Correct--'
00060 #Apply calibration solutions to the data
00061 default('applycal')
00062 applycal(vis='',
00063          field='0,1,2', 
00064          opacity=0.062,
00065          gaintable=['g192_a.fluxcal','g192_a.bcal'],gainfield='0,2');
00066 correcttime = time.time()
00068 print '--Split (Cal/src data)--'
00069 #split out the data of interest into a new visibility data set
00070 default('split')
00071 split(vis='',outputvis='',
00072  #     field=4,spw=0,nchan=100,start=9,step=1,datacolumn='CORRECTED_DATA')
00073         field='4',spw='0:9~108',datacolumn='corrected')
00074 splitcaltime = time.time()
00075 default('split')
00076 split(vis='',outputvis='',
00077 #      field=1,spw=0,nchan=100,start=9,step=1,datacolumn='CORRECTED_DATA')
00078         field='1',spw='0:9~108',datacolumn='corrected')
00079 splitsrctime = time.time()
00081 print '--Flag bad time range--'
00082 #flag data in the specified time range for the source and spw
00083 tflagdata(vis="", field="0", spw="0", 
00084           timerange="2003/04/26/02:45:00.0~2003/04/26/02:46:30.0")
00085 flagsrctime=time.time()
00087 print '--Clean src line--'
00088 #image the source
00089 default('clean')
00090 clean(vis='',imagename='g192_a2',mode='channel',
00091       psfmode='hogbom',niter=5000,gain=0.1,threshold=15.,mask='',
00092       nchan=40,start=34,width=1,field='0',spw='0',
00093       imsize=[512,512],cell=[.5,.5],weighting='natural')
00094 cleantime = time.time()
00096 print '--Write FITS--'
00097 #export the data to fits
00099 ia.tofits(outfile='g192_a2.fits')
00100 ia.close()
00101 writefitstime=time.time()
00103 print '--Contsub (image plane)--'
00104 #do image plane continuum subtraction; channels specified will be used to make a continuum image:
00106 myim=ia.continuumsub(outline='',outcont='',
00107                      channels=range(0,1),fitorder=0)
00108 x=myim.statistics(list=False)
00109 thistest_con=x['rms'][0]
00110 ia.close()
00111 myim.close()
00112 contsubtime=time.time()
00114 endProc = time.clock()
00115 endTime = time.time()
00117 # Regression
00119 test_name_cal = 'G192--Calibrater maximum amplitude test'
00120 test_name_src = 'G192--Source maximum amplitude test'
00121 #test_name_con = 'G192--Continuum subtraction rms test'
00122 test_name_immax = 'G192--Image maximum test'
00123 test_name_imrms = 'G192--Image rms test'
00126 thistest_cal=max(ms.range(["amplitude"]).get('amplitude'))
00127 ms.close()
00129 thistest_src=max(ms.range(["amplitude"]).get('amplitude'))
00130 ms.close()
00132 # ia.statistics returns dictionary with 'return','statsout'
00133 # get the second value in the dictionary (statsout)
00134 statistics=ia.statistics()
00135 # note thistest_immax will be a list with one value 
00136 thistest_immax=statistics['max']
00137 # note thistest_imrms will be a list with one value 
00138 thistest_imrms=statistics['rms']
00140 calmax=2.7573
00141 srcmax= 25.116
00142 contsubrms= 0.00283678
00143 immax=0.026332
00144 imrms= 0.0020570
00145 #data set size     = 634.9 MB - 5 VLA archive (xp) files
00147 diff_cal=abs((calmax-thistest_cal)/calmax)
00148 diff_src=abs((srcmax-thistest_src)/srcmax)
00149 diff_con=abs((contsubrms-thistest_con)/contsubrms)
00150 diff_immax=abs((immax-thistest_immax[0])/immax)
00151 diff_imrms=abs((imrms-thistest_imrms[0])/imrms)
00153 import datetime
00154 datestring=datetime.datetime.isoformat(
00155 outfile='g192.'+datestring+'.log'
00156 logfile=open(outfile,'w')
00158 print >>logfile,''
00159 print >>logfile,'********** Data Summary *********'
00160 print >>logfile,'*    Observer: unavailable     Project: AS758                               *'
00161 print >>logfile,'* Observation: VLA(27 antennas)                                             *'
00162 print >>logfile,'*   Telescope Observation Date    Observer       Project                    *'
00163 print >>logfile,'*   VLA       [              4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable    AS758  *' 
00164 print >>logfile,'*   VLA       [              4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable    AS758  *'       
00165 print >>logfile,'*   VLA       [              4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable    AS758  *'      
00166 print >>logfile,'*   VLA       [              4.55803e+09, 4.55804e+09]unavailable    AS758  *'     
00167 print >>logfile,'*   VLA       [              4.55804e+09, 4.55804e+09]unavailable    AS758  *'     
00168 print >>logfile,'* Data records: 1200015       Total integration time = 19347.5 seconds      *'
00169 print >>logfile,'*    Observed from   25-Apr-2003/22:03:38   to   26-Apr-2003/03:26:05       *'
00170 print >>logfile,'* Fields: 6                                                                 *'
00171 print >>logfile,'*   ID   Name          Right Ascension  Declination   Epoch                 *'
00172 print >>logfile,'*   0    0530+135      05:30:56.42      +  J2000 (gaincal)       *'
00173 print >>logfile,'*   1    05582+16320   05:58:13.53      +  J2000 (target)        *'
00174 print >>logfile,'*   2    05309+13319   05:30:56.42      +  J2000 (gaincal)       *'
00175 print >>logfile,'*   3    0319+415      03:19:48.16      +  J2000 (bandpass)      *'
00176 print >>logfile,'*   4    1331+305      13:31:08.29      +  J2000 (fluxcal)       *'
00177 print >>logfile,'*   6    KTIP          21:20:00.00      +  J2000                 *'
00178 print >>logfile,'* Data descriptions: 3 (3 spectral windows and 2 polarization setups)       *'
00179 print >>logfile,'*   ID  #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz)    Resoln(kHz) TotBW(kHz)  Ref(MHz)    Corrs  *'
00180 print >>logfile,'*   0      127 LSRK  23692.5072  24.4170056  3100.95971  23694.045   RR     *'
00181 print >>logfile,'*   2        1 TOPO  22485.1     50000       50000       22485.1     RR  RL  LR  LL  '
00182 print >>logfile,'*   3        1 TOPO  22435.1     50000       50000       22435.1     RR  RL  LR  LL  '
00183 print >>logfile,'*********************************'
00184 print >>logfile,''
00185 print >>logfile,'********** Regression ***********'
00186 print >>logfile,'*                               *'
00188 regstate=True
00189 if (diff_cal < 0.05):
00190         print >>logfile,'* Passed cal max amplitude test *'
00191 else:
00192         regstate=False
00193         print >>logfile,'* Failed cal max amplitude test *'
00194 print >>logfile,'   Cal max amp '+str(thistest_cal)+' ('+str(calmax)+')'
00196 if (diff_src < 0.05):
00197         print >>logfile,'* Passed src max amplitude test *'
00198 else:
00199         regstate=False
00200         print >>logfile,'* Failed src max amplitude test *'
00201 print >>logfile,'   Src max amp '+str(thistest_src)+' ('+str(srcmax)+')'
00203 if (diff_con < 0.05):
00204         print >>logfile,'* Passed contsub rms test         *'
00205 else:
00206         regstate=False
00207         print >>logfile,'* Failed contsub rms test         *'
00208 print >>logfile,'   Contsub rms '+str(thistest_con)+' ('+str(contsubrms)+')'
00210 if (diff_immax < 0.05):
00211         print >>logfile,'* Passed image max test         *'
00212 else:
00213         regstate=False
00214         print >>logfile,'* Failed image max test         *'
00215 print >>logfile,'   Image max '+str(thistest_immax)+' ('+str(immax)+')'
00217 if (diff_imrms < 0.05):
00218         print >>logfile,'* Passed image rms test         *'
00219 else:
00220         regstate=False
00221         print >>logfile,'* Failed image rms test         *'
00222 print >>logfile,'   Image rms '+str(thistest_imrms)+' ('+str(imrms)+')'
00225 if (regstate):
00226         print >>logfile,'---'
00227         print >>logfile,'Passed Regression test for G192'
00228         print >>logfile,'---'
00229 else: 
00230         print >>logfile,'----FAILED Regression test for G192'
00231 print >>logfile,'*********************************'
00233 print >>logfile,''
00234 print >>logfile,''
00235 print >>logfile,'********* Benchmarking *****************'
00236 print >>logfile,'*                                      *'
00237 print >>logfile,'Total wall clock time was: '+str(endTime - startTime)
00238 print >>logfile,'Total CPU        time was: '+str(endProc - startProc)
00239 print >>logfile,'Processing rate MB/s  was: '+str(634.9/(endTime - startTime))
00240 print >>logfile,'* Breakdown:                           *'
00241 print >>logfile,'*   import       time was: '+str(importtime-startTime)
00242 print >>logfile,'*   tflagdata    time was: '+str(flagtime-importtime)
00243 print >>logfile,'*   setjy        time was: '+str(setjytime-flagtime)
00244 print >>logfile,'*   gaincal      time was: '+str(gaintime-setjytime)
00245 print >>logfile,'*   bandpass     time was: '+str(bptime-gaintime)
00246 print >>logfile,'*   fluxscale    time was: '+str(fstime-bptime)
00247 print >>logfile,'*   applycal     time was: '+str(correcttime-fstime)
00248 print >>logfile,'*   split-cal    time was: '+str(splitcaltime-correcttime)
00249 print >>logfile,'*   split-src    time was: '+str(splitsrctime-splitcaltime)
00250 print >>logfile,'*   flag-src     time was: '+str(flagsrctime-splitsrctime)
00251 print >>logfile,'*   clean-src    time was: '+str(cleantime-flagsrctime)
00252 #print '*   exportfits   tiem was: ',exportfitstime-cleantime
00253 #print '*   contsub      time was: ',contsubtime-exportfitstime
00254 print >>logfile,'*****************************************'
00255 print >>logfile,'basho (test cpu) time was: 1500 seconds'
00257 logfile.close()