00001 # 00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file 00003 # 00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC 00005 # 00006 import sys 00007 import os 00008 from casac import * 00009 import string 00010 from taskinit import casalog 00011 #from taskmanager import tm 00012 import task_gencal 00013 def gencal(vis='', caltable='', caltype='', spw='', antenna='', pol='', parameter=[]): 00014 00015 """Specify Calibration Values of Various Types 00016 00017 The gencal task provides a means of specifying antenna-based 00018 calibration values manually. The values are put in designated 00019 tables and applied to the data using applycal. Several 00020 specialized calibrations are also generated with gencal. 00021 00022 Current antenna-based gencal options (caltype) are: 00023 'amp'= amplitude correction 00024 'ph' = phase correction 00025 'sbd'= single-band delay (phase-frequency slope for each spw) 00026 'mbd'= multi-band delay (phase-frequency slope over all spw) 00027 'antpos' = ITRF antenna position corrections 00028 'antposvla' = VLA-centric antenna position corrections 00029 'tsys' = Tsys from the SYSCAL table (ALMA) 00030 'swpow' = EVLA switched-power gains (experimental) 00031 'evlagain' (='swpow') (this syntax will deprecate) 00032 'rq' = EVLA requantizer gains _only_ 00033 'swp/rq' = EVLA switched-power gains divided by requantizer gain 00034 'opac' = Tropospheric opacity 00035 'gc' = Gain curve (zenith-angle-dependent gain) (VLA only) 00036 'eff' = Antenna efficiency (sqrt(K/Jy)) (VLA only) 00037 'gceff' = Gain curve and efficiency (VLA only) 00038 00039 The calibration specifications are not time-variable in the 00040 present implementation. Calibration values can be assigned to 00041 each spw, antenna and pol selection, where applicable. The 00042 same caltable can be specified for multipl runs of gencal, 00043 in which case the specified parameters will be incorporated 00044 cumulatively. E.g., amplitude parameters (caltype='amp') 00045 multiply and phase-like parameters ('ph', 'sbd','mbd','antpos') 00046 add. 'amp' and 'ph' parameters can be incorporated into the 00047 same caltable (in separate runs), but each of the other types 00048 require their own unique caltable. A mechanism for 00049 specifying manual corrections via a text file will be provided in 00050 the future. 00051 00052 The caltables are applied to the data by using applycal. Other 00053 calibration tables must also be present, if applicable. 00054 00055 For antenna position corrections (caltype='antpos'), the antenna 00056 position offsets are specified in the ITRF frame. For EVLA, automated 00057 lookup of the antenna position corrections is enabled when antenna is 00058 unspecified (antenna='') for this caltype. Note that this requires 00059 internet connection to access the EVLA antenna position correction 00060 site. If no corrections are found, it will throw an exception 00061 with the message, "no offsets found. no caltable created". The task 00062 may terminate with a SEVERE error message and may sound alarming, but 00063 it simply means that it cannot produce the caltable. 00064 For VLA position corrections in the VLA-centric frame, use 00065 caltype='antposvla', and gencal will rotate them to ITRF before 00066 storing them in the output caltable. 00067 00068 For Tsys (caltype='tsys', for ALMA) and EVLA switched power 00069 corrections (caltype='swpow'), the calibration parameters are 00070 derived from information contained in MS subtables. In these 00071 cases, specification of spw, antenna, pol, and parameter will be 00072 ignored. 00073 00074 EVLA switched power calibration is supported in three modes: 00075 'swpow' (formerly 'evlagain', a syntax which will 00076 deprecate) yields the formal EVLA switched power calibration 00077 which describes voltage gain as sqrt(Pdif/Tcal) (used to 00078 correct the visibility data) and Tsys as Psum*Tcal/Pdif/2 (used 00079 to correct the weights). 'swpow' implicitly includes any 00080 requantizer gain scale and adjustments. 00081 'rq' yields only the requantizer voltage gains (Tsys is set to 00082 1.0 to avoid weight adjustments). 00083 'swp/rq' yields the ordinary switched power voltage gains divided 00084 by the requantizer voltage gain (Tsys is calculate normally). 00085 The 'rq' and 'swp/rq' modes are are mainly intended for testing 00086 and evaluating the EVLA switched power systems. 00087 00088 For caltype='opac', specify the desired opacity(ies) in the parameter 00089 argument. At this time, only constant (in time) opacities are 00090 supported via gencal. 00091 00092 For gaincurve and efficiency (caltype='gc', 'gceff', or 'eff'), 00093 observatory-provided factors are determined per spw according 00094 to the observing frequencies. The parameter argument is 00095 ignored. These caltypes are currently only supported 00096 for VLA processing. (Appropriate factors for ALMA are TBD.) 00097 00098 Keyword arguments: 00099 00100 vis -- Name of input visibility file 00101 default: none. example: vis='' 00102 caltable -- Name of input/output caltable. If it does not 00103 exist, it will be created. Specifying an 00104 existing table will result in the parameters 00105 being applied cumulatively. Only a single 00106 time-stamp for all calibrations are supported, 00107 currently. Do not use a caltable 00108 created by gaincal, bandpass, etc. 00109 default: none. example: caltable='test.G' 00110 caltype -- The calibration parameter type being specified. 00111 Options include: 00112 'amp' = gain (G) amplitude (1 real parameter per 00113 pol, antenna, spw) 00114 'ph' = gain (G) phase (deg) (1 real parameter per 00115 pol, antenna, spw) 00116 'sbd' = single-band delays (nsec) (1 real parameter 00117 per pol, antenna, spw) 00118 'mbd' = multi-band delay (nsec) (1 real parameter 00119 per pol, antenna, spw) 00120 'antpos' = antenna position corrections (m) (3 real 00121 ITRF offset parameters per antenna; spw, pol 00122 selection will be ignored) 00123 With antenna='', this triggers an automated lookup 00124 of antenna positions for EVLA. 00125 'antposvla' = antenna position corrections (m) specified 00126 in the old VLA-centric coordinate system 00127 'tsys' = Tsys from the SYSCAL table (ALMA) 00128 'evlagain' = EVLA switched-power gains (experimental) 00129 'opac' = Tropospheric opacity (1 real parameter 00130 per antenna, spw) 00131 'gc' = Antenna zenith-angle dependent gain curve (auto-lookup) 00132 'gceff' = Gain curve and efficiency (auto-lookup) 00133 'eff' = Antenna efficiency (auto-lookup) 00134 default: none. 00135 example: caltype='ph' 00136 spw -- Spectral window selection for specified parameters. 00137 default: spw='' (specified parameters apply to all spws) 00138 example: spw = '2,3,4' 00139 antenna -- Antenna selection for specified parameters. 00140 default: antenna='' (specified parameters apply to all antennas) 00141 example: antenna='ea02, ea03' (specified parameter(s) to 00142 apply to ea02 and ea03 only) 00143 pol -- Polarization selection for specified parameters. 00144 default: pol='' (specified parameters apply to all polarizations) 00145 example: pol='R' (specified parameters to apply to 00146 R only) 00147 parameter -- The calibration parameters, specified as a list, to 00148 store in the caltable for the spw, antenna, and pol 00149 selection. The required length of the list is 00150 determined by the caltype and the spw, antenna, pol 00151 selection. One "set" of parameters (e.g., one value 00152 for 'amp', 'ph', etc., three values for 'antpos') 00153 specified the same value for all indicated spw, antenna, 00154 and pol. 00155 OR, 00156 When specifying a long list of calibration parameter values, 00157 these should be ordered first (fastest) by pol (if pol!=''), 00158 then by antenna (if antenna!=''), and finally (sloweset) by 00159 spw (if spw!=''). Unspecified selection axes must not be 00160 enumerated in the parameter list 00161 00162 Examples: 00163 00164 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='amp', 00165 spw='',antenna='',pol='', 00166 parameter=[3]) 00167 00168 --> Antenna-based gain amplitude corrections for all spws, antennas, 00169 and polarizations will be multiplied by 3. When applied 00170 to visibility data, this correction will produce a 00171 corrected visibility than is (1/3*1/3) less than the 00172 uncorrected visibility. 00173 00174 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='ph', 00175 spw='',antenna='ea03,ea04',pol='', 00176 parameter=[45,120]) 00177 00178 --> Gain phase corrections for antennas ea03 and ea04 00179 will be adjusted (additive) by 45 and 120 00180 degrees (respectively), for all spws and polarizations. 00181 When these phases are applied to visibility data, the 00182 visibility phases will decrease or increase by the 00183 specified amount where the selected antennas occur 00184 first or second (respectively) in each baseline. E.g., 00185 the phase of baseline ea03-ea04 will change by (-45+120) 00186 = + 75 degrees. Baseline ea01-ea03's phase will change 00187 by +45 degrees; baseline ea04-ea05's phase will change 00188 by -120 degrees. The same phase sign convention is 00189 used for delay and antenna position corrections. 00190 00191 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='ph', 00192 spw='',antenna='ea05,ea06',pol='R', 00193 parameter=[63,-34]) 00194 00195 --> Gain phase corrections for antennas ea05 and ea06 00196 will be adjusted (additive) by 63 and -34 00197 degrees (respectively), in R only, for all spws 00198 00199 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='ph', 00200 spw='',antenna='ea09,ea10',pol='R,L', 00201 parameter=[14,-23,-130,145]) 00202 00203 --> Gain phase corrections in all spws will be adjusted for 00204 antenna ea09 by 14 deg in R and -23 deg in L, and for 00205 antenna ea10 by -130 deg in R and 145 deg in L. 00206 00207 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='ph', 00208 spw='2,3',antenna='ea09,ea10',pol='', 00209 parameter=[14,-23,-130,145]) 00210 00211 --> Gain phases corrections in both polarizations will be adjusted for 00212 antenna ea09 by 14 deg in spw 2 and -23 deg in spw 3, and for 00213 antenna ea10 by -130 deg in spw 2 and 145 deg in spw 3. 00214 00215 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='sbd', 00216 spw='2,3',antenna='ea09,ea10',pol='', 00217 parameter=[14,-23,-130,145]) 00218 00219 --> Delay corrections in both polarizations will be adjusted for 00220 antenna ea09 by 14 nsec in spw 2 and -23 nsec in spw 3, and for 00221 antenna ea10 by -130 nsec in spw 2 and 145 nsec in spw 00222 3. See the above example for caltype='ph' for details 00223 of the sign convention adopted when applying delay corrections. 00224 00225 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='antpos',antenna='') 00226 00227 --> *** Currently EVLA observations only *** 00228 Antenna position corrections will be retrieved automatically 00229 over internet to generate the caltable with antenna=''. 00230 00231 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='antpos', 00232 antenna='ea09,ea10', 00233 parameter=[0.01,0.02,0.03, -0.03,-0.01,-0.02]) 00234 00235 --> Antenna position corrections in meters (in ITRF) for 00236 antenna ea09 (dBx=0.01, dBy=0.02, dBz=0.03) and for 00237 antenna ea10 (dBx=-0.03, dBy=-0.01, dBz=-0.02) 00238 See the above example for caltype='ph' for details 00239 of the sign convention adopted when applying antpos 00240 corrections. 00241 00242 gencal(vis='',caltable='test.G',caltype='antposvla', 00243 antenna='ea09,ea10', 00244 parameter=[0.01,0.02,0.03, -0.03,-0.01,-0.02]) 00245 00246 --> Antenna position corrections (in the traditional VLA-centric 00247 frame) will be introduced in meters for 00248 antenna ea09 (dBx=0.01, dBy=0.02, dBz=0.03) and for 00249 antenna ea10 (dBx=-0.03, dBy=-0.01, dBz=-0.02) 00250 These offsets will be rotated to the ITRF frame before 00251 storing them in the caltable. 00252 See the above example for caltype='ph' for details 00253 of the sign convention adopted when applying antpos 00254 corrections. 00255 00256 00257 """ 00258 if type(parameter)==float: parameter=[parameter] 00259 00260 # 00261 # The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation 00262 # 00263 mytmp = {} 00264 00265 mytmp['vis'] = vis 00266 mytmp['caltable'] = caltable 00267 mytmp['caltype'] = caltype 00268 mytmp['spw'] = spw 00269 mytmp['antenna'] = antenna 00270 mytmp['pol'] = pol 00271 mytmp['parameter'] = parameter 00272 pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/' 00273 trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'gencal.xml') 00274 00275 casalog.origin('gencal') 00276 if trec.has_key('gencal') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['gencal']) : 00277 result = task_gencal.gencal(vis, caltable, caltype, spw, antenna, pol, parameter) 00278 00279 else : 00280 result = False 00281 return result