casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 # This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
00002 # Version 2.0.5
00003 #
00004 # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
00005 # the SWIG interface file instead.
00009 from sys import version_info
00010 if version_info >= (2,6,0):
00011     def swig_import_helper():
00012         from os.path import dirname
00013         import imp
00014         fp = None
00015         try:
00016             fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_imagertask', [dirname(__file__)])
00017         except ImportError:
00018             import _imagertask
00019             return _imagertask
00020         if fp is not None:
00021             try:
00022                 _mod = imp.load_module('_imagertask', fp, pathname, description)
00023             finally:
00024                 fp.close()
00025             return _mod
00026     _imagertask = swig_import_helper()
00027     del swig_import_helper
00028 else:
00029     import _imagertask
00030 del version_info
00031 try:
00032     _swig_property = property
00033 except NameError:
00034     pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.
00035 def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1):
00036     if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value)
00037     if (name == "this"):
00038         if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':
00039             self.__dict__[name] = value
00040             return
00041     method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None)
00042     if method: return method(self,value)
00043     if (not static):
00044         self.__dict__[name] = value
00045     else:
00046         raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
00048 def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value):
00049     return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)
00051 def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name):
00052     if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own()
00053     method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None)
00054     if method: return method(self)
00055     raise AttributeError(name)
00057 def _swig_repr(self):
00058     try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
00059     except: strthis = ""
00060     return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
00062 try:
00063     _object = object
00064     _newclass = 1
00065 except AttributeError:
00066     class _object : pass
00067     _newclass = 0
00070 class imagertask(_object):
00071     """Proxy of C++ casac::imagertask class"""
00072     __swig_setmethods__ = {}
00073     __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, imagertask, name, value)
00074     __swig_getmethods__ = {}
00075     __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, imagertask, name)
00076     __repr__ = _swig_repr
00077     def __init__(self): 
00078         """__init__(self) -> imagertask"""
00079         this = _imagertask.new_imagertask()
00080         try: self.this.append(this)
00081         except: self.this = this
00082     __swig_destroy__ = _imagertask.delete_imagertask
00083     __del__ = lambda self : None;
00084     def clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
00085         """
00086         clean(self, vis=string("Unknown"), alg=string("clark"), niter=1000, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, 
00087             residual=std::vector< string >(1, ""), image=std::vector< string >(1, ""), 
00088             model=std::vector< string >(1, ""), mask=std::vector< string >(1, ""), mode=string(""), 
00089             nchan=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), start=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00090             width=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), step=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00091             imsize=initialize_vector(2,(int)128, (int)128), cell=initialize_vector(2,(int)1, (int)1), 
00092             stokes=string("I"), fieldid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00093             spwid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), weighting=string("uniform"), rmode=string("none"), 
00094             robust=0.0)
00096         Summary
00097                 Perform clean operations
00099         Input Parameters:
00100                 vis              name of input visibility file (MS) Unknown 
00101                 alg              Algorithm to use (clark, hogbom, csclean, csfast). Default is clark. clark 
00102                 niter            Number of iterations. Default=1000. 1000 
00103                 gain             The minor iteration loop gain. Default is 0.1. 0.1 
00104                 threshold        Threshold flux level at which to stop cleaning (in Jy). Default is 0.Jy. 0.0 
00105                 residual         name of residual image. Default is model name concatenated with '.residual'. residual 
00106                 image            name of restored image. Default is model name concatenated with '.restored'. restored 
00107                 model            name of model image. No value. 
00108                 mask             name of mask image. No value. 
00109                 mode             Type of processing (channel or velocity) 
00110                 nchan            With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00111                 start            With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00112                 width            With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00113                 step             With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00114                 imsize           The size of the output image (pixels). 128 128 
00115                 cell             The image cell size (arcseconds). 1 1 
00116                 stokes           Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV I 
00117                 fieldid          Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids. 1 
00118                 spwid            Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids. 1 
00119                 weighting        Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform. uniform 
00120                 rmode            Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'. none 
00121                 robust           Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0. 0.0 
00123         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00125         """
00126         return _imagertask.imagertask_clean(self, *args, **kwargs)
00128     def feather(self, *args, **kwargs):
00129         """
00130         feather(self, vis=string(""), featherimage=string(""), highres=string(""), lowres=string(""), lowpsf=string(""))
00132         Summary
00133                 Perform feather operation
00135         Input Parameters:
00136                 vis              name of input visibility file (MS) 
00137                 featherimage     name of output image 
00138                 highres          name of high resolution (interferometer) image 
00139                 lowres           name of low resolution (single dish) image 
00140                 lowpsf           image of the single dish beam 
00142         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00144         """
00145         return _imagertask.imagertask_feather(self, *args, **kwargs)
00147     def invert(self, *args, **kwargs):
00148         """
00149         invert(self, vis=string(""), map=string(""), beam=string(""), mode=string(""), nchan=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00150             start=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), width=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00151             step=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), imsize=initialize_vector(2,(int)128, (int)128), 
00152             cell=initialize_vector(2,(int)1, (int)1), stokes=string("I"), 
00153             fieldid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), spwid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00154             weighting=string("uniform"), rmode=string("none"), robust=0.0)
00156         Summary
00157                 Perform invert operation
00159         Input Parameters:
00160                 vis              name of input visibility file (MS) 
00161                 map              name of output dirty map (image) 
00162                 beam             name of output beam file (image) 
00163                 mode             Type of processing (channel or velocity) 
00164                 nchan            With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00165                 start            With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00166                 width            With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00167                 step             With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00168                 imsize           The size of the output image (pixels). 128 128 
00169                 cell             The image cell size (arcseconds). 1 1 
00170                 stokes           Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV I 
00171                 fieldid          Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids. 1 
00172                 spwid            Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids. 1 
00173                 weighting        Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform. uniform 
00174                 rmode            Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'. none 
00175                 robust           Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0. 0.0 
00177         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00179         """
00180         return _imagertask.imagertask_invert(self, *args, **kwargs)
00182     def mosaic(self, *args, **kwargs):
00183         """
00184         mosaic(self, vis=string(""), alg=string("mfclark"), niter=1000, gain=0.1, threshold=0.0, residual=std::vector< string >(1, ""), 
00185             image=std::vector< string >(1, ""), model=std::vector< string >(1, ""), 
00186             mask=std::vector< string >(1, ""), mode=string(""), 
00187             gridfn=string("SF"), grid=string("mosaic"), nchan=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00188             start=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), width=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00189             step=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), imsize=initialize_vector(2,(int)128, (int)128), 
00190             cell=initialize_vector(2,(int)1, (int)1), stokes=string("I"), 
00191             fieldid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), reffieldid=1, spwid=initialize_vector(1, (int)1), 
00192             weighting=string("uniform"), mosweight=string("T"), rmode=string("none"), 
00193             robust=0.0, minpb=0.1, scaletype=string("NONE"), stoplargenegatives=-1, 
00194             cyclefactor=1.5, cyclespeedup=2.0)
00196         Summary
00197                 Perform mosaic operation
00199         Input Parameters:
00200                 vis              name of input visibility file (MS) 
00201                 alg              Algorithm to use (mfclark,mfhogbom). Default is 'mfclark'. mfclark 
00202                 niter            Number of iterations. Default=1000. 1000 
00203                 gain             The minor iteration loop gain. Default is 0.1. 0.1 
00204                 threshold        Threshold flux level at which to stop cleaning (in Jy). Default is 0.Jy. 0.0 
00205                 residual         name of residual image. Default is model name concatenated with '.residual'. residual 
00206                 image            name of restored image. Default is model name concatenated with '.restored'. restored 
00207                 model            name of model image. No value. 
00208                 mask             name of mask image. No value. 
00209                 mode             Type of processing (channel or velocity) 
00210                 gridfn           Type of gridding function (spheroidal wave, box car, primary beam SF 
00211                 grid             Type of gridding mosaic or ft (standard interferometry) mosaic 
00212                 nchan            With mode, this defines the number of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00213                 start            With mode, this defines the starting channel for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00214                 width            With mode, this defines the width of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00215                 step             With mode, this defines the step of channels for mapping of visibilities to image channels 1 
00216                 imsize           The size of the output image (pixels). 128 128 
00217                 cell             The image cell size (arcseconds). 1 1 
00218                 stokes           Stokes params to image. Default is 'I'. Allowed: I, IV, IQU, IQUV I 
00219                 fieldid          Field IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available field ids. 1 
00220                 reffieldid       Reference Field IDs to use. Default is 1. 1 
00221                 spwid            Spectral Window IDs to include. Default is 1. Allows a vector of available spectral window ids. 1 
00222                 weighting        Type of weighting (natural, uniform, briggs, radial). Default is uniform. uniform 
00223                 mosweight        Type of weighting used for the mosaic. T means that each field will be weighted individually. T 
00224                 rmode            Mode of Briggs weighting ('norm', 'abs', 'none'). Default is 'none'. none 
00225                 robust           Parameter in briggs weighting. Range -2.0 to 2.0. Default is 0.0. 0.0 
00226                 minpb            Minimum PB level to use. Default is 0.1. 0.1 
00227                 scaletype        Image plane flux scale type ('NONE', 'SAULT'). Default is 'NONE'. NONE 
00228                 stoplargenegatives       Stop large negatives. Default=-1. -1 
00229                 cyclefactor      Cycle factor. Default=1.5. 1.5 
00230                 cyclespeedup     Cycle speedup. Default=2. 2.0 
00232         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00234         """
00235         return _imagertask.imagertask_mosaic(self, *args, **kwargs)
00237 imagertask_swigregister = _imagertask.imagertask_swigregister
00238 imagertask_swigregister(imagertask)
00240 # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.