casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from  casac import *
00009 import string
00010 from taskinit import casalog
00011 #from taskmanager import tm
00012 import task_imcontsub
00013 def imcontsub(imagename='', linefile='', contfile='', fitorder=0, region='', box='', chans='', stokes=''):
00015         """Estimates and subtracts continuum emission from an image cube
00017   For each (x, y) column in imagename (or a subset selected by region and/or
00018   box), this estimates the continuum by fitting a polynomial to one or more
00019   subsets of the channels.  The continuum estimate is saved in contfile, and
00020   subtracted from imagename (or its subset) to make a spectral line estimate,
00021   which is saved in linefile.
00026   Keyword arguments:
00027   imagename -- Input image cube
00028     Default: none; Example: imagename=''
00029   linefile -- Name of output spectral line cube
00030     Default: none; Example: outline=''
00031   contfile -- Name of output continuum cube
00032     Default: none; Example: contfile=''
00033   fitorder -- Polynomial order for the continuum estimation.
00034     Default: 0; Example fitorder=2
00035   region -- ImageRegion file to select a portion of the cube for output.
00036     Default: '' (= everything)
00037     Example: region=''
00038              region='region1'
00039     Use the viewer on the image cube to define the continuum
00040     regions.  This is more general than box but still experimental.
00041     N.B. This is NOT for selecting a subset of the input for
00042          fitting the continuum!  Only pixels that are in region
00043          will be considered, however.
00045   box --  A [blcx, blcy, trcx, trcy] region on the directional plane for
00046           selecting a subset for output.
00047           ONLY pixel values are acceptable at this time.
00048           Default: none (whole 2-D plane); Example: box='10,10,50,50'
00049           N.B. This is NOT for selecting a subset of the input for
00050                fitting the continuum!  Only pixels that are in region
00051                will be considered, however.
00052   chans -- line-free channel numbers to fit the continuum to.
00053            N.B.: This is currently the _only_ way to specify what is
00054                  continuum vs. line emission.
00055            ONLY channel numbers accepted at this time, i.e. there is no
00056            'spw:' as in the spw parameter of other tasks.  For
00057            a multi-spw image, the channelization must be the same for all.
00058            Default: '' (all)
00059            Example: chans='3~6;>40'
00060   stokes -- Stokes parameters to image, may or may not be separated
00061             by commas but best if you use commas.
00062             Default: none (all); Example: stokes='IQUV';
00063             Options: 'I','Q','U','V','RR','RL','LR','LL','XX','YX','XY','YY', ... 
00067         """
00069 #
00070 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00071 #
00072         mytmp = {}
00074         mytmp['imagename'] = imagename
00075         mytmp['linefile'] = linefile
00076         mytmp['contfile'] = contfile
00077         mytmp['fitorder'] = fitorder
00078         mytmp['region'] = region
00079         mytmp['box'] = box
00080         mytmp['chans'] = chans
00081         mytmp['stokes'] = stokes
00082         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00083         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'imcontsub.xml')
00085         casalog.origin('imcontsub')
00086         if trec.has_key('imcontsub') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['imcontsub']) :
00087             result = task_imcontsub.imcontsub(imagename, linefile, contfile, fitorder, region, box, chans, stokes)
00089         else :
00090           result = False
00091         return result