casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2008, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from casac import *
00009 import string
00010 import time
00011 import inspect
00012 import gc
00013 import numpy
00014 from odict import odict
00015 from task_importasdm import importasdm
00016 from task_importasdm import casalog
00018 class importasdm_pg_:
00019     __name__ = "importasdm"
00021     def __init__(self) :
00022        self.__bases__ = (importasdm_pg_,)
00023        self.__doc__ = self.__call__.__doc__
00026     def __call__(self, asdm=None, vis=None, singledish=None, antenna=None, corr_mode=None, srt=None, time_sampling=None, ocorr_mode=None, compression=None, asis=None, wvr_corrected_data=None, scans=None, ignore_time=None, process_syspower=None, process_caldevice=None, process_pointing=None, process_flags=None, tbuff=None, applyflags=None, savecmds=None, outfile=None, verbose=None, overwrite=None, showversion=None, useversion=None, async=None):
00028         """Convert an ALMA Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility file (MS) or single-dish data format (Scantable)                         
00029 Keyword arguments:
00030 asdm -- Name of input ASDM file (directory)
00031         default: none; example: asdm='ExecBlock3'
00033 vis       -- Root ms or scantable name, note a prefix (.ms or .asap) is NOT appended to this name
00034              default: none
00036 singledish   -- Set True to write data as single-dish format (Scantable)
00037                 default: False
00039             >>> singledish expandable parameter
00040                  antenna -- antenna name or id.
00042 corr_mode -- correlation mode to be considered on input. Could
00043              be one or more of the following, ao, co, ac, or all
00044              default: 'all'
00046 srt       -- spectral resolution type. Could be one or more of
00047              the following, fr, ca, bw, or all
00048              default: 'all'
00050 time_sampling -- specifies the time sampling, INTEGRATION and/or
00051                  SUBINTEGRAION. could be one or more of the following
00052                  i, si, or all.
00053                  default: 'all'
00055 ocorr_mode    -- output data for correlation mode AUTO_ONLY 
00056                  (ao) or CROSS_ONLY (co) or CROSS_AND_AUTO (ca)
00057                  default: 'ca'
00060 compression  -- produces comrpressed columns in the resulting measurement set.
00061                 default: False
00064 asis         --  creates verbatim copies of the ASDM tables in 
00065                  the output measurement set. The value given to
00066                  this option must be a list of table names separated
00067                  by space characters; the wildcard character '*' is 
00068                  allowed in table names.
00069                 default: none
00071 wvr_corrected_data -- specifies wich values are considered in the 
00072                       ASDM binary data to fill the DATA column in 
00073                       the MAIN table of the MS. Expected values for 
00074                       this option are 'no' for the uncorrected data 
00075                       (this is the default), 'yes' for the corrected
00076                       data and 'both' for corrected and uncorrected 
00077                       data. In the latter case, two measurement sets
00078                       are created, one containing the uncorrected 
00079                       data and the other one, whose name is suffixed
00080                       by '-wvr-corrected', containing the corrected 
00081                       data.
00082                   default: 'no'
00084 scans --          processes only the scans specified in the option's value. This value is a semicolon 
00085                   separated list of scan specifications. A scan specification consists in an exec bock index 
00086                   followed by the character ':' followed by a comma separated list of scan indexes or scan 
00087                   index ranges. A scan index is relative to the exec block it belongs to. Scan indexes are 
00088                   1-based while exec blocks's are 0-based. '0:1' or '2:2~6' or '0:1,1:2~6,8;2:,3:24~30' '1,2' 
00089                   are valid values for the option. '3:' alone will be interpreted as 'all the scans of the 
00090                   exec block#3'. An scan index or a scan index range not preceded by an exec block index will
00091                   be interpreted as 'all the scans with such indexes in all the exec blocks'.  By default 
00092                   all the scans are considered.
00093                     default: none (all scans)
00095 ignore_time -- All the rows of the tables Feed, History, Pointing, Source, SysCal, CalDevice, SysPower,
00096                and Weather are processed independently of the time range of the selected exec block / scan.
00097                     default: False
00099 process_syspower -- The SysPower table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True.
00100                     default: True
00102 process_caldevice -- The CalDevice table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True.
00103                     default: True
00105 process_pointing -- The Pointing table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to True.
00106                     default: True
00108 process_flags    -- Create online flags based on the Flag.xml, Antenna.xml and SpectralWindow.xml files
00109                     and copy them to the FLAG_CMD sub-table of the MS. The flags will NOT be applied unless 
00110                     the parameter applyflags is set to True. Optionally, the flags can also be saved to
00111                     an external ASCII file if savecmds is set to True.
00112                     default: True
00114             >>> process_flags expandable parameter
00115                  tbuff   -- Time padding buffer (in seconds)
00116                     default: 0.0
00118                  NOTE: this time is in seconds. You should currently
00119                  set the value of tbuff to be 1.5x the correlator
00120                  integration time if greater than 1 second.  For
00121                  example, if the SDM has integrations of 3 seconds,
00122                  set tbuff=4.5.  Likewise, set tbuff=15.0 for 10-sec
00123                  integrations.
00125                  applyflags -- Apply the online flags to the MS.
00126                  default: False
00129                 savecmds -- Save the flag commands to an ASCII file given by the parameter outfile. 
00130                 default: False
00132                 outfile -- Filename where to save the flag commands.
00133                 default: ' ' --> by default it will save on a filename composed from the MS name.
00134                     Example: vis='', the outfile will be 'uid_A02_cmd.txt'. 
00136                     NOTE: The file is open to save in append mode.
00139 verbose     -- produce log output as asdm2MS is being run
00140                     default: False
00142 showversion -- report the version of the asdm2MS being used.
00143                     default: False
00145 useversion -- Selects the version of asdm2MS to be used (\'v3\' (default, should work for all data))
00146               default: v3
00149         """
00150         a=inspect.stack()
00151         stacklevel=0
00152         for k in range(len(a)):
00153           if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00154                 stacklevel=k
00155                 break
00156         myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00157         myf['__last_task'] = 'importasdm'
00158         myf['taskname'] = 'importasdm'
00159         ###
00160         myf['update_params'](func=myf['taskname'],printtext=False)
00161         ###
00162         ###
00163         #Handle globals or user over-ride of arguments
00164         #
00165         function_signature_defaults=dict(zip(self.__call__.func_code.co_varnames,self.__call__.func_defaults))
00166         useLocalDefaults = False
00168         for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00169                 key,val = item
00170                 keyVal = eval(key)
00171                 if (keyVal == None):
00172                         #user hasn't set it - use global/default
00173                         pass
00174                 else:
00175                         #user has set it - use over-ride
00176                         if (key != 'self') :
00177                            useLocalDefaults = True
00178                         #myf[key]=keyVal
00180         myparams = {}
00181         if useLocalDefaults :
00182            for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00183                key,val = item
00184                keyVal = eval(key)
00185                exec('myparams[key] = keyVal')
00186                if (keyVal == None):
00187                    exec('myparams[key] = '+ key + ' = self.itsdefault(key)')
00188                    keyVal = eval(key)
00189                    if(type(keyVal) == dict) :
00190                       exec('myparams[key] = ' + key + ' = keyVal[len(keyVal)-1][\'value\']')
00192         else :
00193             uselessvariable = None 
00194             myparams['asdm'] = asdm = myf['asdm']
00195             myparams['vis'] = vis = myf['vis']
00196             myparams['singledish'] = singledish = myf['singledish']
00197             myparams['antenna'] = antenna = myf['antenna']
00198             myparams['corr_mode'] = corr_mode = myf['corr_mode']
00199             myparams['srt'] = srt = myf['srt']
00200             myparams['time_sampling'] = time_sampling = myf['time_sampling']
00201             myparams['ocorr_mode'] = ocorr_mode = myf['ocorr_mode']
00202             myparams['compression'] = compression = myf['compression']
00203             myparams['asis'] = asis = myf['asis']
00204             myparams['wvr_corrected_data'] = wvr_corrected_data = myf['wvr_corrected_data']
00205             myparams['scans'] = scans = myf['scans']
00206             myparams['ignore_time'] = ignore_time = myf['ignore_time']
00207             myparams['process_syspower'] = process_syspower = myf['process_syspower']
00208             myparams['process_caldevice'] = process_caldevice = myf['process_caldevice']
00209             myparams['process_pointing'] = process_pointing = myf['process_pointing']
00210             myparams['process_flags'] = process_flags = myf['process_flags']
00211             myparams['tbuff'] = tbuff = myf['tbuff']
00212             myparams['applyflags'] = applyflags = myf['applyflags']
00213             myparams['savecmds'] = savecmds = myf['savecmds']
00214             myparams['outfile'] = outfile = myf['outfile']
00215             myparams['verbose'] = verbose = myf['verbose']
00216             myparams['overwrite'] = overwrite = myf['overwrite']
00217             myparams['showversion'] = showversion = myf['showversion']
00218             myparams['useversion'] = useversion = myf['useversion']
00221         result = None
00223 #
00224 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00225 #
00226         mytmp = {}
00228         mytmp['asdm'] = asdm
00229         mytmp['vis'] = vis
00230         mytmp['singledish'] = singledish
00231         mytmp['antenna'] = antenna
00232         mytmp['corr_mode'] = corr_mode
00233         mytmp['srt'] = srt
00234         mytmp['time_sampling'] = time_sampling
00235         mytmp['ocorr_mode'] = ocorr_mode
00236         mytmp['compression'] = compression
00237         mytmp['asis'] = asis
00238         mytmp['wvr_corrected_data'] = wvr_corrected_data
00239         mytmp['scans'] = scans
00240         mytmp['ignore_time'] = ignore_time
00241         mytmp['process_syspower'] = process_syspower
00242         mytmp['process_caldevice'] = process_caldevice
00243         mytmp['process_pointing'] = process_pointing
00244         mytmp['process_flags'] = process_flags
00245         mytmp['tbuff'] = tbuff
00246         mytmp['applyflags'] = applyflags
00247         mytmp['savecmds'] = savecmds
00248         mytmp['outfile'] = outfile
00249         mytmp['verbose'] = verbose
00250         mytmp['overwrite'] = overwrite
00251         mytmp['showversion'] = showversion
00252         mytmp['useversion'] = useversion
00253         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00254         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'importasdm.xml')
00256         casalog.origin('importasdm')
00257         if not trec.has_key('importasdm') or not casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['importasdm']) :
00258             return False
00261         try :
00262 '')
00263 '##########################################')
00264 '##### Begin Task: importasdm           #####')
00265 '')
00266           result = importasdm(asdm, vis, singledish, antenna, corr_mode, srt, time_sampling, ocorr_mode, compression, asis, wvr_corrected_data, scans, ignore_time, process_syspower, process_caldevice, process_pointing, process_flags, tbuff, applyflags, savecmds, outfile, verbose, overwrite, showversion, useversion)
00267 '')
00268 '##### End Task: importasdm           #####')
00269 '##########################################')
00272 # saveinputs for individule engine has no use
00273 # saveinputs should alos be removed from
00274 #
00275 #
00276 #          saveinputs = myf['saveinputs']
00277 #          saveinputs('importasdm', 'importasdm.last', myparams)
00278 #
00279 #
00280         except Exception, instance:
00281           #print '**** Error **** ',instance
00282           pass
00284         gc.collect()
00285         return result
00286 #
00287 #
00288 ##
00289 #    def paramgui(self, useGlobals=True):
00290 #        """
00291 #        Opens a parameter GUI for this task.  If useGlobals is true, then any relevant global parameter settings are used.
00292 #        """
00293 #        import paramgui
00294 #
00295 #        a=inspect.stack()
00296 #        stacklevel=0
00297 #        for k in range(len(a)):
00298 #          if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00299 #            stacklevel=k
00300 #            break
00301 #        myf = sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00302 #
00303 #        if useGlobals:
00304 #            paramgui.setGlobals(myf)
00305 #        else:
00306 #            paramgui.setGlobals({})
00307 #
00308 #        paramgui.runTask('importasdm', myf['_ip'])
00309 #        paramgui.setGlobals({})
00310 #
00311 #
00312 #
00313 #
00314     def defaults(self, param=None):
00315         a=inspect.stack()
00316         stacklevel=0
00317         for k in range(len(a)):
00318           if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00319                 stacklevel=k
00320                 break
00321         myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00322         a = odict()
00323         a['asdm']  = ''
00324         a['vis']  = ''
00325         a['singledish']  = False
00326         a['corr_mode']  = 'all'
00327         a['srt']  = 'all'
00328         a['time_sampling']  = 'all'
00329         a['ocorr_mode']  = 'ca'
00330         a['compression']  = False
00331         a['asis']  = ''
00332         a['wvr_corrected_data']  = 'no'
00333         a['scans']  = ''
00334         a['ignore_time']  = False
00335         a['process_syspower']  = True
00336         a['process_caldevice']  = True
00337         a['process_pointing']  = True
00338         a['process_flags']  = True
00339         a['verbose']  = False
00340         a['overwrite']  = False
00341         a['showversion']  = False
00342         a['useversion']  = 'v3'
00344         a['async']=False
00345         a['singledish'] = {
00346                     0:{'value':False}, 
00347                     1:odict([{'value':True}, {'antenna':0}])}
00348         a['process_flags'] = {
00349                     0:odict([{'value':True}, {'tbuff':0.0}, {'applyflags':False}, {'savecmds':False}, {'outfile':''}]), 
00350                     1:{'value':False}}
00352 ### This function sets the default values but also will return the list of
00353 ### parameters or the default value of a given parameter
00354         if(param == None):
00355                 myf['__set_default_parameters'](a)
00356         elif(param == 'paramkeys'):
00357                 return a.keys()
00358         else:
00359                 if(a.has_key(param)):
00360                    #if(type(a[param]) == dict) :
00361                    #   return a[param][len(a[param])-1]['value']
00362                    #else :
00363                       return a[param]
00366 #
00367 #
00368     def check_params(self, param=None, value=None):
00369       a=inspect.stack() 
00370       stacklevel=0
00371       for k in range(len(a)):
00372         if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00373             stacklevel=k
00374             break
00375       myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00377 #      print 'param:', param, 'value:', value
00378       try :
00379          if str(type(value)) != "<type 'instance'>" :
00380             value0 = value
00381             value = myf['cu'].expandparam(param, value)
00382             matchtype = False
00383             if(type(value) == numpy.ndarray):
00384                if(type(value) == type(value0)):
00385                   myf[param] = value.tolist()
00386                else:
00387                   #print 'value:', value, 'value0:', value0
00388                   #print 'type(value):', type(value), 'type(value0):', type(value0)
00389                   myf[param] = value0
00390                   if type(value0) != list :
00391                      matchtype = True
00392             else :
00393                myf[param] = value
00394             value = myf['cu'].verifyparam({param:value})
00395             if matchtype:
00396                value = False
00397       except Exception, instance:
00398          #ignore the exception and just return it unchecked
00399          myf[param] = value
00400       return value
00402 #
00403 #
00404     def description(self, key='importasdm', subkey=None):
00405         desc={'importasdm': 'Convert an ALMA Science Data Model observation into a CASA visibility file (MS) or single-dish data format (Scantable)',
00406                'asdm': 'Name of input asdm directory (on disk)',
00407                'vis': 'Root name of the ms to be created. Note the .ms is NOT added ',
00408                'singledish': 'Set true to output single-dish data format ',
00409                'antenna': 'antenna name or id',
00410                'corr_mode': 'specifies the correlation mode to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of ao, co, ac,or all separated by whitespaces is expected',
00411                'srt': 'specifies the spectral resolution type to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of fr, ca, bw, or all separated by whitespaces is expected',
00412                'time_sampling': 'specifies the time sampling (INTEGRATION and/or SUBINTEGRATION)  to be considered on input. A quoted string containing a sequence of i, si, or all separated by whitespaces is expected',
00413                'ocorr_mode': 'output data for correlation mode AUTO_ONLY (ao) or CROSS_ONLY (co) or CROSS_AND_AUTO (ca)',
00414                'compression': 'Flag for turning on data compression',
00415                'asis': 'Creates verbatim copies of the ASDMtables in the ouput measurement set.  Value given must be a string of table names separated by spaces; A * wildcard is allowed.',
00416                'wvr_corrected_data': ' Specifies which values are considerd in the SDM binary data to fill the DATA column in the MAIN table of the MS. Expected values for this option are: no, for uncorrected data (default), yes, for the corrected data, and both, for for corrected and uncorrected data. Note if both is selected two measurement sets are created, one with uncorrected data and the other with corrected data.  ',
00417                'scans': 'processes only the specified scans. This value is a semicolon separated list of scan specifications. A scan specification consists in an exec bock index followed by the : character;  followed by a comma separated list of scan indexes or scan index ranges. A scan index is relative to the exec block it belongs to. Scan indexes are 1-based while exec blocks are 0-based. "0:1" or "2:2~6" or "0:1,1:2~6,8;2:,3:24~30" "1,2" are valid values for the option. "3:" alone will be interpreted as, all the scans of the exec block#3.  An scan index or a scan index range not preceded by an exec block index will be interpreted as, all the scans with such indexes in all the exec blocks.  By default all the scans are considered. ',
00418                'ignore_time': 'All the rows of the tables Feed, History, Pointing, Source, SysCal, CalDevice, SysPower, and Weather are processed independently of the time range of the selected exec block / scan.',
00419                'process_syspower': ' The SysPower table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to true.',
00420                'process_caldevice': ' The CalDevice table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to true.',
00421                'process_pointing': ' The Pointing table is processed if and only if this parameter is set to true.',
00422                'process_flags': ' Create online flags in the FLAG_CMD sub-table.',
00423                'tbuff': ' Time padding buffer (seconds)',
00424                'applyflags': ' Apply the flags to the MS.',
00425                'savecmds': 'Save flag commands to an ASCII file',
00426                'outfile': 'Name of ASCII file to save flag commands',
00427                'verbose': 'Output lots of information while the filler is working',
00428                'overwrite': 'Over write an existing MS',
00429                'showversion': 'Report the version of asdm2MS being used',
00430                'useversion': 'Version of asdm2MS to be used (\'v3\' (default, should work for all data))',
00432                'async': 'If true the taskname must be started using importasdm(...)'
00433               }
00435 #
00436 # Set subfields defaults if needed
00437 #
00439         if(desc.has_key(key)) :
00440            return desc[key]
00442     def itsdefault(self, paramname) :
00443         a = {}
00444         a['asdm']  = ''
00445         a['vis']  = ''
00446         a['singledish']  = False
00447         a['antenna']  = 0
00448         a['corr_mode']  = 'all'
00449         a['srt']  = 'all'
00450         a['time_sampling']  = 'all'
00451         a['ocorr_mode']  = 'ca'
00452         a['compression']  = False
00453         a['asis']  = ''
00454         a['wvr_corrected_data']  = 'no'
00455         a['scans']  = ''
00456         a['ignore_time']  = False
00457         a['process_syspower']  = True
00458         a['process_caldevice']  = True
00459         a['process_pointing']  = True
00460         a['process_flags']  = True
00461         a['tbuff']  = 0.0
00462         a['applyflags']  = False
00463         a['savecmds']  = True
00464         a['outfile']  = ''
00465         a['verbose']  = False
00466         a['overwrite']  = False
00467         a['showversion']  = False
00468         a['useversion']  = 'v3'
00470         if a.has_key(paramname) :
00471               return a[paramname]
00472 importasdm_pg = importasdm_pg_()