casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from  casac import *
00009 import string
00010 from taskinit import casalog
00011 #from taskmanager import tm
00012 import task_imstat
00013 def imstat(imagename='', axes=-1, region='', box='', chans='', stokes='', listit=True, verbose=True, mask='', stretch=False, logfile='', append=True):
00015         """Displays statistical information from an image or image region
00017      Many parameters are determined from the specified region of an image.
00018      For this version, the region can be specified by a set of rectangular
00019      pixel coordinates, the channel ranges and the Stokes.
00021      For directed output, run as 
00022                     myoutput = imstat()
00025 Keyword arguments:
00026 imagename    Name of input image
00027                      Default: none; Example: imagename=''
00028 axes         axes to compute statistics over. -1 => all axes.
00029 region       Region of interest. See help par.region.
00030 box          A box region specified in pixels on the directional plane
00031                      Default: none (whole 2-D plane); 
00032              Example: box='10,10,50,50'
00033              box = '10,10,30,30,35,35,50,50' (two boxes)
00034 chans        Zero based channel numbers
00035                  Range of channel numbers to include in statistics
00036              All spectral windows are included
00037                      Default:''= all;  Example: chans='3~20'    
00038 stokes       Stokes parameters to analyze.
00039              Default: all; Example: stokes='IQUV';  
00040              Example:stokes='I,Q'
00041              Options: 'I','Q','U','V','RR','RL','LR','LL','XX','YX','XY','YY', ...
00042 listit       Print stats and bounding box to logger? 
00043 verbose      Print additional messages to logger?
00044 mask         Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none.
00045 stretch      Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch 
00046 logfile      Name of file to write fit results.
00047 append       If logfile exists, append to it (True) or overwrite it (False).
00050       General procedure:
00052          1.  Specify inputs, then
00054          2.  myoutput = imstat()
00055                or specify inputs directly in calling sequence to task
00056              myoutput = imstat(imagename='', etc)
00058          3.  myoutput['KEYS'] will contain the result associated with any
00059                of the keys given below
00062         blc          - absolute PIXEL coordinate of the bottom left corner of 
00063                        the bounding box surrounding the selected region
00064         blcf         - Same as blc, but uses WORLD coordinates instead of pixels
00065         trc          - the absolute PIXEL coordinate of the top right corner 
00066                        of the bounding box surrounding the selected region
00067         trcf         - Same as trc, but uses WORLD coordinates instead of pixels
00068         flux         - the integrated flux density if the beam is defined and 
00069                        the if brightness units are $Jy/beam$
00070         npts         - the number of unmasked points used
00071         max          - the maximum pixel value
00072         min          - minimum pixel value
00073         maxpos       - absolute PIXEL coordinate of maximum pixel value
00074         maxposf      - Same as maxpos, but uses WORLD coordinates instead of pixels
00075         minpos       - absolute pixel coordinate of minimum pixel value
00076         minposf      - Same as minpos, but uses WORLD coordinates instead of pixels
00077         sum          - the sum of the pixel values: $\sum I_i$
00078         sumsq        - the sum of the squares of the pixel values: $\sum I_i^2$
00079         mean         - the mean of pixel values: 
00080                        $\bar{I} = \sum I_i / n$
00081         sigma        - the standard deviation about the mean: 
00082                        $\sigma^2 = (\sum I_i - \bar{I})^2 / (n-1)$
00083         rms          - the root mean square: 
00084                        $\sqrt {\sum I_i^2 / n}$
00085         median       - the median pixel value
00086         medabsdevmed - the median of the absolute deviations from the 
00087                        median
00088         quartile     - the inter-quartile range. Find the points 
00089                        which are 25% largest and 75% largest (the median is 
00090                        50% largest), find their difference and divide that 
00091                        difference by 2.
00093         Additional Examples
00094         # Selected two box region
00095         # box 1, bottom-left coord is 2,3 and top-right coord is 14,15
00096         # box 2, bottom-left coord is 30,31 and top-right coord is 42,43
00097         imstat( 'myImage', box='2,3,14,15;30,31,42,43' )
00099         # Select the same two box regions but only channels 4 and 5
00100         imstat( 'myImage', box='2,3,14,15;30,31,42,43', chan='4~5' )
00102         # Select all channels greater the 20 as well as channel 0.
00103         # Then the mean and standard deviation are printed
00104         results = imstat( 'myImage', chans='>20;0' )
00105         print "Mean is: ", results['mean'], "  s.d. ", results['sigma']
00107         # Find statistical information for the Q stokes value only
00108         # then the I stokes values only, and printing out the statistical
00109         # values that we are interested in.
00110         s1 = imstat( 'myimage', stokes='Q' )
00111         s2 = imstat( 'myimage', stokes='I' )
00112         print "       |  MIN  |   MAX  | MEAN"
00113         print "  Q    | ",s1['min'][0],"  |  ",s1['max'][0],"  |  ",,"  |  ",s1['mean'][0]
00114         print "  I    | ",s2['min'][0],"  |  ",s2['max'][0],"  |  ",,"  |  ",s2['mean'][0]
00116 # evaluate statistics for each spectral plane in an ra x dec x frequency image
00117 ia.fromshape("", [20,30,40])
00118 # give pixels non-zero values
00119 ia.addnoise()
00120 # These are the display axes, the calculation of statistics occurs
00121 # for each (hyper)plane along axes not listed in the axes parameter,
00122 # in this case axis 2 (the frequency axis)
00123 # display the rms for each frequency plane (your mileage will vary with
00124 # the values).
00125 stats = ia.statistics(axes=[0,1])
00126  stats["rms"]
00127   Out[10]: 
00128 array([ 0.99576014,  1.03813124,  0.97749186,  0.97587883,  1.04189885,
00129         1.03784776,  1.03371549,  1.03153074,  1.00841606,  0.947155  ,
00130         0.97335404,  0.94389403,  1.0010221 ,  0.97151822,  1.03942156,
00131         1.01158476,  0.96957082,  1.04212773,  1.00589049,  0.98696715,
00132         1.00451481,  1.02307892,  1.03102005,  0.97334671,  0.95209879,
00133         1.02088714,  0.96999902,  0.98661619,  1.01039267,  0.96842754,
00134         0.99464947,  1.01536798,  1.02466023,  0.96956468,  0.98090756,
00135         0.9835844 ,  0.95698935,  1.05487967,  0.99846411,  0.99634868])
00139         """
00141 #
00142 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00143 #
00144         mytmp = {}
00146         mytmp['imagename'] = imagename
00147         mytmp['axes'] = axes
00148         mytmp['region'] = region
00149         mytmp['box'] = box
00150         mytmp['chans'] = chans
00151         mytmp['stokes'] = stokes
00152         mytmp['listit'] = listit
00153         mytmp['verbose'] = verbose
00154         mytmp['mask'] = mask
00155         mytmp['stretch'] = stretch
00156         mytmp['logfile'] = logfile
00157         mytmp['append'] = append
00158         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00159         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'imstat.xml')
00161         casalog.origin('imstat')
00162         if trec.has_key('imstat') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['imstat']) :
00163             result = task_imstat.imstat(imagename, axes, region, box, chans, stokes, listit, verbose, mask, stretch, logfile, append)
00165         else :
00166           result = False
00167         return result