casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 # TODO: Add du -sh output after the ms name if use_tb.
00005 # Known bug: if called from outside a casapy session, will bomb
00006 # if the given pathname for currms is too long.  "Too long" is not long enough.
00008 from glob import glob
00009 import locale
00010 import os
00012 def lsms(musthave=[], mspat="*[-_.][Mm][Ss]", combine='or', remind=True,
00013          sortfirst=False):
00014     """
00015     Summarize measurement sets matching certain criteria.
00017     Arguments:
00019     musthave:  A list of columns, subtables, or keywords that must be in the MS.
00020                If [] (default), the list of optional columns, subtables, and
00021                keywords of each MS will be printed.  Any entries will be
00022                internally uppercased.
00024     mspat:     A filename pattern, relative to the current directory, that the
00025                directory names matching of the MSes must match.
00026                Default: '*[-_.][Mm][Ss]'
00027                Tip: Try '**/*.ms' to find *.ms in . and all its subdirectories.
00029     combine :  Controls whether the conditions of musthave are combined with
00030                'or' (default) or 'and'.
00032     remind:    If True (default), print all columns and keywords of optional
00033                subtables, not just the optional ones.
00035     sortfirst: If sortfirst=True, print the matching MSes in alphabetical order.
00036                Otherwise, print each one as soon as it is found.
00038     Note that to fit in better with *sh behavior the argument order is reversed
00039     when calling from a non-python shell.  i.e. if you enter
00040       lsms \*_MS source polarization
00041     in a *sh session, it will run with
00042       mspat='*_MS' and musthave=['SOURCE', 'POLARIZATION'].
00043     (remember to quote wildcards to avoid sh expansion)
00044     """
00045     if type(musthave) == str:
00046         musthave = [s.replace(',', '') for s in musthave.split()]
00048     listall = True
00049     if musthave:
00050         listall = False
00052     msdict, use_tb = matchingMSes(musthave, mspat, combine, remind,
00053                                   not sortfirst, not sortfirst)
00055     if sortfirst:
00056         mses = msdict.keys()
00058         # Do a locale sensitive sort of mses - this and some other niceties were
00059         # cribbed from an implementation by Padraig Brady of ls in python at
00060         #
00061         locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
00062         mses.sort(locale.strcoll)
00064         # have_colors, termwidth = termprops(sys.stdout)
00066         for currms in mses:
00067             print_ms(currms, msdict[currms], listall, use_tb, remind)
00070 def print_ms(currms, msdict, listall=False, use_tb=False, remind=True):
00071     """
00072     Prints the blurb in msdict, which is nominally about currms.
00073     """
00074     currmsstr = ''
00075     if listall:                # List all its optional things
00076         notindefn = []
00077         subtabs = msdict.keys()
00078         subtabs.sort()
00079         for st in subtabs:
00080             ststr = ''
00081             if use_tb:
00082                 if st in mstables['req']:
00083                     optcols = set(msdict[st]['cols']).difference(mstables['req'][st]['req']['cols'])
00084                     if optcols:
00085                         ststr = "    Optional column"
00086                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(optcols)
00088                     optkws = msdict[st]['kws'].difference(mstables['req'][st]['req']['kws'])
00089                     if optkws:
00090                         ststr += "    Optional keyword"
00091                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(optkws)
00093                 elif st in mstables['opt']:
00094                     reqcols = mstables['opt'][st]['req']['cols']
00095                     if remind and reqcols:
00096                         ststr = '    Required column'
00097                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(reqcols)
00099                     optcols = set(msdict[st]['cols']).difference(reqcols)
00100                     if optcols:
00101                         ststr += "    Optional column"
00102                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(optcols)
00104                     reqkws = mstables['opt'][st]['req']['kws']
00105                     if remind and reqkws:
00106                         ststr = '    Required keyword'
00107                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(reqkws)
00109                     optkws = msdict[st]['kws']
00110                     optkws.difference_update(reqkws)
00111                     if optkws:
00112                         ststr += "    Optional keyword"
00113                         ststr += string_from_list_or_set(optkws)
00115                     if not ststr:
00116                         currmsstr += "  " + st + "\n"
00117                 else:
00118                     notindefn.append(st)
00119             elif st not in mstables['req']:
00120                 notindefn.append(st)
00122             if ststr:
00123                 currmsstr += "  " + st + ":\n" + ststr
00125         if notindefn:
00126             notindefn.sort()
00127             if use_tb:
00128                 currmsstr += "  Not in MS def'n V. 2.0: "
00129             currmsstr += ', '.join(notindefn) + "\n"                        
00131     if currmsstr:
00132         if use_tb:
00133             print currms + ":\n" + currmsstr
00134         else:
00135             print currms + ": " + currmsstr.strip()
00136     else:
00137         print currms
00140 def string_from_list_or_set(li):
00141     retstr = ''
00142     if len(li) > 1:
00143         retstr += 's'
00144     li = list(li)
00145     li.sort()
00146     return retstr + ': ' + ', '.join(li) + "\n"
00148 # From MS def'n v. 2,
00149 mstables = {
00150     'req': {'MAIN':             {'req': {'cols': set(['TIME',
00151                                                       'ANTENNA1',
00152                                                       'ANTENNA2',
00153                                                       'FEED1',
00154                                                       'FEED2',
00155                                                       'DATA_DESC_ID',
00156                                                       'PROCESSOR_ID',
00157                                                       'FIELD_ID',
00158                                                       'INTERVAL',
00159                                                       'EXPOSURE',
00160                                                       'TIME_CENTROID',
00161                                                       'SCAN_NUMBER',
00162                                                       'ARRAY_ID',
00163                                                       'OBSERVATION_ID',
00164                                                       'STATE_ID',
00165                                                       'UVW',
00166                                                       'SIGMA',
00167                                                       'WEIGHT',
00168                                                       'FLAG',
00169                                                       'FLAG_CATEGORY',
00170                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00171                                          'kws':  set(['MS_VERSION'])},
00172                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['TIME_EXTRA_PREC',
00173                                                       'ANTENNA3',
00174                                                       'FEED3',
00175                                                       'PHASE_ID',
00176                                                       'PULSAR_BIN',
00177                                                       'PULSAR_GATE_ID',
00178                                                       'BASELINE_REF',
00179                                                       'UVW2',
00180                                                       'DATA',
00181                                                       'MODEL_DATA',
00182                                                       'CORRECTED_DATA',
00183                                                       'FLOAT_DATA',
00184                                                       'VIDEO_POINT',
00185                                                       'LAG_DATA',
00186                                                       'SIGMA_SPECTRUM',
00187                                                       'WEIGHT_SPECTRUM']),
00188                                          'kws':  set(['SORT_COLUMNS',
00189                                                       'SORT_ORDER'])}},
00190             'ANTENNA':          {'req': {'cols': set(['NAME',
00191                                                       'STATION',
00192                                                       'TYPE',
00193                                                       'MOUNT',
00194                                                       'POSITION',
00195                                                       'OFFSET',
00196                                                       'DISH_DIAMETER',
00197                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00198                                          'kws':  set([])},
00199                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['ORBIT_ID',
00200                                                       'MEAN_ORBIT',
00201                                                       'PHASED_ARRAY_ID']),
00202                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00203             'DATA_DESCRIPTION': {'req': {'cols': set(['SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID',
00204                                                       'POLARIZATION_ID',
00205                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00206                                          'kws':  set([])},
00207                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['LAG_ID']),
00208                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00209             'FEED':             {'req': {'cols': set(['ANTENNA_ID',
00210                                                       'FEED_ID',
00211                                                       'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID',
00212                                                       'TIME',
00213                                                       'INTERVAL',
00214                                                       'NUM_RECEPTORS',
00215                                                       'BEAM_ID',
00216                                                       'BEAM_OFFSET',
00217                                                       'POLARIZATION_TYPE',
00218                                                       'POL_RESPONSE',
00219                                                       'POSITION',
00220                                                       'RECEPTOR_ANGLE']),
00221                                          'kws':  set([])},
00222                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['FOCUS_LENGTH',
00223                                                       'PHASED_FEED_ID']),
00224                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00225             'FIELD':            {'req': {'cols': set(['NAME',
00226                                                       'CODE',
00227                                                       'TIME',
00228                                                       'NUM_POLY',
00229                                                       'DELAY_DIR',
00230                                                       'PHASE_DIR',
00231                                                       'REFERENCE_DIR',
00232                                                       'SOURCE_ID',
00233                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00234                                          'kws':  set([])},
00235                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['EPHEMERIS_ID']),
00236                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00237             'FLAG_CMD':         {'req': {'cols': set(['TIME',
00238                                                       'INTERVAL',
00239                                                       'TYPE',
00240                                                       'REASON',
00241                                                       'LEVEL',
00242                                                       'SEVERITY',
00243                                                       'APPLIED',
00244                                                       'COMMAND']),
00245                                          'kws':  set([])},
00246                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00247                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00248             'HISTORY':          {'req': {'cols': set(['TIME',
00249                                                       'OBSERVATION_ID',
00250                                                       'MESSAGE',
00251                                                       'PRIORITY',
00252                                                       'ORIGIN',
00253                                                       'OBJECT_ID',
00254                                                       'APPLICATION',
00255                                                       'CLI_COMMAND',
00256                                                       'APP_PARAMS']),
00257                                          'kws':  set([])},
00258                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00259                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00260             'OBSERVATION':      {'req': {'cols': set(['TELESCOPE_NAME',
00261                                                       'TIME_RANGE',
00262                                                       'OBSERVER',
00263                                                       'LOG',
00264                                                       'SCHEDULE_TYPE',
00265                                                       'SCHEDULE',
00266                                                       'PROJECT',
00267                                                       'RELEASE_DATE',
00268                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00269                                          'kws':  set([])},
00270                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00271                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00272             'POINTING':         {'req': {'cols': set(['ANTENNA_ID',
00273                                                       'TIME',
00274                                                       'INTERVAL',
00275                                                       'NAME',
00276                                                       'NUM_POLY',
00277                                                       'TIME_ORIGIN',
00278                                                       'DIRECTION',
00279                                                       'TARGET',
00280                                                       'TRACKING']),
00281                                          'kws':  set([])},
00282                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['POINTING_OFFSET',
00283                                                       'SOURCE_OFFSET',
00284                                                       'ENCODER',
00285                                                       'POINTING_MODEL_ID',
00286                                                       'ON_SOURCE',
00287                                                       'OVER_THE_TOP']),
00288                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00289             'POLARIZATION':     {'req': {'cols': set(['NUM_CORR',
00290                                                       'CORR_TYPE',
00291                                                       'CORR_PRODUCT',
00292                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00293                                          'kws':  set([])},
00294                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00295                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00296             'PROCESSOR':        {'req': {'cols': set(['TYPE',
00297                                                       'SUB_TYPE',
00298                                                       'TYPE_ID',
00299                                                       'MODE_ID',
00300                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00301                                          'kws':  set([])},
00302                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['PASS_ID']),
00303                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00304             'SPECTRAL_WINDOW':  {'req': {'cols': set(['NUM_CHAN',
00305                                                       'NAME',
00306                                                       'REF_FREQUENCY',
00307                                                       'CHAN_FREQ',
00308                                                       'CHAN_WIDTH',
00309                                                       'MEAS_FREQ_REF',
00310                                                       'EFFECTIVE_BW',
00311                                                       'RESOLUTION',
00312                                                       'TOTAL_BANDWIDTH',
00313                                                       'NET_SIDEBAND',
00314                                                       'IF_CONV_CHAIN',
00315                                                       'FREQ_GROUP',
00316                                                       'FREQ_GROUP_NAME',
00317                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00318                                          'kws':  set([])},
00319                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['BBC_NO',
00320                                                       'BBC_SIDEBAND',
00321                                                       'RECEIVER_ID',
00322                                                       'DOPPLER_ID',
00323                                                       'ASSOC_SPW_ID',
00324                                                       'ASSOC_NATURE']),
00325                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00326             'STATE':            {'req': {'cols': set(['SIG',
00327                                                       'REF',
00328                                                       'CAL',
00329                                                       'LOAD',
00330                                                       'SUB_SCAN',
00331                                                       'OBS_MODE',
00332                                                       'FLAG_ROW']),
00333                                          'kws':  set([])},
00334                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00335                                          'kws':  set([])}}
00336             },
00337     'opt': {'DOPPLER':          {'req': {'cols': set(['DOPPLER_ID',
00338                                                       'SOURCE_ID',
00339                                                       'TRANSITION_ID',
00340                                                       'VELDEF']),
00341                                          'kws':  set([])},
00342                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00343                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00344             'FREQ_OFFSET':      {'req': {'cols': set(['ANTENNA1',
00345                                                       'ANTENNA2',
00346                                                       'FEED_ID',
00347                                                       'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID',
00348                                                       'TIME',
00349                                                       'INTERVAL',
00350                                                       'OFFSET']),
00351                                          'kws':  set([])},
00352                                  'opt': {'cols': set([]),
00353                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00354             'SOURCE':           {'req': {'cols': set(['SOURCE_ID',
00355                                                       'TIME',
00356                                                       'INTERVAL',
00357                                                       'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID',
00358                                                       'NUM_LINES',
00359                                                       'NAME',
00360                                                       'CALIBRATION_GROUP',
00361                                                       'CODE',
00362                                                       'DIRECTION',
00363                                                       'PROPER_MOTION']),
00364                                          'kws':  set([])},
00365                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['POSITION',
00366                                                       'TRANSITION',
00367                                                       'REST_FREQUENCY',
00368                                                       'SYSVEL',
00369                                                       'SOURCE_MODEL',
00370                                                       'PULSAR_ID']),
00371                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00372             'SYSCAL':           {'req': {'cols': set(['ANTENNA_ID',
00373                                                       'FEED_ID',
00374                                                       'SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID',
00375                                                       'TIME',
00376                                                       'INTERVAL']),
00377                                          'kws':  set([])},
00378                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['PHASE_DIFF',
00379                                                       'TCAL',
00380                                                       'TRX',
00381                                                       'TSKY',
00382                                                       'TSYS',
00383                                                       'TANT',
00384                                                       'TANT_TSYS',
00385                                                       'TCAL_SPECTRUM',
00386                                                       'TRX_SPECTRUM',
00387                                                       'TSKY_SPECTRUM',
00388                                                       'TSYS_SPECTRUM',
00389                                                       'TANT_SPECTRUM',
00390                                                       'TANT_TSYS_SPECTRUM',
00391                                                       'PHASE_DIFF_FLAG',
00392                                                       'TCAL_FLAG',
00393                                                       'TRX_FLAG',
00394                                                       'TSKY_FLAG',
00395                                                       'TSYS_FLAG',
00396                                                       'TANT_FLAG',
00397                                                       'TANT_TSYS_FLAG']),
00398                                          'kws':  set([])}},
00399             'WEATHER':          {'req': {'cols': set(['ANTENNA_ID',
00400                                                       'TIME',
00401                                                       'INTERVAL']),
00402                                          'kws':  set([])},
00403                                  'opt': {'cols': set(['H2O',
00404                                                       'IONOS_ELECTRON',
00405                                                       'PRESSURE',
00406                                                       'REL_HUMIDITY',
00407                                                       'TEMPERATURE',
00408                                                       'DEW_POINT',
00409                                                       'WIND_DIRECTION',
00410                                                       'WIND_SPEED',
00411                                                       'H2O_FLAG',
00412                                                       'IONOS_ELECTRON_FLAG',
00413                                                       'PRESSURE_FLAG',
00414                                                       'REL_HUMIDITY_FLAG',
00415                                                       'TEMPERATURE_FLAG',
00416                                                       'DEW_POINT_FLAG',
00417                                                       'WIND_DIRECTION_FLAG',
00418                                                       'WIND_SPEED_FLAG']),
00419                                          'kws':  set([])}}
00420             }
00421     }
00423 possible_subtables = set(mstables['req'].keys() + mstables['opt'].keys())
00426 def find_needed_items(musthave=set([]), listall=False):
00427     """
00428     Given the set of "must have" items, fill out needed_subtables and needed_items,
00429     and determine whether or not to use tb.
00430     """
00431     #print "musthave =", ", ".join(musthave)
00432     #print "listall =", listall
00434     needed_subtables = musthave.intersection(possible_subtables)
00435     needed_items = {'anywhere': set([])}  # cols and keywords
00436     for mh in musthave:
00437         mhparts = mh.split('/')
00438         if len(mhparts) > 1:
00439             if not needed_items.has_key(mhparts[0]):
00440                 needed_items[mhparts[0]] = set([mhparts[1]])
00441             else:
00442                 needed_items.add(mhparts[1])           
00443             if mhparts[0] != 'MAIN':
00444                 needed_subtables.add(mhparts[0])
00445         elif mh not in possible_subtables:
00446             needed_items['anywhere'].add(mh)
00448     use_tb = False
00449     need_tb = musthave.difference(needed_subtables)
00450     mytb = None
00451     if need_tb or listall:
00452         try:
00453             use_tb = hasattr(tb, 'colnames')
00454             mytb = tb
00455         except:
00456             try:
00457                 try:
00458                     from  casac import *
00459                 except:
00460                     casacpath = glob(os.sep.join(os.environ["CASAPATH"].split() +
00461                                                  ['python', '2.*']))  # devs
00462                     casacpath.sort()
00463                     casacpath.reverse()
00464                     casacpath.extend(glob(os.sep.join([os.environ["CASAPATH"].split()[0],
00465                                                        'lib', 'python2.*'])))  # users
00466                     #print "casacpath =", "\n".join(casacpath)
00467                     import sys
00468                     sys.path.extend(casacpath)
00469                     import casac
00470                 ## from taskutil import get_global_namespace
00471                 ## my_globals = get_global_namespace()
00472                 ## tb = my_globals['tb']
00473                 #from casa import table as tb
00474                 mytb = casac.table()
00475                 use_tb = hasattr(mytb, 'colnames')
00476             except:
00477                 print "Could not find the tb tool.  Try running inside a casapy session or setting PYTHONPATH to /usr/lib/casapy/.../lib/python2.*."
00478         if need_tb and not use_tb:
00479             print "Removing", ', '.join(need_tb), "from the criteria for matching."
00480             musthave.difference_update(need_tb)
00482     return needed_subtables, needed_items, use_tb, mytb
00486 def matchingMSes(musthave=[], mspat="*.ms", combine='or', doprint=False,
00487                  freemem=False, remind=True):
00488     """
00489     Returns a dict of MSes that match musthave and mspat as in
00490     lsms(musthave, mspat, combine, sortfirst, remind), and whether or not it
00491     found the tb tool.
00493     If doprint=False a blurb about each ms will be printed as it is found,
00494     using remind as in lsms().
00496     If freemem=True the return dict will NOT be updated.  Note that usually
00497     you want freemem == doprint.
00498     """
00500     holderdict = {'musthave': set([s.upper() for s in musthave]),
00501                   'mspat':    mspat,
00502                   'msdict':   {},
00503                   'use_and':  combine.lower() == 'and',
00504                   'use_tb':   None,
00505                   'listall':  False,
00506                   'doprint':  doprint,
00507                   'remind':   remind}
00509     if not musthave:
00510         holderdict['listall'] = True
00511         holderdict['use_and'] = False
00513     nsit = find_needed_items(holderdict['musthave'], holderdict['listall'])
00514     holderdict['needed_subtables'] = nsit[0]
00515     holderdict['needed_items']     = nsit[1]
00516     holderdict['use_tb']           = nsit[2]
00517     holderdict['mytb']             = nsit[3]
00519     splitatdoubleglob = mspat.split('**/')
00520     if len(splitatdoubleglob) > 1:
00521         if splitatdoubleglob[0] == '':
00522             splitatdoubleglob[0] = '.'
00523         holderdict['mspat'] = splitatdoubleglob[1]
00524         os.path.walk(splitatdoubleglob[0], checkMSes, holderdict)
00525     else:
00526         checkMSes(holderdict, '', [])
00528     return holderdict['msdict'], holderdict['use_tb']
00531 def checkMSes(holderdict, dir, files):
00532     """
00533     Updates holderdict['msdict'] with a list of MSes in dir that match
00534     holderdict['musthave'] and holderdict['mspat'] as in
00535     lsms(musthave, mspat, combine, sortfirst, remind).
00537     If holderdict['doprint']=True a blurb about each ms will be printed as
00538     it is found, using holderdict['remind'] like remind in lsms().
00540     If holderdict['freemem']=True holderdict['msdict'] will NOT be updated.
00541     Note that usually you want holderdict['freemem'] == holderdict['doprint'].
00542     """        
00543     # Yup, ignore files.  It's just a os.path.walk()ism.
00544     mses = glob(os.path.join(dir, holderdict['mspat']))
00546     musthave = holderdict.get('musthave', set([]))
00547     use_and = holderdict.get('use_and', False)
00548     listall = holderdict.get('listall', False)
00550     if holderdict.get('freemem'):
00551         retval = {}
00552     else:
00553         if not holderdict.get('msdict'):   # Initialize it so retval
00554             holderdict['msdict'] = {}      # can be tied to it.
00555         retval = holderdict['msdict']
00557     needed_subtables = holderdict.get('needed_subtables', set([]))
00558     needed_items = holderdict.get('needed_items', {})
00559     use_tb  = holderdict.get('use_tb', False)
00561     if holderdict.get('mytb'):
00562         tb = holderdict['mytb']
00564     for currms in mses:
00565         if currms[:2] == './':  # strip off leading ./, if present.
00566             currms = currms[2:]    # cosmetic.
00568         retval[currms] = {'MAIN': {}}
00569         keep_currms = listall
00571         subtabs = glob(currms + '/[A-Z]*')
00572         subtabs = set([s.replace(currms + '/', '', 1) for s in subtabs])
00573         for s in subtabs:
00574             retval[currms][s] = {}
00576         if needed_subtables:
00577             if use_and:
00578                 keep_currms = needed_subtables.issubset(subtabs)
00579             elif needed_subtables.intersection(subtabs):
00580                 keep_currms = True
00582         if use_tb and (keep_currms or listall or (not use_and)):
00583             subtabs_to_check = needed_subtables
00584             if listall or needed_items['anywhere']:
00585                 subtabs_to_check = subtabs
00587             if listall or needed_items['anywhere'] or needed_items['MAIN']:
00588                 # Start with MAIN
00589                 try:
00591                 except Exception, e:
00592                     # Typically if we are here currms is too malformed for
00593                     # tb to handle, and e is usually "currms does not exist",
00594                     # which is usually incorrect.
00595                     #print "mses =", ", ".join(mses)
00596                     if str(e)[-15:] == " does not exist":
00597                         print "tb could not open", currms
00598                     else:
00599                         print "Error", e, "from", currms, ")"
00600                     break
00602                 retval[currms]['MAIN']['cols'] = tb.colnames()
00603                 kws = set(tb.keywordnames())
00604                 retval[currms]['MAIN']['kws'] = kws.difference(possible_subtables)
00605                 tb.close()
00607                 if not listall:
00608                     mainitems = set(retval[currms]['MAIN']['cols'])
00609                     mainitems.update(retval[currms]['MAIN']['kws'])
00610                     if use_and:
00611                         keep_currms = needed_items['MAIN'].issubset(mainitems)
00612                     elif not keep_currms:
00613                         my_needed_items = set(needed_items.get('MAIN', []))
00614                         my_needed_items.update(needed_items.get('anywhere', []))
00615                         if my_needed_items.intersection(mainitems):
00616                             keep_currms = True
00618             for st in subtabs_to_check:
00619                 stdir = currms + '/' + st
00620                 if os.path.isdir(stdir):
00622                     retval[currms][st]['cols'] = tb.colnames()
00623                     retval[currms][st]['kws'] = set(tb.keywordnames())
00624                     tb.close()
00625                     if not listall:
00626                         stitems = set(retval[currms][st]['cols'])
00627                         stitems.update(retval[currms][st]['kws'])
00628                         if use_and:
00629                             keep_currms = needed_items[st].issubset(stitems)
00630                             if not keep_currms:
00631                                 break
00632                         elif not keep_currms:
00633                             my_needed_items = set(needed_items.get(st, []))
00634                             my_needed_items.update(needed_items.get('anywhere', []))
00635                             if my_needed_items.intersection(stitems):
00636                                 keep_currms = True
00637                 elif st in needed_subtables:
00638                     keep_currms = False
00639                     break
00641         if not keep_currms:
00642             del retval[currms]
00643         elif holderdict.get('doprint'):
00644             print_ms(currms, retval[currms], listall, use_tb, holderdict['remind'])
00647 # following, sort of, from Python cookbook, #475186
00648 def termprops(stream):
00649     """
00650     Return whether or not stream supports colors, and a guess at its number of
00651     columns (in characters).
00652     """
00653     have_colors = False
00654     termwidth   = 80
00655     if hasattr(stream, "isatty") and stream.isatty():
00656         try:
00657             import curses
00658             curses.setupterm()
00659             termwidth = curses.tigetnum('cols')
00660             if curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2:
00661                 have_colors = True
00662         except:
00663             pass
00664     return have_colors, termwidth
00666 # Even more things came from a similar ls in python by C. Blake,
00667 #
00668 # (I did do this in perl as a postdoc.)
00670 def rowscols(n, nc):                    ### handle ceil(n/nc) assignment
00671     div, mod = divmod(n, nc)
00672     return div + (mod != 0), nc
00674 if __name__ == '__main__':
00675     import sys
00676     mspat = '*.ms'
00677     musthave = []
00678     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
00679         mspat = sys.argv[1]
00680         musthave = sys.argv[2:]
00681     lsms(musthave, mspat)