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namespace  ngc4826_tutorial


string ngc4826_tutorial.prefix
 Clear out previous run results.
string ngc4826_tutorial.msfile
string ngc4826_tutorial.concatvis
 N4826 - BIMA SONG Data 16apr98 source=ngc4826 phasecal=1310+323 fluxcal=3c273, Flux = 23 Jy on 16apr98 passcal= none - data were observed with online bandpass correction.
string ngc4826_tutorial.freqtol
string ngc4826_tutorial.vis
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.spwid
string ngc4826_tutorial.averagemode
 16 APR Calibration
string ngc4826_tutorial.selectplot
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.user_check
 Plot calibration.
string ngc4826_tutorial.spw
 Flag end channels.
string ngc4826_tutorial.timerange
string ngc4826_tutorial.comment
 Some example clean-up editing Slightly high almost-edge channel in field='1', spw='4' (channel 2) can be flagged interactively with plotxy.
string ngc4826_tutorial.field
string ngc4826_tutorial.refant
string ngc4826_tutorial.solint
string ngc4826_tutorial.fluxtable
 Transfer the flux density scale:
string ngc4826_tutorial.reference
float ngc4826_tutorial.gaincurve
string ngc4826_tutorial.gaintable
list ngc4826_tutorial.spwmap
string ngc4826_tutorial.outputvis
 Check calibrated data.
string ngc4826_tutorial.datacolumn
string ngc4826_tutorial.imagename
 print '--Clearcal (split data)--'
list ngc4826_tutorial.cell
string ngc4826_tutorial.mode
 Manually correct for mosaic response pattern using .image/.flux images.
string ngc4826_tutorial.psfmode
float ngc4826_tutorial.cyclefactor
float ngc4826_tutorial.minpb
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.srcstat
 Statistics on clean image cube.
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.offstat
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.offlinestat
string ngc4826_tutorial.expr
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.pbcorstat
 Statistics on PBcor image cube.
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.pbcoroffstat
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.pbcorofflinestat
string ngc4826_tutorial.momfile
 Do zeroth and first moments.
string ngc4826_tutorial.momzeroimage
string ngc4826_tutorial.momoneimage
int ngc4826_tutorial.moments
string ngc4826_tutorial.chans
string ngc4826_tutorial.outfile
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.momzerostat
 Statistics on moment images.
tuple ngc4826_tutorial.momonestat
list ngc4826_tutorial.im_srcmax16
 An alternative is to mask the pbcor image before calculating moments.
list ngc4826_tutorial.im_offrms16
list ngc4826_tutorial.im_offlinerms16
list ngc4826_tutorial.thistest_immax
list ngc4826_tutorial.thistest_imrms