casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 from taskinit import *
00002 from getazel import *
00003 import pylab as pl
00004 import os
00005 import datetime
00006 from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter
00007 # plotting azimuth and elevation of source(s)
00009 def plotsrcazel(planet='', srcfile='', date='', obs='ALMA', plotsun=False, plottype='', saveplot='', elimit='3.0deg'):
00010     '''
00011     plot Azimuth/elevation track of a source (or list of sources)
00012     on given date. For solar system objects known to Measures(this excludes minor planets, Jovian moons, etc), 
00013     name is sufficient but for other sources
00014     RAs and Decs are required. 
00015      (requires
00017     Input:
00018     planet - a planet (optional)
00019     srcfile - (optional) An ascii file with source_name coordinates (J2000) seperated by
00020               a white space. A line with '#' will be skipped.
00021               The solar system can also be include without coodinates. 
00023               0423-013 4h23m0s -1d20m0s
00024               #3c273 12h29m0s 2d3m0s
00025               3c279 12h56m0s -5d47m0s
00026               Mars
00028     date - 'YYYY/MM/DD' if not specified it will be prompted to enter later
00029     obs  - observatory name (ALMA,EVLA,etc)
00030     plotsun - True will plot the Sun also
00031     plottype - Az, El, or both (if left blank it will ask to enter later)
00032     saveplot - save to the plot to ps file with the name specified in this paramter
00033     elimit - draw horizontal line to indicate elevation limit. 
00035     Examples:
00036         plotsrcazel('Uranus')  # enter date, plottype when prompted
00037         plotsrcazel(planet='Uranus', date='2012/06/01', plottype='both') 
00038         plotsrcazel(planet='Uranus', srcfile='calandtarget.txt')    #plot Uranus and sources defined
00039                                                                     # in calandtarget.txt
00041     version 2012.04.20  TT
00042     '''
00045     #def plotazel(date=''):
00046     # date = '2010/02/01'
00047     inpd =""
00048     if date=='':
00049       inpd=raw_input('date? YYYY/MM/DD or hit return to use today\'s date:')
00050       if inpd == "":
00051         date=qa.time('today', form=['ymd','no_time'])
00052       else:    
00053         date=inpd
00054     else:
00055       date=date
00056     print "Use date:", date
00058     intz=raw_input('Show in UTC, CLT,or LST? ')
00059     tz='UTC' 
00060     if intz!='':
00061       check_intz = [intz.upper()==tl for tl in ['UTC','CLT','LST']]
00062       if not any(check_intz):
00063          raise Exception, "Input error: should be 'UTC','CLT',or 'LST'"
00064       tz=intz.upper()
00066     # read source list from a file 
00067     if srcfile!="":
00068        if not os.path.exists(srcfile):
00069           raise IOError, "%s does not exist!" % srcfile
00070        readfromfile = True
00071     else:
00072        readfromfile = False
00073     insrc = True 
00074     # plot planets
00076     plotplanets=False
00077     if planet!='':
00078       for ksrc in knownsrcs:
00079         if planet.upper() == ksrc:
00080           plotplanets= True
00081     #plotplanets = True
00083     if plottype=='':
00084         # default plottype
00085         #plottype='az'
00086         plottype='both'
00088         inptype=raw_input('plot type? (el, az, or both):')
00090         if inptype=='el' or inptype=='az':
00091             plottype=inptype
00094     #observatory
00095     # should work any observatory name in 
00096     # me.obslist()
00097     #obs='ALMA'
00098     #obs='VLA'
00099     #obs='NRO'
00100     if obs.upper()=='ALMA':
00101         elimit_hard=3.0
00102     else:
00103         elimit_hard=0.0
00104     #user specified EL limit (draws horizontal line)        
00105     elimitv=qa.quantity(elimit)['value']
00107     # source list from a file or use hardcoded one in here
00108     # or can be read from source in casa database
00109     # (but maybe they are mostly northern hemisphere soruces???)
00111     # read calibrator list as a file
00112     # format 
00113     # name ra dec 
00114     # 0522-364 5h23m0s -36d28m0s
00115     #
00116     #
00117     srclist={}
00118     srclist['name']=[]
00119     srclist['ra']=[]
00120     srclist['dec']=[]
00122     if readfromfile:
00123         f = open('calibrators.list','r')
00124         while f:
00125             ln = f.readline()
00126             if len(ln) ==0:
00127                 break
00128             if ln.rfind('#')==0:
00129                # skip comment 
00130                pass
00131             else:
00132                #(name,ra,dec) = ln.split()
00133                src = ln.split()
00134                if len(src)==3:
00135                  srclist['name'].append(src[0])
00136                  srclist['ra'].append(src[1])
00137                  srclist['dec'].append(src[2])
00138                elif len(src)==1:
00139                  # this part still does not work (need to modify getazel) 
00140                  knownEphemSrcs=me.listcodes(me.direction())['extra'].tolist()
00141                  if any(i == src[0].upper() for i in knownEphemSrcs):
00142                    srclist['name'].append(src[0])
00143                    srclist['ra'].append(src[0])
00144                    srclist['dec'].append(' ')
00145     if insrc:
00146        inpos = raw_input("Enter name xxhxxmxx.xs +/-xxdxxmxx.xs: (return to skip)")
00147        if inpos=='':
00148           if planet=='' and srcfile=='' and (not plotsun):
00149              raise Exception, "No source is specified!!!"
00150           pass
00151        else:
00152           inpos.replace("\'","")
00153           srcpos = inpos.split()
00154           srclist['name'].append(srcpos[0])
00155           srclist['ra'].append(srcpos[1])
00156           srclist['dec'].append(srcpos[2])
00158     if plotsun:
00159        # add sun
00160        srclist['name'].append('SUN')
00161        srclist['ra'].append('SUN')
00162        srclist['dec'].append('')
00164     if plotplanets:
00165        srclist['name'].append(planet)
00166        srclist['ra'].append(planet)
00167        srclist['dec'].append('')
00169     #
00170     last = False
00171     fig = pl.figure()
00172     fig.clf()
00173     tmfmt = DateFormatter('%H')
00174     seq = range(len(srclist['name']))
00175     print "Number of sources to be plotted:", len(srclist['name'])
00176     for i in seq:
00177         if i == seq[-1] :
00178            last = True 
00179         srcname=srclist['name'][i]
00180         srcradec=srclist['ra'][i]+' '+srclist['dec'][i]
00182         srcCoord='J2000 '+srcradec
00183'Plotting for '+srcname)
00184         (az,el,tm,tutc) = getazel(obs,srcname,srcCoord,date,tz)
00186         eld = el*180./pi
00187         azd = az*180./pi
00188         #elevation limit
00189         import numpy
00190         for iel in range(len(eld)):
00191           if eld[iel] < elimit_hard:
00192             eld[iel]=-1.0
00193             azd[iel]=360.
00195         #print "max(eld)=",max(eld)
00196         #print "max(azd)=",max(azd)
00198         tx = tm
00199         #for t in tx:
00200         #   tq = qa.time(str(t)+'d',form='ymd')
00201         #   tqymd=tq.split('/')
00202         #   tqhms=tqymd[-1].split(':')
00203         #   dt=datetime.datetime(int(tqymd[0]),int(tqymd[1]),int(tqymd[2]),int(tqhms[0]),int(tqhms[1]),int(tqhms[2])) 
00204         #   print "date", dt.year, dt.month,
00205         #   print "time", dt.hour
00207         #toff = int(min(tx))
00208         #if tz=='LST':
00209         #  tlab = tutc
00210           #tofflab = int(min(tlab))
00211           #tx = tutc
00212         #  toff = int(min(tx))
00213         #  tofflab = toff
00214         #  print "tx=",tx
00215         #  print "toff=",toff
00216         #  print "tofflab=",tofflab
00217         #else:
00218         #  tofflab = toff
00220         #tx -= toff
00221         #tx = tx*24.
00222         #print "tx[0]=", tx[0], " tx[-1]=",tx[-1]
00223         #for itm in range(len(tx)):
00224         #   if tx[itm] >24.0:
00225         #     tx[itm]-=24.0
00226         #print "tx[0]=", tx[0], " tx[-1]=",tx[-1]
00227         #timlab = qa.time(qa.quantity(tofflab,'d'), form=['ymd', 'no_time'])
00228         #timlab += ' %s' % obs 
00229         timlab = qa.time(qa.quantity(int(min(tx)),'d'), form=['ymd', 'no_time'])
00230         timlab += ' %s' % obs 
00232         defaultcolors=['b','g','r','c','m','y','k']
00233         cindx = fmod(i,len(defaultcolors))
00235         if plottype=='both' or plottype=='el':
00236             #print "plotting El vs. time.."
00237             if i==0:
00238                 if plottype=='both': 
00239                     ax=fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
00240                 if plottype=='el': 
00241                     #pl.subplot(1,1,1)
00242                     ax=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
00243                 ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tmfmt)
00244             if last:
00245                 #ax.xlabel(tz)
00246                 #ax.ylabel('EL(deg.)')
00247                 ax.set_xlabel(tz)
00248                 ax.set_ylabel('EL(deg.)')
00249             #pl.xlim(min(tx),max(tx))
00250             ax.plot_date(tx,eld,marker='.',markersize=2.0,color=defaultcolors[cindx])   
00251             if last:
00252                 if elimitv>elimit_hard:
00253                   ax.axhline(elimitv, linestyle='dashed')
00254             # get max for label
00255             maxel = max(eld)
00256             maxidx = argmax(eld)
00257             if last:
00258                 #if tz=='LST': 
00259                 #  pl.xlim(tx[0],tx[-1])
00260                 #else:
00261                 #  pl.xlim(0,24.)
00262                 ax.set_ylim(elimit_hard,90.)
00263                 ax.set_title(timlab)
00264             ax.text(tx[maxidx],maxel*1.01,srcname,color=defaultcolors[cindx])
00266         if plottype=='both' or plottype=='az':
00267             #print "plotting Az vs. time.."
00268             if i==0: 
00269                 if plottype=='both':
00270                     ax2=fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
00271                 if plottype=='az':
00272                     ax2=fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
00273                 ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tmfmt)
00274             ax2.plot_date(tx,azd,marker='.',markersize=2.0,color=defaultcolors[cindx])
00275             maxaz = max(azd)
00276             maxazidx = argmax(azd)
00277             if last:
00278                 ax2.set_xlabel(tz)
00279                 ax2.set_ylabel('Az(deg.)')
00280                 #if tz=='LST':
00281                 #    pl.xlim(tx[0],tx[-1])
00282                 #else:
00283                 #    pl.xlim(0,24.)
00284                 #pl.xlim(0,24.)
00285                 ax2.set_ylim(-180.,180.)
00286             #ax.text(tx[maxidx],*1.01,srcname,color=defaultcolors[cindx])
00287             print srcname," max EL:", maxel
00289     #pl.draw()
00290     if saveplot!='':
00291         fig.savefig(saveplot)