casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2008, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 #from casac import *
00009 import casac
00010 import string
00011 import time
00012 import inspect
00013 import gc
00014 import numpy
00015 from odict import odict
00016 from taskmanager import tm
00017 from task_plotcal import plotcal
00018 class plotcal_cli_:
00019     __name__ = "plotcal"
00020     __async__ = {}
00021     rkey = None
00022     i_am_a_casapy_task = None
00023     # The existence of the i_am_a_casapy_task attribute allows help()
00024     # (and other) to treat casapy tasks as a special case.
00026     def __init__(self) :
00027        self.__bases__ = (plotcal_cli_,)
00028        self.__doc__ = self.__call__.__doc__
00030        self.parameters={'caltable':None, 'xaxis':None, 'yaxis':None, 'poln':None, 'field':None, 'antenna':None, 'spw':None, 'timerange':None, 'subplot':None, 'overplot':None, 'clearpanel':None, 'iteration':None, 'plotrange':None, 'showflags':None, 'plotsymbol':None, 'plotcolor':None, 'markersize':None, 'fontsize':None, 'showgui':None, 'figfile':None,  'async':None}
00033     def result(self, key=None):
00034             #### here we will scan the task-ids in __async__
00035             #### and add any that have completed...
00036             if key is not None and self.__async__.has_key(key) and self.__async__[key] is not None:
00037                ret = tm.retrieve(self.__async__[key])
00038                if ret['state'] == "done" :
00039                   self.__async__[key] = None
00040                elif ret['state'] == 'crashed' :
00041                   self.__async__[key] = None
00042                return ret
00043             return None
00046     def __call__(self, caltable=None, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, poln=None, field=None, antenna=None, spw=None, timerange=None, subplot=None, overplot=None, clearpanel=None, iteration=None, plotrange=None, showflags=None, plotsymbol=None, plotcolor=None, markersize=None, fontsize=None, showgui=None, figfile=None,  async=None):
00048         """An all-purpose plotter for calibration results 
00050         The values for all calibration solutions (G, T, GSPLINE, B, BPOLY, D, M) 
00051         can be displayed for a variety of polarization combinations and calibrations.
00052         The plot solutions may be iterated through antennas/spw/fields during one execution,
00053         and many frames can be obtained in each plot.
00055         The plotter permits zooming, listing and flagging of solutions, although
00056         the results of flagged solutions are not yet available.
00059         The plotter permits zooming, listing and flagging of solutions, although
00060         the implications of flagged solutions are not yet made.  See some hints at the end
00061         of this description.
00064         Keyword arguments:
00065         caltable -- Name of input calibration table 
00066                 default: none; example: caltable='ngc5921.gcal'
00067                 The type of calibration table is determined automatically.
00068         xaxis -- Value to plot on the x axis
00069                 Options: 'time','scan','chan','freq','antenna','amp','phase','real','imag','snr'
00070                 Default: cal type dependent, usually 'time'
00071         yaxis -- Value to plot on the y-axis
00072                 Options: 'amp','phase','real','imag','snr','antenna','tsys','delay','spgain'
00073                 Default: cal type dependent, usually 'amp'
00074         poln -- Polarization (or combination) to plot
00075                 default: '' (RL); all polarizations
00076                 Options: '' = ('RL'),'R','L','XY','X','Y',
00077                                '/' --> form complex poln ratio
00078                                      (amp ratio and phase difference)
00079         field -- Select field using field id(s) or field name(s).
00080                   ['go listobs' to obtain the fieldt id's or names]
00081                default: ''=all fields
00082                If field string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed a
00083                field index, otherwise it is assumed a field name
00084                field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2
00085                field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
00086                field='3C286,3C295'; field named 3C286 and 3C295
00087                field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names starting with 4C
00088         antenna -- Antenna selection (baseline syntax ignored)
00089                default: '' (all);
00090                example: antenna='1,3~5' means antenna
00091                   indices 1,3,4,5.  
00092         spw -- Select spectral window (channel syntax ignored, except for D)
00093                default: ''=all spectral windows
00094                spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4
00095                spw='<2';  spectral windows less than 2
00096         timerange -- Time selection
00097                   default: '' (all)
00098                   example: timerange='1995/04/13/09:15:00~1995/04/13/09:25:00'
00100         --- Plot Options ---
00101         subplot -- Panel number on the display screen
00102                default: 111 (full screen display);
00103                examples:
00104                if iteration = 'antenna'; subplot=321 then
00105                   a plot frame will contain the first 6 antennas, in three
00106                   rows and two columns.  Follow instructions on screen to
00107                   cycle through the frames
00108                if iteration = ''; then one frame can be filled with many
00109                   plots in a piecemeal fashion; for example
00110                   antenna='0'; subplot=221; plotcal()
00111                   antenna='1'; subplot=222; plotcal()
00112                   antenna='2'; subplot=223; plotcal()
00113                   antenna='3'; subplot=224; plotcal()
00114         overplot -- Overplot these values on current plot (if possible)
00115                default: False;
00116                   True (overplotting) can be done ONLY IF iteration=''
00117         clearpanel -- Ignore this parameter.
00118                   Clear nothing on the plot window, automatically
00119                   clear plotting area, clear the current plot area, or
00120                   clear the whole plot panel.
00121                options: None, Auto, Current, All (None and Auto not supported)
00122                default: Auto
00123                example: clearpanel='Current'
00124         iteration -- Create a sequence of plots, iterating over antenna, time,
00125                  field, and/or spw  
00126                default: '' --> create in all in one plot
00127                example: iteration='antenna' --> create a sequence of
00128                         separate plots separated by antenna. Flagging cannot
00129                         be done in iteration mode.
00130         plotrange -- Control the x and y ranges of the plot, as a list of
00131                  values, e.g., [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
00132                  default=[] --> plot will self-scale
00133                  Note: time plotting ranges are cumbersome to use.
00134                        Use the zoom option
00135         showflags -- If true, only flagged solutions will be plotted
00136                  default: false --> only show unflagged solutions
00137         plotsymbol -- pylab plot symbol.  See cookbook for details
00138                    default: '.': large points
00139                    ',' = small points (see markersize)
00140                    '-' = connect points by line
00141                    colors are cycled automatically for multi-function plots
00142         plotcolor -- Initial color to use on each plot
00143                  default: 'blue'
00144         markersize -- Control the size of plot symbols
00145                   default: 5.0 --> a nice size for symbols
00146         fontsize -- Control the font size of title (axes labels will be
00147                   80% of this size)
00148                   default: 10.0
00149         showgui -- Whether or not to display the plotting GUI
00150                   default: True; example showgui=False
00151         figfile -- File name to save the plotted figure to.
00152                   default: ''; example figfile=myPlot.png
00154          Hints on using plotxy (see section 3.4 in cookbook)
00156          Useful Buttons at bottom left:
00157               5th--magnifying glass.  Click on this,
00158                        left mouse button rectangle drag will zoom
00159                        right mose button rectangle drag will unzoom a certain amount
00160               1st--restore original magnification
00162          Useful regions just above:
00163               Quit will terminate plotter
00164               Next will go to next plot as specified by iteration
00165               To locate, you must click 'Mark Region' first
00166                  then make appropriate region(s)
00167                  then click locate to list points on logger
00168                  DO NOT USE Flag, Unflag at the present time.
00171         """
00172         if not hasattr(self, "__globals__") or self.__globals__ == None :
00173            self.__globals__=sys._getframe(len(inspect.stack())-1).f_globals
00174         #casac = self.__globals__['casac']
00175         casalog = self.__globals__['casalog']
00176         #casalog = casac.casac.logsink()
00177         self.__globals__['__last_task'] = 'plotcal'
00178         self.__globals__['taskname'] = 'plotcal'
00179         ###
00180         self.__globals__['update_params'](func=self.__globals__['taskname'],printtext=False,ipython_globals=self.__globals__)
00181         ###
00182         ###
00183         #Handle globals or user over-ride of arguments
00184         #
00185         function_signature_defaults=dict(zip(self.__call__.func_code.co_varnames,self.__call__.func_defaults))
00186         useLocalDefaults = False
00188         for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00189                 key,val = item
00190                 keyVal = eval(key)
00191                 if (keyVal == None):
00192                         #user hasn't set it - use global/default
00193                         pass
00194                 else:
00195                         #user has set it - use over-ride
00196                         if (key != 'self') :
00197                            useLocalDefaults = True
00199         myparams = {}
00200         if useLocalDefaults :
00201            for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00202                key,val = item
00203                keyVal = eval(key)
00204                exec('myparams[key] = keyVal')
00205                self.parameters[key] = keyVal
00206                if (keyVal == None):
00207                    exec('myparams[key] = '+ key + ' = self.itsdefault(key)')
00208                    keyVal = eval(key)
00209                    if(type(keyVal) == dict) :
00210                       if len(keyVal) > 0 :
00211                          exec('myparams[key] = ' + key + ' = keyVal[len(keyVal)-1][\'value\']')
00212                       else :
00213                          exec('myparams[key] = ' + key + ' = {}')
00215         else :
00216             async = self.parameters['async']
00217             myparams['caltable'] = caltable = self.parameters['caltable']
00218             myparams['xaxis'] = xaxis = self.parameters['xaxis']
00219             myparams['yaxis'] = yaxis = self.parameters['yaxis']
00220             myparams['poln'] = poln = self.parameters['poln']
00221             myparams['field'] = field = self.parameters['field']
00222             myparams['antenna'] = antenna = self.parameters['antenna']
00223             myparams['spw'] = spw = self.parameters['spw']
00224             myparams['timerange'] = timerange = self.parameters['timerange']
00225             myparams['subplot'] = subplot = self.parameters['subplot']
00226             myparams['overplot'] = overplot = self.parameters['overplot']
00227             myparams['clearpanel'] = clearpanel = self.parameters['clearpanel']
00228             myparams['iteration'] = iteration = self.parameters['iteration']
00229             myparams['plotrange'] = plotrange = self.parameters['plotrange']
00230             myparams['showflags'] = showflags = self.parameters['showflags']
00231             myparams['plotsymbol'] = plotsymbol = self.parameters['plotsymbol']
00232             myparams['plotcolor'] = plotcolor = self.parameters['plotcolor']
00233             myparams['markersize'] = markersize = self.parameters['markersize']
00234             myparams['fontsize'] = fontsize = self.parameters['fontsize']
00235             myparams['showgui'] = showgui = self.parameters['showgui']
00236             myparams['figfile'] = figfile = self.parameters['figfile']
00238         if type(plotrange)==float: plotrange=[plotrange]
00240         result = None
00242 #
00243 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00244 #
00245         mytmp = {}
00247         mytmp['caltable'] = caltable
00248         mytmp['xaxis'] = xaxis
00249         mytmp['yaxis'] = yaxis
00250         mytmp['poln'] = poln
00251         mytmp['field'] = field
00252         mytmp['antenna'] = antenna
00253         mytmp['spw'] = spw
00254         mytmp['timerange'] = timerange
00255         mytmp['subplot'] = subplot
00256         mytmp['overplot'] = overplot
00257         mytmp['clearpanel'] = clearpanel
00258         mytmp['iteration'] = iteration
00259         mytmp['plotrange'] = plotrange
00260         mytmp['showflags'] = showflags
00261         mytmp['plotsymbol'] = plotsymbol
00262         mytmp['plotcolor'] = plotcolor
00263         mytmp['markersize'] = markersize
00264         mytmp['fontsize'] = fontsize
00265         mytmp['showgui'] = showgui
00266         mytmp['figfile'] = figfile
00267         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00268         trec = casac.casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'plotcal.xml')
00270         casalog.origin('plotcal')
00271         try :
00272           #if not trec.has_key('plotcal') or not casac.casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['plotcal']) :
00273             #return False
00275           casac.casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['plotcal'], True)
00276           scriptstr=['']
00277           saveinputs = self.__globals__['saveinputs']
00278           saveinputs('plotcal', 'plotcal.last', myparams, self.__globals__,scriptstr=scriptstr)
00279           if async :
00280             count = 0
00281             keybase =  time.strftime("%y%m%d.%H%M%S")
00282             key = keybase + "_" + str(count)
00283             while self.__async__.has_key(key) :
00284                count += 1
00285                key = keybase + "_" + str(count)
00286             result = tm.execute('plotcal', caltable, xaxis, yaxis, poln, field, antenna, spw, timerange, subplot, overplot, clearpanel, iteration, plotrange, showflags, plotsymbol, plotcolor, markersize, fontsize, showgui, figfile)
00287             print "Use: "
00288             print "      tm.retrieve(return_value) # to retrieve the status"
00289             print 
00290             self.rkey = key
00291             self.__async__[key] = result
00292           else :
00293               tname = 'plotcal'
00294               spaces = ' '*(18-len(tname))
00295     '\n##########################################'+
00296                            '\n##### Begin Task: ' + tname + spaces + ' #####')
00297     [1][1:]+'\n', 'INFO')
00298               result = plotcal(caltable, xaxis, yaxis, poln, field, antenna, spw, timerange, subplot, overplot, clearpanel, iteration, plotrange, showflags, plotsymbol, plotcolor, markersize, fontsize, showgui, figfile)
00299     '##### End Task: ' + tname + '  ' + spaces + ' #####'+
00300                            '\n##########################################')
00302         except Exception, instance:
00303           if(self.__globals__.has_key('__rethrow_casa_exceptions') and self.__globals__['__rethrow_casa_exceptions']) :
00304              raise
00305           else :
00306              #print '**** Error **** ',instance
00307              tname = 'plotcal'
00308    'An error occurred running task '+tname+'.', 'ERROR')
00309              pass
00311         gc.collect()
00312         return result
00313 #
00314 #
00315 #
00316     def paramgui(self, useGlobals=True, ipython_globals=None):
00317         """
00318         Opens a parameter GUI for this task.  If useGlobals is true, then any relevant global parameter settings are used.
00319         """
00320         import paramgui
00321         if not hasattr(self, "__globals__") or self.__globals__ == None :
00322            self.__globals__=sys._getframe(len(inspect.stack())-1).f_globals
00324         if useGlobals:
00325             if ipython_globals == None:
00326                 myf=self.__globals__
00327             else:
00328                 myf=ipython_globals
00330             paramgui.setGlobals(myf)
00331         else:
00332             paramgui.setGlobals({})
00334         paramgui.runTask('plotcal', myf['_ip'])
00335         paramgui.setGlobals({})
00337 #
00338 #
00339 #
00340     def defaults(self, param=None, ipython_globals=None, paramvalue=None, subparam=None):
00341         if not hasattr(self, "__globals__") or self.__globals__ == None :
00342            self.__globals__=sys._getframe(len(inspect.stack())-1).f_globals
00343         if ipython_globals == None:
00344             myf=self.__globals__
00345         else:
00346             myf=ipython_globals
00348         a = odict()
00349         a['caltable']  = ''
00350         a['xaxis']  = ''
00351         a['yaxis']  = ''
00352         a['poln']  = ''
00353         a['field']  = ''
00354         a['antenna']  = ''
00355         a['spw']  = ''
00356         a['timerange']  = ''
00357         a['subplot']  = 111
00358         a['overplot']  = False
00359         a['clearpanel']  = 'Auto'
00360         a['iteration']  = ''
00361         a['plotrange']  = [
00362                         ]
00363         a['showflags']  = False
00364         a['plotsymbol']  = 'o'
00365         a['plotcolor']  = 'blue'
00366         a['markersize']  = 5.0
00367         a['fontsize']  = 10.0
00368         a['showgui']  = True
00369         a['figfile']  = ''
00371         a['async']=False
00373 ### This function sets the default values but also will return the list of
00374 ### parameters or the default value of a given parameter
00375         if(param == None):
00376                 myf['__set_default_parameters'](a)
00377         elif(param == 'paramkeys'):
00378                 return a.keys()
00379         else:
00380             if(paramvalue==None and subparam==None):
00381                if(a.has_key(param)):
00382                   return a[param]
00383                else:
00384                   return self.itsdefault(param)
00385             else:
00386                retval=a[param]
00387                if(type(a[param])==dict):
00388                   for k in range(len(a[param])):
00389                      valornotval='value'
00390                      if(a[param][k].has_key('notvalue')):
00391                         valornotval='notvalue'
00392                      if((a[param][k][valornotval])==paramvalue):
00393                         retval=a[param][k].copy()
00394                         retval.pop(valornotval)
00395                         if(subparam != None):
00396                            if(retval.has_key(subparam)):
00397                               retval=retval[subparam]
00398                            else:
00399                               retval=self.itsdefault(subparam)
00400                      else:
00401                         retval=self.itsdefault(subparam)
00402                return retval
00405 #
00406 #
00407     def check_params(self, param=None, value=None, ipython_globals=None):
00408       if ipython_globals == None:
00409           myf=self.__globals__
00410       else:
00411           myf=ipython_globals
00412 #      print 'param:', param, 'value:', value
00413       try :
00414          if str(type(value)) != "<type 'instance'>" :
00415             value0 = value
00416             value = myf['cu'].expandparam(param, value)
00417             matchtype = False
00418             if(type(value) == numpy.ndarray):
00419                if(type(value) == type(value0)):
00420                   myf[param] = value.tolist()
00421                else:
00422                   #print 'value:', value, 'value0:', value0
00423                   #print 'type(value):', type(value), 'type(value0):', type(value0)
00424                   myf[param] = value0
00425                   if type(value0) != list :
00426                      matchtype = True
00427             else :
00428                myf[param] = value
00429             value = myf['cu'].verifyparam({param:value})
00430             if matchtype:
00431                value = False
00432       except Exception, instance:
00433          #ignore the exception and just return it unchecked
00434          myf[param] = value
00435       return value
00436 #
00437 #
00438     def description(self, key='plotcal', subkey=None):
00439         desc={'plotcal': 'An all-purpose plotter for calibration results ',
00440                'caltable': 'Name of input calibration table',
00441                'xaxis': 'Value to plot along x axis (time,chan,freq, antenna,antenna1,antenna2,scan, amp,phase,real,imag,snr, tsys,delay,spgain)',
00442                'yaxis': 'Value to plot along y axis (amp,phase,real,imag,snr, antenna,antenna1,antenna2,scan, tsys,delay,spgain)',
00443                'poln': 'Antenna polarization to plot (RL,R,L,XY,X,Y,/)',
00444                'field': 'field names or index of calibrators: \'\'==>all',
00445                'antenna': 'antenna/baselines: \'\'==>all, antenna = \'3,VA04\'',
00446                'spw': 'spectral window:channels: \'\'==>all, spw=\'1:5~57\'',
00447                'timerange': 'time range: \'\'==>all',
00448                'subplot': 'Panel number on display screen (yxn)',
00449                'overplot': 'Overplot solutions on existing display',
00450                'clearpanel': 'Specify if old plots are cleared or not (ignore)',
00451                'iteration': 'Iterate plots on antenna,time,spw,field',
00452                'plotrange': 'plot axes ranges: [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]',
00453                'showflags': 'If true, show flagged solutions',
00454                'plotsymbol': 'pylab plot symbol',
00455                'plotcolor': 'initial plotting color',
00456                'markersize': 'Size of plotted marks',
00457                'fontsize': 'Font size for labels',
00458                'showgui': 'Show plot on gui',
00459                'figfile': '\'\'= no plot hardcopy, otherwise supply name',
00461                'async': 'If true the taskname must be started using plotcal(...)'
00462               }
00464         if(desc.has_key(key)) :
00465            return desc[key]
00467     def itsdefault(self, paramname) :
00468         a = {}
00469         a['caltable']  = ''
00470         a['xaxis']  = ''
00471         a['yaxis']  = ''
00472         a['poln']  = ''
00473         a['field']  = ''
00474         a['antenna']  = ''
00475         a['spw']  = ''
00476         a['timerange']  = ''
00477         a['subplot']  = 111
00478         a['overplot']  = False
00479         a['clearpanel']  = 'Auto'
00480         a['iteration']  = ''
00481         a['plotrange']  = [
00482                         ]
00483         a['showflags']  = False
00484         a['plotsymbol']  = 'o'
00485         a['plotcolor']  = 'blue'
00486         a['markersize']  = 5.0
00487         a['fontsize']  = 10.0
00488         a['showgui']  = True
00489         a['figfile']  = ''
00491         #a = sys._getframe(len(inspect.stack())-1).f_globals
00493         if a.has_key(paramname) :
00494               return a[paramname]
00495 plotcal_cli = plotcal_cli_()