casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from  casac import *
00009 import string
00010 from taskinit import casalog
00011 #from taskmanager import tm
00012 import task_plotxy
00013 def plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', iteration='', selectdata=True, antenna='', spw='', field='', uvrange='', timerange='', correlation='', scan='', feed='', array='', averagemode='', width='1', timebin='0', crossscans=False, crossbls=False, crossarrays=False, stackspw=False, restfreq='', frame='', doppler='', extendflag=False, extendcorr='', extendchan='', extendspw='', extendant='', extendtime='', subplot=111, plotsymbol='.', plotcolor='darkcyn', markersize=5.0, linewidth=1.0, plotrange=[-1, -1, -1, -1], multicolor='corr', selectplot=False, overplot=False, newplot=False, clearpanel='Auto', skipnrows=0, title='', xlabels='', ylabels='', fontsize=10.0, windowsize=1.0, showflags=False, interactive=True, figfile='', end=False):
00015         """An X-Y plotter/interactive flagger for visibility data.
00017         An X-Y plotter/interactive flagger for visibility data. 
00019              Selected data can be flexibly plotted with a wide variety
00020              of axes and averaging options, including iteration over
00021              antennas and fields.  Data may be listed, flagged or
00022              unflagged interactively.  The plots can be zoomed and
00023              also saved to a file.  
00025              It is advisable to run flagmanager before using plotxy to
00026              flag data in order to save the current flag state before
00027              altering:
00028              flagmanager(vis='vis_name',mode='save',versionname='before_plotxy',
00029              comment=versionname)
00031              See hints on using plotxy at the end.
00034      Keyword arguments:
00035      vis -- Name of input visibility file
00036              default: none.  example: vis=''
00037      xaxis -- Visibility data to plot along the x-axis
00038              default: 'time'
00040              Options for BOTH x-axis and y-axis
00041                 'time','uvdist','chan', 'corr','freq','velo', 'u','v','w',
00042                 'azimuth','elevation','baseline','hourangle','parallacticangle'
00043                 'amp','phase','real','imag','weight'.  'x' gives antenna array
00045      yaxis -- Visibility data to plot along the y-axis
00046              default: 'amp'
00047              Options: same as on xaxis:
00049        >>> yaxis expandable parameter
00050          datacolumn -- Visibility file data column
00051              Note: this parameter is automatically shown whenever the
00052              chosen yaxis is a data quantity (i.e. amp)
00053              default: 'data'; example: datacolumn='model'
00054              Options: 'data' (raw),'corrected','model','residual'(corrected-model)
00056       --- Data Selection (see help par.selectdata for more detailed information)
00058      field -- Select field using field id(s) or field name(s).
00059               ['go listobs' to obtain the list id's or names]
00060             default: ''=all fields
00061             If field string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed to
00062                be a field index otherwise, it is assumed to be a field name
00063             field='0~2'; field ids 0,1,2
00064             field='0,4,5~7'; field ids 0,4,5,6,7
00065             field='3C286,3C295'; field named 3C286 and 3C295
00066             field = '3,4C*'; field id 3, all names starting with 4C
00067      spw -- Select spectral window/channels 
00068              spw='0~2,4'; spectral windows 0,1,2,4 (all channels)
00069              spw='<2';  spectral windows less than 2 (i.e. 0,1)
00070              spw='0:5~61'; spw 0, channels 5 to 61, INCLUSIVE
00071              spw='*:5~61'; all spw with channels 5 to 61
00072              spw='0,10,3:3~45'; spw 0,10 all channels, spw 3, channels 3 to 45.
00073              spw='0~2:2~6'; spw 0,1,2 with channels 2 through 6 in each.
00074              spw='0:0~10;15~60'; spectral window 0 with channels 0-10,15-60
00075                        NOTE ';' to separate channel selections
00076              spw='0:0~10^2,1:20~30^5'; spw 0, channels 0,2,4,6,8,10,
00077                    spw 1, channels 20,25,30
00078      selectdata -- Other data selection parameters
00079             default: True
00080        >>> selectdata expandable parameters
00081          timerange  -- Select data based on time range:
00082             default = '' (all); examples,
00083             timerange = 'YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss~YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss'
00084             Note: if YYYY/MM/DD is missing date defaults to first day in data set
00085             timerange='09:14:0~09:54:0' picks 40 min on first day
00086             timerange= '25:00:00~27:30:00' picks 1 hr to 3 hr 30min on next day
00087             timerange='09:44:00' data within one integration of time
00088             timerange='>10:24:00' data after this time
00089          antenna -- Select data based on antenna/baseline
00090             default: ''=all
00091             If antenna string is a non-negative integer, it is assumed
00092               to be an antenna index, otherwise it is assumed to be an
00093               antenna name
00094             antenna='5&6'; baseline between antenna index 5 and index 6.
00095             antenna='VA05&VA06'; baseline between VLA antenna 5 and 6.
00096             antenna='5&6;7&8'; baseline 5-6 and 7-8
00097             antenna='5'; all baselines with antenna index 5
00098             antenna= '05'; all baselines with antenna named 05
00099             antenna='5,6,9'; all baselines with antennas indices 5,6 and 9
00100          correlation -- Select correlations:
00101             default: '' = all correlations. Other options are any combination
00102                           of values from one of the valid lists:
00103                           'RR','LL','RL','LR','RR LL','RL LR',
00104                           'XX','YY','XY','YX','XX YY','XY YX'
00105          uvrange -- Select data within uvrange (default units meters)
00106             default: ''=all; example:
00107             uvrange='0~1000klambda'; uvrange from 0-1000 kilo-lambda
00108             uvrange='>4klambda';uvranges greater than 4 kilo-lambda
00109             uvrange='0~1000km'; uvrange in kilometers
00110          scan -- Scan number range
00111          array -- (Sub)-array number range - under development
00112          feed -- Multi-feed number range - under development
00114      averagemode -- Select average mode
00115             default: 'vector' 
00116             Options: 'vector' = average over real and image part separately.
00117                      'scalar' = scalar average of amplitude, vector
00118                                     average of the phase.
00119                      ''       = no averaging
00120        >>> averagemode expandable parameters
00121          timebin -- length of time intervals to average
00122                   default: '0'= no time averaging
00123                   example: timebin='60' (average over 60 second interval).
00124                   example: timebin='all' (all times obeying other selection
00125                          parameters, i.e. timerange and crossscans)
00126          crossscans -- Have time averaging cross scan boundaries? 
00127               default: False=time averaging does not cross scan boundaries 
00128          crossbls -- Have averaging cross baseline boundaries? 
00129               default: False= averaging does not cross baseline boundaries 
00130          crossarrays -- Have averaging cross array boundaries? 
00131               default: False=averaging does not cross array boundaries 
00132          stackspw -- Stack multiple spw on top of each other?
00133               default: False= layout spws side-by-side for xaxis='channel'
00134          width -- number of channels to average
00135               default: '1'= no channel averaging
00136               example: width='32' (average 32 channels together).
00137               example: width='all' (all channels within each selected spw)
00138               example: width='allspw' (all channels and all spw averaged.)
00139      restfreq -- Set rest frequency or transition name
00140               options: (str) '' a frequency quanta or transition name
00141               default: currently set rest frequency and frame in MS
00142                      see measures for known lines, e.g.
00143                      me.linelist() to list lines
00144             to get frequency
00145               example: restfreq='1420405751.786Hz' 21cm HI frequency
00146                      restfreq='HI'               21cm HI transition name
00147                      restfreq='115.2712GHz'      CO line
00148        >>> restfreq expandable parameters
00149          frame -- frequency frame for spectral axis
00150               options: (str) 'LSRK','REST','TOPO','LSRD','BARY',
00151                        'GEO','GALACTO','LGROUP','CMB'
00152               default: currently set frequency frame in MS
00153                        see measures (me.frequency) for description
00154          doppler -- doppler mode
00155               options: (str) 'RADIO','Z','RATIO','BETA','GAMMA',
00156                        'OPTICAL','TRUE','RELATIVISTIC'
00157               default: currently set doppler system in MS
00158                        see measures (me.doppler) for description
00159      extendflag -- flagging extension parameters
00160          default: False= no extension, only flag selected data; 
00161          example: extendflag=True 
00162        >>> extendflag expandable parameters
00163          extendcorr  -- Extend flagging based on correlation:
00164             default: ''= no correlation based extension
00165             examples:
00166             extendcorr = 'all'
00167             extendcorr = 'half' flags RR and LL
00168          extendchan -- Extend flagging based on channel:
00169             default: ''= no channel based extension
00170             example:
00171             extendchan = 'all'
00172          extendspw -- Extend flagging based on spectral window:
00173             default: '' = no spectral window based extension
00174             example:
00175             extendspw = 'all'
00176          extendant -- Extend flagging based on antenna (baseline):
00177             default: ''= no antenna based extension
00178             example:
00179             extendant = 'all'
00180          extendtime -- Extend flagging based on time:
00181             default: ''= no time based extension
00182             example:
00183             extendant = 'all'
00184      subplot -- Panel number on the display screen
00185             default: 111 (full screen display); example:
00186             if iteration is non-blank, then
00187                subplot=yx1 window will produce y by x plots in the window.
00188             if iteration = '', then
00189                subplot=yxn; means the window will have y rows, and x columns
00190                with the present execution placing the plot in location n
00191                n = 1,..., xy, in order upper left to right, then down.  An
00192                example is the plotting of four fields on one frame
00193                field='0'; subplot=221; plotxy()
00194                field='1'; subplot=222; plotxy()
00195                field='2'; subplot=223; plotxy()
00196                field='3'; subplot=224; plotxy()
00197      overplot -- Overplot on current plot (if possible)
00198             default: False; example: overplot= True
00199      showflags -- Show the flagged and unflagged data.
00200             default: False; example: showflags=True
00201      iteration -- Iterate plots:
00202             default: ''; no iteration
00203             Options: 'field', 'antenna', 'baseline'.
00204             Use the 'NEXT' button on gui to iterate through values.
00205             To abort an iteration, close the gui window.
00206      plotsymbol -- plot symbol. (Options include .:,o^v><s+xDd234hH|_ or
00207                    optionally preceded by one of color code k, r, g, b, c, y) 
00208             default: '.': points, medium-sized dots
00209             example: plotsymbol='bo' (blue points, large-sized dots
00210               r=red, b=blue, g=green, y=yellow
00211               ',' = small points
00212               '.' = medium points
00213               'o' = large points
00214      plotcolor -- color.  Overrides plotsymbol color settings.
00215             default: 'darkcyan'
00216             example: plotcolor='g' (green)
00217                      plotcolor='slateblue'
00218                      plotcolor='#7FFF34' (RGB tuple)
00219      multicolor -- Multi-color plotting of channels and correlations
00220              options: 'none','both','chan','corr'
00221              default: 'corr'; example: multicolor='chan'
00222      plotrange -- Specifies the size of the plot [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
00223             default: [0,0,0,0];  Range is self-selected
00224             example: [0,0,0.00,0.20]  only y axis is specified 
00225             To use a time range (NOTE: somewhat different sytax from timerange
00226                ['22:23:24, 23:42:20', 0.02, 0.20]
00227                The day must be included if the visibility data span more than one day
00228                ['1997/05/09/22:02:00, 1997/05/09/23:00:00', 0.02, 0.20]
00229      selectplot -- Additional plot control parameters
00230             default: False; example: selectplot=true
00231        >>> selectplot expandable parameters
00232          markersize -- Size of the plotted marks
00233             default: 5.0; example: markersize=10.0
00234          linewidth -- Width of plotted lines.
00235             default: 1; example: linewidth=2.0
00236          skipnrows -- # of points to skip
00237             default: 0
00238             example: skipnrows=100 (plots every 100th point)
00239          newplot -- When overplotting, replace the last plot only
00240             default: False; can be useful when doing subplots
00241          clearpanel -- Clear nothing on the plot window, automatically
00242                   clear plotting area, clear the current plot area, or
00243                   clear the whole plot panel.
00244                options: None, Auto, Current, All
00245                default: Auto
00246                example: clearpanel='Current'
00247          title -- Plot title (above plot)
00248             default: ''; example: title='This is my title'
00249          xlabels -- Label for x axis
00250             default: ''; example: xlabels='X Axis'
00251          ylabels -- Label for y axis
00252             default: ''; example: ylabels='Y Axis'
00253          fontsize -- Font size for labels
00254             default: 10; example: fontsize=2
00255          windowsize -- Window size
00256             default: 1.0; not yet implemented
00257          interactive -- turn on/off on screen display
00258             options: True = interactively flag data
00259                      False = direct output to a file without on screen display
00260             default: True;
00261          figfile -- File name to save the plotted figure to.
00262             default: '' = do not save figure; 
00263             example: figfile='myPlot.png' save figure to png file
00264                      figfile='myPlot.txt' append plotted xy to an ascii file
00265          end -- File name to save the plotted figure to.
00266             default: False = do not quit, keep plotting; 
00267             example: end=True no more plotting to do
00269          Hints on using plotxy (see section 3.4 in cookbook)
00271          Useful Buttons at bottom left:
00272               5th--magnifying glass.  Click on this,
00273                        left mouse button rectangle drag will zoom
00274                        right mose button rectangle drag will unzoom a certain amount
00275               1st--restore original magnification
00277          Useful regions just above:
00278               Quit will terminate plotter
00279               Next will go to next plot as specified by iteration
00280               To flag, unflag, locate, you must click 'Mark Region' first
00281                  then make appropriate region(s)
00282                  then click flag, unflag, locate for the desired operation
00283                  plot will then refrest
00286         """
00288 #
00289 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00290 #
00291         mytmp = {}
00293         mytmp['vis'] = vis
00294         mytmp['xaxis'] = xaxis
00295         mytmp['yaxis'] = yaxis
00296         mytmp['datacolumn'] = datacolumn
00297         mytmp['iteration'] = iteration
00298         mytmp['selectdata'] = selectdata
00299         mytmp['antenna'] = antenna
00300         mytmp['spw'] = spw
00301         mytmp['field'] = field
00302         mytmp['uvrange'] = uvrange
00303         mytmp['timerange'] = timerange
00304         mytmp['correlation'] = correlation
00305         mytmp['scan'] = scan
00306         mytmp['feed'] = feed
00307         mytmp['array'] = array
00308         mytmp['averagemode'] = averagemode
00309         mytmp['width'] = width
00310         mytmp['timebin'] = timebin
00311         mytmp['crossscans'] = crossscans
00312         mytmp['crossbls'] = crossbls
00313         mytmp['crossarrays'] = crossarrays
00314         mytmp['stackspw'] = stackspw
00315         mytmp['restfreq'] = restfreq
00316         mytmp['frame'] = frame
00317         mytmp['doppler'] = doppler
00318         mytmp['extendflag'] = extendflag
00319         mytmp['extendcorr'] = extendcorr
00320         mytmp['extendchan'] = extendchan
00321         mytmp['extendspw'] = extendspw
00322         mytmp['extendant'] = extendant
00323         mytmp['extendtime'] = extendtime
00324         mytmp['subplot'] = subplot
00325         mytmp['plotsymbol'] = plotsymbol
00326         mytmp['plotcolor'] = plotcolor
00327         mytmp['markersize'] = markersize
00328         mytmp['linewidth'] = linewidth
00329         mytmp['plotrange'] = plotrange
00330         mytmp['multicolor'] = multicolor
00331         mytmp['selectplot'] = selectplot
00332         mytmp['overplot'] = overplot
00333         mytmp['newplot'] = newplot
00334         mytmp['clearpanel'] = clearpanel
00335         mytmp['skipnrows'] = skipnrows
00336         mytmp['title'] = title
00337         mytmp['xlabels'] = xlabels
00338         mytmp['ylabels'] = ylabels
00339         mytmp['fontsize'] = fontsize
00340         mytmp['windowsize'] = windowsize
00341         mytmp['showflags'] = showflags
00342         mytmp['interactive'] = interactive
00343         mytmp['figfile'] = figfile
00344         mytmp['end'] = end
00345         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00346         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'plotxy.xml')
00348         casalog.origin('plotxy')
00349         if trec.has_key('plotxy') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['plotxy']) :
00350             result = task_plotxy.plotxy(vis, xaxis, yaxis, datacolumn, iteration, selectdata, antenna, spw, field, uvrange, timerange, correlation, scan, feed, array, averagemode, width, timebin, crossscans, crossbls, crossarrays, stackspw, restfreq, frame, doppler, extendflag, extendcorr, extendchan, extendspw, extendant, extendtime, subplot, plotsymbol, plotcolor, markersize, linewidth, plotrange, multicolor, selectplot, overplot, newplot, clearpanel, skipnrows, title, xlabels, ylabels, fontsize, windowsize, showflags, interactive, figfile, end)
00352         else :
00353           result = False
00354         return result