casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #====================================================================
00002 #                                                                    
00003 # Script for simulating and imaging VLA Orion continuum mosaic       
00004 #                                                                    
00005 # Created STM 2008-11-04 from SMA mosaic simulation
00006 # Updated STM 2008-11-06 formatting improvements
00007 # Updated STM 2008-11-19 Patch3 final version 640x640
00008 # Updated STM 2009-06-16 Patch4 800x800
00009 # Updated STM 2009-06-23 Patch4 web download of pickle file
00010 # Updated STM 2009-06-25 minor improvements
00011 # Updated STM 2009-08-24 Release0, new immath syntax, noise
00012 # Updated STM 2009-08-27 pbcor=F on clean
00013 # Updated STM 2009-08-27 noise only option
00014 # Updated STM 2009-10-22 point to Release0 pickle file
00015 #         RI  2012-01-15 prefer pickle in DATADIR/regressions/ if exists
00016 #
00017 # Simulates point sources and cleans
00018 #                                                                       
00019 # Script Notes:                                                         
00020 #    o Starts with a template MS <templatems> which must be present
00021 #      (set <templatems> to point to this)
00022 #    o The results are written out as a dictionary in a pickle file     
00023 #         <scriptprefix>.regression.<datestring>.pickle           
00024 #      as well as in a text file                                        
00025 #         out.<scriptprefix>.<datestring>.log                         
00026 #      (these are not auto-deleted at start of script)                  
00027 #    o If you want to show regression differences from a previous
00028 #      run then you can provide a file from a previous run   
00029 #         <scriptprefix>.pickle
00030 #                                                                       
00031 #====================================================================
00033 #====================================================================
00034 myscriptvers = '2012-01-15 RI'
00036 import time
00037 import os
00038 import pickle
00040 # needed for existence check
00041 from os import F_OK
00043 scriptprefix='run_orionmos4sim'
00044 prefix='simtest_orionmos4sim'
00046 # Clean up old output files
00047 os.system('rm -rf '+prefix+'*')
00049 #====================================================================
00051 #====================================================================
00052 mytmp     = '==========================='
00053 mydataset = 'Orion VLA mosaic simulation'
00055 print "========================"+mytmp
00056 print "Simulating and Cleaning "+mydataset
00057 print "========================"+mytmp
00058 print "Script version "+myscriptvers
00059 print "Output will be prefixed with "+prefix
00061 #Start from existing MS
00062 templatems = ''
00064 if os.access(templatems,F_OK):
00065     # already in current directory
00066     print "  Using "+templatems+" found in current directory"
00067 else:
00068     pathname=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]
00069     #datapath=pathname+'/data/regression/ATST3/Orion/'
00070     datapath=pathname+'/data/regression/orionmos4sim/'
00071     msname=''
00072     mspath=datapath+msname
00073     # Path to web archive
00074     webms = ''+msname+'.tgz'
00075     # Alternate path at AOC
00076     altms = '/home/ballista/casa/active/data/regression/ATST3/Orion/'+msname
00077     if os.access(msname,F_OK):
00078         # ms in current directory
00079         print "  Using "+msname+" found in current directory"
00080     elif os.access(mspath,F_OK):
00081         print '--Copy data to local directory--'
00082         print "  Using "+mspath
00083         os.system("cp -r "+mspath+" .")
00084         os.system('chmod -R a+wx '+msname)
00085     elif os.access(altms,F_OK):
00086         print '--Copy data to local directory--'
00087         print "  Using "+altms
00088         os.system("cp -r "+altms+" .")
00089         os.system('chmod -R a+wx '+msname)
00090     else:
00091         if os.access(msname+'.tgz',F_OK):
00092             # ms tarball in current directory
00093             print "  Using "+msname+".tgz found in current directory"
00094         else:
00095             # try web retrieval
00096             print '--Retrieve data from '+webms
00097             # Use curl (for Mac compatibility)
00098             os.system('curl '+webms+' -f -o '+msname+'.tgz')
00099             # NOTE: could also use wget
00100             #os.system('wget '+webms)
00102         print '--Unpacking tarball '
00103         os.system('tar xzf '+msname+'.tgz')
00104         if os.access(msname,F_OK):
00105             # should now be in current directory
00106             print "  Using "+msname+" found in current directory"
00107         else:
00108             raise IOError," ERROR: "+msname+" not found"
00110     # Starting from which has already been calibrated
00111     print '--Split--'
00112     split(vis=msname,outputvis=templatems,datacolumn='corrected')
00113     print "  Created "+templatems
00115 #Clean params
00116 myimsize = 800
00117 #myimsize = 640
00118 mycell   = "2.0arcsec"
00119 mycen    = "J2000 05:35:17.470 -"
00120 myniter  = 400
00121 #mymask   = "save.oriontest_mosaic.mask"
00122 mymask   = ""
00123 myfield  = "2~10"
00124 myspw    = ""
00125 myftmachine = "mosaic"
00126 mycyclefactor = 1.5
00127 myminpb = 0.2
00129 #Sim params
00130 myflux = 1.0
00131 mynoise = ""
00132 #mynoise = "0.019Jy"
00133 # EVLA X-band SEFD is 300Jy (1Hz,1sec) so 50MHz,5sec would be 19mJy per vis
00135 print "Will use template MS "+ templatems
00136 print "Will image with imsize %5i and cell %s " % (myimsize,mycell)
00137 print "Will clean "+str(myniter)+" iterations"
00138 if mycen!="":
00139     print "Will use phasecenter "+mycen
00140 if myfield!="":
00141     print "Will image fields "+myfield
00142 if myspw!="":
00143     print "Will use spw "+myspw
00144 if myftmachine!="":
00145     print "Will mosaic using ftmachine "+myftmachine
00146 if mymask!="":
00147     print "Will use clean mask "+mymask
00148 if mynoise!="":
00149     print "Will add noise level of "+mynoise
00151 # Save the parameters used in clean etc.
00152 params = {}
00153 # Version of script
00154 params['version'] = myscriptvers
00155 # User set params
00156 params['user'] = {}
00157 params['user']['templatems'] = templatems
00158 params['user']['myimsize'] = myimsize
00159 params['user']['mycell'] = mycell
00160 params['user']['mycen'] = mycen
00161 params['user']['myniter'] = myniter
00162 params['user']['mymask'] = mymask
00163 params['user']['myfield'] = myfield
00164 params['user']['myspw'] = myspw
00165 params['user']['myftmachine'] = myftmachine
00166 params['user']['mycyclefactor'] = mycyclefactor
00167 params['user']['myminpb'] = myminpb
00168 params['user']['mynoise'] = mynoise
00170 #====================================================================
00172 # Get this into a direction measure
00173 phc = me.direction(mycen.split()[0],mycen.split()[1],mycen.split()[2])
00174 # Reference pixel of image
00175 myref = int((myimsize+0.5)/2.0)
00176 dcell = qa.convert(mycell,'arcsec')['value']
00178 #====================================================================
00179 # Dictionary with components to simulated
00181 # Comp A is at the peak of the .flux image:
00182 #     05:35:22.024, -
00183 # Note that only comp A is centered on a pixel by fiat
00184 complist = {}
00185 complist['A'] = {}
00186 complist['A']['rf'] = 'J2000'
00187 complist['A']['RA'] = '05:35:22.024'
00188 complist['A']['Dec'] = '-' 
00189 complist['A']['flux'] = myflux
00191 # Comp B is in center of field 6 (phs center), at 96% of peak .flux
00192 #     05:35:17.47      -
00193 complist['B'] = {}
00194 complist['B']['rf'] = 'J2000'
00195 complist['B']['RA'] = '05:35:17.47'
00196 complist['B']['Dec'] = '-'
00197 complist['B']['flux'] = myflux
00199 # Comp C is center of field 10, at 75% of peak .flux
00200 #     05:35:27.52      -
00201 complist['C'] = {}
00202 complist['C']['rf'] = 'J2000'
00203 complist['C']['RA'] = '05:35:27.52'
00204 complist['C']['Dec'] = '-'
00205 complist['C']['flux'] = myflux
00207 # Comp D is SSE of field 2, at 33% of peak .flux
00208 #     05:35:08.746    -
00209 complist['D'] = {}
00210 complist['D']['rf'] = 'J2000'
00211 complist['D']['RA'] = '05:35:08.746'
00212 complist['D']['Dec'] = '-'
00213 complist['D']['flux'] = myflux
00215 # Which of these to use
00216 compnames = ['A','B','C','D']
00218 # Box around each component in image
00219 dbox = 10
00220 for comp in compnames:
00221     # get as direction
00222     mydir = me.direction(complist[comp]['rf'],complist[comp]['RA'],complist[comp]['Dec'])
00223     # get offset and angle
00224     off_sep = me.separation(phc,mydir)
00225     off_sec = qa.convert(off_sep,'arcsec')['value']
00226     off_pa = me.posangle(phc,mydir)
00227     off_par = qa.convert(off_pa,'rad')['value']
00228     # offsets in pixels
00229     off_x = off_sec*sin(off_par)/dcell
00230     off_y = off_sec*cos(off_par)/dcell
00231     xpix = int( myref + 0.5 - off_x )
00232     ypix = int( myref + 0.5 + off_y )
00233     # store these in dictionary
00234     complist[comp]['xpix'] = xpix
00235     complist[comp]['ypix'] = ypix
00236     # now make box for clean and stats
00237     blcx = xpix - dbox
00238     blcy = ypix - dbox
00239     trcx = xpix + dbox
00240     trcy = ypix + dbox
00241     mybox = str(blcx)+","+ str(blcy)+","+ str(trcx)+","+ str(trcy)
00242     complist[comp]['box'] = mybox
00243     myclnbox = [blcx,blcy,trcx,trcy]
00244     complist[comp]['clnbox'] = myclnbox
00246 #====================================================================
00247 # Start actual processing
00248 #====================================================================
00249 startTime=time.time()
00250 startProc=time.clock()
00252 #====================================================================
00253 # Set up component list with 1Jy point source
00254 clfile = prefix + ""
00255 print "Creating componentlist "
00257 for comp in compnames:
00258     mydirection = "J2000 "+complist[comp]['RA']+" "+complist[comp]['Dec']
00259     compflux = complist[comp]['flux']
00260     cl.addcomponent(dir=mydirection, flux=compflux, freq='230.0GHz', spectrumtype='constant')
00261     print "  Added comp "+comp+" "+str(compflux)+" Jy at "+mydirection+" ("+str(complist[comp]['xpix'])+","+str(complist[comp]['ypix'])+")"
00263 cl.rename(clfile)
00264 mycl = cl.torecord()
00265 cl.close()
00267 print "Created componentlist "+clfile
00269 #Copy a new MS to work from template
00270 msfile = prefix + ""
00272 print "Copying "+templatems+" to "+msfile
00274 os.system('cp -rf '+templatems+' '+msfile)
00276 sm.openfromms(msfile)
00277 sm.setvp(dovp=T, usedefaultvp=T, dosquint=F)
00279 #Add components
00280 sm.predict(complist=clfile)
00282 #Add noise if desired
00283 if mynoise!="":
00284     print 'Adding noise '+mynoise
00285     sm.setvp(dovp=F)
00286     sm.setnoise(mode='simplenoise',simplenoise=mynoise)
00287     sm.corrupt()
00289 sm.close()
00291 print "Completed simulating MS "+msfile
00293 listobs(msfile)
00295 #====================================================================
00296 #DS9 shape files for viewer
00297 #j2000; text 05:35:07.42 -05:25:36.07 # text={2} color=blue   
00298 #j2000; text 05:35:17.42 -05:25:36.79 # text={3} color=blue   
00299 #j2000; text 05:35:27.42 -05:25:37.52 # text={4} color=blue   
00300 #j2000; text 05:35:27.47 -05:23:07.52 # text={5} color=blue   
00301 #j2000; text 05:35:17.47 -05:23:06.79 # text={6} color=blue   
00302 #j2000; text 05:35:07.47 -05:23:06.07 # text={7} color=blue   
00303 #j2000; text 05:35:07.52 -05:20:36.07 # text={8} color=blue   
00304 #j2000; text 05:35:17.52 -05:20:36.80 # text={9} color=blue   
00305 #j2000; text 05:35:27.52 -05:20:37.52 # text={10} color=blue   
00306 #j2000; text 05:35:32.61 -05:16:07.88 # text={11} color=blue   
00307 # 
00308 # From listobs:
00309 #    Fields: 12
00310 #         ID   Code Name          Right Ascension  Declination   Epoch   
00311 #         0    A    0518+165      05:21:09.89      +  J2000   
00312 #         1    A    0539-057      05:41:38.09      -  J2000   
00313 #         2         ORION1        05:35:07.42      -  J2000   
00314 #         3         ORION2        05:35:17.42      -  J2000   
00315 #         4         ORION3        05:35:27.42      -  J2000   
00316 #         5         ORION4        05:35:27.47      -  J2000   
00317 #         6         ORION5        05:35:17.47      -  J2000   
00318 #         7         ORION6        05:35:07.47      -  J2000   
00319 #         8         ORION7        05:35:07.52      -  J2000   
00320 #         9         ORION8        05:35:17.52      -  J2000   
00321 #         10        ORION9        05:35:27.52      -  J2000   
00322 #         11        ORION10       05:35:32.61      -  J2000   
00323 # Spectral Windows:
00324 # SpwID  #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz)   ChanWid(kHz)TotBW(kHz)  Ref(MHz)   Corrs
00325 # 0      1 TOPO  8435.1   50000    50000       8435.1      RR  LL  RL  LR  
00326 # 1      1 TOPO  8485.1   50000    50000       8485.1      RR  LL  RL  LR  
00327 #====================================================================
00329 sim1time=time.time()
00331 #====================================================================
00332 #  Some details about the mosaic (from old aips++ glish script): 
00333 #    primary beam at X-band = 5.4', 
00334 #    mosaic field spacing = 2.5'
00335 #    total mosaic size = approx. 9.5' = 570"
00336 #    synthesized beam size = 8.4" in D config at 3.6 cm, 8.3 GHz
00337 #    cell size = 2" and nx,ny = 300 (600" field size)
00338 #    phase center = center field: J2000 05:35:17.470, -
00339 #    NOTE: field 10 is outside of the 9 point primary mosaic (sitting 
00340 #     on M43 -- but the flux is resolved out so there is no use to 
00341 #     add it to the mosaic.  The script below leaves it out.  
00342 #====================================================================
00343 # Clean
00344 print "Preparing to image data"
00346 # Set up clean boxes
00347 clnbox = []
00348 for comp in compnames: 
00349     clnbox.append(complist[comp]['clnbox'])
00351 print ""
00352 print "Will be cleaning in box(es) "+str(clnbox)
00354 # MFS imaging for continuum
00355 default("clean")
00356 vis                =  msfile
00357 field              =  myfield
00358 spw                =  myspw
00359 selectdata         =  False
00360 timerange          =  ""
00361 uvrange            =  ""
00362 antenna            =  ""
00363 scan               =  ""
00364 mode               =  "mfs"
00365 gain               =  0.1
00366 threshold          =  "0.0mJy"
00367 psfmode            =  "clark"
00368 imagermode         =  "mosaic"
00369 ftmachine          =  myftmachine
00370 mosweight          =  False
00371 scaletype          =  "SAULT"
00372 flatnoise           =  False
00373 multiscale         =  []
00374 negcomponent       =  -1
00375 interactive        =  F
00376 mask               =  []
00377 nchan              =  1
00378 start              =  0
00379 width              =  1
00380 phasecenter        =  mycen
00381 imsize             =  myimsize
00382 cell               =  mycell
00383 restfreq           =  ""
00384 stokes             =  "I"
00385 weighting          =  "natural"
00386 robust             =  0.0
00387 uvtaper            =  False
00388 outertaper         =  []
00389 innertaper         =  []
00390 modelimage         =  ""
00391 restoringbeam      =  ['']
00392 minpb              =  myminpb
00393 noise              =  "1.0Jy"
00394 npixels            =  0
00395 npercycle          =  100
00396 cyclefactor        =  mycyclefactor
00397 cyclespeedup       =  -1
00399 # Set phasecenter either on field 1 or using Crystal's
00400 #phasecenter        =  "1"
00401 print "Will be mosaicing using phasecenter "+phasecenter
00403 print "First make dirty image"
00404 pbcor              =  T
00405 dirtimag = prefix + ".dirty"
00406 imagename          =  dirtimag
00407 niter              =  0
00408 clean()
00409 print "Output images are called "+imagename
00411 dirty1time=time.time()
00413 if mymask == "":
00414     mask = clnbox
00415     print "Will be cleaning using box(es) "+str(mask)
00416 else:
00417     mask = mymask
00418     print "Will be cleaning using mask "+mask
00420 #Clean image
00421 contimag = prefix + ".clean"
00422 pbcor              =  F
00423 imagename          =  contimag
00424 niter              =  myniter
00425 print "Now actually clean the image using niter = "+str(niter)
00426 clean()
00427 print "Output images are called "+imagename
00429 clean1time=time.time()
00431 # What Crystal's been doing
00432 #
00433 #contimag=''
00434 #clean(vis=vis,imagename=contimag,
00435 #      field='',spw='0~12,16~23',
00436 #      mode='mfs',
00437 #      niter=100,gain=0.1,threshold=0.0,
00438 #      psfmode='clark',imagermode='mosaic',scaletype='SAULT',
00439 #      mask='g19_d2usb_cont.model.mask',
00440 #      interactive=F,imsize=400,cell="0.5arcsec",
00441 #      phasecenter="J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20",
00442 #      pbcor=T,minpb=0.15)
00444 dirimage = dirtimag+'.image'
00445 clnimage = contimag+'.image'
00446 fluximage = contimag+'.flux'
00447 modimage = contimag+'.model'
00448 resimage = contimag+'.residual'
00449 covimage = contimag+'.flux.pbcoverage'
00451 #====================================================================
00452 # pbcor the model, be careful to mask zeros
00454 pbmodimage = contimag+'.pbcormod'
00455 pbcorimage = contimag+'.pbcorimg'
00456 # Old syntax
00457 #if myflux!=0.0:
00458 #    immath(outfile=pbmodimage,
00459 #           mode='evalexpr',
00460 #           expr="'"+modimage+"'['"+fluximage+"'!=0.0]/'"+fluximage+"'")
00461 #immath(outfile=pbcorimage,
00462 #       mode='evalexpr',
00463 #       expr="'"+clnimage+"'['"+fluximage+"'!=0.0]/'"+fluximage+"'")
00465 # New syntax (STM 2009-08-24)
00466 if myflux!=0.0:
00467     immath(outfile=pbmodimage,
00468            mode='evalexpr',
00469            imagename=[modimage,fluximage],
00470            expr="IM0[IM1!=0.0]/IM1")
00472 immath(outfile=pbcorimage,
00473        mode='evalexpr',
00474        imagename=[clnimage,fluximage],
00475        expr="IM0[IM1!=0.0]/IM1")
00477 # stats
00478 #====================================================================
00479 # Some continuum image statistics
00481 # Set up off-src box
00482 # Offset from first component
00483 #offbox = str(myref+45)+','+str(myref+30)+','+str(myref+110)+','+str(myref+100)
00484 doffx = 75
00485 doffy = 65
00486 doffbox = 30
00487 xpix = complist[compnames[0]]['xpix']
00488 ypix = complist[compnames[0]]['ypix']
00489 blcx = xpix + doffx - doffbox
00490 blcy = ypix + doffy - doffbox
00491 trcx = xpix + doffx + doffbox
00492 trcy = ypix + doffy + doffbox
00493 offbox = str(blcx)+","+ str(blcy)+","+ str(trcx)+","+ str(trcy)
00494 print "Off-source stats in box "+offbox
00496 # Do dirty image stats
00497 dirstats = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box = '')
00498 dirtyimg_max = dirstats['max'][0]
00499 dirtyimg_rms = dirstats['sigma'][0]
00501 diroffstats = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box=offbox)
00502 dirtyoff_rms = diroffstats['sigma'][0]
00504 # Do clean image
00505 allstats = imstat(imagename=pbcorimage,box = '')
00506 imageall_max = allstats['max'][0]
00507 imageall_rms = allstats['sigma'][0]
00509 offstats = imstat(imagename=pbcorimage,box=offbox)
00510 imageoff_rms = offstats['sigma'][0]
00512 # Do residual image
00513 resstats = imstat(imagename=resimage,box = '')
00514 residall_max = resstats['max'][0]
00515 residall_rms = resstats['sigma'][0]
00517 resoffstats = imstat(imagename=resimage,box=offbox)
00518 residoff_rms = resoffstats['sigma'][0]
00520 if myflux!=0.0:
00521     # Do whole model
00522     modstats = imstat(imagename=modimage,box = '')
00523     modelall_flux = modstats['sum'][0]
00525     pbmodstats = imstat(imagename=pbmodimage,box = '')
00526     pbmodelall_flux = pbmodstats['sum'][0]
00528 # Flux image effective area (STM 2009-06-18)
00529 fluxstats = imstat(imagename=fluximage,box = '')
00530 fluximg_sum = fluxstats['sum'][0]
00531 fluximg_npt = fluxstats['npts'][0]
00532 # Extract pixel area (sq.arcsec.)
00533 pixsec = qa.convert(qa.quantity(mycell),'arcsec')
00534 pixarea = qa.quantity(pixsec)['value']**2
00536 stats1time=time.time()
00538 #====================================================================
00539 # Some image fitting
00540 # There is a 1Jy source at center of field 1 in image
00541 # Comp Restored image
00542 # Using phasecenter='1'
00543 # A    467,372  at peak between 2,3,4 18:25:55.116 -
00544 # B    400,400  at 75% center field 1 18:25:57.400 -
00545 # C    360,462  at 40% N of field 0   18:25:58.764 -
00546 # D    511,420  at 20% NW of field 3  18:25:53.607 -
00548 # Using phasecenter="J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20"
00549 # Note that only comp A is centered on a pixel by fiat
00550 # A    429,391  at peak between 2,3,4 18:25:55.101 -
00551 # B    362,420  at 75% center field 1 18:25:57.400 -
00552 # C    321,481  at 40% N of field 0   18:25:58.764 -
00553 # D    473,440  at 20% NW of field 3  18:25:53.607 -
00555 # Use 21x21 boxes centered on above coordinates
00556 # Calculate:
00557 #    (a) Peak in restored image (Jy/bm)
00558 #    (b) Flux in imfit of restored image (Jy)
00559 #    (c) Flux in box in sim model (Jy)
00560 #
00562 totalflux = 0.0
00563 # Box around each component in image
00564 for comp in compnames:
00565     compflux = complist[comp]['flux']
00566     totalflux = totalflux + compflux
00567     mybox = complist[comp]['box']
00568     print "Component "+comp+" stats in box "+mybox
00569     # Dirty image
00570     xstat_dirimg = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box=mybox)
00571     # Clean image
00572     xstat_img = imstat(imagename=pbcorimage,box=mybox)
00573     if myflux!=0.0:
00574         # Clean model
00575         xstat_mod = imstat(imagename=modimage,box=mybox)
00576         xstat_pbmod = imstat(imagename=pbmodimage,box=mybox)
00577     # Residual image
00578     xstat_res = imstat(imagename=resimage,box=mybox)
00579     # Save in complist
00580     complist[comp]['dirtystat'] = xstat_dirimg
00581     complist[comp]['imstat'] = xstat_img
00582     if myflux!=0.0:
00583         complist[comp]['modstat'] = xstat_mod
00584         complist[comp]['pbmodstat'] = xstat_pbmod
00585     complist[comp]['resstat'] = xstat_res
00587 #====================================================================
00588 # Done
00589 #====================================================================
00590 endProc=time.clock()
00591 endTime=time.time()
00593 import datetime
00594 datestring=datetime.datetime.isoformat(
00596 myvers = casalog.version()
00597 myuser = os.getenv('USER')
00598 myhost = str( os.getenv('HOST') )
00599 mycwd = os.getcwd()
00600 myos = os.uname()
00601 mypath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH')
00603 walltime = (endTime - startTime)
00604 cputime = (endProc - startProc)
00606 # Print to terminal, and also save most things to a logfile
00607 outfile = 'out.'+prefix+'.'+datestring+'.log'
00608 logfile = open(outfile,'w')
00610 def lprint(msg, lfile):
00611     """
00612     Prints msg to both stdout and lfile.
00613     """
00614     print msg
00615     print >> logfile, msg
00617 lprint('Running '+myvers+' on host '+myhost, logfile)
00618 lprint('  at '+datestring, logfile)
00619 lprint('  using '+mypath, logfile)
00621 #
00622 ##########################################################################
00623 # Write some more stuff to logfile
00624 lprint('', logfile)
00625 lprint('---', logfile)
00626 lprint('Script version: '+params['version'], logfile)
00627 lprint('User set parameters used in execution:', logfile)
00628 lprint('---', logfile)
00630 for keys in params['user'].keys():
00631     lprint('  %s  =  %s ' % ( keys, params['user'][keys] ), logfile)
00633 lprint('', logfile)
00635 #
00636 ##########################################################################
00637 #
00638 # Save info in regression dictionary
00639 new_regression = {}
00641 new_regression['date'] = datestring
00642 new_regression['version'] = myvers
00643 new_regression['user'] = myuser
00644 new_regression['host'] = myhost
00645 new_regression['cwd'] = mycwd
00646 new_regression['os'] = myos
00647 new_regression['aipspath'] = mypath
00649 new_regression['dataset'] = mydataset
00651 # Store the parameters used in clean etc.
00652 new_regression['params'] = params
00654 # Store the results of this regression
00655 results = {}
00657 # First the overall results
00658 op = 'divf'
00659 tol = 0.01
00660 results['clean_dirtyimg_max'] = {}
00661 results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['name'] = 'Dirty image (all) max'
00662 results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['value'] = dirtyimg_max
00663 results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['op'] = op
00664 results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['tol'] = tol
00666 results['clean_dirtyimg_rms'] = {}
00667 results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['name'] = 'Dirty image (all) rms'
00668 results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['value'] = dirtyimg_rms
00669 results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['op'] = op
00670 results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['tol'] = tol
00672 results['clean_dirtyoff_rms'] = {}
00673 results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['name'] = 'Dirty image (off-src) rms'
00674 results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['value'] = dirtyoff_rms
00675 results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['op'] = op
00676 results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['tol'] = tol
00678 results['clean_imageall_max'] = {}
00679 results['clean_imageall_max']['name'] = 'Clean image (all) max'
00680 results['clean_imageall_max']['value'] = imageall_max
00681 results['clean_imageall_max']['op'] = op
00682 results['clean_imageall_max']['tol'] = tol
00684 results['clean_imageall_rms'] = {}
00685 results['clean_imageall_rms']['name'] = 'Clean image (all) rms'
00686 results['clean_imageall_rms']['value'] = imageall_rms
00687 results['clean_imageall_rms']['op'] = op
00688 results['clean_imageall_rms']['tol'] = tol
00690 results['clean_imageoff_rms'] = {}
00691 results['clean_imageoff_rms']['name'] = 'Clean image (off-src) rms'
00692 results['clean_imageoff_rms']['value'] = imageoff_rms
00693 results['clean_imageoff_rms']['op'] = op
00694 results['clean_imageoff_rms']['tol'] = tol
00696 results['clean_residall_max'] = {}
00697 results['clean_residall_max']['name'] = 'Residual image (all) max'
00698 results['clean_residall_max']['value'] = residall_max
00699 results['clean_residall_max']['op'] = op
00700 results['clean_residall_max']['tol'] = tol
00702 results['clean_residall_rms'] = {}
00703 results['clean_residall_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image (all) rms'
00704 results['clean_residall_rms']['value'] = residall_rms
00705 results['clean_residall_rms']['op'] = op
00706 results['clean_residall_rms']['tol'] = tol
00708 results['clean_residoff_rms'] = {}
00709 results['clean_residoff_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image (off-src) rms'
00710 results['clean_residoff_rms']['value'] = residoff_rms
00711 results['clean_residoff_rms']['op'] = op
00712 results['clean_residoff_rms']['tol'] = tol
00714 if myflux!=0.0:
00715     results['clean_modelall_flux'] = {}
00716     results['clean_modelall_flux']['name'] = 'Model image (all) flux'
00717     results['clean_modelall_flux']['value'] = modelall_flux
00718     results['clean_modelall_flux']['op'] = op
00719     results['clean_modelall_flux']['tol'] = tol
00721     results['clean_pbmodelall_flux'] = {}
00722     results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['name'] = 'PBCOR Model image (all) flux'
00723     results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['value'] = pbmodelall_flux
00724     results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['op'] = op
00725     results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['tol'] = tol
00727     results['sim_comp_flux'] = {}
00728     results['sim_comp_flux']['name'] = 'Sim Model total flux'
00729     results['sim_comp_flux']['value'] = totalflux
00730     results['sim_comp_flux']['op'] = op
00731     results['sim_comp_flux']['tol'] = tol
00733 results['flux_area'] = {}
00734 results['flux_area']['name'] = 'Eff. mosaic area (sq.arcmin.)'
00735 results['flux_area']['value'] = fluximg_sum*pixarea/3600.0
00736 results['flux_area']['op'] = op
00737 results['flux_area']['tol'] = tol
00739 # Done filling results
00740 new_regression['results'] = results
00742 # Now the component results
00743 new_regression['compnames'] = compnames
00744 #Store raw statistics
00745 new_regression['compstats'] = complist
00747 compresults = {}
00748 for comp in compnames:
00749     compresults[comp] = {}
00751     xstat_dirimg = complist[comp]['dirtystat']
00752     xstat_img = complist[comp]['imstat']
00753     if myflux!=0.0:
00754         xstat_mod = complist[comp]['modstat']
00755         xstat_pbmod = complist[comp]['pbmodstat']
00756     xstat_res = complist[comp]['resstat']
00758     compresults[comp]['box'] = complist[comp]['box']
00760     op = 'divf'
00761     tol = 0.08
00762     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max'] = {}
00763     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['name'] = 'Dirty image max'
00764     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['max'][0]
00765     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['op'] = op
00766     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['tol'] = tol
00768     op = 'diff'
00769     tol = 0.5
00770     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx'] = {}
00771     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['name'] = 'Dirty image max pos x'
00772     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['maxpos'][0]
00773     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['op'] = op
00774     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['tol'] = tol
00776     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy'] = {}
00777     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['name'] = 'Dirty image max pos y'
00778     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['maxpos'][1]
00779     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['op'] = op
00780     compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['tol'] = tol
00782     op = 'divf'
00783     tol = 0.08
00784     compresults[comp]['clean_image_max'] = {}
00785     compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['name'] = 'Restored image max'
00786     compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['value'] = xstat_img['max'][0]
00787     compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['op'] = op
00788     compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['tol'] = tol
00790     op = 'diff'
00791     tol = 0.5
00792     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx'] = {}
00793     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['name'] = 'Restored image max pos x'
00794     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['value'] = xstat_img['maxpos'][0]
00795     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['op'] = op
00796     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['tol'] = tol
00798     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy'] = {}
00799     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['name'] = 'Restored image max pos y'
00800     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['value'] = xstat_img['maxpos'][1]
00801     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['op'] = op
00802     compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['tol'] = tol
00804     op = 'divf'
00805     tol = 0.08
00806     compresults[comp]['residual_image_max'] = {}
00807     compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['name'] = 'Residual image max'
00808     compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['value'] = xstat_res['max'][0]
00809     compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['op'] = op
00810     compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['tol'] = tol
00812     compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms'] = {}
00813     compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image rms'
00814     compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['value'] = xstat_res['sigma'][0]
00815     compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['op'] = op
00816     compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['tol'] = tol
00818     if myflux!=0.0:
00819         compresults[comp]['model_image_sum'] = {}
00820         compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['name'] = 'Model image flux'
00821         compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['value'] = xstat_mod['sum'][0]
00822         compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['op'] = op
00823         compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['tol'] = tol
00825         compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum'] = {}
00826         compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['name'] = 'PBCOR Model image flux'
00827         compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['value'] = xstat_pbmod['sum'][0]
00828         compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['op'] = op
00829         compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['tol'] = tol
00831         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux'] = {}
00832         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['name'] = 'Simulated comp flux'
00833         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['value'] = complist[comp]['flux']
00834         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['op'] = op
00835         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['tol'] = tol
00837         op = 'diff'
00838         tol = 0.5
00839         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx'] = {}
00840         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['name'] = 'Simulated comp pos x'
00841         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['value'] = complist[comp]['xpix']
00842         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['op'] = op
00843         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['tol'] = tol
00845         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy'] = {}
00846         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['name'] = 'Simulated comp pos y'
00847         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['value'] = complist[comp]['ypix']
00848         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['op'] = op
00849         compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['tol'] = tol
00851 new_regression['compresults'] = compresults
00853 # Dataset size info
00854 datasize_raw = 110.0 # MB
00855 datasize_ms =  110.0 # MB
00856 new_regression['datasize'] = {}
00857 new_regression['datasize']['raw'] = datasize_raw
00858 new_regression['datasize']['ms'] = datasize_ms
00860 # Save timing to regression dictionary
00861 new_regression['timing'] = {}
00863 total = {}
00864 total['wall'] = (endTime - startTime)
00865 total['cpu'] = (endProc - startProc)
00866 total['rate_raw'] = (datasize_raw/(endTime - startTime))
00867 total['rate_ms'] = (datasize_ms/(endTime - startTime))
00869 new_regression['timing']['total'] = total
00871 nstages = 4
00872 new_regression['timing']['nstages'] = nstages
00874 stages = {}
00875 stages[0] = ['simulate',(sim1time-startTime)]
00876 stages[1] = ['invert',(dirty1time-sim1time)]
00877 stages[2] = ['clean',(clean1time-dirty1time)]
00878 stages[3] = ['stats',(endTime-clean1time)]
00880 new_regression['timing']['stages'] = stages
00882 #
00883 ##########################################################################
00884 # See if a previous pickfile can be found
00885 #
00886 # Try and load previous results from regression file
00887 #
00888 regression = {}
00889 regressfile = scriptprefix + '.pickle'
00890 prev_results = {}
00892 repodir=os.getenv("CASAPATH")
00893 repodir=repodir.split()[0]
00894 regressdirfile= repodir+ "/data/regression/orionmos4sim/"+scriptprefix + '.pickle'
00896 # Path to web archive (latest version)
00897 #webfile = ''+scriptprefix+'.pickle'
00898 #webfile = ''+scriptprefix+'.pickle'
00899 webfile = ''+scriptprefix+'.pickle'
00901 if os.access(regressfile,F_OK):
00902     # pickle file in current directory
00903     print "  Found "+regressfile+" in current directory"
00904 else:
00905     if os.access(regressdirfile,F_OK):
00906         # pickle file in local copy of regressions dir
00907         print "  Found "+regressdirfile+" in your local data repo"
00908         regressfile=regressdirfile
00909     else:
00910         print "Trying web download of "+webfile
00911         os.system('curl '+webfile+' -f -o '+regressfile)
00912         # NOTE: could also use wget
00913         # os.system('wget '+webfile)
00915 # Now try to access this file
00916 try:
00917     fr = open(regressfile,'r')
00918 except:
00919     print "No previous regression results file "+regressfile
00920     regression['exist'] = False
00921 else:
00922     u = pickle.Unpickler(fr)
00923     regression = u.load()
00924     fr.close()
00925     print "Regression results filled from "+regressfile
00926     print "Regression from version "+regression['version']+" on "+regression['date']
00927     regression['exist'] = True
00929     prev_results = regression['results']
00931     prev_compresults = regression['compresults']
00933 #
00934 ##########################################################################
00935 # Now print regression results if a previous pickfile can be found
00936 if myflux!=0.0:
00937     resultlist = ['clean_dirtyimg_max','clean_dirtyimg_rms',
00938                   'clean_imageall_max','clean_imageall_rms','clean_imageoff_rms',
00939                   'clean_residall_max','clean_residall_rms','clean_residoff_rms',
00940                   'clean_modelall_flux','clean_pbmodelall_flux',
00941                   'sim_comp_flux','flux_area']
00943     compreslist = ['dirty_image_max','dirty_image_maxposx','dirty_image_maxposy',
00944                    'clean_image_max','clean_image_maxposx','clean_image_maxposy',
00945                    'residual_image_max','residual_image_rms',
00946                    'model_image_sum','pbmodel_image_sum',
00947                    'sim_comp_flux','sim_comp_posx','sim_comp_posy']
00948 else:
00949     resultlist = ['clean_dirtyimg_max','clean_dirtyimg_rms',
00950                   'clean_imageall_max','clean_imageall_rms','clean_imageoff_rms',
00951                   'clean_residall_max','clean_residall_rms','clean_residoff_rms',
00952                   'flux_area']
00954     compreslist = ['dirty_image_max','dirty_image_maxposx','dirty_image_maxposy',
00955                    'clean_image_max','clean_image_maxposx','clean_image_maxposy',
00956                    'residual_image_max','residual_image_rms']
00958 testresults = {}
00959 testcompresults = {}
00961 if regression['exist']:
00962     lprint('---', logfile)
00963     lprint('Regression versus previous values:', logfile)
00964     lprint('---', logfile)
00965     lprint("  Regression results filled from "+regressfile, logfile)
00966     lprint("  Regression from version " + regression['version'] + " on " +
00967            regression['date'], logfile)
00968     lprint("  Regression platform " + regression['host'] + " using " +
00969            regression['aipspath'], logfile)    
00970     final_status = 'Passed'
00971 else:
00972     # Just print results
00973     lprint('---', logfile)
00974     lprint('Results of imaging:', logfile)
00975     lprint('---', logfile)
00976     lprint("  No previous regression file", logfile)
00978 # Do the component results
00979 for comp in compnames:
00980     lprint("", logfile)
00981     lprint(" Component " + comp + " :", logfile)
00983     if regression['exist']:
00984         # Set up storage for regression results
00985         testcompresults[comp] = {}
00987     for keys in compreslist:
00988         res = compresults[comp][keys]
00989         new_val = res['value']
00991         if regression['exist']:
00992             testcompresults[comp][keys] = {}
00993             testres = {}
00994             testres['value'] = new_val
00995             testres['op'] = res['op']
00996             testres['tol'] = res['tol']
00998             if prev_compresults.has_key(comp):
00999                 # This is a known comp
01000                 if prev_compresults[comp].has_key(keys):
01001                     # This is a known regression key
01002                     prev = prev_compresults[comp][keys]
01003                     prev_val = prev['value']
01004                     if res['op'] == 'divf':
01005                         new_diff = (new_val - prev_val)/prev_val
01006                     else:
01007                         new_diff = new_val - prev_val
01009                     if abs(new_diff) > res['tol']:
01010                         new_status = 'Failed'
01011                     else:
01012                         new_status = 'Passed'
01014                     testres['prev'] = prev_val
01015                     testres['diff'] = new_diff
01016                     testres['status'] = new_status
01017                     testres['test'] = 'Last'
01019                 else:
01020                     # Unknown regression key
01021                     testres['prev'] = 0.0
01022                     testres['diff'] = 1.0
01023                     testres['status'] = 'Missed'
01024                     testres['test'] = 'none'
01026             else:
01027                 # Unknown regression comp
01028                 testres['prev'] = 0.0
01029                 testres['diff'] = 1.0
01030                 testres['status'] = 'Unknown'
01031                 testres['test'] = 'none'
01033             # Save results
01034             testcompresults[comp][keys] = testres
01036             if testres['status']=='Failed':
01037                 final_status = 'Failed'
01039             # Print results
01040             lprint('--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % (res['name'],
01041                                                                        testres['value'],
01042                                                                        testres['prev'],
01043                                                                        testres['op'],
01044                                                                        testres['diff'],
01045                                                                        testres['status'],
01046                                                                        testres['test']),
01047                    logfile)
01048         else:
01049             # Just print results
01050             lprint('--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ), logfile)
01052 # Do the overall results
01053 lprint("", logfile)
01054 lprint(" Whole image :", logfile)
01055 for keys in resultlist:
01056     res = results[keys]
01057     new_val = res['value']
01058     if regression['exist']:
01059         # Set up storage for regression results
01060         testresults[keys] = {}
01061         testres = {}
01062         testres['value'] = new_val
01063         testres['op'] = res['op']
01064         testres['tol'] = res['tol']
01066         # Compute regression results
01067         if prev_results.has_key(keys):
01068             # This is a known regression key
01069             prev = prev_results[keys]
01070             prev_val = prev['value']
01071             if res['op'] == 'divf':
01072                 new_diff = (new_val - prev_val)/prev_val
01073             else:
01074                 new_diff = new_val - prev_val
01076             if abs(new_diff)>res['tol']:
01077                 new_status = 'Failed'
01078             else:
01079                 new_status = 'Passed'
01081             testres['prev'] = prev_val
01082             testres['diff'] = new_diff
01083             testres['status'] = new_status
01084             testres['test'] = 'Last'
01085         else:
01086             # Unknown regression key
01087             testres['prev'] = 0.0
01088             testres['diff'] = 1.0
01089             testres['status'] = 'Missed'
01090             testres['test'] = 'none'
01092         # Save results
01093         testresults[keys] = testres
01095         # Print results
01096         lprint('--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % (res['name'],
01097                                                                     testres['value'],
01098                                                                     testres['prev'],
01099                                                                     testres['op'],
01100                                                                     testres['diff'],
01101                                                                     testres['status'],
01102                                                                     testres['test'] ),
01103                logfile)
01104         if testres['status']=='Failed':
01105             final_status = 'Failed'
01107     else:
01108         # Just print the current results
01109         lprint('--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ), logfile)
01111 # Done
01113 if regression['exist']:
01114     # Final regression status
01115     if (final_status == 'Passed'):
01116         regstate=True
01117         print >>logfile,'---'
01118         lprint('Passed Regression test for ' + mydataset, logfile)
01119         print >>logfile,'---'
01120         print ''
01121         print 'Regression PASSED'
01122         print ''
01123     else:
01124         regstate=False
01125         lprint('----FAILED Regression test for ' + mydataset, logfile)
01127     # Write these regression test results to the dictionary
01128     new_regression['testresults'] = testresults
01129     new_regression['testcompresults'] = testcompresults
01130 else:
01131     regstate=False
01132     lprint('----Unable to complete regression test for '+ mydataset, logfile)
01134 #
01135 ##########################################################################
01136 # Final stats and timing
01138 lprint('', logfile)
01139 lprint('********* Benchmarking *************************', logfile)
01140 lprint('*                                              *', logfile)
01141 lprint('Total wall clock time was: %10.3f ' % total['wall'], logfile)
01142 lprint('Total CPU        time was: %10.3f ' % total['cpu'], logfile)
01143 lprint('Raw processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_raw'], logfile)
01144 lprint('MS  processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_ms'], logfile)
01145 lprint('', logfile)
01146 lprint('* Breakdown:                                   *', logfile)
01148 for i in range(nstages):
01149     lprint('* %16s * time was: %10.3f ' % tuple(stages[i]), logfile)
01151 lprint('************************************************', logfile)
01152 if regression['exist']:
01153     lprint('Previous wall time was %10.3f sec on %s ' %
01154            (regression['timing']['total']['wall'], regression['host'] ), logfile)
01155     lprint('Previous CPU  time was %10.3f sec on %s ' %
01156            (regression['timing']['total']['cpu'], regression['host'] ), logfile)
01158 #
01159 ##########################################################################
01160 #
01161 # Save regression results as dictionary using Pickle
01162 #
01163 pickfile = 'out.'+prefix + '.regression.'+datestring+'.pickle'
01164 f = open(pickfile,'w')
01165 p = pickle.Pickler(f)
01166 p.dump(new_regression)
01167 f.close()
01169 print ""
01170 print "Regression result dictionary saved in "+pickfile
01171 print ""
01172 print "Use Pickle to retrieve these"
01173 print ""
01175 # e.g.
01176 # f = open(pickfile)
01177 # u = pickle.Unpickler(f)
01178 # clnmodel = u.load()
01179 # polmodel = u.load()
01180 # f.close()
01182 lprint("", logfile)
01183 lprint("Done with " + mydataset, logfile)
01185 logfile.close()
01186 print "Results are in "+outfile
01188 #
01189 ##########################################################################