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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from  casac import *
00009 import string
00010 from taskinit import casalog
00011 #from taskmanager import tm
00012 import task_sdstat
00013 def sdstat(infile='', antenna=0, fluxunit='', telescopeparm='', specunit='', restfreq='', frame='', doppler='', scanlist=[], field='', iflist=[], pollist=[], masklist=[], invertmask=False, interactive=False, outfile='', format='3.3f', overwrite=False):
00015         """ASAP SD task: list statistics of spectral region
00016         Keyword arguments:
00017         infile -- name of input SD dataset
00018                 default: none - must input file name
00019                 example: 'mysd.asap'
00020                          See sdcal for allowed formats.
00021         antenna -- antenna name or id (only effective for MS input). 
00022         fluxunit -- units for line flux
00023                 options: (str) 'K','Jy',''
00024                 default: '' (keep current fluxunit)
00025                 WARNING: For GBT data, see description below.
00026             >>> fluxunit expandable parameter
00027                  telescopeparm -- the telescope characteristics
00028                         options: (str) name or (list) list of gain info
00029                         default: '' (none set)
00030                         example: if telescopeparm='', it tries to get the telescope
00031                                  name from the data.
00032                                  Full antenna parameters (diameter,ap.eff.) known
00033                                  to ASAP are
00034                                  'ATPKSMB', 'ATPKSHOH', 'ATMOPRA', 'DSS-43',
00035                                  'CEDUNA','HOBART'. For GBT, it fixes default fluxunit
00036                                  to 'K' first then convert to a new fluxunit.
00037                                  telescopeparm=[104.9,0.43] diameter(m), ap.eff.
00038                                  telescopeparm=[0.743] gain in Jy/K
00039                                  telescopeparm='FIX' to change default fluxunit
00040                                  see description below
00042         specunit -- units for spectral axis
00043                 options: (str) 'channel','km/s','GHz','MHz','kHz','Hz',''
00044                 default: '' (=current)
00045             >>> specunit expandable parameter
00046                  restfreq -- rest frequency
00047                          default: '' (use current setting)
00048                          example: 4.6e10 (float value in Hz),
00049                                   '46GHz' (string with unit),
00050                                   ['345.8GHz', 347.0e9, 356.7e9] (for each IF)
00051                                   [{'name':'CO','value':345e9}] (a value with name)
00052         frame -- frequency frame for spectral axis
00053                 options: (str) 'LSRK','REST','TOPO','LSRD','BARY',
00054                          'GEO','GALACTO','LGROUP','CMB'
00055                 default: currently set frame in scantable
00056                 WARNING: frame='REST' not yet implemented
00057         doppler -- doppler mode
00058                 options: (str) 'RADIO','OPTICAL','Z','BETA','GAMMA'
00059                 default: currently set doppler in scantable
00060         scanlist -- list of scan numbers to process
00061                 default: [] (use all scans)
00062                 example: [21,22,23,24]
00063                 this selection is in addition to field, iflist, and pollist
00064         field -- selection string for selecting scans by name
00065                 default: '' (no name selection)
00066                 example: 'FLS3a*'
00067                 this selection is in addition to scanlist, iflist, and pollist
00068         iflist -- list of IF id numbers to select
00069                 default: [] (use all IFs)
00070                 example: [15]
00071                 this selection is in addition to field, scanlist, and pollist
00072         pollist -- list of polarization id numbers to select
00073                 default: [] (use all pols)
00074                 example: [1]
00075                 this selection is in addition to field, scanlist, and iflist
00076         masklist -- list of mask regions to INCLUDE in stats
00077                 default: [] (whole spectrum)
00078                 example: [4000,4500] for one region
00079                          [[1000,3000],[5000,7000]]
00080                          these must be pairs of [lo,hi] boundaries
00081         invertmask -- invert mask (EXCLUDE masklist instead)
00082                 options: (bool) True,False
00083                 default: false
00084         interactive -- determines interactive masking
00085                 options: (bool) True,False
00086                 default: False
00087                 example: interactive=True allows adding and deleting mask 
00088                          regions by drawing rectangles on the plot with mouse. 
00089                          Draw a rectangle with LEFT-mouse to ADD the region to 
00090                          the mask and with RIGHT-mouse to DELETE the region. 
00091         outfile -- name of output file for line statistics
00092                 default: '' (no output statistics file)
00093                 example: 'stat.txt'
00094         format -- format string to print statistic values
00095                 default: '3.3f'
00096         overwrite -- overwrite the statistics file if already exists 
00097                 options: (bool) True,False
00098                 default: False
00100         -------------------------------------------------------------------
00101                 Returns: a Python dictionary of line statistics
00102                    keys: 'rms','stddev','max','min','max_abscissa',
00103                          'min_abscissa','sum','median','mean','totint','eqw'
00104                 example: xstat=sdstat(); print "rms = ",xstat['rms']
00105                          these can be used for testing in scripts or
00106                          for regression
00108                          'max_abscissa' and 'min_abscissa' refer to the abscissa
00109                          (channel/frequency/velocity) of max and min intensity.
00110                          'totint' is the integrated intensity (sum*dx)
00111                          where dx is the abscissa interval in 'specunit'.
00112                          'eqw' is equivalent width (totint/mag) where mag
00113                          is either max or min depending on which has
00114                          greater magnitude. 
00115                          Note that 'max_abscissa', 'min_abscissa', 'totint' 
00116                          and 'eqw' are quantities (python dictionaries with
00117                          keys, 'unit' and 'value').
00120        DESCRIPTION:
00122         Task sdstat computes basic statistics (rms,mean,median,sum)
00123         for single-dish spectra.  It assumes that the spectra have
00124         been calibrated.  Furthermore, it assumes that any
00125         time and channel averaging/smoothing has also already been done as
00126         there are no controls for these. 
00128         Note that multiple scans and IFs can in principle be handled, but
00129         we recommend that you use scanlist, field, iflist, and pollist to give 
00130         a single selection for each run.
00132         WARNING: If you do have multiple scantable rows, then the returning 
00133         values will be lists.
00135         ASAP recognizes the data of the "AT" telescopes, but currently
00136         does not know about the GBT or any other telescope. This task
00137         does know about GBT. Telescope name is obtained from the data.
00138         If you wish to change the fluxunit (see below), and telescopeparm='',
00139         for the AT telescopes it will use internal telescope parameters for
00140         flux conversion. For GBT, it will use an approximate aperture
00141         efficiency conversion.  If you give telescopeparm a list, then
00142         if the list has a single float it is assumed to be the gain in Jy/K,
00143         if two or more elements they are assumed to be telescope diameter (m)
00144         and aperture efficiency respectively.
00146         WARNING for the GBT raw SDFITS format data as input:
00147         SDtasks are able to handle GBT raw SDFITS format data since the 
00148         data filler is available. However, the functionality is not well 
00149         tested yet, so that there may be unknown bugs.  
00152         """
00153         if type(scanlist)==int: scanlist=[scanlist]
00154         if type(iflist)==int: iflist=[iflist]
00155         if type(pollist)==int: pollist=[pollist]
00156         if type(masklist)==int: masklist=[masklist]
00158 #
00159 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00160 #
00161         mytmp = {}
00163         mytmp['infile'] = infile
00164         mytmp['antenna'] = antenna
00165         mytmp['fluxunit'] = fluxunit
00166         mytmp['telescopeparm'] = telescopeparm
00167         mytmp['specunit'] = specunit
00168         mytmp['restfreq'] = restfreq
00169         mytmp['frame'] = frame
00170         mytmp['doppler'] = doppler
00171         mytmp['scanlist'] = scanlist
00172         mytmp['field'] = field
00173         mytmp['iflist'] = iflist
00174         mytmp['pollist'] = pollist
00175         mytmp['masklist'] = masklist
00176         mytmp['invertmask'] = invertmask
00177         mytmp['interactive'] = interactive
00178         mytmp['outfile'] = outfile
00179         mytmp['format'] = format
00180         mytmp['overwrite'] = overwrite
00181         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00182         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'sdstat.xml')
00184         casalog.origin('sdstat')
00185         if trec.has_key('sdstat') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['sdstat']) :
00186             result = task_sdstat.sdstat(infile, antenna, fluxunit, telescopeparm, specunit, restfreq, frame, doppler, scanlist, field, iflist, pollist, masklist, invertmask, interactive, outfile, format, overwrite)
00188         else :
00189           result = False
00190         return result