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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2008, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from casac import *
00009 import string
00010 import time
00011 import inspect
00012 import gc
00013 import numpy
00014 from odict import odict
00015 from task_sdtpimaging import sdtpimaging
00016 from task_sdtpimaging import casalog
00018 class sdtpimaging_pg_:
00019     __name__ = "sdtpimaging"
00021     def __init__(self) :
00022        self.__bases__ = (sdtpimaging_pg_,)
00023        self.__doc__ = self.__call__.__doc__
00026     def __call__(self, infile=None, calmode=None, masklist=None, blpoly=None, backup=None, flaglist=None, antenna=None, spw=None, stokes=None, createimage=None, outfile=None, imsize=None, cell=None, phasecenter=None, ephemsrcname=None, pointingcolumn=None, gridfunction=None, plotlevel=None, async=None):
00028         """SD task: do a simple calibration and imaging for total power data 
00029   Keyword arguments:
00030         infile -- name of input SD (MS) dataset
00031         calmode -- calibration mode (currently only baseline subtraction)
00032                 options: 'baseline','none'
00033                 default: 'none'
00034                 example: choose mode 'none' if you have
00035                          already calibrated and want to do
00036                          plotting nd/or imaging 
00037             >>> calmode='baseline' expandable parameters
00038                masklist -- mask in numbers of rows from each edge of each scan 
00039                            to be included for baseline fitting
00040                  default: none
00041                  example: [30,30] or [30] 
00042                           used first 30 rows and last 30 rows of each scan for 
00043                           the baseline 
00044                blpoly -- polynomial order for the baseline fit
00045                  default: 1
00046                backup -- set True to create backup for input data
00047                  default: True
00048         flaglist -- list of scan numbers to flag (ranges can be accepted)  
00049                 default: [] (use all scans)
00050                 example: [[0,3],80]
00051                          flag the scan range [0,3] = [0,1,2,3] and scan 80 
00052         antenna -- select data based on antenna name(s) or id(s) in string
00053                 default: '' (use all antennas)
00054                 example: '0,1', 'DV01'
00055                 WARNING: currently baseline subtraction properly 
00056                          only one of the antennas.
00057         spw -- spectral window id
00058                 default: 0
00059                 example: 1
00060         stokes -- select data based on stokes or polarization type 
00061                 default: '' (use all polarizations)
00062                 example: 'XX'
00063         createimage -- do imaging? 
00064                 default: False 
00065             >>> createimage=True expandable parameters
00066                outfile -- output image name
00067                  default: none
00068                  example: ''
00069                imsize -- x and y image size in pixels, symmetric for single 
00070                          value
00071                  default: [256,256]
00072                  example: imsize=200 (equivalent to [200,200])
00073                cell -- x and y cell size. default unit arcmin
00074                  default: '1.0arcmin'
00075                  example: cell=['0.2arcmin, 0.2arcmin']
00076                           cell='0.2arcmin' (equivalent to example above)
00077                phasecenter -- image phase center: direction measure or fieldid 
00078                  default: 0
00079                  example: 'J2000 13h44m00 -17d02m00', 'AZEL -123d48m29 15d41m41'
00080                ephemsrcname -- ephemeris source name to proper shifting to 
00081                                center on the moving source for imaging
00082                  default: ''
00083                           if the source name in the data matches one of the 
00084                           known solar objects by the system, this task 
00085                           automatically set the source name. 
00086                  example: 'moon' 
00087                pointingcolumn -- pointing data column to use
00088                  option: 'direction', 'target', 'pointing_offset', 
00089                          'source_offset', 'encoder' 
00090                  default: 'direction'
00091                gridfunction -- gridding function for imaging
00092                  options: 'BOX' (Box-car), 'SF' (Spheroidal), 
00093                           'PB' (Primary-beam), 'GAUSS' (Gaussian),
00094                           'GJINC' (Gaussian*Jinc)
00095                  default: 'BOX'
00096                  example: 'SF'
00097         plotlevel -- control for plotting of results
00098                 options: (int) 0=none, 1=some, 2=more, <0=hardcopy
00099                 default: 0 (no plotting)
00100                 example: plotlevel<0 as abs(plotlevel), e.g.
00101                          -1: hardcopy plot 
00102                              (will be named <infile>_scans.eps)
00103                           1: plot raw data, calibrated data 
00104                              (for calmode='baseline)
00105                              plot raw or if exist calibrated data 
00106                              (for calmode='none')
00107                           2: plot raw data, progressively display baseline 
00108                              fitting for each scan, and final calibrated data 
00109                              (for calmode='baseline')  
00112         DESCRIPTION:
00114         Task sdtpimaging performs data selection, calibration, and imaging for 
00115         single-dish totalpower raster scan data.  This is a still experimental 
00116         task made to work mostly for the data taken at the ALMA Testing 
00117         Facility (ATF) or OSF. Currently, this task directly accesses the 
00118         Measurement Set data only because of the data access efficiency. So it 
00119         differs from other single-dish tasks that mostly operate on the ASAP 
00120         scantable data format.  By setting calmode='none', one can run 
00121         sdtpimaging to plot the data (raw or calibrated, if exists) and 
00122         further imaging by setting createimage=True. 
00124         The calibration available at this moment is just a simple baseline 
00125         subtraction for each scan. The fitted regions set by masklist are the 
00126         common for all the scans. Selection of the antennas can be made by 
00127         setting antennaid(s) or antenna name(s) in string (e.g. '0', '0,1', 
00128         'DV01',etc.). 
00130         For baseline subtraction, it currently works properly for a single 
00131         antenna selection. So a separate sdtpimaging task needs to be ran for 
00132         each antenna. It currently assumes that the data has a single spw(=0) 
00133         and fieldid(=0). By setting flaglist, one can set flag by scan numbers 
00134         to be excluded from imaging. (Note: 'scan numbers' are determined from 
00135         state id and related to SUB_SCAN column in STATE subtable and not to 
00136         SCAN_NUMBER in MS.) By default, baseline subtraction stage overwrites 
00137         (FLOAT_)DATA column of input data. You can keep original data by 
00138         setting backup parameter to True. In this case, the task make a copy 
00139         of input data specified by infile parameter. Name of backup file is 
00140         <infile>.sdtpimaging.bak.<timestamp>.  
00142         The selection of polarizations can be made by specifying the 
00143         polarization name in stokes, such as 'XX' or 'YY' for linear 
00144         polarizations. For example, with createimage=True, stokes='XXYY' will 
00145         produces an image cube with each plane contains the image of one of
00146         the polarizations while stokes='' or stokes='I' will produces a 'total 
00147         intensity' or Stokes I image. 
00149         Among the imaging sub-parameters, ephemsrcname is used to set the name 
00150         of a moving source such as planets to produce a stationary image (can 
00151         be omitted), and pointingcolumn is used to specify which pointing data 
00152         column to use for imaging. Convolution kernel for imaging can be 
00153         specified by using gridfunction. Available options are 'Box' (Box-car),
00154         'SF' (Spheroidal), 'PB' (Primary-beam), 'GAUSS' (Gaussian), and 
00155         'GJINC' (Gaussian*Jinc), where Jinc(x) = J_1(pi*x/c)/(pi*x/c) with a 
00156         first order Bessel function J_1. Sub-parameters for convolution 
00157         functions cannot be specified in this task. To costomize your 
00158         convolution function, please do imaging using sdimaging task or 
00159         imager tool.
00161         """
00162         a=inspect.stack()
00163         stacklevel=0
00164         for k in range(len(a)):
00165           if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00166                 stacklevel=k
00167                 break
00168         myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00169         myf['__last_task'] = 'sdtpimaging'
00170         myf['taskname'] = 'sdtpimaging'
00171         ###
00172         myf['update_params'](func=myf['taskname'],printtext=False)
00173         ###
00174         ###
00175         #Handle globals or user over-ride of arguments
00176         #
00177         function_signature_defaults=dict(zip(self.__call__.func_code.co_varnames,self.__call__.func_defaults))
00178         useLocalDefaults = False
00180         for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00181                 key,val = item
00182                 keyVal = eval(key)
00183                 if (keyVal == None):
00184                         #user hasn't set it - use global/default
00185                         pass
00186                 else:
00187                         #user has set it - use over-ride
00188                         if (key != 'self') :
00189                            useLocalDefaults = True
00190                         #myf[key]=keyVal
00192         myparams = {}
00193         if useLocalDefaults :
00194            for item in function_signature_defaults.iteritems():
00195                key,val = item
00196                keyVal = eval(key)
00197                exec('myparams[key] = keyVal')
00198                if (keyVal == None):
00199                    exec('myparams[key] = '+ key + ' = self.itsdefault(key)')
00200                    keyVal = eval(key)
00201                    if(type(keyVal) == dict) :
00202                       exec('myparams[key] = ' + key + ' = keyVal[len(keyVal)-1][\'value\']')
00204         else :
00205             uselessvariable = None 
00206             myparams['infile'] = infile = myf['infile']
00207             myparams['calmode'] = calmode = myf['calmode']
00208             myparams['masklist'] = masklist = myf['masklist']
00209             myparams['blpoly'] = blpoly = myf['blpoly']
00210             myparams['backup'] = backup = myf['backup']
00211             myparams['flaglist'] = flaglist = myf['flaglist']
00212             myparams['antenna'] = antenna = myf['antenna']
00213             myparams['spw'] = spw = myf['spw']
00214             myparams['stokes'] = stokes = myf['stokes']
00215             myparams['createimage'] = createimage = myf['createimage']
00216             myparams['outfile'] = outfile = myf['outfile']
00217             myparams['imsize'] = imsize = myf['imsize']
00218             myparams['cell'] = cell = myf['cell']
00219             myparams['phasecenter'] = phasecenter = myf['phasecenter']
00220             myparams['ephemsrcname'] = ephemsrcname = myf['ephemsrcname']
00221             myparams['pointingcolumn'] = pointingcolumn = myf['pointingcolumn']
00222             myparams['gridfunction'] = gridfunction = myf['gridfunction']
00223             myparams['plotlevel'] = plotlevel = myf['plotlevel']
00225         if type(masklist)==int: masklist=[masklist]
00226         if type(flaglist)==int: flaglist=[flaglist]
00227         if type(imsize)==int: imsize=[imsize]
00228         if type(cell)==float: cell=[cell]
00230         result = None
00232 #
00233 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00234 #
00235         mytmp = {}
00237         mytmp['infile'] = infile
00238         mytmp['calmode'] = calmode
00239         mytmp['masklist'] = masklist
00240         mytmp['blpoly'] = blpoly
00241         mytmp['backup'] = backup
00242         mytmp['flaglist'] = flaglist
00243         mytmp['antenna'] = antenna
00244         mytmp['spw'] = spw
00245         mytmp['stokes'] = stokes
00246         mytmp['createimage'] = createimage
00247         mytmp['outfile'] = outfile
00248         mytmp['imsize'] = imsize
00249         if type(cell) == str :
00250            mytmp['cell'] = casac.quanta().quantity(cell)
00251         else :
00252            mytmp['cell'] = cell
00253         mytmp['phasecenter'] = phasecenter
00254         mytmp['ephemsrcname'] = ephemsrcname
00255         mytmp['pointingcolumn'] = pointingcolumn
00256         mytmp['gridfunction'] = gridfunction
00257         mytmp['plotlevel'] = plotlevel
00258         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00259         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'sdtpimaging.xml')
00261         casalog.origin('sdtpimaging')
00262         if not trec.has_key('sdtpimaging') or not casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['sdtpimaging']) :
00263             return False
00266         try :
00267 '')
00268 '##########################################')
00269 '##### Begin Task: sdtpimaging           #####')
00270 '')
00271           result = sdtpimaging(infile, calmode, masklist, blpoly, backup, flaglist, antenna, spw, stokes, createimage, outfile, imsize, cell, phasecenter, ephemsrcname, pointingcolumn, gridfunction, plotlevel)
00272 '')
00273 '##### End Task: sdtpimaging           #####')
00274 '##########################################')
00277 # saveinputs for individule engine has no use
00278 # saveinputs should alos be removed from
00279 #
00280 #
00281 #          saveinputs = myf['saveinputs']
00282 #          saveinputs('sdtpimaging', 'sdtpimaging.last', myparams)
00283 #
00284 #
00285         except Exception, instance:
00286           #print '**** Error **** ',instance
00287           pass
00289         gc.collect()
00290         return result
00291 #
00292 #
00293 ##
00294 #    def paramgui(self, useGlobals=True):
00295 #        """
00296 #        Opens a parameter GUI for this task.  If useGlobals is true, then any relevant global parameter settings are used.
00297 #        """
00298 #        import paramgui
00299 #
00300 #        a=inspect.stack()
00301 #        stacklevel=0
00302 #        for k in range(len(a)):
00303 #          if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00304 #            stacklevel=k
00305 #            break
00306 #        myf = sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00307 #
00308 #        if useGlobals:
00309 #            paramgui.setGlobals(myf)
00310 #        else:
00311 #            paramgui.setGlobals({})
00312 #
00313 #        paramgui.runTask('sdtpimaging', myf['_ip'])
00314 #        paramgui.setGlobals({})
00315 #
00316 #
00317 #
00318 #
00319     def defaults(self, param=None):
00320         a=inspect.stack()
00321         stacklevel=0
00322         for k in range(len(a)):
00323           if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00324                 stacklevel=k
00325                 break
00326         myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00327         a = odict()
00328         a['infile']  = ''
00329         a['calmode']  = 'none'
00330         a['flaglist']  = []
00331         a['antenna']  = ''
00332         a['spw']  = 0
00333         a['stokes']  = ''
00334         a['createimage']  = False
00335         a['plotlevel']  = 0
00337         a['async']=False
00338         a['calmode'] = {
00339                     0:{'value':'none'}, 
00340                     1:odict([{'value':'baseline'}, {'masklist':[]}, {'blpoly':1}, {'backup':True}])}
00341         a['createimage'] = {
00342                     0:{'value':False}, 
00343                     1:odict([{'value':True}, {'outfile':''}, {'imsize':[256, 256]}, {'cell':[1, 1]}, {'phasecenter':''}, {'ephemsrcname':''}, {'pointingcolumn':'direction'}, {'gridfunction':'BOX'}])}
00345 ### This function sets the default values but also will return the list of
00346 ### parameters or the default value of a given parameter
00347         if(param == None):
00348                 myf['__set_default_parameters'](a)
00349         elif(param == 'paramkeys'):
00350                 return a.keys()
00351         else:
00352                 if(a.has_key(param)):
00353                    #if(type(a[param]) == dict) :
00354                    #   return a[param][len(a[param])-1]['value']
00355                    #else :
00356                       return a[param]
00359 #
00360 #
00361     def check_params(self, param=None, value=None):
00362       a=inspect.stack() 
00363       stacklevel=0
00364       for k in range(len(a)):
00365         if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0) or (string.find(a[k][1], '<string>') >= 0):
00366             stacklevel=k
00367             break
00368       myf=sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00370 #      print 'param:', param, 'value:', value
00371       try :
00372          if str(type(value)) != "<type 'instance'>" :
00373             value0 = value
00374             value = myf['cu'].expandparam(param, value)
00375             matchtype = False
00376             if(type(value) == numpy.ndarray):
00377                if(type(value) == type(value0)):
00378                   myf[param] = value.tolist()
00379                else:
00380                   #print 'value:', value, 'value0:', value0
00381                   #print 'type(value):', type(value), 'type(value0):', type(value0)
00382                   myf[param] = value0
00383                   if type(value0) != list :
00384                      matchtype = True
00385             else :
00386                myf[param] = value
00387             value = myf['cu'].verifyparam({param:value})
00388             if matchtype:
00389                value = False
00390       except Exception, instance:
00391          #ignore the exception and just return it unchecked
00392          myf[param] = value
00393       return value
00395 #
00396 #
00397     def description(self, key='sdtpimaging', subkey=None):
00398         desc={'sdtpimaging': 'SD task: do a simple calibration and imaging for total power data ',
00399                'infile': 'name of input SD dataset(only MS is allowed for this task)',
00400                'calmode': 'SD calibration mode (currently only support none or baseline subtraction )',
00401                'masklist': 'mask in data row numbers to be included for baseline fitting for each scan',
00402                'blpoly': 'polynomial order for the baseline fit',
00403                'backup': 'set True to create backup for input data',
00404                'flaglist': 'list of scan numbers to flag (e.g. [[1,3], 80])',
00405                'antenna': 'antenna name(s) or id(s)',
00406                'spw': 'spectral window id for imaging',
00407                'stokes': 'stokes or correlation name (e.g. "I", "XX")',
00408                'createimage': 'do imaging?',
00409                'outfile': 'output image name',
00410                'imsize': 'x and y image size in pixels, symmetric for single value',
00411                'cell': 'x and y cell size. default unit arcmin',
00412                'phasecenter': 'Image phase center: position or field index',
00413                'ephemsrcname': 'ephemeris source name',
00414                'pointingcolumn': 'pointing data column to use',
00415                'gridfunction': 'gridding function for imaging ("BOX","SF","PB")',
00416                'plotlevel': 'plot results (0=none,1+=some,<0=hardcopy)',
00418                'async': 'If true the taskname must be started using sdtpimaging(...)'
00419               }
00421 #
00422 # Set subfields defaults if needed
00423 #
00425         if(desc.has_key(key)) :
00426            return desc[key]
00428     def itsdefault(self, paramname) :
00429         a = {}
00430         a['infile']  = ''
00431         a['calmode']  = 'none'
00432         a['masklist']  = []
00433         a['blpoly']  = 1
00434         a['backup']  = True
00435         a['flaglist']  = []
00436         a['antenna']  = ''
00437         a['spw']  = 0
00438         a['stokes']  = ''
00439         a['createimage']  = False
00440         a['outfile']  = ''
00441         a['imsize']  = [256, 256]
00442         a['cell']  = ['1.0arcmin', '1.0arcmin']
00443         a['phasecenter']  = ''
00444         a['ephemsrcname']  = ''
00445         a['pointingcolumn']  = 'direction'
00446         a['gridfunction']  = 'BOX'
00447         a['plotlevel']  = 0
00449         if a.has_key(paramname) :
00450               return a[paramname]
00451 sdtpimaging_pg = sdtpimaging_pg_()