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00001 #
00002 # This file was generated using xslt from its XML file
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2009, Associated Universities Inc., Washington DC
00005 #
00006 import sys
00007 import os
00008 from  casac import *
00009 import string
00010 from taskinit import casalog
00011 #from taskmanager import tm
00012 import task_specfit
00013 def specfit(imagename='', box='', region='', chans='', stokes='', axis=-1, mask='', ngauss=1, poly=-1, estimates='', minpts=0, multifit=False, model='', residual='', amp='', amperr='', center='', centererr='', fwhm='', fwhmerr='', integral='', integralerr='', wantreturn=True, stretch=False, logresults=True, pampest='', pcenterest='', pfwhmest='', pfix='', gmncomps=0, gmampcon='', gmcentercon='', gmfwhmcon='', gmampest=[0.0], gmcenterest=[0.0], gmfwhmest=[0.0], gmfix='', logfile='', append=True, pfunc='', goodamprange=[0.0], goodcenterrange=[0.0], goodfwhmrange=[0.0], sigma='', outsigma=''):
00015         """Fit 1-dimensional gaussians and/or polynomial models to an image or image region
00017 This task simultaneously fits one or more gaussian singlets lorentzian singlets, gaussian multiplets, and/or a polynomial to one dimensional profiles.
00020 imagename       Name of the input (CASA, FITS, MIRIAD) image
00021 box             Direction plane box specification, "blcx, blcy, trcx, trcy". Only one box
00022                 may be specified. If not specified, region is used if specified. If region
00023                 is also not specified, entire directional plane unioned with any chans and
00024                 stokes specification determines the region.
00025 region          Region of interest. See help par.region for possible specifications.
00026 chans           Optional contiguous frequency channel number specification. Not used if
00027                 region is specified. Default is all channels.
00028 stokes          Contiguous stokes planes specification. Not used if region is specified.
00029                 Default is all stokes.     
00030 axis            Axis along which to do the fit(s). <0 means use the spectral axis or the
00031                 zeroth axis if a spectral axis is not present.
00032 mask            Mask to use. See help par.mask. Default is none.
00033 stretch         Stretch the input mask if necessary and possible? Only used if a mask is specified.
00034                 See help par.stretch.
00035 ngauss          Maximum number of gaussians to fit.
00036 poly            Order of polynomial to fit. <0 means do not fit a polynomial.
00037 estimates       Name of file containing initial gaussian estimates.
00038 minpts          Minimum number of points necessary to attempt a fit.
00039 multifit        Fit models at each pixel in region (true) or average profiles and fit a single model (false).
00040 model           Name of model image to write.
00041 residual        Name of residual image to write.
00042 amp             Name of amplitude solution image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00043 amperr          Name of amplitude solution error image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00044 center          Name of center solution image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00045 centererr       Name of center solution error image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00046 fwhm            Name of fwhm solution image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00047 fwhmerr         Name of fwhm solution error image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00048 integral        Name of integral solution image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00049 integralerr     Name of integral solution error image. Default: do not write the image ("")
00050 wantreturn      If true, return a record summarizing the fit results, if false, return false.
00051 stretch         Stretch the mask if necessary and possible? See help par.stretch 
00052 logresults      Output results to logger?
00053 pampest         Initial estimate of PCF profile (gaussian or lorentzian) amplitudes.
00054 pcenterest      Initial estimate PCF profile centers, in pixels.
00055 pfwhmest        Initial estimate PCF profile FWHMs, in pixels.
00056 pfix            PCF profile parameters to fix during fit.
00057 pfunc           PCF singlet functions to fit. "gaussian" or "lorentzian" (minimal match supported). Unspecified means all gaussians.
00058 gmncomps        Number of components in each Gaussian multiplet to fit.
00059 gmampcon        The amplitude ratio constraints for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets.
00060 gmcentercon     The center offset constraints (in pixels) for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets.
00061 gmfwhmcon       The FWHM  ratio constraints for non-reference components to reference component in gaussian multiplets.
00062 gmampest        Initial estimate of individual gaussian amplitudes in gaussian multiplets.
00063 gmcenterest     Initial estimate of individual gaussian centers in gaussian multiplets, in pixels.
00064 gmfwhmest       Initial estimate of individual gaussian FWHMss in gaussian multiplets, in pixels.
00065 gmfix           Parameters of individual gaussians in gaussian multiplets to fix during fit.
00066 logfile         File in which to log results. Default is not to write a logfile.
00067 append          Append results to logfile? Logfile must be specified. Default is to append. False means overwrite existing file if it exists.
00068 goodamprange    Acceptable amplitude solution range. 0 => all amplitude solutions are acceptable. [0.0] => All amplitude solutions are acceptable.
00069 goodcenterrange Acceptable center solution range in pixels relative to region start. [0.0] => all center solutions are acceptable.
00070 goodfwhmrange   Acceptable FWHM solution range in pixels. [0.0] => all FWHM solutions are acceptable.
00071 sigma           Standard deviation array or image name.
00072 outsigma        Name of output image used for standard deviation. Ignored if sigma is empty.
00074 This task simultaneously fits one or more gaussian singlets, one or more lorentzian singlets, one or more gaussian multiplets,
00075 and/or a polynomial to one dimensional profiles. A gaussian/lorentzian singlet is a gaussian/lorentzian whose parameters (amplitude,
00076 center position, and width) are all independent from any other feature that may be simultaneously fit. A gaussian multiplet is a set of two or
00077 more gaussian lines in which at least one (and possibly two or three) parameter of each line is dependent on the parameter of another,
00078 single (reference) profile in the multiplet. For example, one can specify a doublet in which the amplitude of the first line is 0.6 times the
00079 amplitude of the zeroth line and/or the center of the first line is 20 pixels from the center of the zeroth line, and/or the fwhm of the first
00080 line is identical (in pixels) to that of the zeroth line. There is no limit to the number of components one can specify in a multiplet
00081 (except of course that the number of parameters to be fit should be significantly less than the number of data points), but there can be only
00082 a single reference profile in a multiplet to which to tie constraints of parameters of the other profiles in the set.
00084 AXIS
00085 The axis parameter indicates on which axis profiles should be fit; a value <0 indicates the spectral axis should be used, or if one does not exist,
00086 that the zeroth axis should be used.
00089 The minpts parameter indicates the minimum number of unmasked pixels that must be present in order for a fit
00090 to be attempted. When multifit=T, positions with too few good points will be masked in any output images.
00093 The multifit parameter indicates if profiles should be fit at each pixel in the selected region (true), or if the profiles in that region should be
00094 averaged and the fit done to that average profile (false).
00097 The order of the polynomial to fit is specified only via the poly parameter. If poly<0, no polynomial will be fit. No initial estimates of
00098 coefficients can be specified; these are determined automatically.
00101 In the absence of an estimates file and no estimates being specified by the p*est parameters, and gmncomps=0 or is empty, the ngauss parameter
00102 indicates the maximum number of gaussian singlets that should be fit. The initial estimates of the parameters for these gaussians will be attempted
00103 automatically in this case. If it deems appropriate, the fitter will fit fewer than this number. In the case where an estimates file is supplied,
00104 ngauss is ignored (see below). ngauss is also ignored if the p*est parameters are specified or if gmncomps is not an empty array or, if an integer,
00105 is greater than zero. If estimates is not specified or the p*est parameters are not specified and ngauss=0, gmncomps is empty or 0, and poly<0,
00106 an error will occur as this indicates there is nothing to fit.
00108 One can specify initial estimates of gaussian singlet parameters via an estimates file or the pampest, pcenterest, pfwhmest, and optionally, the
00109 pfix parameters. The latter is the recommended way to specify these estimates as support for estimates files may be deprecated in the future. No matter
00110 which option is used, an amplitude initial estimate must always be nonzero.  A negative fwhm estimate will be silently changed to positve.
00113 One may specify initial estimates via the pampest, pcenterest, and pfwhmest parameters. In the case of a single gaussian or lorentzian singlet,
00114 these parameters can be numbers. pampest must be specified in image brightness units, pcenterest must be given in the number of pixels from the
00115 zeroth pixel, and pfwhmest must be given in pixels. Optionally pfix can be specified and in the case of a single gaussian or lorentzian singlet
00116 can be a string. In it is coded which parameters should be held constant during the fix. Any combination of "p" (amplitude), "c" (center), or "f"
00117 (fwhm) is allowed; eg pfix="pc" means fix both the amplitude and center during the fit. In the case of more than one gaussian and/or lorentzian
00118 singlets, these parameters must be specified as arrays of numbers. The length of the arrays indicates the number of singlets to fit and must be
00119 the same for all the p*est parameters.
00121 If no parameters are to be fixed for any of the singlets, pfix can be set to the empty string. However, if at least one parameter of one singlet
00122 is to be fixed, pfix must be an array of strings and have a length equal to the p*est arrays. Singlets which are not to have any parameters fixed
00123 should be represented as an empty string in the pfix array. So, for example, if one desires to fit three singlets and fix the fwhm of the middle
00124 one, one must specify pfix=["", "f", ""], the empty strings indicating no parameters of the zeroth and second singlet should be held constant.
00126 In the case of multifit=True, the initial estimates, whether from the p*est parameters or from a file (see below), will be applied to the location
00127 of the first fit. This is normally the bottom left corner of the region selected. If masked, not enough good points to perform a fit, or the
00128 attempted fit fails, the fitting proceeds to the next pixel with the pixel value of the lowest numbered axis changing the fastest. Once a
00129 successful fit has been performed, subsequent fits will use the results of a fit for a nearest pixel for which a previous fit was successful as the
00130 initial estimate for the parameters at the current location. The fixed parameter string will be honored for every fit performed when multifit=True.
00132 One specifies what type of PCF profile to fit via the pfunc parameter. A PCF function is one that can be parameterized by a peak, center, and FWHM,
00133 as both gaussian and lorentzian singlets can. If all singlets to be fit are gaussians, one can set pfunc equal to the empty string and all snglets
00134 will be assumed to be gaussians. If at least one lorentzian is to be fit, pfunc must be specified as a string (in the case of a single singlet) or
00135 an array of strings (in the case of multiple singlets). The position of each string corresponds to the positions of the initial estimates in the
00136 p*est and pfix arrays. Minimal match ("g", "G", "l", or "L") is supported. So, if one wanted to simultaneously fit two gaussian and two lorentzian
00137 singlets, the zeroth and last of which were lorentzians, one would specify pfunc=["L", "G", "G", "L"].
00140 Initial estimates for gaussian singlets can be specified in an estimates file. Estimates files may be deprecated in the future in favor of the
00141 p*est parameters, so it is recommended users use those parameters instead. If an estimates file is desired to be used, the p*est parameters
00142 must be 0 or empty and mgncomps must be 0 or empty. Only gaussian singlets can be specified in an estimates file. If one desires to fit one or
00143 more gaussian multiplets and/or one or more lorentzian singlets simultaneously, the p*est parameters must be used to specify the initial parameters
00144 of all gaussian singlets to fit; one cannot use an estimates file in this case. If an estimates file is specified, a polynomial
00145 can be fit simultaneously by specifying the poly parameter. The estimates file must contain initial estimates of parameters
00146 for all gaussian singlets to be fit. The number of gaussian singlets to fit is gotten from the number of estimates in the file. The file can contain
00147 comments which are indicated by a "#" at the beginning of a line. All non-comment lines will be interpreted as initial estimates. The
00148 format of such a line is
00150 [peak intensity], [center], [fwhm], [optional fixed parameter string]
00152 The first three values are required and must be numerical values. The peak intensity must be expressed in image brightness units, while the
00153 center must be specified in pixels offset from the zeroth pixel, and fwhm must be specified in pixels. The fourth value is optional and if present,
00154 represents the parameter(s) that should be held constant during the fit. Any combination of the characters 'p' (peak), 'c' (center), and 'f' (fwhm) are
00155 permitted, eg "fc" means hold the fwhm and the center constant during the fit. Fixed parameters will have no error associated with them. Here is an
00156 example file:
00158 # estimates file indicating that two gaussians should be fit
00159 # first guassian estimate, peak=40, center at pixel number 10.5, fwhm = 5.8 pixels, all parameters allowed to vary during
00160 # fit
00161 40, 10.5, 5.8
00162 # second gaussian, peak = 4, center at pixel number 90.2, fwhm = 7.2 pixels, hold fwhm constant
00163 4, 90.2, 7.2, f
00164 # end file
00167 Any number of gaussian multiplets, each containing any number of two or more components, can be simultaneously fit, optionally with a
00168 polynomial and/or any number of gaussian and/or lorentzian singlets, the only caveat being that the number of parameters to be fit should be
00169 significantly less than the number of data points. The gmncomps parameter indicates the number of multiplets to fit and the number of
00170 components in each multiplet. In the case of a single multiplet, an integer (>1) can be specified. For example, mgncomps=4 means fit a
00171 single quadruplet of gaussians. In the case of 2 or more multiplets, and array of integers (all >1) must be specified. For example,
00172 gmncomps=[2, 4, 3] means 3 seperate multiples are to be fit, the zeroth being a doublet, the first being a quadruplet, and the second
00173 being a triplet.
00175 Initial estimates of all gaussians in all multiplets are specified via the gm*est parameters which must be arrays of numbers. The order
00176 starts with the zeroth component of the zeroth multiplet to the last component of the zeroth multiplet, then the zeroth component of
00177 the first multiplet to the last compoenent of the first multiplet, etc to the zeroth component of the last multiplet to the last 
00178 element of the last multiplet. The zeroth element of a multiplet is defined as the reference component of that multiplet and has the special
00179 significance that it is the profile to which all constraints of all other profiles in that multiplet are referenced (see below). So,
00180 in our example of gmncomps=[2, 4, 3], gmampest, gmcenterest, and gmfwhmest must each be nine (the total number of individual gaussian
00181 profiles summed over all multiplets) element arrays. The zeroth, second, and sixth elements represent parameters of the reference profiles
00182 in the zeroth, first, and second multiplet, respectively.
00184 The fixed relationships between the non-reference profile(s) and the reference profile of a multiplet are specified via the gmampcon,
00185 gmcentercon, and gmfwhmcon parameters. At least one, and any combination, of constraints can be specified for any non-reference
00186 component of a multiplet. The amplitude ratio of a non-reference line to that of the reference line is set in gmampcon. The ratio of
00187 the fwhm of a non-reference line to that of the reference line is set in gmfwhmcon. The offset in pixels of the center position of
00188 a non-reference line to that of the reference line is set in gmcentercon. In the case where a parameter is not constrained for any
00189 non-reference line of any multiplet, the value of the associated parameter must be 0. In the case of
00190 a single doublet, a constraint may be specified as a number or an array of a single number. For example, mgncomps=2 and gmampcon=0.65
00191 and gmcentercon=[32.4] means there is a single doublet to fit where the amplitude ratio of the first to the zeroth line is constained
00192 to be 0.65 and the center of the first line is constrained to be offset by 32.4 pixels from the center of the zeroth line. In cases
00193 of a total of three or more gaussians, the constraints parameters must be specified as arrays with lengths equal to the total number
00194 of gaussians summed over all multiplets minus the number of reference lines (one per multiplet, or just number of multiplets, since
00195 reference lines cannot be constrained by themselves). In the cases where an array must be specified but a component in that array
00196 does not have that constraint, 0 should be specified. Here's an example
00198 gmncomps=[2, 4, 3]
00199 gmampcon=  [ 0  ,  0.2,  0  , 0.1,   4.5,   0  ]
00200 gcentercon=[24.2, 45.6, 92.7, 0  , -22.8, -33.5]
00201 gfwhmcon=""
00203 In this case we have our previous example of one doublet, one quadruplet, and one triplet. The first component of the doublet has the constraint
00204 that its center is offset by 24.2 pixels from the zeroth (reference) component. The first component of the quadruplet is constrained to have
00205 an amplitude of 0.2 times that of the quadruplet's zeroth component and its center is constrained to be offset by 45.6 pixels from the
00206 reference component. The second component of the quadruplet is constained to have its center offset by 92.7 pixels from the associated 
00207 reference component and the third component is constrained to have an amplitude of 0.1 times that of the associated reference component.
00208 The first component of the triplet is constrained to have an amplitude of 4.5 times that of its associated reference component and its center
00209 is constrained to be offset by -22.8 pixels from the reference component's center. The second component of the triplet is constrained to have
00210 its center offset by -33.5 pixels from the center of the reference component. No lines have FWHM constraints, so the empty string can be given
00211 for that parameter. Note that using 0 to indicate no constraint for line center means that one cannot specify a line centered at the same
00212 position as the reference component but having a different FWHM from the reference component. If you must specify this very unusual case,
00213 try using a very small positive (or even negative) value for the center constraint.
00215 Note that when a parameter for a line is constrained, the corresponding value for that component in the corresponding gm*est array is
00216 ignored and the value of the constrained parameter is automatically used instead. So let's say, for our example above, we had specified
00217 the following estimates:
00219 gmampest =     [ 1,   .2,  2,   .1,    .1,   .5,  3,    2, 5]
00220 gmcenterest =  [20, 10  , 30, 45.2, 609  , -233, 30, -859, 1]
00222 Before any fitting is done, the constraints would be taken into account and these arrays would be implicitly rewritten as:
00224 gmampest =     [ 1,   .2,  2,   .4,    .1,   .2,  3, 13.5,  5  ]
00225 gmcenterest =  [20, 44.2, 30, 75.6, 127.7, -233, 30,  7.2, -3.5]
00227 The value of gmfwhmest would be unchanged since there are no FWHM constraints in this example.
00229 In addition to be constrained by values of the reference component, parameters of individual components can be fixed. Fixed parameters
00230 are specified via the gmfix parameter. If no parameters are to be fixed, gmfix can be specified as the empty string or a zero element
00231 array. In the case where any parameter is to be fixed, gmfix must be specified as an array of strings with length equal to the total number of
00232 components summed over all multiplets. These strings encode which parameters to be fixed for the corresponding components. If
00233 a component is to have no parameters fixed, an empty string is used. In other cases one or more of any combination of parameters can
00234 be fixed using "p", "c", and/or "f" described above for fixing singlet parameters. There are a couople of special cases
00235 to be aware of. In the case where a non-reference component parameter is constrained and the corresponding reference component parameter is
00236 set as fixed, that parameter in the non-reference parameter will automatically be fixed even if it was specified not to be fixed in
00237 the gmfix array. This is the only way the constraint can be honored afterall. In the converse case of when a constrained parameter of a
00238 non-reference component is specified as fixed, but the corresponding parameter in the reference component is not specified to be fixed,
00239 an error will occur. Fixing an unconstrained parameter in a non-reference component is always legal as is fixing any combination of
00240 parameters in a reference component (with the above caveat that corresponding constrained parameters in non-reference components will
00241 be silently held fixed as well).
00243 The same rules that apply to singlets when multifit=True apply to multiplets.
00246 In cases of low (or no) signal to noise spectra, it is still possible for the fit to converge, but often to a
00247 nonsensical solution. The astronomer can use her knowledge of the source to filter out obviously bogus solutions.
00248 One can limit the ranges of solution parameters to known "good" values via the goodamprange, goodcenterrange, and goodfwhmrange
00249 parameters. Any combination can be specified and the limit constraints will be ANDed together. The ranges apply to all PCF components
00250 that might be fit; choosing ranges on a component by component basis is not supported. If specified,
00251 an array of exactly two numerical values must be given to indicate the range of acceptable solution values for
00252 that parameter.  goodamprange is expressed in terms of image brightness units. goodcenterrange is expressed in terms of pixels
00253 from the zeroth pixel in the specified region. goodfwhmrange is expressed in terms of pixels (only non-negative values should be
00254 given for FWHM range endpoints). In the case of a multiple-PCF fit, if any of the corresponding solutions are outside the specified
00255 ranges, the entire solution is considered to be invalid.
00257 In addition, solutions for which the absolute value of the ratio of the amplitude error to the amplitude exceeds 100 or the
00258 ratio of the FWHM error to the FWHM exceeds 100 are automatically marked as invalid.
00261 If the standard deviations of the pixel values in the input image are known and they vary in the image (eg they are higher for pixels
00262 near the edge of the band), they can be included in the sigma parameter. This parameter takes either an array or an image name. The
00263 array or image must have one of three shapes: 1. the shape of the input image, 2. the same dimensions as the input image with the lengths
00264 of all axes being one except for the fit axis which must have length corresponding to its length in the input image, or 3. be one
00265 dimensional with lenght equal the the length of the fit axis in the input image. In cases 2 and 3, the array or pixels in sigma will
00266 be replicated such that the image that is ultimately used is the same shape as the input image. The values of sigma must be non-negative.
00267 It is only the relative values that are important. A value of 0 means that pixel should not be used in the fit. Other than that, if pixel
00268 A has a higher standard deviation than pixel B, then pixel A is noisier than pixel B and will receive a lower weight when the fit is done.
00269 The weight of a pixel is the usual
00271 weight = 1/(sigma*sigma)
00273 In the case of multifit=F, the sigma values at each pixel along the fit axis in the hyperplane perpendicular to the fit axis which includes
00274 that pixel are averaged and the resultant averaged standard deviation spectrum is the one used in the fit. Internally, sigma values are normalized
00275 such that the maximum value is 1. This mitigates a known overflow issue.
00277 One can write the normalized standard deviation image used in the fit but specifying its name in outsigma. This image can then be
00278 used as sigma for subsequent runs.
00281 The dictionary returned (if wantreturn=True) has a (necessarily) complex structure. First, there are keys "xUnit" and "yUnit" whose values are
00282 the abscissa unit and the ordinate unit described by simple strings. Next there are arrays giving a broad overview of the
00283 fit quality. These arrays have the shape of the specified region collapsed along the fit axis with the axis corresponding to the fit
00284 axis having length of 1:
00286 attempted: a boolean array indicating which fits were attempted (eg if too few unmasked points, a fit will not be attempted).
00287 converged: a boolean array indicating which fits converged. False if the fit was not attempted.
00288 valid: a boolean array indicating which solutions fall within the specified valid ranges of parameter space
00289 niter: an int array indicating the number of iterations for each profile, <0 if the fit did not converge
00290 ncomps: the number of components (gaussian singlets + lorentzian singlets + gaussian multiplets + polynomial) fit for the profile,
00291         <0 if the fit did not converge
00293 There is a "type" array having number of dimensions equal to the number of dimensions in the above arrays plus one. The shape of
00294 the first n-1 dimensions is the same as the shape of the above arrays. The length of the last dimension is equal to the number of
00295 components fit. The values of this array are strings describing the components that were fit at each possition ("POLYNOMIAL",
00296 "GAUSSIAN" in the case of gaussian singlets, "LORENTZIAN" in the case of lorentzian singlets, and ""GAUSSIAN MULTPLET").
00298 If any gaussian singlets were fit, there will be a subdictionary accessible via the "gs" key which will have subkeys "amp", "ampErr", "center",
00299 "centerErr", "fwhm", "fwhmErr, "integral", and "integralErr". Each of these arrays will have one more dimension than the overview arrays described
00300 above. The shape of the first n-1 dimensions will be the same as the shape of the arrays described above, while the final dimension will
00301 have length equal to the maximum number of gaussian singlets that were fit. Along this axis will be the
00302 corresponding fit result or associated error (depending on the array's associated key) of the fit for that singlet component number. In cases where
00303 the fit did not converge, or that particular component was excluded from the fit, a value of NAN will be present.
00305 If any lorentzian singlets were fit, their solutions will be accessible via the "ls" key. These arrays follow the same rules
00306 as the "gs" arrays described above.
00308 If any gaussian multiplets were fit, there will be subdictionaries accessible by keys "gm0", "gm1", ..., "gm{n-1}" where n is the number of gaussian
00309 muliplets that were fit. Each of these dictionaries will have the same arrays described above for gaussian singlets. The last dimension
00310 will have length equal to the number of components in that particular multiplet. Each pixel along the last axis will be the parameter solution
00311 value or error for that component number in the multiplet, eg the zeroth pixel along that axis contains
00312 the parameter solution or error for the reference component of the multiplet.
00314 The polynomial coefficient solutions and errors are not returned, although they are logged.
00317 In addition to the returned dictionary, optionally one or more of any combination of output images can be written.
00318 The model and residual parameters indicate the names of the model and residual images to be written; blank values inidcate that these images
00319 should not be written.
00321 One can also write none, any or all of the solution and error images for gaussian singlet, lorentzian singlet,  and gaussian multiplet fits
00322 via the parameters amp, amperr, center, centererr, fwhm, fwhmerr, integral, and integralerr when doing multi-pixel fits. These images simply
00323 contain the arrays described for the associated parameter solutions or errors described in previous sections. In the case of lorentzian
00324 singlets, "_ls" is appended to the image names, in the case of gaussian multiplets, "_gm0", "_gm1", etc are appended to the image names to
00325 distinguish each multiplet. Pixels for which fits were not attempted or did not converge will be masked as bad. The last axis of these images
00326 is a linear axis and repesents component number (and is named accordingly).
00328 Writing analogous images for polynomial coefficients is not supported.
00331 res = specif(imagename="", ngauss=2, box="3,3,4,5", poly=2, multifit=true, wantreturn=True)
00333         """
00334         if type(gmampest)==float: gmampest=[gmampest]
00335         if type(gmcenterest)==float: gmcenterest=[gmcenterest]
00336         if type(gmfwhmest)==float: gmfwhmest=[gmfwhmest]
00337         if type(goodamprange)==float: goodamprange=[goodamprange]
00338         if type(goodcenterrange)==float: goodcenterrange=[goodcenterrange]
00339         if type(goodfwhmrange)==float: goodfwhmrange=[goodfwhmrange]
00341 #
00342 #    The following is work around to avoid a bug with current python translation
00343 #
00344         mytmp = {}
00346         mytmp['imagename'] = imagename
00347         mytmp['box'] = box
00348         mytmp['region'] = region
00349         mytmp['chans'] = chans
00350         mytmp['stokes'] = stokes
00351         mytmp['axis'] = axis
00352         mytmp['mask'] = mask
00353         mytmp['ngauss'] = ngauss
00354         mytmp['poly'] = poly
00355         mytmp['estimates'] = estimates
00356         mytmp['minpts'] = minpts
00357         mytmp['multifit'] = multifit
00358         mytmp['model'] = model
00359         mytmp['residual'] = residual
00360         mytmp['amp'] = amp
00361         mytmp['amperr'] = amperr
00362         mytmp['center'] = center
00363         mytmp['centererr'] = centererr
00364         mytmp['fwhm'] = fwhm
00365         mytmp['fwhmerr'] = fwhmerr
00366         mytmp['integral'] = integral
00367         mytmp['integralerr'] = integralerr
00368         mytmp['wantreturn'] = wantreturn
00369         mytmp['stretch'] = stretch
00370         mytmp['logresults'] = logresults
00371         mytmp['pampest'] = pampest
00372         mytmp['pcenterest'] = pcenterest
00373         mytmp['pfwhmest'] = pfwhmest
00374         mytmp['pfix'] = pfix
00375         mytmp['gmncomps'] = gmncomps
00376         mytmp['gmampcon'] = gmampcon
00377         mytmp['gmcentercon'] = gmcentercon
00378         mytmp['gmfwhmcon'] = gmfwhmcon
00379         mytmp['gmampest'] = gmampest
00380         mytmp['gmcenterest'] = gmcenterest
00381         mytmp['gmfwhmest'] = gmfwhmest
00382         mytmp['gmfix'] = gmfix
00383         mytmp['logfile'] = logfile
00384         mytmp['append'] = append
00385         mytmp['pfunc'] = pfunc
00386         mytmp['goodamprange'] = goodamprange
00387         mytmp['goodcenterrange'] = goodcenterrange
00388         mytmp['goodfwhmrange'] = goodfwhmrange
00389         mytmp['sigma'] = sigma
00390         mytmp['outsigma'] = outsigma
00391         pathname='file:///'+os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/share/xml/'
00392         trec = casac.utils().torecord(pathname+'specfit.xml')
00394         casalog.origin('specfit')
00395         if trec.has_key('specfit') and casac.utils().verify(mytmp, trec['specfit']) :
00396             result = task_specfit.specfit(imagename, box, region, chans, stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly, estimates, minpts, multifit, model, residual, amp, amperr, center, centererr, fwhm, fwhmerr, integral, integralerr, wantreturn, stretch, logresults, pampest, pcenterest, pfwhmest, pfix, gmncomps, gmampcon, gmcentercon, gmfwhmcon, gmampest, gmcenterest, gmfwhmest, gmfix, logfile, append, pfunc, goodamprange, goodcenterrange, goodfwhmrange, sigma, outsigma)
00398         else :
00399           result = False
00400         return result