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namespace  task_plotweather


def task_plotweather.jm_clip_Yticks
 hides the extreme Y-axis ticks, helps stack plots close together without labels overlaping
def task_plotweather.jm_set_Ylabel_pos
 sets the position of the y-axis label to the right side of the plot, can also move up/down
def task_plotweather.jm_set_Ylim_ticks
 fixed y-ticks, from myMin to myMax
def task_plotweather.jm_set_Yvar_ticks
 variable y-ticks, but not more than 1+ this argument
def task_plotweather.Tau_K_Calc
 calculates K-band zenith opacity from temperature and dewpoint
def task_plotweather.jm_sunEL
 calculates elevation of the sun
def task_plotweather.plotweather
 gets and plots data from the weather table of the given MS