casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 import os
00002 import shutil
00003 import re
00004 import glob
00005 import numpy
00007 from taskinit import *
00008 from simutil import *
00009 from simobserve import simobserve
00010 from simanalyze import simanalyze
00012 def simalma(
00013     project=None,
00014     skymodel=None, inbright=None, indirection=None, incell=None, 
00015     incenter=None, inwidth=None,
00016     complist=None, compwidth=None,
00017     ########
00018     setpointings=None,
00019     ptgfile=None,
00020     integration=None, direction=None, mapsize=None, 
00021     #maptype=None,
00022     #pointingspacing=None,
00023     #caldirection=None, calflux=None, 
00024     #observe=None, 
00025     #refdate=None,
00026     antennalist=None,
00027     hourangle=None, 
00028     totaltime=None,
00029     #sdantlist=None, sdant=None,
00030     ###
00031     acaratio = None,
00032     acaconfig = None,
00033     ###
00034     #thermalnoise=None,
00035     #user_pwv=None, t_ground=None, t_sky=None, tau0=None,
00036     pwv=None,
00037     #seed=None,
00038     #leakage=None,
00039     image=None,
00040     #vis=None, modelimage=None,
00041     imsize=None, imdirection=None,cell=None,
00042     niter=None, threshold=None,
00043     #weighting=None, mask=None, outertaper=None, stokes=None,     
00044     #analyze=None, 
00045     #showarray=None, showuv=None, showpsf=None, showmodel=None, 
00046     #showconvolved=None, showclean=None, showresidual=None, showdifference=None, 
00047     #showfidelity=None,
00048     graphics=None,
00049     verbose=None, 
00050     overwrite=None,
00051     async=False):
00053     # Collect a list of parameter values to save inputs
00054     in_params =  locals()
00056     try:
00057         casalog.origin('simalma')
00058         if verbose:
00059             casalog.filter(level="DEBUG2")
00060             v_priority = "WARN"
00061         else:
00062             v_priority = "INFO"
00064         simobserr = "simalma caught an exception in task simobserve"
00065         simanaerr = "simalma caught an exception in task simanalyze"
00067         # Get globals to call saveinputs()
00068         a = inspect.stack()
00069         stacklevel = 0
00070         for k in range(len(a)):
00071             if (string.find(a[k][1], 'ipython console') > 0):
00072                 stacklevel = k
00073         myf = sys._getframe(stacklevel).f_globals
00075         # Parameter verifications
00076         # antennalist should be one of ALMA config.
00077         if antennalist.upper().find("ALMA") < 0:
00078             raise ValueError, "antennalist should be ALMA configuration in simalma."
00080         # Save outputs in a directory called "project"
00081         fileroot = project
00082         # simalma is not supposed to run multiple times.
00083         if os.path.exists(fileroot):
00084             infomsg = "Project directory, '%s', already exists." % fileroot
00085             if overwrite:
00087       "Removing old project directory '%s'" % fileroot)
00088                 shutil.rmtree(fileroot)
00089             else:
00090                 raise Exception, infomsg
00092         if not os.path.exists(fileroot):
00093             os.mkdir(fileroot)
00095         # Save input parameters of simalma
00096         saveinputs = myf['saveinputs']
00097         saveinputs('simalma',fileroot+"/"+project+".simalma.last",
00098                    myparams=in_params)
00100         # Create the utility object
00101         myutil = simutil(direction)
00102         if verbose: myutil.verbose = True
00103         msg = myutil.msg
00105         # Preset parameters in simalma
00106         nyquist = 0.48113 ## Nyquist
00107         maptype_bl = 'ALMA'
00108         maptype_aca = 'ALMA'
00109         maptype_tp = 'square'
00110         pbgridratio_tp = 0.36
00111         refdate = '2013/05/21'
00112         caldirection = ""
00113         calflux = "0Jy"
00114         tpantid = 0
00115         t_ground = 270.
00116         if pwv > 0:
00117             thermalnoise = "tsys-atm"
00118         else:
00119             thermalnoise = ""
00120         leakage = 0.
00121         weighting = "briggs"
00123         # format mapsize
00124         if not is_array_type(mapsize):
00125             mapsize = [mapsize, mapsize]
00126         elif len(mapsize) < 2:
00127             mapsize = [mapsize[0], mapsize[0]]
00129         # Operation flags
00130         addnoise = (thermalnoise != '')
00131         # Rectangle setup mode
00132         multiptg = (not setpointings) \
00133                    or (is_array_type(direction) and len(direction) > 1)
00134         rectmode = (not multiptg)
00136         # Use full model image as a mapsize = ["", ""]
00137         fullsize = (len(mapsize[0]) == 0) or (len(mapsize[1]) == 0)
00139         # Test for cycle 1
00140         #q = re.compile('.*CYCLE.?1.?;(.*)')
00141         q = re.compile('.*CYCLE.?1.*')
00142         isC1 = q.match(antennalist.upper())
00143         if isC1:
00144             msg("Cycle-1 ALMA simulation", origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00145         else:
00146             msg("Full Science ALMA simulation", origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00148         # antennalist of ACA and TP
00149         antlist_tp = ""
00151         if not acaconfig: # default
00152             if isC1:
00153                 acaconfig = "cycle1"
00154             else:
00155                 acaconfig = "i"
00157         warnmsg = "You are simulating Cycle1 observation but requested Full Science configuration for ACA. Assuming you know what you want and using config '%s'."
00158         if acaconfig.upper().startswith("I"):
00159             antlist_aca = "aca.i.cfg"
00160             if isC1:
00161                 msg(warnmsg % antlist_aca, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00162         elif acaconfig.upper().startswith("N"):
00163             antlist_aca = "aca.ns.cfg"
00164             if isC1:
00165                 msg(warnmsg % antlist_aca, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00166         else:
00167             antlist_aca = "aca_cycle1.cfg"
00169         # Resolve prefixes of simulation data (as defined in 
00170         # simobserve and simanalyze)
00171         pref_bl = get_data_prefix(antennalist, project)
00172         pref_aca = get_data_prefix(antlist_aca, project)
00173         pref_tp = get_data_prefix(antlist_tp, project)
00174         # Resolve output names (as defined in simobserve and simanalyze)
00175         ptgfile_bl = fileroot+"/"+pref_bl+".ptg.txt"
00176         if addnoise:
00177             msname_bl = pref_bl+""
00178             msname_aca = pref_aca+""
00179             msname_tp = pref_tp+""
00180             imagename_aca = pref_aca+".noisy.image"
00181         else:
00182             msname_bl = pref_bl+".ms"
00183             msname_aca = pref_aca+".ms"
00184             msname_tp = pref_tp+""
00185             imagename_aca = pref_aca+".image"
00187         simana_file = project+".simanalyze.last"
00189         # Either skymodel or complist should exists
00190         if is_array_type(skymodel):
00191             skymodel = skymodel[0]
00192         skymodel = skymodel.replace('$project',pref_bl)
00194         if is_array_type(complist):
00195             complist = complist[0]
00197         if((not os.path.exists(skymodel)) and (not os.path.exists(complist))):
00198             raise ValueError, "No sky input found.  At least one of skymodel or complist must be set."
00200         ###########################
00201         # Get model_size and model_center
00202         if os.path.exists(skymodel):
00203             outmodel = fileroot+"/"+project+"temp.skymodel"
00204             model_vals = myutil.modifymodel(skymodel, outmodel, inbright,
00205                                             indirection, incell, incenter,
00206                                             inwidth, -1, False)
00207             shutil.rmtree(outmodel)
00208             model_cell = model_vals[1]
00209             model_size = model_vals[2]
00210             model_center = model_vals[4]
00211             del model_vals
00212         else:
00213             compdirs = []
00215             for i in range(cl.length()):
00216                 compdirs.append(myutil.dir_m2s(cl.getrefdir(i)))
00218             model_refdir, coffs = myutil.average_direction(compdirs)
00219             model_center = cl.getspectrum(0)['frequency']['m0']
00220             cmax = 0.0014 # ~5 arcsec
00221             for i in range(coffs.shape[1]):
00222                 xc = numpy.absolute(coffs[0,i])  # offsets in deg
00223                 yc = numpy.absolute(coffs[1,i])
00224                 cmax = max(cmax, xc)
00225                 cmax = max(cmax, yc)
00226             model_size = ["%fdeg" % (2*cmax), "%fdeg" % (2*cmax)]
00227             cl.done()
00228             model_cell = None
00229             del compdirs, model_refdir, coffs, xc, yc, cmax
00231         # Calculate 12-m PB
00232         Dant = 12.
00233         pbval = 0.2997924 / qa.convert(qa.quantity(model_center),'GHz')['value'] \
00234                 / Dant * 3600. * 180 / numpy.pi # arcsec
00235         PB12 = qa.quantity(pbval*1.2, "arcsec")
00236         msg("PB size: %s" % (qa.tos(PB12)), origin="simalma", priority='DEBUG2')
00237         pointingspacing = str(nyquist)+"PB"
00239         ############################################################
00240         # ALMA-BL simulation
00241         step = 1
00242         msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00243         msg(" Step %d: simulating ALMA 12-m array observation." % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00244         msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00246         obsmode_int = 'int'
00247         # BL mapsize should be 1 PB smaller than skymodel when using ACA
00248         #if acaratio > 0 and rectmode and fullsize:
00249         #    mapx = qa.sub(model_size[0], PB12ot)
00250         #    mapy = qa.sub(model_size[1], PB12ot)
00251         #    mapsize_bl = [qa.tos(mapx), qa.tos(mapy)]
00252         #else:
00253         #    mapsize_bl = mapsize
00254         mapsize_bl = mapsize
00256         taskstr = "simobserve(project='"+project+"', skymodel='"+skymodel+"', inbright='"+inbright+"', indirection='"+indirection+"', incell='"+incell+"', incenter='"+incenter+"', inwidth='"+inwidth+"', complist='"+complist+"', compwidth='"+compwidth+"', setpointings="+str(setpointings)+", ptgfile='"+ptgfile+"', integration='"+integration+"', direction='"+str(direction)+"', mapsize="+str(mapsize_bl)+", maptype='"+maptype_bl+"', pointingspacing='"+pointingspacing+"', caldirection='"+caldirection+"', calflux='"+calflux+"',  obsmode='"+obsmode_int+"', refdate='"+refdate+"', hourangle='"+hourangle+"', totaltime='"+totaltime+"', antennalist='"+antennalist+"', sdantlist='', sdant="+str(0)+", thermalnoise='"+thermalnoise+"', user_pwv="+str(pwv)+", t_ground="+str(t_ground)+", leakage="+str(leakage)+", graphics='"+graphics+"', verbose="+str(verbose)+", overwrite="+str(overwrite)+")"
00257         msg("Executing: "+taskstr, origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00259         try:
00260             simobserve(project=project,
00261                        skymodel=skymodel, inbright=inbright,
00262                        indirection=indirection, incell=incell,
00263                        incenter=incenter, inwidth=inwidth,
00264                        complist=complist, compwidth=compwidth,
00265                        setpointings=setpointings, ptgfile=ptgfile,
00266                        integration=integration,
00267                        direction=direction, mapsize=mapsize_bl,
00268                        maptype=maptype_bl, pointingspacing=pointingspacing,
00269                        caldirection=caldirection, calflux=calflux, 
00270                        obsmode=obsmode_int, refdate=refdate,
00271                        hourangle=hourangle, totaltime=totaltime,
00272                        antennalist=antennalist,
00273                        sdantlist="", sdant=0,
00274                        thermalnoise=thermalnoise, user_pwv=pwv,
00275                        t_ground=t_ground, #t_sky=t_sky, tau0=tau0, seed=seed,
00276                        leakage=leakage,
00277                        graphics=graphics, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite)#,
00278                        #async=False)
00279         except:
00280             raise Exception, simobserr
00281         finally:
00282             casalog.origin('simalma')
00284         qimgsize_tp = None
00286         if acaratio > 0:
00287             ########################################################
00288             # ACA-7m simulation
00289             step += 1
00290             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00291             msg(" Step %d: simulating ACA 7-m array observation." % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00292             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00294             # Calculate total time for ACA and TP
00295             if,'s'):
00296                 tottime_aca = qa.tos(qa.mul(totaltime, acaratio))
00297             else: # number of visit (calc ACA tottime)
00298                 npts, pointings, time = myutil.read_pointings(ptgfile_bl)
00299                 if len(time) == npts:
00300                     tottime_aca = qa.tos(qa.quantity(sum(time)*acaratio,'s'))
00301                 else:
00302                     tottime_aca = qa.tos(qa.mul(integration, ntps*acaratio))
00303                 del npts, pointings, time
00304             msg("Total observing time of ACA = %s" % tottime_aca, origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00306             # Same pointings as BL
00307             #ptgfile_aca = ptgfile_bl
00309             taskstr = "simobserve(project='"+project+"', skymodel='"+skymodel+"', inbright='"+inbright+"', indirection='"+indirection+"', incell='"+incell+"', incenter='"+incenter+"', inwidth='"+inwidth+"', complist='"+complist+"', compwidth='"+compwidth+"', setpointings="+str(setpointings)+", ptgfile='"+ptgfile+"', integration='"+integration+"', direction='"+str(direction)+"', mapsize="+str(mapsize_bl)+", maptype='"+maptype_aca+"', pointingspacing='"+pointingspacing+"', caldirection='"+caldirection+"', calflux='"+calflux+"',  obsmode='"+obsmode_int+"', refdate='"+refdate+"', hourangle='"+hourangle+"', totaltime='"+tottime_aca+"', antennalist='"+antlist_aca+"', sdantlist='', sdant="+str(0)+", thermalnoise='"+thermalnoise+"', user_pwv="+str(pwv)+", t_ground="+str(t_ground)+", leakage="+str(leakage)+", graphics='"+graphics+"', verbose="+str(verbose)+", overwrite="+str(overwrite)+")"
00310             msg("Executing: "+taskstr, origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00312             try:
00313                 simobserve(project=project,
00314                            skymodel=skymodel, inbright=inbright,
00315                            indirection=indirection, incell=incell,
00316                            incenter=incenter, inwidth=inwidth,
00317                            complist=complist, compwidth=compwidth,
00318                            #setpointings=False, ptgfile=ptgfile_aca,
00319                            setpointings=setpointings, ptgfile=ptgfile,
00320                            integration=integration,
00321                            direction=direction, mapsize=mapsize_bl,
00322                            maptype=maptype_aca, pointingspacing=pointingspacing,
00323                            caldirection=caldirection, calflux=calflux, 
00324                            obsmode=obsmode_int, refdate=refdate,
00325                            hourangle=hourangle, totaltime=tottime_aca,
00326                            antennalist=antlist_aca,
00327                            sdantlist="", sdant=0,
00328                            thermalnoise=thermalnoise, user_pwv=pwv,
00329                            t_ground=t_ground, #t_sky=t_sky, tau0=tau0, seed=seed,
00330                            leakage=leakage,
00331                            graphics=graphics, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite)#,
00332                            #async=False)
00333             except:
00334                 raise Exception, simobserr
00335             finally:
00336                 casalog.origin('simalma')
00338             ########################################################
00339             # ACA-TP  simulation
00340             step += 1
00341             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00342             msg(" Step %d: simulating ACA total power observation." % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00343             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00344             obsmode_sd = "sd"
00346             # Resolve mapsize of TP. Add 1 PB to pointing extent of BL
00347             if rectmode:
00348                 # Add 1PB to mapsize
00349                 if fullsize:
00350                     mapx = qa.add(PB12ot,model_size[0])   # in the unit same as PB
00351                     mapy = qa.add(PB12ot,model_size[1])   # in the unit same as PB
00352                     mapsize_tp = [qa.tos(mapx), qa.tos(mapy)]
00353                     msg("Full skymodel mapped by ALMA 12-m and ACA 7-m arrays. The total power antenna observes 1PB larger extent.", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00354                 else:
00355                     # mapsize is defined. Add 1 PB to mapsize.
00356                     mapx = qa.add(qa.quantity(mapsize[0]), PB12ot)
00357                     mapy = qa.add(qa.quantity(mapsize[1]), PB12ot)
00358                     mapsize_tp = [qa.tos(mapx), qa.tos(mapy)]
00359                     msg("A part of skymodel mapped by ALMA 12-m and ACA 7-m arrays. The total power antenna observes 1PB larger extent.", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00360             else:
00361                 # multi-pointing mode
00362                 npts, pointings, time = myutil.read_pointings(ptgfile_bl)
00363                 center, offsets = myutil.average_direction(pointings)
00364                 del time
00365                 qx = qa.quantity(max(offsets[0])-min(offsets[0]),"deg")
00366                 qy = qa.quantity(max(offsets[1])-min(offsets[1]),"deg")
00367                 mapx = qa.add(qa.mul(PB12ot,2.),qx)   # in the unit same as PB
00368                 mapy = qa.add(qa.mul(PB12ot,2.),qy)   # in the unit same as PB
00369                 mapsize_tp = [qa.tos(mapx), qa.tos(mapy)]
00370                 # number of pointings to map vicinity of each pointings
00371                 npts_multi = npts * int(2./pbgridratio_tp)**2
00372                 msg("Number of pointings to map vicinity of each direction = %d" % npts_multi, origin="simalma", priority="DEBUG2")
00374             # back-up imsize for TP image generation
00375             qimgsize_tp = [mapx, mapy]
00377             grid_tp = qa.mul(PB12ot, pbgridratio_tp)
00378             pbunit = PB12ot['unit']
00379             # number of pointings to map pointing region
00380             npts_rect = int(qa.convert(mapx, pbunit)['value'] \
00381                             / qa.convert(grid_tp, pbunit)['value']) \
00382                         * int(qa.convert(mapy, pbunit)['value'] \
00383                               / qa.convert(grid_tp, pbunit)['value'])
00384             msg("Number of pointings to map a rect region = %d" % npts_rect, origin="simalma", priority="DEBUG2")
00386             if rectmode:
00387                 dir_tp = direction
00388                 npts_tp = npts_rect
00389                 msg("Rectangle mode: The total power antenna observes 1PB larger region compared to ALMA 12-m and ACA 7-m arrays", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00390             else:
00391                 if npts_multi < npts_rect:
00392                     # Map +-1PB extent of each direction
00393                     # need to get a list of pointings
00394                     dir_tp = []
00395                     locsize = qa.mul(2, PB12ot)
00396                     for dir in pointings:
00397                         dir_tp += myutil.calc_pointings2(qa.tos(grid_tp),
00398                                                          qa.tos(locsize),
00399                                                          "square", dir)
00401                     mapsize_tp = ["", ""]
00402                     npts_tp = npts_multi
00403                     msg("Multi-pointing mode: The total power antenna observes +-1PB of each point", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00404                 else:
00405                     # Map a region that covers all directions
00406                     dir_tp = center
00407                     npts_tp = npts_rect
00408                     msg("Multi-pointing mode: The total power antenna maps a region that covers all pointings", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00409                     msg("- Center of poinings: %s" % center, origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00410                     msg("- Map size: [%s, %s]" % (mapsize_tp[0], mapsize_tp[1]), origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00412             ptgspacing_tp = str(pbgridratio_tp*PB12ot['value']/PB12sim['value'])+"PB"
00414             # Scale integration time of TP (assure >= 1 visit per direction)
00415             tottime_tp = tottime_aca
00416             integration_tp = integration
00417             ndump = int(qa.convert(tottime_tp, 's')['value']
00418                        / qa.convert(integration, 's')['value'])
00419             msg("Max number of dump in %s (integration %s): %d" % \
00420                 (tottime_tp, integration, ndump), origin="simalma", \
00421                 priority="DEBUG2")
00423             if ndump < npts_tp:
00424                 t_scale = float(ndump)/float(npts_tp)
00425                 integration_tp = qa.tos(qa.mul(integration, t_scale))
00426                 msg("Integration time is scaled to cover all pointings in observation time.", origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00427                 msg("- Scaled total power integration time: %s" % integration_tp, origin="simalma", priority='warn')
00428                 ## Sometimes necessary to avoid the effect of round-off error
00429                 #iunit = qa.quantity(integration_tp)['unit']
00430                 #intsec = qa.convert(integration_tp,"s")
00431                 #totsec = intsec['value']*npts_tp#+0.000000001)
00432                 ##tottime_tp = qa.tos(qa.convert(qa.quantity(totsec, "s"), iunit))
00433                 #tottime_tp = qa.tos(qa.quantity(totsec, "s"))
00435             taskstr = "simobserve(project='"+project+"', skymodel='"+skymodel+"', inbright='"+inbright+"', indirection='"+indirection+"', incell='"+incell+"', incenter='"+incenter+"', inwidth='"+inwidth+"', complist='"+complist+"', compwidth='"+compwidth+"', setpointings="+str(True)+", ptgfile='$project.ptg.txt', integration='"+integration_tp+"', direction='"+str(dir_tp)+"', mapsize="+str(mapsize_tp)+", maptype='"+maptype_tp+"', pointingspacing='"+ptgspacing_tp+"', caldirection='"+caldirection+"', calflux='"+calflux+"',  obsmode='"+obsmode_sd+"', refdate='"+refdate+"', hourangle='"+hourangle+"', totaltime='"+tottime_tp+"', antennalist='', sdantlist='"+antlist_tp+"', sdant="+str(tpantid)+", thermalnoise='"+thermalnoise+"', user_pwv="+str(pwv)+", t_ground="+str(t_ground)+", leakage="+str(leakage)+", graphics='"+graphics+"', verbose="+str(verbose)+", overwrite="+str(overwrite)+")"
00436             msg("Executing: "+taskstr, origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00438             try:
00439                 simobserve(project=project,
00440                            skymodel=skymodel, inbright=inbright,
00441                            indirection=indirection, incell=incell,
00442                            incenter=incenter, inwidth=inwidth,
00443                            complist=complist, compwidth=compwidth,
00444                            setpointings=True, ptgfile='$project.ptg.txt',
00445                            integration=integration_tp,
00446                            direction=dir_tp, mapsize=mapsize_tp,
00447                            maptype=maptype_tp, pointingspacing=ptgspacing_tp,
00448                            caldirection=caldirection, calflux=calflux, 
00449                            obsmode=obsmode_sd, refdate=refdate,
00450                            hourangle=hourangle, totaltime=tottime_tp,
00451                            antennalist="", sdantlist=antlist_tp, sdant=tpantid,
00452                            thermalnoise=thermalnoise, user_pwv=pwv,
00453                            t_ground=t_ground, #t_sky=t_sky, tau0=tau0, seed=seed,
00454                            leakage=leakage,
00455                            graphics=graphics, verbose=verbose, overwrite=overwrite)#,
00456                            #async=False)
00457             except:
00458                 raise Exception, simobserr
00459             finally:
00460                 casalog.origin('simalma')
00462         ################################################################
00463         # Imaging
00464         if image:
00465             modelimage = ""
00466             if acaratio > 0:
00467                 ########################################################
00468                 # Image ACA-7m + ACA-TP
00469                 step += 1
00470                 msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00471                 msg(" Step %d: generating ACA 7-m array + total power image. " % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00472                 msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00473                 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+msname_aca):
00474                     vis_aca = msname_aca+","
00475                 else:
00476                     msg("ACA is requested but ACA 7-m MS '%s' is not found" \
00477                         % msname_aca, origin="simalma", priority="error")
00478                 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+msname_tp):
00479                     vis_aca += msname_tp
00480                 else:
00481                     msg("ACA is requested but total power MS '%s' is not found" \
00482                         % msname_tp, origin="simalma", priority="error")
00484                 cell_aca = cell
00486                 # Define imsize to cover TP map region
00487                 #imsize_aca = 0
00488                 msg("Defining image size of ACA to cover map region of total power simulation", origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00489                 msg("- The total power map size: [%s, %s]" % \
00490                     (qa.tos(qimgsize_tp[0]), qa.tos(qimgsize_tp[1])), \
00491                     origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00492                 if cell != '':
00493                     # user-defined cell size
00494                     msg("- The user defined cell size: %s" % cell, \
00495                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00496                     imgcell = [cell, cell]
00497                 else:
00498                     if model_cell == None:
00499                         # components only simulation
00500                         compmodel = fileroot+"/"+pref_bl+".compskymodel"
00501                         msg("getting the cell size of input compskymodel", \
00502                             origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00503                         if not os.path.exists(compmodel):
00504                             msg("Could not find the skymodel, '%s'" % \
00505                                 compmodel, priority='error')
00506                         # modifymodel just collects info if outmodel==inmodel
00507                         model_vals = myutil.modifymodel(compmodel,compmodel,
00508                                                         "","","","","",-1,
00509                                                         flatimage=False)
00510                         model_cell = model_vals[1]
00511                         model_size = model_vals[2]
00513                     # skymodel (+ components list) simulation
00514                     msg("- The cell size of input skymodel: [%s, %s]" % \
00515                         (qa.tos(model_cell[0]), qa.tos(model_cell[1])), \
00516                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00517                     imgcell = model_cell
00519                 imsize_aca = calc_imsize(mapsize=qimgsize_tp, cell=imgcell)
00521                 msg("---> The number of pixels needed to cover the map region: [%d, %d]" % \
00522                     (imsize_aca[0], imsize_aca[1]), \
00523                     origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00525                 msg("Compare with BL imsize and adopt the larger one", \
00526                     origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00527                 # Compare with imsize of BL (note: imsize is an intArray)
00528                 if is_array_type(imsize) and imsize[0] > 0:
00529                     # User has defined imsize
00530                     if len(imsize) > 1:
00531                         imsize_bl = imsize[0:2]
00532                     else:
00533                         imsize_bl = [imsize[0], imsize[0]]
00534                     msg("---> BL imsize (user defined): [%d, %d]" % \
00535                         (imsize_bl[0], imsize_bl[1]), \
00536                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00537                 else:
00538                     # the same as input model (calculate from model_size)
00539                     msg("estimating imsize of BL from input sky model.", \
00540                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00541                     imsize_bl = calc_imsize(mapsize=model_size, cell=imgcell)
00542                     msg("---> Estimated BL imsize (sky model): [%d, %d]" % \
00543                         (imsize_bl[0], imsize_bl[1]), \
00544                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00546                 imsize_aca = [max(imsize_aca[0], imsize_bl[0]), \
00547                               max(imsize_aca[1], imsize_bl[1])]
00549                 msg("The image size of ACA: [%d, %d]" % \
00550                     (imsize_aca[0], imsize_aca[1]), \
00551                     origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00553                 taskstr = "simanalyze(project='"+project+"', image="+str(image)+", vis='"+vis_aca+"', modelimage='', cell='"+str(cell_aca)+"', imsize="+str(imsize_aca)+", imdirection='"+imdirection+"', niter="+str(niter)+", threshold='"+threshold+"', weighting='"+weighting+"', mask="+str([])+", outertaper="+str([])+", stokes='I', analyze="+str(True)+", graphics='"+graphics+"', verbose="+str(verbose)+", overwrite="+str(overwrite)+")"
00554                 msg("Executing: "+taskstr, origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00556                 try:
00557                     simanalyze(project=project, image=image,
00558                                vis=vis_aca, modelimage="",
00559                                cell=cell_aca, imsize=imsize_aca,
00560                                imdirection=imdirection, niter=niter,
00561                                threshold=threshold, weighting=weighting,
00562                                mask=[], outertaper=[], stokes='I',
00563                                analyze=True,
00564                                #showuv=None, showpsf=None, showmodel=None,
00565                                #showconvolved=None, showclean=None,
00566                                #showresidual=None, showdifference=None,
00567                                #showfidelity=None,
00568                                graphics=graphics, verbose=verbose,
00569                                overwrite=overwrite)#, async=False)
00570                 except:
00571                     raise Exception, simanaerr
00572                 finally:
00573                     casalog.origin('simalma')
00575                 # Back up simanalyze.last file
00576                 if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+simana_file):
00577                     simana_new = imagename_aca.replace(".image",".simanalyze.last")
00578                     msg("Back up input parameter set to '%s'" % simana_new, \
00579                         origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00580                     shutil.move(fileroot+"/"+simana_file, fileroot+"/"+simana_new)
00582                 if not os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+imagename_aca):
00583                     msg("ACA model image '%s' is not found" \
00584                         % imagename_aca, origin="simalma", priority="error")
00585                 modelimage = imagename_aca
00586             ############################################################
00587             # Image ALMA-BL
00588             step += 1
00589             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00590             if acaratio > 0:
00591                 msg(" Step %d: generating ALMA 12-m + ACA image." % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00592             else:
00593                 msg(" Step %d: generating ALMA 12-m array image." % step, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00594             msg("="*60, origin="simalma", priority="warn")
00596             if os.path.exists(fileroot+"/"+msname_bl):
00597                 vis_bl = msname_bl
00598             else:
00599                 msg("Could not find MS to image, '%s'" \
00600                     % msname_bl, origin="simalma", priority="error")
00602             taskstr = "simanalyze(project='"+ project+"', image="+str(image)+", vis='"+ vis_bl+"', modelimage='"+ modelimage+"', cell='"+str(cell)+"', imsize="+str(imsize)+", imdirection='"+ imdirection+"', niter="+str(niter)+", threshold='"+ threshold+"', weighting='"+ weighting+"', mask="+str([])+", outertaper="+str([])+", stokes='I', analyze="+str(True)+", graphics='"+ graphics+"', verbose="+str(verbose)+", overwrite="+ str(overwrite)+")"
00603             msg("Executing: "+taskstr, origin="simalma", priority=v_priority)
00605             try:
00606                 simanalyze(project=project, image=image,
00607                            vis=vis_bl, modelimage=modelimage,
00608                            cell=cell, imsize=imsize, imdirection=imdirection,
00609                            niter=niter, threshold=threshold, weighting=weighting,
00610                            mask=[], outertaper=[], stokes='I',
00611                            analyze=True,
00612                            #showuv=None, showpsf=None, showmodel=None,
00613                            #showconvolved=None, showclean=None,
00614                            #showresidual=None, showdifference=None,
00615                            #showfidelity=None,
00616                            graphics=graphics, verbose=verbose,
00617                            overwrite=overwrite)#, async=False)
00618             except:
00619                 raise Exception, simanaerr
00620             finally:
00621                 casalog.origin('simalma')
00624     except TypeError, e:
00625         finalize_tools()
00626"simalma -- TypeError: %s" % str(e), priority="ERROR")
00627         raise TypeError, e
00628         return False
00629     except ValueError, e:
00630         finalize_tools()
00631"simalma -- OptionError: %s" % str(e), priority="ERROR")
00632         raise ValueError, e
00633         return False
00634     except Exception, instance:
00635         finalize_tools()
00636"simalma -- Exception: %s" % str(instance),
00637                      priority="ERROR")
00638         raise Exception, instance
00639         return False
00640     return True
00642 def finalize_tools():
00643     if ia.isopen(): ia.close()
00644     sm.close()
00645     #cl.close()   # crashes casa
00647 def get_data_prefix(cfgname, project=""):
00648     if str.upper(cfgname[0:4]) == "ALMA":
00649         foo=cfgname.replace(';','_')
00650     else:
00651         foo = cfgname
00652     foo=foo.replace(".cfg","")
00653     sfoo=foo.split('/')
00654     if len(sfoo)>1: foo=sfoo[-1]
00655     return project+"."+foo
00657 def is_array_type(value):
00658     array_type = [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]
00659     if type(value) in array_type:
00660         return True
00661     else:
00662         return False
00664 def calc_imsize(mapsize=None, cell=None):
00665     if mapsize == None:
00666         raise ValueError, "mapsize is not defined"
00667     if cell == None:
00668         raise ValueError, "cell is not defined"
00669     # get a list of cell size
00670     if is_array_type(cell):
00671         if len(cell) < 2:
00672             cell = [cell[0], cell[0]]
00673     else:
00674         cell = [cell, cell]
00676     for qval in cell:
00677         if not, "deg"):
00678             raise TypeError, "cell should be an angular size"
00680     qcellx = qa.quantity(cell[0])
00681     qcelly = qa.quantity(cell[1])
00683     # get a list of map size
00684     if is_array_type(mapsize):
00685         if len(mapsize) < 2:
00686             mapsize = [mapsize[0], mapsize[0]]
00687     else:
00688         mapsize = [mapsize, mapsize]
00690     for qval in mapsize:
00691         if not, "deg"):
00692             raise TypeError, "mapsize should be an angular size"
00694     vsizex = qa.convert(mapsize[0], qcellx['unit'])['value']
00695     vsizey = qa.convert(mapsize[1], qcelly['unit'])['value']
00697     # Calculate the number of pixels to cover the map size
00698     npixx = int(numpy.ceil(vsizex/qcellx['value']))
00699     npixy = int(numpy.ceil(vsizey/qcelly['value']))
00701     return [npixx, npixy]