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00001 #############################################################################
00002 # $Id:$
00003 # Test Name:                                                                #
00004 #    Regression Test Script for ASDM version 1.2, 1.3 import to MS          #
00005 #    and the "inverse filler" task exportasdm 
00006 #                                                                           #
00007 # Rationale for Inclusion:                                                  #
00008 #    The conversion of ASDM to MS and back needs to be verified.            #
00009 #                                                                           # 
00010 # Features tested:                                                          #
00011 #    1) Is the import performed without raising exceptions                  #
00012 #    2) Do all expected tables exist                                        #
00013 #    3) Can the MS be opened                                                #
00014 #    4) Do the tables contain expected values                               #
00015 #    5) Is exportasdm performed without raising exceptions                  #
00016 #    6) Is the created ASDM well-formed (XML) and complete                  #
00017 #    7) Can the resulting ASDM be reimported without raising exceptions     #
00018 #    8) Does it have the same number of integrations as the original        #
00019 #                                                                           #
00020 # Input data:                                                               #
00021 #     one dataset for the filler of ASDM 1.0                                #
00022 #     one simulated MS dataset                                              #
00023 #                                                                           #
00024 #############################################################################
00025 import os
00026 import sys
00027 import shutil
00028 from __main__ import default
00029 from tasks import *
00030 from taskinit import *
00031 import unittest
00033 myname = 'asdm-import_regression'
00035 # default ASDM dataset name
00036 myasdm_dataset_name = 'uid___X5f_X18951_X1'
00037 myms_dataset_name = ''
00039 # name of the resulting MS
00040 msname = myasdm_dataset_name+'.ms'
00042 # name of the exported ASDM
00043 asdmname = myms_dataset_name+'.asdm'
00045 # name of the reimported MS
00046 reimp_msname = 'reimported-'+myms_dataset_name
00048 def checktable(thename, theexpectation):
00049     global msname, myname
00051     if thename == "":
00052         thename = "MAIN"
00053     for mycell in theexpectation:
00054         print myname, ": comparing ", mycell
00055         value = tb.getcell(mycell[0], mycell[1])
00056         # see if value is array
00057         try:
00058             isarray = value.__len__
00059         except:
00060             # it's not an array
00061             # zero tolerance?
00062             if mycell[3] == 0:
00063                 in_agreement = (value == mycell[2])
00064             else:
00065                 in_agreement = ( abs(value - mycell[2]) < mycell[3]) 
00066         else:
00067             # it's an array
00068             # zero tolerance?
00069             if mycell[3] == 0:
00070                 in_agreement =  (value == mycell[2]).all() 
00071             else:
00072                 in_agreement = (abs(value - mycell[2]) < mycell[3]).all() 
00073         if not in_agreement:
00074             print myname, ":  Error in MS subtable", thename, ":"
00075             print "     column ", mycell[0], " row ", mycell[1], " contains ", value
00076             print "     expected value is ", mycell[2]
00077             tb.close()
00078             return False
00079     tb.close()
00080     print myname, ": table ", thename, " as expected."
00081     return True
00083 #########################
00085 def verify_asdm(asdmname, withPointing):
00086     print "Verifying asdm ", asdmname
00087     if(not os.path.exists(asdmname)):
00088         print "asdm ", asdmname, " doesn't exist."
00089         raise Exception
00090     # test for the existence of all obligatory tables
00091     allTables = [ "Antenna.xml",
00092                   "ASDM.xml",
00093                  # "CalData.xml",
00094                  # "CalDelay.xml",
00095                  # "CalReduction.xml",
00096                   "ConfigDescription.xml",
00097                   "CorrelatorMode.xml",
00098                   "DataDescription.xml",
00099                   "ExecBlock.xml",
00100                   "Feed.xml",
00101                   "Field.xml",
00102                  #"FocusModel.xml",
00103                  #"Focus.xml",
00104                   "Main.xml",
00105                   "PointingModel.xml",
00106                   "Polarization.xml",
00107                   "Processor.xml",
00108                   "Receiver.xml",
00109                   "SBSummary.xml",
00110                   "Scan.xml",
00111                   "Source.xml",
00112                   "SpectralWindow.xml",
00113                   "State.xml",
00114                   "Station.xml",
00115                   "Subscan.xml",
00116                   "SwitchCycle.xml"
00117                   ]
00118     isOK = True
00119     for fileName in allTables:
00120         filePath = asdmname+'/'+fileName
00121         if(not os.path.exists(filePath)):
00122             print "ASDM table file ", filePath, " doesn't exist."
00123             isOK = False
00124         else:
00125             # test if well formed
00126             rval = os.system('xmllint --noout '+filePath)
00127             if(rval !=0):
00128                 print "Table ", filePath, " is not a well formed XML document."
00129                 isOK = False
00131     print "Note: xml validation not possible since ASDM DTDs (schemas) not yet online."
00133     if(not os.path.exists(asdmname+"/ASDMBinary")):
00134         print "ASDM binary directory "+asdmname+"/ASDMBinary doesn't exist."
00135         isOK = False
00137     if(withPointing and not os.path.exists(asdmname+"/Pointing.bin")):
00138         print "ASDM binary file "+asdmname+"/Pointing.bin doesn't exist."
00139         isOK = False
00141     if (not isOK):
00142         raise Exception
00144 # Setup for different data importing
00145 class test_base(unittest.TestCase):
00146     def setUp_m51(self):
00147         res = None
00148         if(os.path.exists(myasdm_dataset_name)):
00149             shutil.rmtree(myasdm_dataset_name)
00151         datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/data/regression/asdm-import/input/'
00152         shutil.copytree(datapath + myasdm_dataset_name, myasdm_dataset_name)
00153         datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/data/regression/exportasdm/input/'
00154         shutil.copytree(datapath + myms_dataset_name, myms_dataset_name)
00155         default(importasdm)
00157     def setUp_xosro(self):
00158 #        self.asdm = 'X_osro_scan1'
00159         self.asdm = 'X_osro_013.55979.93803716435'
00160         datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/data/regression/unittest/flagdata/'
00161         if(not os.path.lexists(self.asdm)):
00162             os.system('ln -s '+datapath+self.asdm +' '+self.asdm)
00164         default(importasdm)
00166 ###########################
00167 # beginning of actual test 
00168 class asdm_import1(test_base):
00170     def setUp(self):
00171         self.setUp_m51()
00173     def tearDown(self):
00174         shutil.rmtree(myasdm_dataset_name)
00175         shutil.rmtree(myms_dataset_name)
00176         shutil.rmtree(msname,ignore_errors=True)
00177         shutil.rmtree(msname+'.flagversions',ignore_errors=True)
00180     def test1(self):
00181         '''Asdm-import: Test good v1.2 input with filler v3 and inverse filler v3 '''
00182         retValue = {'success': True, 'msgs': "", 'error_msgs': '' }    
00184         self.res = importasdm(myasdm_dataset_name, useversion='v3')
00185         self.assertEqual(self.res, None)
00186         print myname, ": Success! Now checking output ..."
00187         mscomponents = set(["table.dat",
00188                             "table.f0",
00189                             "table.f1",
00190                             "table.f2",
00191                             "table.f3",
00192                             "table.f4",
00193                             "table.f5",
00194                             "table.f6",
00195                             "table.f7",
00196                             "table.f8",
00197                             "ANTENNA/table.dat",
00198                             "DATA_DESCRIPTION/table.dat",
00199                             "FEED/table.dat",
00200                             "FIELD/table.dat",
00201                             "FLAG_CMD/table.dat",
00202                             "HISTORY/table.dat",
00203                             "OBSERVATION/table.dat",
00204                             "POINTING/table.dat",
00205                             "POLARIZATION/table.dat",
00206                             "PROCESSOR/table.dat",
00207                             "SOURCE/table.dat",
00208                             "SPECTRAL_WINDOW/table.dat",
00209                             "STATE/table.dat",
00210                             "SYSCAL/table.dat",
00211                             "ANTENNA/table.f0",
00212                             "DATA_DESCRIPTION/table.f0",
00213                             "FEED/table.f0",
00214                             "FIELD/table.f0",
00215                             "FLAG_CMD/table.f0",
00216                             "HISTORY/table.f0",
00217                             "OBSERVATION/table.f0",
00218                             "POINTING/table.f0",
00219                             "POLARIZATION/table.f0",
00220                             "PROCESSOR/table.f0",
00221                             "SOURCE/table.f0",
00222                             "SPECTRAL_WINDOW/table.f0",
00223                             "STATE/table.f0",
00224                             "SYSCAL/table.f0"
00225                             ])
00226         for name in mscomponents:
00227             if not os.access(msname+"/"+name, os.F_OK):
00228                 print myname, ": Error  ", msname+"/"+name, "doesn't exist ..."
00229                 retValue['success']=False
00230                 retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+msname+'/'+name+' does not exist'
00231             else:
00232                 print myname, ": ", name, "present."
00233         print myname, ": MS exists. All tables present. Try opening as MS ..."
00234         try:
00236         except:
00237             print myname, ": Error  Cannot open MS table", msname
00238             retValue['success']=False
00239             retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+'Cannot open MS table '+msname
00240         else:
00241             ms.close()
00242             print myname, ": OK. Checking tables in detail ..."
00244             # check main table first
00245             name = ""
00246             #             col name, row number, expected value, tolerance
00247             expected = [
00248                          ['UVW',       42, [ 0., 0., 0. ], 1E-8],
00249                          ['EXPOSURE',  42, 1.008, 0],
00250                          ['DATA',      42, [ [10.5526886+0.0j] ], 1E-7]
00251                          ]
00252             results = checktable(name, expected)
00253             if not results:
00254                 retValue['success']=False
00255                 retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+'Check of table MAIN failed'
00256             else:
00257                 retValue['success']=True
00259             expected = [
00260     # old values using TAI     ['UVW',       638, [-65.07623467,   1.05534109, -33.65801386], 1E-8],
00261                          ['UVW',       638, [-65.14758508, 1.13423277, -33.51712451], 1E-7],
00262                          ['EXPOSURE',  638, 1.008, 0],
00263                          ['DATA',      638, [ [0.00362284+0.00340279j] ], 1E-8]
00264                          ]
00265             results = checktable(name, expected)
00266             if not results:
00267                 retValue['success']=False
00268                 retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+'Check of table MAIN failed'
00269             else:
00270                 retValue['success']=True
00272             name = "ANTENNA"
00273             expected = [ ['OFFSET',       1, [ 0.,  0.,  0.], 0],
00274                          ['POSITION',     1, [2202242.5520, -5445215.1570, -2485305.0920], 0.0001],
00275                          ['DISH_DIAMETER',1, 12.0, 0]
00276                          ]
00277             results = checktable(name, expected)
00278             if not results:
00279                 retValue['success']=False
00280                 retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+'Check of table ANTENNA failed'
00281             else:
00282                 retValue['success']=True
00284             name = "POINTING"
00285             expected = [ ['DIRECTION',       10, [[ 1.94681283],[ 1.19702955]], 1E-8],
00286                          ['INTERVAL',        10, 0.048, 0],
00287                          ['TARGET',          10, [[ 1.94681283], [ 1.19702955]], 1E-8],
00288                          ['TIME',            10, 4758823736.016000, 1E-6],
00289                          ['TIME_ORIGIN',     10, 0., 0],
00290                          ['POINTING_OFFSET', 10, [[ 0.],[ 0.]], 0],
00291                          ['ENCODER',         10, [ 1.94851533,  1.19867576], 1E-8 ]
00292                          ]
00293             results = checktable(name, expected)
00294             if not results:
00295                 retValue['success']=False
00296                 retValue['error_msgs']=retValue['error_msgs']+'Check of table POINTING failed'
00297             else:
00298                 retValue['success']=True
00300         self.assertTrue(retValue['success'],retValue['error_msgs'])
00302         myvis = myms_dataset_name
00303         os.system('rm -rf exportasdm-output.asdm')
00304         os.system('cp -R ' + myvis + '')
00305         default('exportasdm')
00306         try:
00307             print "\n>>>> Test of exportasdm v3: input MS  is ", myvis
00308             print "(a simulated input MS with pointing table)"
00309             rval = exportasdm(
00310                 vis = '',
00311                 asdm = 'exportasdm-output.asdm',
00312                 archiveid="S002",
00313                 apcorrected=False,
00314                 useversion='v3'
00315                 )
00316             print "rval is ", rval
00317             if not rval:
00318                 raise Exception
00319             os.system('rm -rf '+asdmname+'; mv exportasdm-output.asdm '+asdmname)
00320             verify_asdm(asdmname, True)
00321         except:
00322             print myname, ': *** Unexpected error exporting MS to ASDM, regression failed ***'   
00323             raise
00325         try:
00326             print "Reimporting the created ASDM (v3)...."
00327             importasdm(asdm=asdmname, vis=reimp_msname, wvr_corrected_data='no', useversion='v3')
00328             print "Testing existence of reimported MS ...."
00329             if(not os.path.exists(reimp_msname)):
00330                 print "MS ", reimp_msname, " doesn't exist."
00331                 raise Exception
00332             print "Testing equivalence of the original and the reimported MS."
00334             nrowsorig = tb.nrows()
00335             print "Original MS contains ", nrowsorig, "integrations."
00336             tb.close()
00338             nrowsreimp = tb.nrows()
00339             tb.close()
00340             print "Reimported MS contains ", nrowsreimp, "integrations."
00341             if(not nrowsreimp==nrowsorig):
00342                 print "Numbers of integrations disagree."
00343                 raise Exception
00344         except:
00345             print myname, ': *** Unexpected error reimporting the exported ASDM, regression failed ***'   
00346             raise
00348 class asdm_import2(test_base):
00350     def setUp(self):
00351         self.setUp_xosro()
00353     def tearDown(self):
00354         os.system('rm -rf '+self.asdm)
00356     def test_CAS4532(self):
00357         '''importasdm CAS-4532: white spaces on Antenna.xml'''
00358         # The X_osro_scan1/Antenna.xml and SpectralWindow.xml 
00359         # contain white spaces between some of the contents and 
00360         # the tags. This should not cause any error in the XML 
00361         # parser from fh.readXML
00362         import flaghelper as fh
00364         flagcmddict = fh.readXML(self.asdm, 0.0)
00365         self.assertTrue(flagcmddict, 'Some XML file may contain white spaces not handled by readXML')
00367         self.assertEqual(flagcmddict.keys().__len__(),214)
00369 def suite():
00370     return [asdm_import1,asdm_import2]        