casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 ##########################################################################
00002 #
00003 #
00004 # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009
00005 # Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00006 #
00007 # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00008 # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00009 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00010 # option) any later version.
00011 #
00012 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00013 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00014 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00015 # License for more details.
00016 #
00017 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00018 # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00019 # Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00020 #
00021 # Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
00022 #        Internet email:
00023 #        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00024 #                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00025 #                        520 Edgemont Road
00026 #                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00027 #
00028 # <author>
00029 # Dave Mehringer
00030 # </author>
00031 #
00032 # <summary>
00033 # Test suite for the CASA method rg.frombcs
00034 # </summary>
00035 #
00036 # <reviewed reviwer="" date="" tests="" demos="">
00037 # </reviewed
00038 #
00039 # <prerequisite>
00040 # <ul>
00041 #   <li> <linkto class="">imtrans</linkto> 
00042 # </ul>
00043 # </prerequisite>
00044 #
00045 # <etymology>
00046 # Test for the rg.frombcs method
00047 # </etymology>
00048 #
00049 # <synopsis>
00050 # Test the rg.frombcs method
00051 # </synopsis> 
00052 #
00053 # <example>
00054 #
00055 # This test runs as part of the CASA python unit test suite and can be run from
00056 # the command line via eg
00057 # 
00058 # `echo $CASAPATH/bin/casapy | sed -e 's$ $/$'` --nologger --log2term -c `echo $CASAPATH | awk '{print $1}'`/code/xmlcasa/scripts/regressions/admin/ test_rg_frombcs[test1,test2,...]
00059 #
00060 # </example>
00061 #
00062 # <motivation>
00063 # To provide a test standard for the rg.frombcs method to ensure
00064 # coding changes do not break the associated bits 
00065 # </motivation>
00066 #
00068 ###########################################################################
00069 import shutil
00070 import casac
00071 from tasks import *
00072 from taskinit import *
00073 from __main__ import *
00074 import unittest
00076 image = "imregion.fits"
00077 image_nospec = "imregion_nospec.fits"
00078 image_dironly = "imregion_dironly.fits"
00080 box1 = 1.24795026
00081 box2 = 0.782552901
00082 box3 = 1.24794616
00083 box4 = 0.782555814
00084 box5 = 1.24794206
00085 box6 = 0.782558727
00086 box7 = 1.24793797
00087 box8 = 0.782561641
00088 box9 = 1.2479338718038551
00089 box10 = 0.78256455381109313
00090 box11 = 1.2479297756405987
00091 box12 = 0.78256746696533663
00092 chan0 = 4.73510000e+09
00093 chan4 = 6.33510000e+09
00094 chan15 = 1.07351000e+10
00095 chan19 = 1.23351000e+10
00097 def run_frombcs(imagename, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control, region=""):
00098     myia = iatool()
00100     mycsys = myia.coordsys()
00101     myrg = rgtool()
00102     res = rg.frombcs(
00103         mycsys.torecord(), myia.shape(), box, chans,
00104         stokes, stokes_control, region
00105     )
00106     myia.close()
00107     del myia
00108     del myrg
00109     return res
00111 def recToList(rec):
00112     mylist = []
00113     mykeys = rec.keys()
00114     mykeys.sort()
00115     for k in mykeys:
00116         mylist.append(rec[k]['value'])
00117     return mylist 
00119 class rg_frombcs_test(unittest.TestCase):
00121     def setUp(self):
00122         datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/data/regression/unittest/rg.frombcs/'
00123         for im in [image, image_nospec, image_dironly]:
00124             shutil.copy(datapath + im, im)
00126     def tearDown(self):
00127         for im in [image, image_nospec, image_dironly]:
00128             os.remove(im)
00130     def compLists(self, got, exp):
00131         epsilon = 1e-8
00132         print "got " + str(got)
00133         print "exp " + str(exp)
00134         for i in range(len(got)):
00135             fracDiff = abs((got[i]-exp[i])/exp[i]);
00136             self.assertTrue(fracDiff < epsilon)
00138     def test_full_image(self):
00139         """Test default gives region of entire image"""
00141         stokes = ""
00142         chans = ""
00143         stokes_control = "a"
00144         box = ""
00145         myreg = run_frombcs(
00146             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00147         )
00148         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00149         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 1.0]
00150         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00151         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00152         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 4.0]
00153         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00155     def test_single_stokes(self):
00156         """Test setting a single stokes"""
00158         stokes = "Q"
00159         chans = ""
00160         stokes_control = "a"
00161         box = ""
00162         myreg = run_frombcs(
00163             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00164         )
00165         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00166         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 2.0]
00167         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00168         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00169         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 2.0]
00171     def test_continguous_stokes(self):
00172         """Test setting a contiguous stokes"""
00174         box = ""
00175         chans = ""
00176         stokes = "QU"
00177         stokes_control = "a"
00178         myreg = run_frombcs(
00179             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00180         )
00181         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00182         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 2.0]
00183         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00184         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00185         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 3.0]
00187     def test_single_channel(self):
00188         """Test setting a single channel"""
00189         box = ""
00190         chans = "4"
00191         stokes = ""
00192         stokes_control = "a"
00193         myreg = run_frombcs(
00194             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00195         )
00196         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00197         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan4, 1.0]
00198         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00199         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00200         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan4, 4.0]
00202     def test_contiguous_channels(self):
00203         """Test setting multiple continuous channels"""
00205         box = ""
00206         chans = "0~4"
00207         stokes = ""
00208         stokes_control = "a"
00209         myreg = run_frombcs(
00210             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00211         )
00212         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00213         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 1.0]
00214         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00215         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00216         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan4, 4.0]
00218     def test_single_box(self):
00219         """Test setting single box"""
00221         box = "1,2,3,4"
00222         chans = ""
00223         stokes = ""
00224         stokes_control = "a"
00225         myreg = run_frombcs(
00226             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00227         )
00228         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00229         expblc = [box1, box2, chan0, 1.0]
00230         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00231         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00232         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan19, 4.0]
00234     def test_region_record(self):
00235         """Test setting region record"""
00237         box = ""
00238         chans = ""
00239         stokes = ""
00240         stokes_control = "a"
00241         blahia = iatool()
00243         mycsys = blahia.coordsys()
00244         blahia.done()
00245         mybox = rg.wbox(
00246             ["1pix", "2pix", "0pix", "0pix"],
00247             ["3pix", "4pix", "19pix", "3pix"],
00248             csys=mycsys.torecord()
00249         )
00250         myreg = run_frombcs(
00251             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control, mybox
00252         )
00253         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00254         for i in range(len(gotblc)):
00255             gotblc[i] = gotblc[i] - 1 
00256         gotblc = mycsys.toworld(gotblc)['numeric']
00257         expblc = [box1, box2, chan0, 1.0]
00258         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00259         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00260         for i in range(len(gottrc)):
00261             gottrc[i] = gottrc[i] - 1 
00262         gottrc = mycsys.toworld(gottrc)['numeric']
00263         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan19, 4.0]
00264         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc);
00267     def test_first_stokes(self):
00268         """Test setting first stokes"""
00270         box = ""
00271         chans = ""
00272         stokes = ""
00273         stokes_control = "f"
00274         myreg = run_frombcs(
00275             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00276         )
00277         gotblc = recToList(myreg["blc"])
00278         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 1.0]
00279         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00280         gottrc = recToList(myreg["trc"])
00281         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 1.0]
00284     def test_multiple_boxes(self):
00285         """Test setting multiple boxes"""
00287         stokes = ""
00288         chans = ""
00289         stokesControl = "a"
00290         box = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12"
00291         stokes_control = "a"
00292         myreg = run_frombcs(
00293             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00294         )
00296         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00297         expblc = [1.24793387, 0.782564554, chan0, 1.0]
00298         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00299         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00300         exptrc = [1.24792978, 0.782567467, chan19, 4.0]
00301         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00303         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00304         expblc = [box1, box2, chan0, 1.0]
00305         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00306         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00307         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan19, 4.0]
00308         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc);
00310         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00311         expblc = [box5, box6, chan0, 1.0]
00312         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00313         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00314         exptrc = [box7, box8, chan19, 4.0]
00315         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc);
00317     def test_set_multiple_stokes_ranges(self):
00318         """Test setting multiple stokes ranges"""
00320         stokes = "IUV"
00321         chans = ""
00322         stokesControl = "a"
00323         box = ""
00324         stokes_control = "a"
00325         myreg = run_frombcs(
00326             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00327         )
00329         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00330         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 1.0]
00331         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00332         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00333         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 1.0]
00334         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00336         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00337         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 3.0]
00338         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00339         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00340         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 4.0]
00341         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00343     def test_multiple_channel_ranges(self):
00344         """Test multiple channel ranges"""
00346         stokes = ""
00347         chans = "<5,>=15"
00348         stokesControl = "a"
00349         box = ""
00350         stokes_control = "a"
00351         myreg = run_frombcs(
00352             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00353         )
00355         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00356         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan0, 1.0]
00357         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00358         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00359         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan4, 4.0]
00360         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00362         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00363         expblc = [1.24795230, 0.782549990, chan15, 1.0]
00364         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00365         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00366         exptrc = [1.24791339, 0.782577665, chan19, 4.0]
00367         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00369     def test_multiple_boxes_channel_ranges_stokes_ranges(self):
00370         """Test multiple channel ranges, multiple stokes ranges, and multiple boxes"""
00372         stokes = "IQV"
00373         chans = "<5,>=15"
00374         stokesControl = "a"
00375         box = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
00376         stokes_control = "a"
00377         myreg = run_frombcs(
00378             image, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00379         )
00381         # box="5,6,7,8", chans="15~19", stokes="V"
00382         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00383         expblc = [box5, box6, chan15, 4.0]
00384         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00385         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00386         exptrc = [box7, box8, chan19, 4.0]
00387         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00389         # box="5,6,7,8", chans="0~4", stokes="V"
00390         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00391         expblc = [box5, box6, chan0, 4.0]
00392         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00393         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00394         exptrc = [box7, box8, chan4, 4.0]
00395         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00397         # box="5,6,7,8", chans="15-19", stokes="IQ" 
00398         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00399         expblc = [box5, box6, chan15, 1.0]
00400         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00401         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00402         exptrc = [box7, box8, chan19, 2.0]
00403         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00405         # box="5,6,7,8", chans="0~4", stokes="IQ" 
00406         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00407         expblc = [box5, box6, chan0, 1.0]
00408         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00409         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00410         exptrc = [box7, box8, chan4, 2.0]
00411         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00413         # box="1,2,3,4", chans="15-19", stokes="V" 
00414         gotblc = recToList(
00415             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00416             ["regions"]["*2"]["blc"]
00417         )
00418         expblc = [box1, box2, chan15, 4.0]
00419         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00420         gottrc = recToList(
00421             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00422             ["regions"]["*2"]["trc"]
00423         )
00424         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan19, 4.0]
00425         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00427         # box="1,2,3,4", chans="0-4", stokes="V" 
00428         gotblc = recToList(
00429             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00430                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"]
00431         )
00432         expblc = [box1, box2, chan0, 4.0]
00433         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00434         gottrc = recToList(
00435             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00436                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"]
00437         )
00438         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan4, 4.0]
00439         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00441         # box="1,2,3,4", chans="15-19", stokes="IQ" 
00442         gotblc = recToList(
00443             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00444                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"]
00445         )
00446         expblc = [box1, box2, chan15, 1.0]
00447         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00448         gottrc = recToList(
00449             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00450                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"]
00451         )
00452         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan19, 2.0]
00453         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00455          # box="1,2,3,4", chans="0~4", stokes="IQ" 
00456         gotblc = recToList(
00457             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00458                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["blc"]
00459         )
00460         expblc = [box1, box2, chan0, 1.0]
00461         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00462         gottrc = recToList(
00463             myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]
00464                 ["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["trc"]
00465         )
00466         exptrc = [box3, box4, chan4, 2.0]
00467         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00469     def test_multiple_boxes_multiple_stokes_no_spectral_axis(self):
00470         """Test multiple stokes ranges, and multiple boxes on image with no spectral axis"""
00472         stokes = "IQV"
00473         chans = ""
00474         stokesControl = "a"
00475         box = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
00476         stokes_control = "a"
00477         myreg = run_frombcs(
00478             image_nospec, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00479         )
00481         # box="5,6,7,8", stokes="V"
00482         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00483         expblc = [box5, box6, 4.0]
00484         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00485         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00486         exptrc = [box7, box8, 4.0]
00487         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00489         # box="5,6,7,8", stokes="IQ"
00490         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00491         expblc = [box5, box6, 1.0]
00492         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00493         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00494         exptrc = [box7, box8, 2.0]
00495         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00497         # box="1,2,3,4", stokes="V"
00498         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00499         expblc = [box1, box2, 4.0]
00500         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00501         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00502         exptrc = [box3, box4, 4.0]
00503         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00505         # box="1,2,3,4", stokes="IQ"
00506         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00507         expblc = [box1, box2, 1.0]
00508         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00509         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00510         exptrc = [box3, box4, 2.0]
00511         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00513     def test_multiple_boxes_image_with_direction_coordinate_only(self):
00514         """Test multiple boxes on image with direction coordinate only"""                        
00516         stokes = ""
00517         chans = ""
00518         stokesControl = "a"
00519         box = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
00520         stokes_control = "a"
00521         myreg = run_frombcs(
00522             image_dironly, box, chans, stokes, stokes_control
00523         )
00525         # box="5,6,7,8", stokes="V"
00526         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00527         expblc = [box5, box6]
00528         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00529         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00530         exptrc = [box7, box8]
00531         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00533         # box="1,2,3,4", stokes="IQ"
00534         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00535         expblc = [box1, box2]
00536         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc)
00537         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00538         exptrc = [box3, box4]
00539         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00541     def test_region_text_string(self):
00542         """Test setting a region text string"""
00544         region = "box[[1pix,2pix],[3pix,4pix]]\nbox[[5pix,6pix],[7pix,8pix]]\nbox[[9pix,10pix],[11pix,12pix]]"
00545         myreg = run_frombcs(
00546             image, "", "", "", "a", region
00547         )
00549         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00550         expblc = [box9, box10]
00551         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00552         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00553         exptrc = [box11, box12]
00554         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc)
00556         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["blc"])
00557         expblc = [box1, box2]
00558         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00559         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*1"]["trc"])
00560         exptrc = [box3, box4]
00561         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc);
00563         gotblc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["blc"])
00564         expblc = [box5, box6]
00565         self.compLists(gotblc, expblc);
00566         gottrc = recToList(myreg["regions"]["*1"]["regions"]["*2"]["trc"])
00567         exptrc = [box7, box8]
00568         self.compLists(gottrc, exptrc);
00571 def suite():
00572     return [rg_frombcs_test]