casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 import os
00002 import sys
00003 import shutil
00004 from __main__ import default
00005 from tasks import *
00006 from taskinit import *
00007 import unittest
00008 #
00009 import listing
00010 from numpy import array
00012 import asap as sd
00013 from sdbaseline import sdbaseline
00014 from sdstat import sdstat
00016 class sdbaseline_unittest_base:
00017     """
00018     Base class for sdbaseline unit test
00019     """
00020     # Data path of input/output
00021     datapath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] + \
00022               '/data/regression/unittest/sdbaseline/'
00023     taskname = "sdbaseline"
00025     #complist = ['max','min','rms','median','stddev']
00027     ### helper functions for tests ###
00028     def _checkfile( self, name ):
00029         isthere=os.path.exists(name)
00030         self.assertTrue(isthere,
00031                          msg='Could not find, %s'%(name))
00033     def _getStats( self, filename, ifno=None ):
00034         if not ifno:
00035             ifno=[]
00036         self._checkfile(filename)
00037         sd.rcParams[''] = 'memory'
00038         retstat = sdstat(filename, iflist=ifno)
00039         return retstat
00041     def _compareStats( self, currstat, refstat, reltol=1.0e-2, complist=None ):
00042         # test if the statistics of baselined spectra are equal to
00043         # the reference values
00044         printstat = False #True
00045         # In case currstat is filename
00046         if isinstance(currstat, str) and os.path.exists(currstat):
00047             #print "calculating statistics from '%s'" % currstat
00048             currstat = self._getStats(currstat)
00050         self.assertTrue(isinstance(currstat,dict) and \
00051                         isinstance(refstat, dict),\
00052                         "Need to specify two dictionaries to compare")
00053         if complist:
00054             keylist = complist
00055         else:
00056             keylist = refstat.keys()
00057             #keylist = self.complist
00059         for key in keylist:
00060             self.assertTrue(currstat.has_key(key),\
00061                             msg="%s is not defined in the current results."\
00062                             % key)
00063             self.assertTrue(refstat.has_key(key),\
00064                             msg="%s is not defined in the reference data."\
00065                             % key)
00066             refval = refstat[key]
00067             currval = currstat[key]
00068             # Quantum values
00069             if isinstance(refval,dict):
00070                 if refval.has_key('unit') and currval.has_key('unit'):
00071                     if printstat:
00072                         print "Comparing unit of '%s': %s (current run), %s (reference)" %\
00073                               (key,currval['unit'],refval['unit'])
00074                     self.assertEqual(refval['unit'],currval['unit'],\
00075                                      "The units of '%s' differs: %s (expected: %s)" % \
00076                                      (key, currval['unit'], refval['unit']))
00077                     refval = refval['value']
00078                     currval = currval['value']
00079                 else:
00080                     raise Exception("Invalid quantum values. %s (current run) %s (reference)" %\
00081                                     (str(currval),str(refval)))
00082             currval = self._to_list(currval)
00083             refval = self._to_list(refval)
00084             if printstat:
00085                 print "Comparing '%s': %s (current run), %s (reference)" %\
00086                       (key,str(currval),str(refval))
00087             self.assertTrue(len(currval)==len(refval),"Number of elemnets in '%s' differs." % key)
00088             for i in range(len(currval)):
00089                 if isinstance(refval[i],str):
00090                     self.assertTrue(currval[i]==refval[i],\
00091                                     msg="%s[%d] differs: %s (expected: %s) " % \
00092                                     (key, i, str(currval[i]), str(refval[i])))
00093                 else:
00094                     self.assertTrue(self._isInAllowedRange(currval[i],refval[i],reltol),\
00095                                     msg="%s[%d] differs: %s (expected: %s) " % \
00096                                     (key, i, str(currval[i]), str(refval[i])))
00097             del currval, refval
00100     def _isInAllowedRange( self, testval, refval, reltol=1.e-2 ):
00101         """
00102         Check if a test value is within permissive relative difference from refval.
00103         Returns a boolean.
00104         testval & refval : two numerical values to compare
00105         reltol           : allowed relative difference to consider the two
00106                            values to be equal. (default 0.01)
00107         """
00108         denom = refval
00109         if refval == 0:
00110             if testval == 0:
00111                 return True
00112             else:
00113                 denom = testval
00114         rdiff = (testval-refval)/denom
00115         del denom,testval,refval
00116         return (abs(rdiff) <= reltol)
00118     def _to_list( self, input ):
00119         """
00120         Convert input to a list
00121         If input is None, this method simply returns None.
00122         """
00123         import numpy
00124         listtypes = (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)
00125         if input == None:
00126             return None
00127         elif type(input) in listtypes:
00128             return list(input)
00129         else:
00130             return [input]
00133     def _compareBLparam( self, out, reference ):
00134         # test if baseline parameters are equal to the reference values
00135         # currently comparing every lines in the files
00136         # TO DO: compare only "Fitter range" and "Baseline parameters"
00137         self._checkfile(out)
00138         self._checkfile(reference)
00140         blparse_out = BlparamFileParser( out )
00141         blparse_out.parse()
00142         coeffs_out = blparse_out.coeff()
00143         rms_out = blparse_out.rms()
00144         blparse_ref = BlparamFileParser( reference )
00145         blparse_ref.parse()
00146         coeffs_ref = blparse_ref.coeff()
00147         rms_ref = blparse_ref.rms()
00148         allowdiff = 0.01
00149         print 'Check baseline parameters:'
00150         for irow in xrange(len(rms_out)):
00151             print 'Row %s:'%(irow)
00152             print '   Reference rms  = %s'%(rms_ref[irow])
00153             print '   Calculated rms = %s'%(rms_out[irow])
00154             print '   Reference coeffs  = %s'%(coeffs_ref[irow])
00155             print '   Calculated coeffs = %s'%(coeffs_out[irow])
00156             r0 = rms_ref[irow]
00157             r1 = rms_out[irow]
00158             rdiff = ( r1 - r0 ) / r0
00159             self.assertTrue((abs(rdiff)<allowdiff),
00160                             msg='row %s: rms is different'%(irow))
00161             c0 = coeffs_ref[irow]
00162             c1 = coeffs_out[irow]
00163             for ic in xrange(len(c1)):
00164                 rdiff = ( c1[ic] - c0[ic] ) / c0[ic]
00165                 self.assertTrue((abs(rdiff)<allowdiff),
00166                                 msg='row %s: coefficient for order %s is different'%(irow,ic))
00167         print ''
00168 #         self.assertTrue(,reference),
00169 #                         'New and reference files are different. %s != %s. '
00170 #                         %(out,reference))
00173 class sdbaseline_basicTest( sdbaseline_unittest_base, unittest.TestCase ):
00174     """
00175     Basic unit tests for task sdbaseline. No interactive testing.
00177     The list of tests:
00178     test01   --- test polynominal baseline with maskmode = 'auto'
00179     test02   --- test polynominal baseline with maskmode = 'list'
00180     testwp00   --- test existing file as outfile with overwrite=False (raises an exception)
00181     testwp01   --- test no data after selection (raises an exception)
00183     Note: input data is generated from a single dish regression data,
00184     'OrionS_rawACSmod', as follows:
00185       default(sdcal)
00186       sdcal(infile='OrionS_rawACSmod',scanlist=[20,21,22,23],
00187                 calmode='ps',tau=0.09,outfile='temp.asap')
00188       default(sdcal)
00189       sdcal(infile='temp.asap',timeaverage=True,
00190                 tweight='tintsys',outfile=self.infile)
00191     """
00192     # Input and output names
00193     #infile = 'OrionS_rawACSmod_calTave.asap'
00194     infile = 'OrionS_rawACSmod_calave.asap'
00195     outroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.taskname+'_test'
00196     blrefroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.datapath+'refblparam'
00197     strefroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.datapath+'refstats'
00199     def setUp( self ):
00200         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00201             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00202         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile, self.infile)
00204         default(sdbaseline)
00206     def tearDown( self ):
00207         if (os.path.exists(self.infile)):
00208             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00210     def test01( self ):
00211         """Test 0: maskmode = 'auto'"""
00212         tid = "01"
00213         infile = self.infile
00214         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
00215         mode = "auto"
00216         iflist = [0,2]
00217         pollist=[0]
00218         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,
00219                             blfunc='poly',iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00220         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00221         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00222                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00223         self._compareBLparam(outfile+"_blparam.txt",self.blrefroot+tid)
00224         reference = {'rms': [0.42423143982887268, 0.19752366840839386],
00225                      'min': [-19.465526580810547, -2.7562465667724609],
00226                      'max': [14.881179809570312, 2.0289769172668457],
00227                      'max_abscissa': {'value': array([   21.,  3045.]),
00228                                       'unit': 'channel'},
00229                      'median': [0.005268096923828125, 0.0032062530517578125],
00230                      'min_abscissa': {'value': array([ 18.,   0.]),
00231                                       'unit': 'channel'},
00232                      'stddev': [0.42413413524627686, 0.19690337777137756]}
00233         self._compareStats(outfile,reference)
00234         #self._compareStats(outfile,self.strefroot+tid)
00236     def test02( self ):
00237         """Test 1: maskmode = 'list' and masklist=[] (all channels)"""
00238         tid = "02"
00239         infile = self.infile
00240         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
00241         mode = "list"
00242         iflist = [2]
00243         pollist = [1]
00244         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,
00245                             iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00246         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00247         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00248                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00249         self._compareBLparam(outfile+"_blparam.txt",self.blrefroot+tid)
00250         reference = {'rms': 3.4925737380981445,
00251                      'min': -226.3941650390625,
00252                      'max': 129.78572082519531,
00253                      'max_abscissa': {'value': 8186.0, 'unit': 'channel'},
00254                      'median': -0.025681495666503906,
00255                      'stddev': 3.4927871227264404,
00256                      'min_abscissa': {'value': 8187.0, 'unit': 'channel'}}
00257         self._compareStats(outfile,reference)
00258         #self._compareStats(outfile,self.strefroot+tid)
00260     def testwp00( self ):
00261         """Test wp00: Test existing file as outfile with overwrite=False"""
00262         infile = self.infile
00263         outfile = "Dummy_Empty.asap"
00264         mode = "list"
00265         masklist = []
00266         os.mkdir(outfile)
00267         try:
00268             result = sdbaseline(infile=infile, outfile=outfile, overwrite=False, maskmode=mode, masklist=masklist)
00269         except Exception, e:
00270             pos = str(e).find("Output file 'Dummy_Empty.asap' exists.")
00271             self.assertNotEqual(pos, -1, msg='Unexpected exception was thrown: %s'%(str(e)))
00272         finally:
00273             shutil.rmtree(outfile)
00275     def testwp01( self ):
00276         """Test wp01: Test no data after selection"""
00277         tid = "wp01"
00278         infile = self.infile
00279         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
00280         iflist = [10] # non-existent IF value
00281         mode = "list"
00282         masklist = []
00283         try:
00284             result = sdbaseline(infile=infile, outfile=outfile, iflist=iflist, maskmode=mode, masklist=masklist)
00285         except Exception, e:
00286             pos = str(e).find('Selection contains no data. Not applying it.')
00287             self.assertNotEqual(pos, -1, msg='Unexpected exception was thrown: %s'%(str(e)))
00292 class sdbaseline_maskTest( sdbaseline_unittest_base, unittest.TestCase ):
00293     """
00294     Unit tests for task sdbaseline. Test various mask selections.
00295     Polynominal baselining. No interactive testing.
00297     The list of tests:
00298     masktest01-02 --- test masklist (list)
00299     masktest03-04 --- test masklist (string)
00300     masktest05-08 --- test specunit='GHz'
00301     masktest09-12 --- test specunit='km/s'
00303     Note: input data is generated from a single dish regression data,
00304     'OrionS_rawACSmod', as follows:
00305       default(sdcal)
00306       sdcal(infile='OrionS_rawACSmod',scanlist=[20,21,22,23],
00307                 calmode='ps',tau=0.09,outfile='temp.asap')
00308       default(sdcal)
00309       sdcal(infile='temp.asap',timeaverage=True,
00310                 tweight='tintsys',outfile=self.infile)
00311     """
00312     # Input and output names
00313     #infile = 'OrionS_rawACSmod_calTave.asap'
00314     infile = 'OrionS_rawACSmod_calave.asap'
00315     outroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.taskname+'_masktest'
00316     blrefroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.datapath+'refblparam_mask'
00317     #strefroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.datapath+'refstats_mask'
00318     tid = None
00320     # Channel range excluding bad edge
00321     search = [[200,7599]]
00322     # Baseline channels. should be identical to one selected by 'auto' mode
00323     blchan0 = [[200,3979],[4152,7599]]
00324     blchan2 = [[200,2959],[3120,7599]]
00326     # reference values for specunit='channel'
00327     ref_pol0if0 =  {'linemaxpos': 4102.0, 'linesum': 103.81604766845703,
00328                     'linemax': 1.6280698776245117,
00329                     'baserms': 0.15021507441997528,
00330                     'basestd': 0.15022546052932739}
00331     ref_pol0if2 = {'linemaxpos': 3045.0, 'linesum': 127.79755401611328,
00332                    'linemax': 2.0193681716918945,
00333                    'baserms': 0.13134850561618805,
00334                    'basestd': 0.1313575953245163}
00335     # reference values for specunit='GHz'
00336     ref_pol0if0f = {'linemaxpos': 4102.0, 'linesum': 101.49118804931641,
00337                     'linemax': 1.6132903099060059,
00338                     'baserms': 0.15236321091651917,
00339                     'basestd': 0.15236999094486237}
00340     ref_pol0if2f = {'linemaxpos': 3045.0, 'linesum': 129.6041259765625,
00341                     'linemax': 2.0308537483215332,
00342                     'baserms': 0.13158561289310455,
00343                     'basestd': 0.13159450888633728}
00345     # reference values for specunit='km/s'
00346     ref_pol0if0v = {'linemaxpos': 4102.0, 'linesum': 103.81607055664062,
00347                     'linemax': 1.6280698776245117,
00348                     'baserms': 0.15021507441997528,
00349                     'basestd': 0.15022547543048859}
00350     ref_pol0if2v = {'linemaxpos': 3045.0, 'linesum': 128.9298095703125,
00351                     'linemax': 2.0264592170715332,
00352                     'baserms': 0.13150280714035034,
00353                     'basestd': 0.13151165843009949}
00355     def setUp( self ):
00356         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00357             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00358         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile, self.infile)
00360         default(sdbaseline)
00363     def tearDown( self ):
00364 #        self._compareBLparam(self.outroot+self.tid+'.asap_blparam.txt',\
00365 #                             self.blrefroot+self.tid)
00366         if (os.path.exists(self.infile)):
00367             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00370     def testblmask01( self ):
00371         """Mask test 1: test masklist (list) with maskmode = 'auto'"""
00372         self.tid="01"
00373         infile = self.infile
00374         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00375         mode = "auto"
00376         masklist =
00377         iflist = [0,2]
00378         pollist=[0]
00380         print "masklist =", masklist
00382         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00383                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00384         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00385         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00386                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00387         # Compare IF0
00388         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00389         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0)
00390         # Compare IF2
00391         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00392         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2)
00393         self._compareBLparam(self.outroot+self.tid+'.asap_blparam.txt',\
00394                              self.blrefroot+self.tid)
00396     def testblmask02( self ):
00397         """Mask test 2: test masklist (list) with maskmode = 'list'"""
00398         self.tid="02"
00399         infile = self.infile
00400         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00401         mode = "list"
00402         masklist = self.blchan2
00403         iflist = [2]
00404         pollist=[0]
00406         print "masklist =", masklist
00408         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00409                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00410         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00411         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00412                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00413         # Compare IF2
00414         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00415         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2)
00416         self._compareBLparam(self.outroot+self.tid+'.asap_blparam.txt',\
00417                              self.blrefroot+self.tid)
00419     def testblmask03( self ):
00420         """Mask test 3: test masklist (string) with maskmode = 'auto'"""
00421         self.tid="03"
00422         infile = self.infile
00423         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00424         mode = "auto"
00425         #masklist = "0~2:200~7599"
00426         iflist = [0,2]
00427         pollist=[0]
00429         searchrange = self._get_range_in_string([0])
00430         masklist = "0~2:"+searchrange
00431         print "masklist =", masklist
00433         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00434                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00435         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00436         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00437                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00438         # Compare IF0
00439         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00440         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0)
00441         # Compare IF2
00442         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00443         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2)
00444         self._compareBLparam(self.outroot+self.tid+'.asap_blparam.txt',\
00445                              self.blrefroot+self.tid)
00447     def testblmask04( self ):
00448         """Mask test 4: test masklist (string) with maskmode = 'list'"""
00449         self.tid="04"
00450         infile = self.infile
00451         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00452         mode = "list"
00453         #masklist = "0:200~3979;4152~7599, 2:200~2959;3120~7599"
00454         iflist = [0,2]
00455         pollist=[0]
00457         sblrange=[]
00458         chanlist = (self.blchan0, self.blchan2)
00459         for i in xrange(len(iflist)):
00460             sblrange.append("")
00461             for chanrange in chanlist[i]:
00462                 if len(sblrange[i]): sblrange[i] += ";"
00463                 sblrange[i] += self._get_range_in_string(chanrange)
00464         masklist = "0:"+sblrange[0]+", 2:"+sblrange[1]
00465         print "masklist =", masklist
00467         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00468                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist)
00469         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00470         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00471                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00472         # Compare IF0
00473         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00474         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0)
00475         # Compare IF2
00476         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00477         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2)
00478         self._compareBLparam(self.outroot+self.tid+'.asap_blparam.txt',\
00479                              self.blrefroot+self.tid)
00481     def testblmask05( self ):
00482         """Mask test 5: test specunit='GHz' with masklist (list) and maskmode = 'auto'"""
00483         self.tid="05"
00484         infile = self.infile
00485         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00486         mode = "auto"
00487         specunit = "GHz"
00488         #masklist = [[44.0511472,44.0963125]]
00489         iflist = [2]
00490         pollist=[0]
00492         masklist = self._get_chanval(infile,,specunit,spw=iflist[0],addedge=True)
00493         print "masklist =", masklist
00495         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00496                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00497                             specunit=specunit)
00498         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00499         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00500                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00501         # Compare IF2
00502         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00503         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2f)
00505     def testblmask06( self ):
00506         """Mask test 6: test specunit='GHz' with masklist (list) and maskmode = 'list'"""
00507         self.tid="06"
00508         infile = self.infile
00509         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00510         mode = "list"
00511         specunit = "GHz"
00512         #masklist = [[44.0511472,44.0679889],[44.0689716,44.0963125]]
00513         iflist = [2]
00514         pollist=[0]
00516         masklist = self._get_chanval(infile,self.blchan2,specunit,spw=iflist[0],addedge=True)
00517         print "masklist =", masklist
00519         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00520                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00521                             specunit=specunit)
00522         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00523         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00524                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00525         # Compare IF2
00526         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00527         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2f)
00529     def testblmask07( self ):
00530         """Mask test 7: test specunit='GHz' with masklist (string) and maskmode = 'auto'"""
00531         self.tid="07"
00532         infile = self.infile
00533         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00534         mode = "auto"
00535         specunit = "GHz"
00536         #masklist = "0:45.4655714~45.5107367, 2:44.0511472~44.0963125"
00537         iflist = [0,2]
00538         pollist=[0]
00540         sblrange=[]
00541         chanlist = (,
00542         for i in xrange(len(iflist)):
00543             sblrange.append("")
00544             mlist = self._get_chanval(infile,chanlist[i],specunit,spw=iflist[i],addedge=True)
00545             for valrange in mlist:
00546                 if len(sblrange[i]): sblrange[i] += ";"
00547                 sblrange[i] += self._get_range_in_string(valrange)
00548         masklist = "0:"+sblrange[0]+", 2:"+sblrange[1]
00549         print "masklist =", masklist
00551         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00552                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00553                             specunit=specunit)
00554         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00555         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00556                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00557         # Compare IF0
00558         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00559         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0f)
00560         # Compare IF2
00561         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00562         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2f)
00564     def testblmask08( self ):
00565         """Mask test 8: test specunit='GHz' with masklist (string) and maskmode = 'list'"""
00566         self.tid="08"
00567         infile = self.infile
00568         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00569         mode = "list"
00570         specunit = "GHz"
00571         #masklist = "0:45.4655714~45.4886394;45.4896954~45.5107367, 2:44.0511472~44.0679889;44.0689716~44.0963125"
00572         iflist = [0,2]
00573         pollist=[0]
00575         sblrange=[]
00576         chanlist = (self.blchan0, self.blchan2)
00577         for i in xrange(len(iflist)):
00578             sblrange.append("")
00579             mlist = self._get_chanval(infile,chanlist[i],specunit,spw=iflist[i],addedge=True)
00580             for valrange in mlist:
00581                 if len(sblrange[i]): sblrange[i] += ";"
00582                 sblrange[i] += self._get_range_in_string(valrange)
00583         masklist = "0:"+sblrange[0]+", 2:"+sblrange[1]
00584         print "masklist =", masklist
00586         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00587                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00588                             specunit=specunit)
00589         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00590         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00591                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00592         # Compare IF0
00593         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00594         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0f)
00595         # Compare IF2
00596         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00597         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2f)
00599     def testblmask09( self ):
00600         """Mask test 9: test specunit='km/s' with masklist (list) and maskmode = 'auto'"""
00601         self.tid="09"
00602         infile = self.infile
00603         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00604         mode = "auto"
00605         specunit = "km/s"
00606         #masklist = [[9186.458, 9484.109]]
00607         iflist = [2]
00608         pollist=[0]
00610         masklist = self._get_chanval(infile,,specunit,spw=iflist[0],addedge=True)
00611         print "masklist =", masklist
00613         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00614                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00615                             specunit=specunit)
00616         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00617         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00618                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00619         # Compare IF2
00620         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00621         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2v)
00623     def testblmask10( self ):
00624         """Mask test 10: test specunit='km/s' with masklist (list) and maskmode = 'list'"""
00625         self.tid="10"
00626         infile = self.infile
00627         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00628         mode = "list"
00629         specunit = "km/s"
00630         #masklist = [[9186.458, 9366.642],[9373.118, 9484.109]]
00631         iflist = [2]
00632         pollist=[0]
00634         masklist = self._get_chanval(infile,self.blchan2,specunit,spw=iflist[0],addedge=True)
00635         print "masklist =", masklist
00637         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00638                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00639                             specunit=specunit)
00640         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00641         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00642                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00643         # Compare IF2
00644         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00645         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2v)
00647     def testblmask11( self ):
00648         """Mask test 11: test specunit='km/s' with masklist (string) and maskmode = 'auto'"""
00649         self.tid="11"
00650         infile = self.infile
00651         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00652         mode = "auto"
00653         specunit = "km/s"
00654         #masklist = "0:-134.960~162.691, 2:9186.458~9484.109"
00655         iflist = [0,2]
00656         pollist=[0]
00658         sblrange=[]
00659         chanlist = (,
00660         for i in xrange(len(iflist)):
00661             sblrange.append("")
00662             mlist = self._get_chanval(infile,chanlist[i],specunit,spw=iflist[i],addedge=True)
00663             for valrange in mlist:
00664                 if len(sblrange[i]): sblrange[i] += ";"
00665                 sblrange[i] += self._get_range_in_string(valrange)
00666         masklist = "0:"+sblrange[0]+", 2:"+sblrange[1]
00667         print "masklist =", masklist
00669         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00670                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00671                             specunit=specunit)
00672         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00673         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00674                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00675         # Compare IF0
00676         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00677         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0v)
00678         # Compare IF2
00679         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00680         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2v)
00682     def testblmask12( self ):
00683         """Mask test 12: test specunit='km/s' with masklist (string) and maskmode = 'list'"""
00684         self.tid="12"
00685         infile = self.infile
00686         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00687         mode = "list"
00688         specunit = "km/s"
00689         #masklist = "0:-134.960~3.708;10.667~162.691, 2:9373.118~9484.109;9186.458~9366.642"
00690         iflist = [0,2]
00691         pollist=[0]
00693         sblrange=[]
00694         chanlist = (self.blchan0, self.blchan2)
00695         for i in xrange(len(iflist)):
00696             sblrange.append("")
00697             mlist = self._get_chanval(infile,chanlist[i],specunit,spw=iflist[i],addedge=True)
00698             for valrange in mlist:
00699                 if len(sblrange[i]): sblrange[i] += ";"
00700                 sblrange[i] += self._get_range_in_string(valrange)
00701         masklist = "0:"+sblrange[0]+", 2:"+sblrange[1]
00702         print "masklist =", masklist
00704         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,masklist=masklist,
00705                             outfile=outfile,iflist=iflist,pollist=pollist,
00706                             specunit=specunit)
00707         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00708         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00709                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00710         # Compare IF0
00711         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan0,0)
00712         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if0v)
00713         # Compare IF2
00714         testval = self._getStats(outfile,self.blchan2,2)
00715         self._compareStats(testval,self.ref_pol0if2v)
00718     def _get_range_in_string( self, valrange ):
00719         if isinstance(valrange, list) or isinstance(valrange, tuple):
00720             return str(valrange[0])+"~"+str(valrange[1])
00721         else:
00722             return False
00724     def _get_chanval( self,file, chanrange, unit, spw=0, addedge=False ):
00725         mylist = []
00726         scan = sd.scantable(file, average=False)
00727         scan.set_unit(unit)
00728         scan.set_selection(ifs=[spw])
00729         chanval = scan._getabcissa(0)
00730         edge = 0
00731         if addedge:
00732             # add 1/2 chan to both edges
00733             nchan = len(chanval)
00734             #edge = 0.0
00735             edge = 0.5*abs(chanval[nchan-1]-chanval[0])/float(nchan-1)
00736         for schan, echan in chanrange:
00737             lval = max(chanval[schan],chanval[echan])
00738             sval = min(chanval[schan],chanval[echan])
00739             mylist.append([sval-edge,lval+edge])
00740         del scan, nchan, edge, lval, sval
00741         return mylist
00743     def _getStats( self, filename, basechan, ispw ):
00744         self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename),
00745                         msg=("Output file '%s' doesn't exist" % filename))
00746         linechan = [basechan[0][1]+1,basechan[1][0]-1]
00747         scan = sd.scantable(filename,average=False)
00748         scan.set_selection(ifs=[ispw])
00749         scan.set_unit('channel')
00750         linmsk = scan.create_mask(linechan)
00751         blmsk = scan.create_mask(basechan)
00752         # only the fist row is returned
00753         linmax = scan.stats('max',mask=linmsk)[0]
00754         linmaxpos = scan.stats('max_abc',mask=linmsk)[0]
00755         linesum = scan.stats('sum',mask=linmsk)[0]
00756         blrms = scan.stats('rms',mask=blmsk)[0]
00757         blstd = scan.stats('stddev',mask=blmsk)[0]
00758         del scan, linmsk, blmsk
00759         retdic = {'linemax': linmax, 'linemaxpos': linmaxpos,
00760                   'linesum': linesum, 'baserms': blrms, 'basestd': blstd}
00761         del linmax, linmaxpos, linesum, blrms, blstd
00762         print 'Current run (IF',ispw,'):',retdic
00763         return retdic
00766 class sdbaseline_funcTest( unittest.TestCase ):
00767     """
00768     Unit tests for task sdbaseline. No interactive testing.
00770     The list of tests:
00771     testCSpline01  --- test cubic spline fitting with maskmode = 'list'
00772     testCSpline02  --- test cubic spline fitting with maskmode = 'auto'
00773     testSinusoid01 --- test sinusoidal fitting with maskmode = 'list'
00774     testSinusoid02 --- test sinusoidal fitting with maskmode = 'auto'
00776     Note: (1) the rms noise of input data is 1.0.
00777           (2) the max_rms value comes from +3sigma level of Chi-square
00778               distribution with freedom of (2048-38) for cspline, (2048-27)
00779               for sinusoid, respectively.
00781     created 19/04/2011 by Wataru Kawasaki
00782     """
00783     # Data path of input/output
00784     datapath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] + \
00785               '/data/regression/unittest/sdbaseline/'    
00786     # Input and output names
00787     infile_cspline  = 'Artificial_CubicSpline.asap'
00788     infile_sinusoid = 'Artificial_Sinusoid.asap'
00789     blparamfile_suffix = '_blparam.txt'
00790     outroot = 'sdbaseline_test'
00791     tid = None
00793     def setUp( self ):
00794         if os.path.exists(self.infile_cspline):
00795             shutil.rmtree(self.infile_cspline)
00796         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile_cspline, self.infile_cspline)
00797         if os.path.exists(self.infile_sinusoid):
00798             shutil.rmtree(self.infile_sinusoid)
00799         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile_sinusoid, self.infile_sinusoid)
00801         default(sdbaseline)
00803     def tearDown( self ):
00804         if os.path.exists(self.infile_cspline):
00805             shutil.rmtree(self.infile_cspline)
00806         if os.path.exists(self.infile_sinusoid):
00807             shutil.rmtree(self.infile_sinusoid)
00809     def testCSpline01( self ):
00810         """Test CSpline01: Cubic spline fitting with maskmode = 'list'"""
00811         self.tid = "CSpline01"
00812         infile = self.infile_cspline
00813         mode = "list"
00814         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00815         blparamfile = outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix
00817         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,blfunc='cspline',npiece=35)
00818         self.assertEqual(result, None, msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00819         self.checkRms(blparamfile, 1.038696)   #the actual rms should be 1.02407 though
00821     def testCSpline02( self ):
00822         """Test CSpline02: Cubic spline fitting with maskmode = 'auto'"""
00823         self.tid = "CSpline02"
00824         infile = self.infile_cspline
00825         mode = "auto"
00826         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00827         blparamfile = outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix
00829         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,blfunc='cspline',npiece=35)
00830         self.assertEqual(result, None, msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00831         self.checkRms(blparamfile, 1.038696)   #the actual rms should be 1.02407 though
00833     def testSinusoid01( self ):
00834         """Test Sinusoid01: Sinusoidal fitting with maskmode = 'list'"""
00835         self.tid = "Sinusoid01"
00836         infile = self.infile_sinusoid
00837         mode = "list"
00838         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00839         blparamfile = outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix
00841         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,blfunc='sinusoid')
00842         self.assertEqual(result, None, msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00843         self.checkRms(blparamfile, 1.10)   #the actual rms should be 1.09705 though
00845     def testSinusoid02( self ):
00846         """Test Sinusoid02: Sinusoidal fitting with maskmode = 'auto'"""
00847         self.tid = "Sinusoid02"
00848         infile = self.infile_sinusoid
00849         mode = "auto"
00850         outfile = self.outroot+self.tid+".asap"
00851         blparamfile = outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix
00853         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,blfunc='sinusoid')
00854         self.assertEqual(result, None, msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00855         self.checkRms(blparamfile, 1.10)   #the actual rms should be 1.09705 though
00857     def checkRms( self, blparamfile, max_rms ):
00858         rms = 10000.0
00859         for line in open(blparamfile,'r'):
00860             if line.strip() != "":
00861                 items = line.split()
00862                 if len(items) >= 3:
00863                     if (items[0] == 'rms') and (items[1] == '='):
00864                         rms = float(items[2])
00865                         break
00867         self.assertTrue((rms <= max_rms), msg = "CSpline fitting failed.")
00870 class sdbaseline_multi_IF_test( sdbaseline_unittest_base, unittest.TestCase ):
00871     """
00872     Unit tests for task sdbaseline. No interactive testing.
00874     This test intends to check whether sdbaseline task works fine
00875     for data that has multiple IFs whose nchan differ each other. 
00877     The list of tests:
00878     test0 --- test multi IF data input
00880     created 24/02/2012 by Takeshi Nakazato
00881     """
00882     # Input and output names
00883     infile = 'testMultiIF.asap'
00884     blparamfile_suffix = '_blparam.txt'
00885     outroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.taskname+'_multi'
00886     refblparamfile = 'refblparam_multiIF'
00888     def setUp( self ):
00889         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00890             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00891         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile, self.infile)
00892         default(sdbaseline)
00894     def tearDown( self ):
00895         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00896             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00898     def test01multi( self ):
00899         """test01multi: Test the task works with multi IF data"""
00900         infile = self.infile
00901         mode = "list"
00902         blfunc = "poly"
00903         order = 1
00904         outfile = self.outroot+".asap"
00905         blparamfile = outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix
00907         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=mode,outfile=outfile,blfunc=blfunc,order=order)
00908         self.assertEqual(result, None, msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00909         self._compareBLparam(blparamfile,self.datapath+self.refblparamfile)
00910         reference = {5: {'rms': 1.4250789880752563,
00911                          'min': -4.2702846527099609,
00912                          'max': 5.5566844940185547,
00913                          'max_abscissa': {'value': 823.0,
00914                                           'unit': 'channel'},
00915                          'median': 0.017315864562988281,
00916                          'min_abscissa': {'value': 520.0,
00917                                           'unit': 'channel'},
00918                          'stddev': 1.425775408744812},
00919                      7: {'rms': 1.4971292018890381,
00920                          'min': -4.7103700637817383,
00921                          'max': 5.4820127487182617,
00922                          'max_abscissa': {'value': 1335.0,
00923                                           'unit': 'channel'},
00924                          'median': 0.027227401733398438,
00925                          'min_abscissa': {'value': 1490.0,
00926                                           'unit': 'channel'},
00927                          'stddev': 1.4974949359893799}}
00928         # sdstat must run each IF separately
00929         for ifno in [5,7]:
00930             currstat = self._getStats(outfile,[ifno])
00931             self._compareStats(currstat,reference[ifno])
00933 class sdbaseline_storageTest( sdbaseline_unittest_base, unittest.TestCase ):
00934     """
00935     Unit tests for task sdbaseline. Test scantable sotrage and insitu
00936     parameters
00938     The list of tests:
00939     testMT   --- storage = 'memory', insitu = True
00940     testMF   --- storage = 'memory', insitu = False
00941     testDT   --- storage = 'disk', insitu = True
00942     testDF   --- storage = 'disk', insitu = False
00943     testDTow --- infile=outfile on storage = 'disk', insitu = True
00945     Note on handlings of disk storage:
00946        Task script copies scantable after setting selection when storage='disk'
00947     """
00948     # Input and output names
00949     infile = 'OrionS_rawACSmod_calave.asap'
00950     outroot = sdbaseline_unittest_base.taskname+'_store'
00951     mode = "list"
00952     iflist = [2]
00953     pollist = [1]
00955     blparamfile_suffix = '_blparam.txt'
00956     blreffile = sdbaseline_unittest_base.datapath+'refblparam02'
00958     # Reference statistic values of IF=2, POL=1
00959     refstat =  {'rms': 3.4925737380981445,
00960                 'min': -226.3941650390625,
00961                 'max': 129.78572082519531,
00962                 'max_abscissa': {'value': 8186.0, 'unit': 'channel'},
00963                 'median': -0.025681495666503906,
00964                 'stddev': 3.4927871227264404,
00965                 'min_abscissa': {'value': 8187.0, 'unit': 'channel'}}
00967     def setUp( self ):
00968         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00969             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00970         shutil.copytree(self.datapath+self.infile, self.infile)
00971         default(sdbaseline)
00973     def tearDown( self ):
00974         if os.path.exists(self.infile):
00975             shutil.rmtree(self.infile)
00977     def testMT( self ):
00978         """Storage Test MT: storage='memory' and insitu=T"""
00979         tid = "MT"
00980         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
00982         initstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
00984         sd.rcParams[''] = 'memory'
00985         sd.rcParams['insitu'] = True
00986         print "Running test with storage='%s' and insitu=%s" % \
00987               (sd.rcParams[''], str(sd.rcParams['insitu']))
00988         result = sdbaseline(infile=self.infile,maskmode=self.mode,outfile=outfile,
00989                             iflist=self.iflist,pollist=self.pollist)
00991         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
00992         self.assertEqual(result,None,
00993                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
00994         print "Testing OUTPUT statistics and baseline parameters"
00995         self._compareBLparam(outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix,self.blreffile)
00996         self._compareStats(outfile,self.refstat)
00997         # Test input data
00998         newinstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
00999         print "Comparing INPUT statistics before/after calculations"
01000         self._compareStats(newinstat,initstat)
01002     def testMF( self ):
01003         """Storage Test MF: storage='memory' and insitu=F"""
01004         tid = "MF"
01005         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
01007         initstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01009         sd.rcParams[''] = 'memory'
01010         sd.rcParams['insitu'] = False
01011         print "Running test with storage='%s' and insitu=%s" % \
01012               (sd.rcParams[''], str(sd.rcParams['insitu']))
01013         result = sdbaseline(infile=self.infile,maskmode=self.mode,outfile=outfile,
01014                             iflist=self.iflist,pollist=self.pollist)
01016         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
01017         self.assertEqual(result,None,
01018                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
01019         print "Testing OUTPUT statistics and baseline parameters"
01020         self._compareBLparam(outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix,self.blreffile)
01021         self._compareStats(outfile,self.refstat)
01022         # Test input data
01023         newinstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01024         print "Comparing INPUT statistics before/after calculations"
01025         self._compareStats(newinstat,initstat)
01027     def testDT( self ):
01028         """Storage Test DT: storage='disk' and insitu=T"""
01029         tid = "DT"
01030         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
01032         initstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01034         sd.rcParams[''] = 'disk'
01035         sd.rcParams['insitu'] = True
01036         print "Running test with storage='%s' and insitu=%s" % \
01037               (sd.rcParams[''], str(sd.rcParams['insitu']))
01038         result = sdbaseline(infile=self.infile,maskmode=self.mode,outfile=outfile,
01039                             iflist=self.iflist,pollist=self.pollist)
01041         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
01042         self.assertEqual(result,None,
01043                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
01044         print "Testing OUTPUT statistics and baseline parameters"
01045         self._compareBLparam(outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix,self.blreffile)
01046         self._compareStats(outfile,self.refstat)
01047         # Test input data
01048         newinstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01049         print "Comparing INPUT statistics before/after calculations"
01050         self._compareStats(newinstat,initstat)
01052     def testDF( self ):
01053         """Storage Test DF: storage='disk' and insitu=F"""
01054         tid = "DF"
01055         outfile = self.outroot+tid+".asap"
01057         initstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01059         sd.rcParams[''] = 'disk'
01060         sd.rcParams['insitu'] = False
01061         print "Running test with storage='%s' and insitu=%s" % \
01062               (sd.rcParams[''], str(sd.rcParams['insitu']))
01063         result = sdbaseline(infile=self.infile,maskmode=self.mode,outfile=outfile,
01064                             iflist=self.iflist,pollist=self.pollist)
01066         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
01067         self.assertEqual(result,None,
01068                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
01069         print "Testing OUTPUT statistics and baseline parameters"
01070         self._compareBLparam(outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix,self.blreffile)
01071         self._compareStats(outfile,self.refstat)
01072         # Test input data
01073         newinstat = self._getStats(self.infile)
01074         print "Comparing INPUT statistics before/after calculations"
01075         self._compareStats(newinstat,initstat)
01078     def testDTow( self ):
01079         """Storage Test DTow:  infile=outfile on storage='disk' and insitu=T"""
01080         tid = "DTow"
01081         infile = self.infile
01082         outfile = self.infile
01083         overwrite = True
01085         sd.rcParams[''] = 'disk'
01086         sd.rcParams['insitu'] = True
01087         print "Running test with storage='%s' and insitu=%s" % \
01088               (sd.rcParams[''], str(sd.rcParams['insitu']))
01089         result = sdbaseline(infile=infile,maskmode=self.mode,outfile=outfile,
01090                             iflist=self.iflist,pollist=self.pollist,overwrite=True)
01092         # sdbaseline returns None if it runs successfully
01093         self.assertEqual(result,None,
01094                          msg="The task returned '"+str(result)+"' instead of None")
01095         print "Testing OUTPUT statistics and baseline parameters"
01096         self._compareBLparam(outfile+self.blparamfile_suffix,self.blreffile)
01097         self._compareStats(outfile,self.refstat)
01100 def suite():
01101     return [sdbaseline_basicTest, sdbaseline_maskTest, sdbaseline_funcTest,
01102             sdbaseline_multi_IF_test, sdbaseline_storageTest]
01104 ### Utilities for reading blparam file
01105 class FileReader( object ):
01106     def __init__( self, filename ):
01107         self.__filename = filename
01108         self.__data = None
01109         self.__nline = None
01111     def read( self ):
01112         if self.__data is None:
01113             f = open(self.__filename, 'r')
01114             self.__data = f.readlines()
01115             f.close()
01116             self.__nline = len( self.__data )
01117         return
01119     def nline( self ):
01121         return self.__nline
01123     def index( self, txt, start ):
01124         return self.__data[start:].index( txt ) + 1 + start
01126     def getline( self, idx ):
01127         return self.__data[idx]
01129 class BlparamFileParser( FileReader ):
01130     def __init__( self, blfile ):
01131         FileReader.__init__( self, blfile )
01132         self.__nrow = None
01133         self.__coeff = None
01134         self.__rms = None
01135         self.__ctxt = 'Baseline parameters\n'
01136         self.__rtxt = 'Results of baseline fit\n'
01138     def nrow( self ):
01140         if self.__nrow is None:
01141             return self._nrow()
01142         else:
01143             return self.__nrow
01145     def coeff( self ):
01147         if self.__coeff is None:
01148             self.parseCoeff()
01149         return self.__coeff
01151     def rms( self ):
01153         if self.__rms is None:
01154             self.parseRms()
01155         return self.__rms
01157     def _nrow( self ):
01158         self.__nrow = 0
01159         for i in xrange(self.nline()):
01160             if self.getline( i ) == self.__ctxt:
01161                 self.__nrow += 1
01162         return self.__nrow
01164     def parse( self ):
01166         self.parseCoeff()
01167         self.parseRms()
01168         return
01170     def parseCoeff( self ):
01171         self.__coeff = []
01172         nrow = self.nrow()
01173         idx = 0
01174         while ( len(self.__coeff) < nrow ):
01175             try:
01176                 idx = self.index( self.__ctxt, idx )
01177                 coeffs = []
01178                 while( self.getline( idx ) != self.__rtxt ):
01179                     coeff = self.__parseCoeff( idx )
01180                     coeffs += coeff
01181                     idx += 1
01182                 self.__coeff.append( coeffs )
01183             except:
01184                 break
01185         return
01187     def parseRms( self ):
01188         self.__rms = []
01189         nrow = self.nrow()
01190         idx = 0
01191         while ( len(self.__rms) < nrow ):
01192             try:
01193                 idx = self.index( self.__rtxt, idx )
01194                 self.__rms.append( self.__parseRms( idx ) )
01195             except:
01196                 break   
01197         return
01199     def __parseCoeff( self, idx ):
01200         return parseCoeff( self.getline( idx ) )
01202     def __parseRms( self, idx ):
01203         return parseRms( self.getline( idx ) )
01205 def parseCoeff( txt ):
01206     clist = txt.rstrip( '\n' ).split(',')
01207     ret = []
01208     for c in clist:
01209         ret.append( float( c.split('=')[1] ) )
01210     return ret
01212 def parseRms( txt ):
01213     t = txt.lstrip().rstrip( '\n' )[6:]
01214     return float( t )