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00001 ##########################################################################
00002 #
00003 #
00004 # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009
00005 # Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00006 #
00007 # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00008 # under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00009 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00010 # option) any later version.
00011 #
00012 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00013 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00014 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00015 # License for more details.
00016 #
00017 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00018 # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00019 # Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00020 #
00021 # Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
00022 #        Internet email:
00023 #        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00024 #                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00025 #                        520 Edgemont Road
00026 #                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00027 #
00028 # <author>
00029 # Dave Mehringer
00030 # </author>
00031 #
00032 # <summary>
00033 # Test suite for the CASA task specfit and tool method ia.fitprofile
00034 # </summary>
00035 #
00036 # <reviewed reviwer="" date="" tests="" demos="">
00037 # </reviewed
00038 #
00039 # <prerequisite>
00040 # <ul>
00041 #   <li> <linkto class="">imcollapse</linkto> 
00042 # </ul>
00043 # </prerequisite>
00044 #
00045 # <etymology>
00046 # Test for the specfit task and ia.fitprofile() tool method.
00047 # </etymology>
00048 #
00049 # <synopsis>
00050 # Test the specfit task and the ia.fitprofile() method upon which it is built.
00051 # </synopsis> 
00052 #
00053 # <example>
00054 #
00055 # This test runs as part of the CASA python unit test suite and can be run from
00056 # the command line via eg
00057 # 
00058 # `echo $CASAPATH/bin/casapy | sed -e 's$ $/$'` --nologger --log2term -c `echo $CASAPATH | awk '{print $1}'`/code/xmlcasa/scripts/regressions/admin/ test_specfit[test1,test2,...]
00059 #
00060 # </example>
00061 #
00062 # <motivation>
00063 # To provide a test standard for the specfit task to ensure
00064 # coding changes do not break the associated bits 
00065 # </motivation>
00066 #
00068 ###########################################################################
00069 import shutil
00070 import casac
00071 from tasks import *
00072 from taskinit import *
00073 from __main__ import *
00074 import unittest
00075 import numpy
00077 twogauss = "specfit_multipix_2gauss.fits"
00078 polyim = "specfit_multipix_poly_2gauss.fits"
00079 gauss_triplet = "gauss_triplet.fits"
00080 two_lorentzians = "two_lorentzians.fits"
00081 invalid_fits = ""
00082 solims = [
00083     "amp", "ampErr", "center", "centerErr",
00084     "fwhm", "fwhmErr", "integral", "integralErr"
00085 ]
00086 birdie = ""
00088 nanvalue = 4.53345345
00090 datapath=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0]+'/data/regression/unittest/specfit/'
00092 def run_fitprofile (
00093     imagename, box, region, chans, stokes,
00094     axis, mask, ngauss, poly, multifit, model="",
00095     residual="", amp="", amperr="", center="", centererr="",
00096     fwhm="", fwhmerr="", integral="", integralerr="",
00097     estimates="", logresults=True, pampest="", pcenterest="", pfwhmest="",
00098     pfix="", gmncomps=0, gmampcon="", gmcentercon="",
00099     gmfwhmcon="", gmampest=[0], gmcenterest=[0],
00100     gmfwhmest=[0], gmfix="", logfile="", pfunc="",
00101     goodamprange=[0.0], goodcenterrange=[0.0], goodfwhmrange=[0.0],
00102     sigma="", outsigma=""
00103 ):
00104     myia = iatool()
00106     if (not myia.isopen()):
00107         myia.done()
00108         raise Exception
00109     res = myia.fitprofile(
00110         box=box, region=region, chans=chans,
00111         stokes=stokes, axis=axis, mask=mask,
00112         ngauss=ngauss, poly=poly, estimates=estimates,
00113         multifit=multifit,
00114         model=model, residual=residual, amp=amp,
00115         amperr=amperr, center=center, centererr=centererr,
00116         fwhm=fwhm, fwhmerr=fwhmerr, integral=integral,
00117         integralerr=integralerr, logresults=logresults, pampest=pampest,
00118         pcenterest=pcenterest, pfwhmest=pfwhmest, pfix=pfix,
00119         gmncomps=gmncomps, gmampcon=gmampcon,
00120         gmcentercon=gmcentercon, gmfwhmcon=gmfwhmcon,
00121         gmampest=gmampest, gmcenterest=gmcenterest,
00122         gmfwhmest=gmfwhmest, gmfix=gmfix, logfile=logfile,
00123         pfunc=pfunc, goodamprange=goodamprange,
00124         goodcenterrange=goodcenterrange,
00125         goodfwhmrange=goodfwhmrange, sigma=sigma, outsigma=outsigma    )
00126     myia.close()
00127     myia.done()
00128     return res
00130 def run_specfit(
00131     imagename, box, region, chans, stokes,
00132     axis, mask, ngauss, poly, multifit, model="",
00133     residual="", amp="", amperr="", center="", centererr="",
00134     fwhm="", fwhmerr="", integral="", integralerr="",
00135     wantreturn=True, estimates="", logresults=None,
00136     pampest="", pcenterest="", pfwhmest="", pfix="",
00137     gmncomps=0, gmampcon="", gmcentercon="",
00138     gmfwhmcon="", gmampest=[0], gmcenterest=[0],
00139     gmfwhmest=[0], gmfix="", logfile="", pfunc="",
00140     goodamprange=[0.0], goodcenterrange=[0.0], goodfwhmrange=[0.0],
00141     sigma="", outsigma=""
00142 ):
00143     return specfit(
00144         imagename=imagename, box=box, region=region,
00145         chans=chans, stokes=stokes, axis=axis, mask=mask,
00146         ngauss=ngauss, poly=poly, estimates=estimates,
00147         multifit=multifit,
00148         model=model, residual=residual, amp=amp,
00149         amperr=amperr, center=center, centererr=centererr,
00150         fwhm=fwhm, fwhmerr=fwhmerr, integral=integral,
00151         integralerr=integralerr,
00152         wantreturn=wantreturn, logresults=logresults, pampest=pampest,
00153         pcenterest=pcenterest, pfwhmest=pfwhmest, pfix=pfix,
00154         gmncomps=gmncomps, gmampcon=gmampcon,
00155         gmcentercon=gmcentercon, gmfwhmcon=gmfwhmcon,
00156         gmampest=gmampest, gmcenterest=gmcenterest,
00157         gmfwhmest=gmfwhmest, gmfix=gmfix, logfile=logfile,
00158         pfunc=pfunc,
00159         goodamprange=goodamprange,
00160         goodcenterrange=goodcenterrange,
00161         goodfwhmrange=goodfwhmrange, sigma=sigma, outsigma=outsigma
00162     )
00164 class specfit_test(unittest.TestCase):
00166     def setUp(self):
00167         shutil.copy(datapath + twogauss, twogauss)
00168         shutil.copy(datapath + polyim, polyim)
00170     def tearDown(self):
00171         os.remove(twogauss)
00172         os.remove(polyim)
00174     def checkImage(self, gotImage, expectedName):
00175         expected = iatool()                                
00177         got = iatool()
00178         if type(gotImage) == str:
00180         else:
00181             got = gotImage
00182         self.assertTrue((got.shape() == expected.shape()).all())
00183         gotchunk = got.getchunk()
00184         expchunk = expected.getchunk()
00185         if (numpy.isnan(gotchunk).any()):
00186             gotchunk = gotchunk.ravel()
00187             for i in range(len(gotchunk)):
00188                 if isnan(gotchunk[i]):
00189                     gotchunk[i] = nanvalue
00190         if (numpy.isnan(expchunk).any()):
00191             expchunk = expchunk.ravel()
00192             for i in range(len(expchunk)):
00193                 if isnan(expchunk[i]):
00194                     expchunk[i] = nanvalue
00195         diffData = gotchunk - expchunk
00196         self.assertTrue(abs(diffData).max() < 2e-11)
00197         self.assertTrue(
00198             (
00199                 got.getchunk(getmask=T) == expected.getchunk(getmask=T)
00200             ).all()
00201         )
00202         gotCsys = got.coordsys()
00203         expectedCsys = expected.coordsys()
00204         diffPixels = gotCsys.referencepixel()['numeric'] - expectedCsys.referencepixel()['numeric']
00205         self.assertTrue(abs(diffPixels).max() == 0)
00207         diffRef = gotCsys.referencevalue()['numeric'] - expectedCsys.referencevalue()['numeric']
00208         # fracDiffRef = (diffRef)/expectedCsys.referencevalue()['numeric'];
00209         self.assertTrue(abs(diffRef).max() == 0)
00210         got.close()
00211         got.done()
00212         expected.close()
00213         expected.done()
00215     def test_exceptions(self):
00216         """specfit: Test various exception cases"""
00218         def testit(
00219             imagename, box, region, chans, stokes,
00220             axis, mask, ngauss, poly, multifit, model,
00221             residual
00222         ):
00223             for i in [0,1]:
00224                 if (i==0):
00225                     self.assertRaises(
00226                         Exception, run_fitprofile, imagename,
00227                         box, region, chans, stokes, axis, mask,
00228                         ngauss, poly, multifit, model, residual
00229                     )
00230                 else:
00231                     self.assertFalse(
00232                         run_specfit(
00233                             imagename, box, region, chans,
00234                             stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00235                             multifit, model, residual
00236                         )
00237                     )
00238         # Exception if no image name given",
00239         testit(
00240             "", "", "", "", "", 2, "", False, 1, -1, "", ""
00241         )
00242         # Exception if bogus image name given
00243         testit(
00244             "my bad", "", "", "", "", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00245         )
00246         # Exception if given axis is out of range
00247         testit(
00248             twogauss, "", "", "", "", 5, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00249         )
00250         # Exception if bogus box string given #1
00251         testit(
00252             twogauss, "abc", "", "", "", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00253         )
00254         # Exception if bogus box string given #2
00255         testit(
00256             twogauss, "0,0,1000,1000", "", "", "", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00257         )
00258         # Exception if bogus chans string given #1
00259         testit(
00260             twogauss, "", "", "abc", "", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00261         )
00262         # Exception if bogus chans string given #2
00263         testit(
00264             twogauss, "", "", "0-200", "", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00265         )        
00266         # Exception if bogus stokes string given #1   
00267         testit(
00268             twogauss, "", "", "", "abc", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00269         )       
00270         # Exception if bogus stokes string given #2 
00271         testit(
00272             twogauss, "", "", "", "v", 2, "", 1, -1, False, "", ""
00273         )       
00274         # Exception if no gaussians and no polynomial specified
00275         testit(
00276             twogauss, "", "", "", "", 2, "", 0, -1, False, "", ""
00277         )         
00279     def test_1(self):
00280         """Tests of averaging over a region and then fitting"""
00281         imagename = twogauss
00282         box = ""
00283         region = ""
00284         chans = ""
00285         stokes = ""
00286         axis = 2
00287         mask = ""
00288         ngauss = 2
00289         poly = -1
00290         multifit = False
00291         model = ""
00292         residual = ""
00293         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00294             res = code(
00295                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00296                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00297                 multifit, model, residual
00298             )
00299             self.assertTrue(len(res["converged"]) == 1)
00300             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][0,0,0,0])
00301             # even though two components given, only one is fit
00302             self.assertTrue(res["ncomps"][0,0,0,0] == 1)
00303             # the fit component is a gaussian
00304             self.assertTrue(res["type"][0,0,0,0,0] == "GAUSSIAN")
00305             gs = res["gs"]
00306             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["amp"][0,0,0,0,0], 49.7, 1, "amplitude determination failure")
00307             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["ampErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 4.0, 1, "amplitude error determination failure")
00308             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["center"][0,0,0,0,0], -237.7, 1, "center determination failure")
00309             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["centerErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 1.7, 1, "center error determination failure")
00310             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,0], 42.4, 1, "fwhm determination failure")
00311             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["fwhmErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 4.0, 1, "fwhm error determination failure")
00313             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00314             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00316     def test_2(self):
00317         """ multipixel, two gaussian fit"""
00318         imagename = twogauss
00319         box = ""
00320         region = ""
00321         chans = ""
00322         stokes = ""
00323         axis = 2
00324         mask = ""
00325         ngauss = 2
00326         poly = -1
00327         multifit = True
00328         model = ""
00329         residual = ""
00330         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00331             res = code(
00332                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00333                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00334                 multifit, model, residual
00335             )
00336             self.assertTrue(len(res["converged"].ravel()) == 81)
00337             self.assertTrue(res["converged"].all())
00338             self.assertTrue(res["ncomps"][0, 0, 0, 0] == 1)
00339             self.assertTrue((res["ncomps"][:, 1:, 0, 0] == 2).all())
00340             self.assertTrue((res["ncomps"][1:, 0, 0, 0] == 2).all())
00341             self.assertTrue((res["type"][:,:,:,:,0] == "GAUSSIAN").all())
00342             self.assertTrue(res["type"][0, 0, 0, 0, 1] == "UNDEF")
00343             self.assertTrue((res["type"][:, 1:, 0, 0, 1] == "GAUSSIAN").all())
00344             self.assertTrue((res["type"][1:, 0, 0, 0, 1] == "GAUSSIAN").all())
00346             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00347             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00349     def test_3(self):
00350         """ Test two gaussian + one polynomial image"""
00351         imagename = polyim
00352         box = ""
00353         region = ""
00354         chans = ""
00355         stokes = ""
00356         axis = 2
00357         mask = ""
00358         ngauss = 2
00359         poly = 3
00360         multifit = True
00361         model = ""
00362         residual = ""
00363         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00364             res = code(
00365                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00366                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00367                 multifit, model, residual
00368             )
00369             self.assertTrue(len(res["converged"].ravel()) == 81)
00370             # fit #72 did not converge
00371             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][:, :7, 0, 0].all())
00372             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][1:,8,0,0].all())
00373             self.assertFalse(res["converged"][0, 8, 0, 0])
00375             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00376             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00378     def test_4(self):
00379         """writing solution images for multipixel, two gaussian fit"""
00380         imagename = twogauss
00381         box = ""
00382         region = ""
00383         chans = ""
00384         stokes = ""
00385         axis = 2
00386         mask = ""
00387         ngauss = 2
00388         poly = -1
00389         multifit = True
00390         model = ""
00391         residual = ""
00392         [
00393             amp, amperr, center, centererr,
00394             fwhm, fwhmerr, integral, integralerr
00395         ] = solims
00396         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00397             res = code(
00398                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00399                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00400                 multifit, model, residual, amp,
00401                 amperr, center, centererr, fwhm, fwhmerr,
00402                 integral, integralerr
00403             )
00404             for im in solims:
00405                 self.checkImage(im, datapath + im)
00406                 shutil.rmtree(im)
00408     def test_5(self):
00409         """test results of multi-pixel one gaussian fit with estimates file"""
00410         imagename = twogauss
00411         ngauss=10
00412         box = ""
00413         region = ""
00414         chans = ""
00415         stokes = ""
00416         axis = 2
00417         mask = ""
00418         poly = -1
00419         estimates = datapath + "goodProfileEstimatesFormat_2.txt"
00420         multifit = True
00421         model = ""
00422         residual = ""
00423         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00424             res = code(
00425                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00426                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00427                 multifit, model, residual, 
00428                 estimates=estimates
00429             )
00430         # no tests yet, just confirm it runs to completion
00432     def test_6(self):
00433         """test results of non-multi-pixel one gaussian fit with estimates file"""
00434         imagename = twogauss
00435         ngauss=10
00436         box = ""
00437         region = ""
00438         chans = ""
00439         stokes = ""
00440         axis = 2
00441         mask = ""
00442         poly = -1
00443         estimates = datapath + "goodProfileEstimatesFormat_2.txt"
00444         multifit = False
00445         model = ""
00446         residual = ""
00447         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00448             res = code(
00449                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00450                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00451                 multifit, model, residual, 
00452                 estimates=estimates
00453             )
00454             self.assertTrue(res['converged'] == 1)
00455             self.assertTrue(res['converged'][0][0][0][0])
00456             self.assertTrue(res['ncomps'][0][0][0][0] == 1)
00457             self.assertTrue(res["type"][0,0,0,0,0] == "GAUSSIAN")
00458             gs = res["gs"]
00459             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["amp"][0,0,0,0,0], 49.7, 1, "amplitude determination failure")
00460             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["ampErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 4.0, 1, "amplitude error determination failure")
00461             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["center"][0,0,0,0,0], -237.7, 1, "center determination failure")
00462             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["centerErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 1.7, 1, "center error determination failure")
00463             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,0], 42.4, 1, "fwhm determination failure")
00464             self.assertAlmostEqual(gs["fwhmErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 4.0, 1, "fwhm error determination failure")
00465             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00466             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00468     def test_7(self):
00469         """test results of non-multi-pixel one gaussian fit with estimates file keeping peak fixed"""
00470         imagename = twogauss
00471         ngauss=10
00472         box = ""
00473         region = ""
00474         chans = ""
00475         stokes = ""
00476         axis = 2
00477         mask = ""
00478         poly = -1
00479         estimates = datapath + "goodProfileEstimatesFormat_3.txt"
00480         multifit = False
00481         model = ""
00482         residual = ""
00483         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00484             res = code(
00485                 imagename, box, region, chans,
00486                 stokes, axis, mask, ngauss, poly,
00487                 multifit, model, residual, 
00488                 estimates=estimates
00489             )
00490             self.assertTrue(res['converged'] == 1)
00491             self.assertTrue(res['converged'][0][0][0][0])
00492             self.assertTrue(res['ncomps'][0][0][0][0] == 1)
00493             self.assertTrue(res["type"][0,0,0,0,0] == "GAUSSIAN")
00494             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["amp"][0,0,0,0,0], 45, 1, "amplitude determination failure")
00495             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["ampErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 0, 1, "amplitude error determination failure")
00496             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["center"][0,0,0,0,0], -237.7, 1, "center determination failure")
00497             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["centerErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 1.9, 1, "center error determination failure")
00498             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,0], 45.6, 1, "fwhm determination failure")
00499             self.assertAlmostEqual(res["gs"]["fwhmErr"][0,0,0,0,0], 3.8, 1, "fwhm error determination failure")
00500             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00501             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00504     def test_stretch(self):
00505         """specfit : test mask stretch"""
00506         imagename = twogauss
00507         yy = iatool()
00509         mycsys = yy.coordsys().torecord()
00510         yy.done()
00511         mymask = "maskim"
00512         yy.fromshape(mymask, [9, 9, 1, 1])
00513         yy.setcoordsys(mycsys)
00514         yy.addnoise()
00515         yy.done()
00517         self.assertRaises(
00518             Exception, yy.fitprofile,
00519             ngauss=2, mask=mymask + ">-100",
00520             stretch=False
00521         )
00522         zz = specfit(
00523             imagename, ngauss=2, mask=mymask + ">-100",
00524             stretch=False
00525         )
00526         self.assertTrue(zz == None)
00527         zz = yy.fitprofile(
00528             ngauss=2, mask=mymask + ">-100",
00529             stretch=True
00530         )
00531         self.assertTrue(len(zz.keys()) > 0)
00532         yy.done()
00533         zz = specfit(
00534             imagename, ngauss=2, mask=mymask + ">-100",
00535             stretch=True
00536         )
00537         self.assertTrue(len(zz.keys()) > 0)
00539     def test_8(self):
00540         """ Test two gaussian + one polynomial image with estimates"""
00542         estimates = datapath + "poly+2gauss_estimates.txt"
00544         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00545             res = code(
00546                 imagename=polyim, box="", region="", chans="",
00547                 stokes="", axis=2, mask="", ngauss=0, poly=3,
00548                 multifit=True, model="", residual="", estimates=estimates
00549             )
00550             self.assertTrue(len(res["converged"].ravel()) == 81)
00551             # fit #0 did not converge
00552             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][1:, :, 0, 0].all())
00553             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][0,1:,0,0].all())
00554             self.assertFalse(res["converged"][0, 0, 0, 0])
00556             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00557             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00558         gs = res["gs"]
00559         center = gs["center"]
00560         center[0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00561         center[0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00563         amp = gs["amp"]
00564         amp[0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00565         amp[0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00567         fwhm = gs["fwhm"]
00568         fwhm[0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00569         fwhm[0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00571         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00572             res = code(
00573                 imagename=polyim, box="", region="", chans="",
00574                 stokes="", axis=2, mask="", ngauss=0, poly=3,
00575                 multifit=True, model="", residual="", estimates="",
00576                 pampest=[50, 10], pcenterest=[90, 30], pfwhmest=[10, 7]
00577             )
00578             self.assertTrue(len(res["converged"].ravel()) == 81)
00579             # fit #0 did not converge
00580             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][1:, :, 0, 0].all())
00581             self.assertTrue(res["converged"][0,1:,0,0].all())
00582             self.assertFalse(res["converged"][0, 0, 0, 0])
00584             self.assertTrue(res["xUnit"] == "km/s")
00585             self.assertTrue(res["yUnit"] == "Jy")
00586             gs = res["gs"]
00587             gs["center"][0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00588             gs["center"][0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00589             self.assertTrue((gs["center"] == center).all())
00591             gs["amp"][0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00592             gs["amp"][0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00593             self.assertTrue((abs(gs["amp"] - amp) < 1e-13).all())
00595             gs["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,0] = nanvalue
00596             gs["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,1] = nanvalue
00597             self.assertTrue((abs(gs["fwhm"] - fwhm) < 1e-13).all())
00599     def test_9(self):
00600         """Polynomial fitting, moved from"""
00601         shape = [16,16,128]
00602         imname = 'ia.fromshape.image'
00603         myim = ia.newimagefromshape(shape=shape)
00604         myim.set(pixels='1.0')        #
00605         residname = 'ia.fromshape.resid'
00606         fitname = ''
00607         res = myim.fitprofile (multifit=True, residual=residname, model=fitname, poly=0, ngauss=0, axis=2)
00608         myim.done()
00610         pixels = myim.getchunk()
00611         self.assertTrue(pixels.shape == tuple(shape))
00612         self.assertTrue((pixels == 0).all())
00613         myim.done()
00615     def test_10(self):
00616         """test results of non-multi-fit gaussian triplet"""
00617         imagename=datapath+gauss_triplet
00618         gmampcon = [0.7, 0.55]
00619         gmcentercon = [52, 0]
00620         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00621             res = code(
00622                 imagename=imagename, box="", region="", chans="",
00623                 stokes="", axis=2, mask="", ngauss=0, poly=-1,
00624                 multifit=False, model="", residual="", estimates="",
00625                 gmncomps=3, gmampest=[1.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
00626                 gmcenterest=[20, 72, 100], gmfwhmest=[4, 4, 4],
00627                 gmampcon=gmampcon, gmcentercon=gmcentercon
00628             )
00629             self.assertTrue(res["type"].ravel() == "GAUSSIAN MULTIPLET")
00630             gm0 = res["gm0"]
00631             exp = [4.15849, 2.91095, 2.28717]
00632             got = gm0["amp"].ravel()
00633             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00634                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 5)
00635             exp = [1149.73, 1138.76, 1133.66]
00636             got = gm0["center"].ravel()
00637             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00638                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 2)
00639             exp = [5.75308, 4.09405, 3.93497]
00640             got = gm0["fwhm"].ravel()
00641             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00642                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 5)
00643             exp = [0.0301945, 0.0211362, 0.016607]
00644             got = gm0["ampErr"].ravel()
00645             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00646                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 7)
00647             exp = [0.0221435, 0.0221435, 0.0475916]
00648             got = gm0["centerErr"].ravel()
00649             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00650                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 7)
00651             exp = [0.0556099, 0.085414, 0.0987483]
00652             got = gm0["fwhmErr"].ravel()
00653             for i in [0, 1, 2]:
00654                 self.assertAlmostEqual(got[i], exp[i], 7)
00655             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00656                 gm0["amp"].ravel()[0]*gmampcon[0],
00657                 gm0["amp"].ravel()[1], 7
00658             )
00659             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00660                 gm0["ampErr"].ravel()[0]*gmampcon[0],
00661                 gm0["ampErr"].ravel()[1], 7
00662             )
00663             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00664                 gm0["amp"].ravel()[0]*gmampcon[1],
00665                 gm0["amp"].ravel()[2], 7
00666             )
00667             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00668                 gm0["ampErr"].ravel()[0]*gmampcon[1],
00669                 gm0["ampErr"].ravel()[2], 7
00670             )
00672             mc = ia.coordsys()
00673             ia.done()
00674             restfreq = mc.restfrequency()["value"][0]
00675             dv = mc.increment()["numeric"][2]
00676             increment = -dv/restfreq*299797
00677             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00678                 gm0["center"].ravel()[0] + gmcentercon[0]*increment,
00679                 gm0["center"].ravel()[1], 3
00680             )
00681             self.assertAlmostEqual(
00682                 gm0["centerErr"].ravel()[0],
00683                 gm0["centerErr"].ravel()[1], 7
00684             )
00686     def test_11(self):
00687         """test results of multi-fit gaussian triplet"""
00688         imagename=datapath+gauss_triplet
00689         gmampcon = [0.7, 0.55]
00690         gmcentercon = [52, 0]
00691         logfile = "mylog.txt"
00692         i = 1
00693         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00694             res = code(
00695                 imagename=imagename, box="", region="", chans="",
00696                 stokes="", axis=2, mask="", ngauss=0, poly=-1,
00697                 multifit=True, center="center",
00698                 centererr="centerErr", fwhm="fwhm",
00699                 fwhmerr="fwhmErr", amp="amp", amperr="ampErr",
00700                 integral="integral", integralerr="integralErr",
00701                 gmncomps=3, gmampest=[1.2, 0.1, 0.1], 
00702                 gmcenterest=[20, 0, 100], gmfwhmest=[4, 4, 4],
00703                 gmampcon=gmampcon, gmcentercon=gmcentercon,
00704                 logfile=logfile
00705             )
00706             for image in (
00707                 "center", "centerErr", "fwhm", "fwhmErr", "amp",
00708                 "ampErr", "integral", "integralErr"
00709             ):
00710                 self.checkImage(
00711                     image + "_gm", datapath + image + "_gm"
00712                 )
00713             # appending, second time through size should double
00714             self.assertTrue(os.path.getsize(logfile) > 3e4*i)
00715             i = i+1
00717     def test_12(self):
00718         """test results of lorentzian fitting"""
00719         imagename=datapath+two_lorentzians
00720         pamp = [1, 7]
00721         pcen = [30, 111]
00722         pfwhm = [4, 4]
00723         pfunc = ["l", "l"]
00725         logfile = "two_lorentzian_fit.log"
00726         i = 1
00727         for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00728             res = code(
00729                 imagename=imagename, box="", region="", chans="",
00730                 stokes="", axis=2, mask="", ngauss=0, poly=-1,
00731                 multifit=True, center="center",
00732                 centererr="centerErr", fwhm="fwhm",
00733                 fwhmerr="fwhmErr", amp="amp", amperr="ampErr",
00734                 integral="integral", integralerr="integralErr",
00735                 pampest=pamp, pcenterest=pcen, pfwhmest=pfwhm,
00736                 logfile=logfile, pfunc=pfunc
00737             )
00738             for image in (
00739                 "center", "centerErr", "fwhm", "fwhmErr", "amp",
00740                 "ampErr", "integral", "integralErr"
00741             ):
00742                 self.checkImage(
00743                     image + "_ls", datapath + image + "_ls"
00744                 )
00745             # appending, second time through size should double
00746             self.assertTrue(os.path.getsize(logfile) > 2e4*i)
00747             i = i+1
00749     def test_13(self):
00750         """test setting solution parameter validities """
00751         imagename = datapath + invalid_fits
00752         i = 0
00753         goodfwhmrange= [[0], [2,20]]
00754         for gfr in goodfwhmrange:
00755             for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00756                 res = code(
00757                     imagename=imagename, box="", region="", chans="",
00758                     stokes="", axis=3, mask="", ngauss=2, poly=-1,
00759                     multifit=True, logresults=False, goodfwhmrange=gfr
00760                 )
00761                 if i == 0:
00762                     exp = 16
00763                 else:
00764                     exp = 6
00765                     #print "valid " + str(res["valid"])
00766                     #print "*** fwhm " + str(res["gs"]["fwhm"])
00767                 self.assertTrue(res["valid"].sum() == exp)
00768             i = i+1
00770     def test_14(self):
00771         imagename = datapath + birdie
00772         sigmaimage = ""
00773         myia = iatool()
00775         bb = myia.getchunk()
00776         myia.done()
00777         fullsigma = bb
00778         fullsigma[:] = 1
00779         s = []
00780         s.append(fullsigma[:])
00781         s.append(fullsigma[0, 0, :, 0].reshape([1, 1, 100, 1]))
00782         s.append(fullsigma[0, 0, :, 0])
00783         outsigma = ""
00784         expfwhmtrue = {
00785             "0": [ 61.77550675, 41.74020775],
00786             "0.1" : [82.55515563, 36.4484157],
00787             "1": [ 61.89796905, 41.69283371],
00788             "100": [ 61.77551883, 41.74020306]
00789         }
00790         expfwhmerrtrue = {
00791             "0": [  2.88886469e-07, 4.18990637e-07],
00792             "0.1": [ 1.96169836, 2.99212108],
00793             "1": [ 0.30788521, 0.44558165],
00794             "100": [ 0.00307781, 0.00446394]
00795         }
00796         expfwhmfalse = {
00797             "0": 42.43941294,
00798             "0.1": 42.43941294,
00799             "1": 42.43941294,
00800             "100":  42.43941294
00801         }
00802         expfwhmerrfalse = {
00803             "0": 4.0707913,
00804             "0.1": 6.09143172,
00805             "1": 4.07523664,
00806             "100": 4.04975604
00807         }
00808         for sigma in (s):
00809             for birdiesigma in [0, 0.1, 1, 100]:
00810                 fullsigma[:, :, 50, :] = birdiesigma
00811                 mymax = max(1, birdiesigma)
00812                 for i in range(2):
00813                     sig = sigma
00814                     if (sig.ndim == 1):
00815                         sig[50] = birdiesigma
00816                     else:
00817                         sig[:,:,50,:] = birdiesigma
00818                     if i == 1:
00819                         myia.fromarray(sigmaimage, sig, overwrite=T)
00820                         myia.done()
00821                         sig = sigmaimage
00822                     for code in [run_fitprofile, run_specfit]:
00823                         for multifit in [True, False]:
00824                             res = code(
00825                                 imagename=imagename, box="", region="", chans="",
00826                                 stokes="", axis=2, mask=imagename + "<1000", ngauss=2, poly=-1,
00827                                 multifit=multifit, logresults=False, sigma=sig,
00828                                 outsigma=outsigma
00829                             )
00830                             if multifit:
00831                                 self.assertTrue((abs(res["gs"]["fwhm"][8,8,0,0,:] - expfwhmtrue[str(birdiesigma)]) < 1e-7).all())
00832                                 self.assertTrue((abs(res["gs"]["fwhmErr"][8,8,0,0,:] - expfwhmerrtrue[str(birdiesigma)]) < 1e-7).all())
00833                             else:
00834                                 self.assertTrue(abs(res["gs"]["fwhm"][0,0,0,0,0] - expfwhmfalse[str(birdiesigma)]) < 1e-7)
00835                                 self.assertTrue(abs(res["gs"]["fwhmErr"][0,0,0,0,0] - expfwhmerrfalse[str(birdiesigma)]) < 1e-7)
00837                             if (birdiesigma == 0 or birdiesigma == 1):
00838                                 self.assertTrue((mymax*myia.getchunk() == fullsigma).all())
00839                             else:
00840                                 self.assertTrue(((mymax*myia.getchunk() - fullsigma)/fullsigma < 1e-7).all())
00841                             myia.remove()
00846 def suite():
00847     return [specfit_test]