casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 #
00002 # Driver script for VLA-uvfits-spect, old ngc5921_regression
00003 #
00004 import time
00005 import os
00006 from regressframe import regressionframe
00008 class regressverify :
00010         ##
00011         ## try paths, which are known to include the whole repository
00012         ##
00013         if os.path.exists('/opt/casa/data'):
00014                 datarepos = '/opt/casa/data'
00015         elif os.path.exists('/home/casa/data'):
00016                 datarepos = '/home/casa/data'
00017         elif os.path.exists(os.environ['CASAPATH'].split()[0] + "/data"):
00018                 datarepos = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split()[0] + "/data"
00019         else:
00020                 raise Exception('cannot find data repository')
00022         def fill(self) :
00023                 rstat = True
00024                 print "Starting fill verification"
00025       '')
00026                 if(ms.nrow() != 22653) :
00027                         rstat = False
00028                         print 'ms.nrow failed: got ',ms.nrow, ' expected 22653'
00029                 suminfo = ms.summary()
00030                 if suminfo['nfields'] != 3 :
00031                         rstat = False
00032                         print 'nfields failed got '+suminfo['nfields']+' expected 3'
00033                 if suminfo['field_0']['name'] != '1331+30500002_0' :
00034                         rstat = False
00035                         print 'nfield_0 failed got '+suminfo['field_0']['name']
00036                 if suminfo['field_1']['name'] != '1445+09900002_0' :
00037                         rstat = False
00038                         print 'nfield_1 failed got '+suminfo['field_1']['name']
00039                 if suminfo['field_2']['name'] != 'N5921_2' :
00040                         rstat = False
00041                         print 'nfield_2 failed got '+suminfo['field_2']['name']
00042                 if suminfo['timeref'] != 'TAI' :
00043                         rstat = False
00044                         print 'timeref failed got '+suminfo['timeref']
00045                 ms.close()
00046                 return rstat
00047         def flag(self) :
00048                 rstat = True
00049                 print "Starting flagging verification"
00050                 flagsummary = tflagdata('',mode='summary')
00051                 if(flagsummary['flagged'] != 203994) :
00052                    rstat = false
00053                    print 'flagged failed got ', flagsummary['flagged'], ' expected 203994'
00054                 if(flagsummary['total'] != 2854278) :
00055                    rstat = false
00056                    print 'flagged failed got ', flagsummary['flagged'], ' expected 2854278'
00057                 return rstat
00058         def calibrate(self) :
00059                 import listing
00060                 rstat = True
00061                 print "Starting calibrate verification"
00062                 # Before testing listcal output, remove first line of file
00063                 # (First line contains hard-coded path to input files)
00064                 listcalOut = 'ngc5921.listcal.out'
00065                 os.system('mv ' + listcalOut + ' ' + listcalOut + '.tmp')
00066                 os.system('tail -n +2 ' + listcalOut + '.tmp > ' + listcalOut)
00067                 os.system('rm -f ' + listcalOut + '.tmp')
00069                 # Test the listcal output
00070                 print "Comparing listcal output with standard..."
00071                 standardOut = self.datarepos+'/regression/ngc5921/listcal.default.out'
00073                 # Test metadata
00074                 if (not listing.diffMetadata(listcalOut,standardOut,prefix="ngc5921.listcal")):
00075                     rstat = False
00076                     print "failed calibrate meta data comparison"
00078                 # Test data (floats)
00079                 precision = '0.003'
00080                 if (not  listing.diffAmpPhsFloat(listcalOut,standardOut,prefix="ngc5921.listcal",
00081                                                                          precision=precision) ):
00082                     rstat = False
00083                     print "failed calibrate test data comparison"
00085                 return rstat
00086         def image(self) :
00087                 rstat = True
00088                 print "Starting image verification"
00089                 cubestats = imstat(imagename='ngc5921.clean.image')
00090                 if((cubestats['max'][0] - 0.052414759993553162)/0.052414759993553162 > 0.05) :
00091                         print "failed clean image max test"
00092                         rstat = False
00093                 if((cubestats['rms'][0] - 0.0020218724384903908)/0.0020218724384903908 > 0.05) :
00094                         print "failed clean image rms test"
00095                         rstat = False
00096                 return rstat
00097         def analysis(self) :
00098                 rstat = True
00099                 print "Starting analysis verification"
00100                 momzerostats = imstat(imagename='ngc5921.moments.integrated')
00101                 if((momzerostats['max'][0] - 1.48628211)/1.48628211 > 0.05) :
00102                         print "failed momzero max test"
00103                         rstat =False
00104                 momonestats = imstat(imagename='ngc5921.moments.weighted_coord')
00105                 if((momonestats['mean'][0] - 1484.22001478)/1484.22001478 > 0.05) :
00106                         print "failed momone mean test"
00107                         rstat =False
00108                 return rstat
00111 pipeline = regressionframe()
00112 verify = regressverify()
00114 ##
00115 ## try paths, which are known to include the whole repository
00116 ##
00117 if os.path.exists('/opt/casa/data'):
00118         pipeline.datarepos = '/opt/casa/data'
00119 elif os.path.exists('/home/casa/data'):
00120         pipeline.datarepos = '/home/casa/data'
00121 elif os.path.exists(os.environ['CASAPATH'].split()[0] + "/data"):
00122         pipeline.datarepos = os.environ['CASAPATH'].split()[0] + "/data"
00123 else:
00124         raise Exception('cannot find data repository')
00126 pipeline.workdir = './ngc5921_regression'
00127 pipeline.fill['tasks'] = ['importuvfits', 'listobs']
00128 pipeline.fill['importuvfits'] = {}
00129 pipeline.fill['listobs'] = {}
00130 pipeline.fill['importuvfits']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00131                       'fitsfile':pipeline.datarepos+'/regression/ngc5921/ngc5921.fits',
00132                       'antnamescheme':'new'
00133                       }
00134 pipeline.fill['listobs']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00135                                          'verbose':True
00136                                          }
00138 pipeline.fill['verify'] = verify.fill
00140 pipeline.flag['tasks'] = ['tflagdata']
00141 pipeline.flag['tflagdata'] = {}
00142 pipeline.flag['tflagdata']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00143                                                                         'mode':'manual',
00144                                                                         'autocorr':True}
00145 pipeline.flag['verify'] = verify.flag
00147 pipeline.calibrate['tasks'] = ['setjy', 'bandpass', 'gaincal', 'listcal', 'fluxscale', 'applycal', 'applycal', 'split', 'split', 'exportuvfits']
00148 pipeline.calibrate['applycal'] = {}
00149 pipeline.calibrate['setjy'] = {}
00150 pipeline.calibrate['bandpass'] = {}
00151 pipeline.calibrate['gaincal'] = {}
00152 pipeline.calibrate['listcal'] = {}
00153 pipeline.calibrate['verify'] = verify.calibrate
00154 pipeline.calibrate['fluxscale'] = {}
00155 pipeline.calibrate['setjy']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00156                                        'field' : '1331+305*',
00157                                        'modimage' : '',
00158                                        'standard':'Perley-Taylor 99'
00159                                        }
00160 pipeline.calibrate['bandpass']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00161                                     'caltable':'ngc5921.bcal',
00162                                     'gaintable' :'',
00163                                     'gainfield' : '',
00164                                     'interp' : '',
00165                                     'field' : '0',
00166                                     'spw' : '',
00167                                     'selectdata' : False,
00168                                     'gaincurve' : False,
00169                                     'opacity' : 0.0,
00170                                     'bandtype' : 'B',
00171                                     'solint' : 'inf',
00172                                     'combine' : 'scan',
00173                                     'refant' : 'VA15'
00174                                    }
00175 pipeline.calibrate['gaincal']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00176                                    'caltable':'ngc5921.gcal',
00177                                    'gaintable' : 'ngc5921.bcal',
00178                                    'gainfield' : '',
00179                                    'interp' : 'nearest',
00180                                    'field' : '0,1',
00181                                    'spw' : '0:6~56',
00182                                    'selectdata' : False,
00183                                    'gaincurve' : False,
00184                                    'opacity' : 0.0,
00185                                    'gaintype' : 'G',
00186                                    'solint' : 'inf',
00187                                    'combine' : '',
00188                                    'calmode' : 'ap',
00189                                    'minsnr' : 1.0,
00190                                    'refant' : '15'
00191                                   }
00192 pipeline.calibrate['listcal']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00193                                    'caltable':'ngc5921.gcal',
00194                                    'listfile':'ngc5921.listcal.out'
00195                                    }
00196 pipeline.calibrate['fluxscale']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00197                                      'fluxtable':'ngc5921.fluxscale',
00198                                      'caltable':'ngc5921.gcal',
00199                                      'reference' : '1331*',
00200                                      'transfer' : '1445*'
00201                                     }
00202 pipeline.calibrate['applycal'] = {0:{}, 1:{}}
00203 pipeline.calibrate['applycal'][0]['args'] = {'vis':'',
00204                                     'gaintable':['ngc5921.fluxscale','ngc5921.bcal'],
00205                                     'interp' : ['linear', 'nearest'],
00206                                     'spwmap' : [],
00207                                     'spw' : '',
00208                                     'selectdata' : False,
00209                                     'gaincurve' : False,
00210                                     'opacity' : 0.0,
00211                                     'field' : '1,2'
00212                                    }
00213 pipeline.calibrate['applycal'][1]['args'] = {'vis':'',
00214                                     'gaintable':['ngc5921.fluxscale','ngc5921.bcal'],
00215                                     'interp' : ['linear', 'nearest'],
00216                                     'spwmap' : [],
00217                                     'spw' : '',
00218                                     'selectdata' : False,
00219                                     'gaincurve' : False,
00220                                     'opacity' : 0.0,
00221                                     'field' : '0',
00222                                     'gainfield':['0','*']
00223                                    }
00224 pipeline.calibrate['split'] = {0:{}, 1:{}}
00225 pipeline.calibrate['split'][0]['args'] = {'vis':'',
00226                                     'outputvis' : '',
00227                                     'field' : '1445*',
00228                                     'spw':'',
00229                                     'datacolumn':'corrected',
00230                                    }
00231 pipeline.calibrate['split'][1]['args'] = {'vis':'',
00232                                     'outputvis' : '',
00233                                     'field' : 'N5921*',
00234                                     'spw':'',
00235                                     'datacolumn':'corrected'
00236                                    }
00237 pipeline.calibrate['exportuvfits'] = {}
00238 pipeline.calibrate['exportuvfits']['args'] = { 'vis' : '',
00239                                                'fitsfile' : 'ngc5921.split.uvfits',
00240                                                'datacolumn':'data',
00241                                                'multisource':True,
00242                                                'async':True
00243                                              }
00245 pipeline.image['verify'] = verify.image
00246 pipeline.image['tasks'] = ['uvcontsub', 'clean', 'exportfits']
00247 pipeline.image['uvcontsub'] = {}
00248 pipeline.image['uvcontsub']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00249                                  'field' : 'N5921*',
00250                                  'fitspw':'0:4~6;50~59',
00251                                  'spw':'0',
00252                                  'solint':'int',
00253                                  'fitorder':0
00254                                 }
00255 pipeline.image['clean'] = {}
00256 pipeline.image['clean']['args'] = {'vis':'',
00257                                  'imagename':'ngc5921.clean',
00258                                  'mode':'channel',
00259                                  'nchan':46,
00260                                  'start':5,
00261                                  'width':1,
00262                                  'field':'0',
00263                                  'spw':'',
00264                                  'gain':0.1,
00265                                  'psfmode':'clark',
00266                                  'cell':[15.,15.],
00267                                  'niter':6000,
00268                                  'threshold':8.0,
00269                                  'weighting':'briggs',
00270                                  'robust':0.5,
00271                                  'mask':''
00272                                 }
00273 pipeline.image['exportfits'] = {}
00274 pipeline.image['exportfits']['args'] = {'imagename':'ngc5921.clean.image',
00275                                         'fitsimage':'ngc5921.clean.fits',
00276                                         'async':True
00277                                        }
00279 pipeline.analysis['verify'] = verify.analysis
00280 pipeline.analysis['tasks'] = ['immoments']
00281 pipeline.analysis['imstat'] = {0:{},1:{}}
00282 pipeline.analysis['immoments'] = {}
00283 pipeline.analysis['immoments']['args'] = {'imagename':'ngc5921.clean.image',
00284                                     'moments':[0,1],
00285                                     'excludepix':[-100, 0.009],
00286                                     'chans':'',
00287                                     'outfile':'ngc5921.moments'
00288                                    }
00290"NGC5921 Regression")
00292 #fill= rows, sources, spw
00293 #flag          = number flagged
00294 #calibrate = caltable check
00295 #image = inner quadrant & rms
00296 #analysis