casa  $Rev:20696$
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00001 # This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
00002 # Version 2.0.5
00003 #
00004 # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
00005 # the SWIG interface file instead.
00009 from sys import version_info
00010 if version_info >= (2,6,0):
00011     def swig_import_helper():
00012         from os.path import dirname
00013         import imp
00014         fp = None
00015         try:
00016             fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_vpmanager', [dirname(__file__)])
00017         except ImportError:
00018             import _vpmanager
00019             return _vpmanager
00020         if fp is not None:
00021             try:
00022                 _mod = imp.load_module('_vpmanager', fp, pathname, description)
00023             finally:
00024                 fp.close()
00025             return _mod
00026     _vpmanager = swig_import_helper()
00027     del swig_import_helper
00028 else:
00029     import _vpmanager
00030 del version_info
00031 try:
00032     _swig_property = property
00033 except NameError:
00034     pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.
00035 def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1):
00036     if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value)
00037     if (name == "this"):
00038         if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject':
00039             self.__dict__[name] = value
00040             return
00041     method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None)
00042     if method: return method(self,value)
00043     if (not static):
00044         self.__dict__[name] = value
00045     else:
00046         raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
00048 def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value):
00049     return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)
00051 def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name):
00052     if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own()
00053     method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None)
00054     if method: return method(self)
00055     raise AttributeError(name)
00057 def _swig_repr(self):
00058     try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
00059     except: strthis = ""
00060     return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
00062 try:
00063     _object = object
00064     _newclass = 1
00065 except AttributeError:
00066     class _object : pass
00067     _newclass = 0
00070 class vpmanager(_object):
00071     """Proxy of C++ casac::vpmanager class"""
00072     __swig_setmethods__ = {}
00073     __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, vpmanager, name, value)
00074     __swig_getmethods__ = {}
00075     __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, vpmanager, name)
00076     __repr__ = _swig_repr
00077     def __init__(self): 
00078         """__init__(self) -> vpmanager"""
00079         this = _vpmanager.new_vpmanager()
00080         try: self.this.append(this)
00081         except: self.this = this
00082     __swig_destroy__ = _vpmanager.delete_vpmanager
00083     __del__ = lambda self : None;
00084     def release(self):
00085         """
00086         release(self)
00088         Summary
00089                 Release the VPManager for use by others.
00090         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00092         """
00093         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_release(self)
00095     def saveastable(self, *args, **kwargs):
00096         """
00097         saveastable(self, tablename=string("")) -> bool
00099         Summary
00100                 Save the vp or pb descriptions as a table
00102         Input Parameters:
00103                 tablename        Name of table to save vp descriptions in 
00105         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00107         """
00108         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_saveastable(self, *args, **kwargs)
00110     def loadfromtable(self, *args, **kwargs):
00111         """
00112         loadfromtable(self, tablename=string("")) -> bool
00114         Summary
00115                 Load the vp or pb descriptions from a table (deleting all previous definitions)
00117         Input Parameters:
00118                 tablename        Name of table to load vp descriptions from 
00120         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00122         """
00123         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_loadfromtable(self, *args, **kwargs)
00125     def summarizevps(self, verbose=False):
00126         """
00127         summarizevps(self, verbose=False) -> bool
00129         Summary
00130                 Summarize the currently accumulated VP descriptions
00132         Input Parameters:
00133                 verbose          Print out full record? Otherwise, print summary. false 
00135         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00137         """
00138         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_summarizevps(self, verbose)
00140     def setcannedpb(self, *args, **kwargs):
00141         """
00142         setcannedpb(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, commonpb=string("DEFAULT"), 
00143             dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00145         Summary
00146                 Select a vp/pb from our library of common pb models
00148         Input Parameters:
00149                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00150                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00151                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00152                 commonpb         List of common vp/pb models: DEFAULT code figures it out DEFAULT 
00153                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00154                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00155                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00157         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00159         """
00160         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setcannedpb(self, *args, **kwargs)
00162     def setpbairy(self, *args, **kwargs):
00163         """
00164         setpbairy(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, dishdiam=initialize_variant("25.0m"), 
00165             blockagediam=initialize_variant("2.5m"), maxrad=initialize_variant("0.8deg"), 
00166             reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), squintdir=initialize_variant(""), 
00167             squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), dosquint=False, 
00168             paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00170         Summary
00171                 Make an airy disk vp
00173         Input Parameters:
00174                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00175                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00176                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00177                 dishdiam         Effective diameter of dish 25.0m 
00178                 blockagediam     Effective diameter of subreflector blockage 2.5m 
00179                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 0.8deg 
00180                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00181                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00182                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0GHz 
00183                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00184                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00185                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00187         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00189         """
00190         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbairy(self, *args, **kwargs)
00192     def setpbcospoly(self, *args, **kwargs):
00193         """
00194         setpbcospoly(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, coeff=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), 
00195             scale=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), maxrad=initialize_variant("0.8deg"), 
00196             reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), isthispb=string("PB"), 
00197             squintdir=initialize_variant(""), squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), 
00198             dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00200         Summary
00201                 Make a vp/pb from a polynomial of scaled cosines
00203         Input Parameters:
00204                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00205                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00206                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00207                 coeff            Vector of coefficients of cosines -1 
00208                 scale            Vector of scale factors of cosines -1 
00209                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 0.8deg 
00210                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00211                 isthispb         Do these parameters describe a PB or a VP? PB 
00212                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00213                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0GHz 
00214                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00215                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00216                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00218         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00220         """
00221         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbcospoly(self, *args, **kwargs)
00223     def setpbgauss(self, *args, **kwargs):
00224         """
00225         setpbgauss(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, halfwidth=initialize_variant("0.5deg"), 
00226             maxrad=initialize_variant("1.0deg"), reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), 
00227             isthispb=string("PB"), squintdir=initialize_variant(""), 
00228             squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), 
00229             usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00231         Summary
00232                 Make a Gaussian vp/pb
00234         Input Parameters:
00235                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00236                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00237                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00238                 halfwidth        Half power half width of the Gaussian at the reffreq 0.5deg 
00239                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 1.0deg 
00240                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00241                 isthispb         Do these parameters describe a PB or a VP? PB 
00242                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00243                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0GHz 
00244                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00245                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00246                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00248         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00250         """
00251         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbgauss(self, *args, **kwargs)
00253     def setpbinvpoly(self, *args, **kwargs):
00254         """
00255         setpbinvpoly(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, coeff=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), 
00256             maxrad=initialize_variant("0.8deg"), reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), 
00257             isthispb=string("PB"), squintdir=initialize_variant(""), 
00258             squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0"), dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), 
00259             usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00261         Summary
00262                 Make a vp/pb as an inverse polynomial
00264         Input Parameters:
00265                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00266                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00267                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00268                 coeff            Coefficients of even powered terms -1 
00269                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 0.8deg 
00270                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00271                 isthispb         Do these parameters describe a PB or a VP? PB 
00272                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00273                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0 
00274                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00275                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00276                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00278         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00280         """
00281         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbinvpoly(self, *args, **kwargs)
00283     def setpbnumeric(self, *args, **kwargs):
00284         """
00285         setpbnumeric(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, vect=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), 
00286             maxrad=initialize_variant("0.8deg"), reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), 
00287             isthispb=string("PB"), squintdir=initialize_variant(""), 
00288             squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720deg"), 
00289             usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00291         Summary
00292                 Make a vp/pb from a user-supplied vector
00294         Input Parameters:
00295                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00296                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00297                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00298                 vect             Vector of vp/pb samples uniformly spaced from 0 to maxrad -1 
00299                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 0.8deg 
00300                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00301                 isthispb         Do these parameters describe a PB or a VP? PB 
00302                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00303                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0GHz 
00304                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00305                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720deg 
00306                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00308         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00310         """
00311         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbnumeric(self, *args, **kwargs)
00313     def setpbimage(self, *args, **kwargs):
00314         """
00315         setpbimage(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, realimage=string(""), 
00316             imagimage=string(""), compleximage=string("")) -> record *
00318         Summary
00319                 Make a vp/pb from a user-supplied image
00321         Input Parameters:
00322                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00323                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00324                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00325                 realimage        Real part of vp as an image 
00326                 imagimage        Imaginary part of vp as an image 
00327                 compleximage     complex vp as an image of complex numbers; if specified realimage and imagimage are ignored 
00329         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00331         """
00332         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbimage(self, *args, **kwargs)
00334     def setpbpoly(self, *args, **kwargs):
00335         """
00336         setpbpoly(self, telescope=string("VLA"), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, coeff=initialize_vector(1, (double)-1), 
00337             maxrad=initialize_variant("0.8deg"), reffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), 
00338             isthispb=string("PB"), squintdir=initialize_variant(""), 
00339             squintreffreq=initialize_variant("1.0GHz"), dosquint=False, paincrement=initialize_variant("720"), 
00340             usesymmetricbeam=False) -> record *
00342         Summary
00343                 Make a vp/pb from a polynomial
00345         Input Parameters:
00346                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? VLA 
00347                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00348                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00349                 coeff            Coefficients of even powered terms -1 
00350                 maxrad           Maximum radial extent of the vp/pb (scales with 1/freq) 0.8deg 
00351                 reffreq          Frequency at which maxrad is specified 1.0GHz 
00352                 isthispb         Do these parameters describe a PB or a VP? PB 
00353                 squintdir        Offset (Measure) of RR beam from pointing center, azel frame (scales with 1/freq) 
00354                 squintreffreq    Frequency at which the squint is specified 1.0GHz 
00355                 dosquint         Enable the natural beam squint found in the common vp model false 
00356                 paincrement      Increment in Parallactic Angle for asymmetric (ie, squinted) vp application 720 
00357                 usesymmetricbeam         Not currently used false 
00359         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00361         """
00362         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbpoly(self, *args, **kwargs)
00364     def setpbantresptable(self, *args, **kwargs):
00365         """
00366         setpbantresptable(self, telescope=string(""), othertelescope=string(""), dopb=True, antresppath=string("")) -> bool
00368         Summary
00369                 Declare a reference to an antenna responses table
00371         Input Parameters:
00372                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? 
00373                 othertelescope   If telescope=='OTHER', specify name here 
00374                 dopb             Should we apply the vp/pb to this telescope's data? true 
00375                 antresppath      The path to the antenna responses table (absolute or relative to CASA data dir.) 
00377         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00379         """
00380         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setpbantresptable(self, *args, **kwargs)
00382     def reset(self):
00383         """
00384         reset(self) -> bool
00386         Summary
00387                 Reinitialize the VPManager (will erase all VPs and defaults defined on the command line)
00388         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00390         """
00391         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_reset(self)
00393     def setuserdefault(self, *args, **kwargs):
00394         """
00395         setuserdefault(self, vplistnum=-1, telescope=string(""), anttype=string("")) -> bool
00397         Summary
00398                 Select the VP which is to be used by the imager for the given telescope and antenna type
00400         Input Parameters:
00401                 vplistnum        The number of the vp as displayed by summarizevps(), or -1 for internal default, or -2 for unset -1 
00402                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? 
00403                 anttype          Which antennatype will use this vp/pb? Default: '' = all 
00405         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00407         """
00408         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_setuserdefault(self, *args, **kwargs)
00410     def getuserdefault(self, *args, **kwargs):
00411         """
00412         getuserdefault(self, telescope=string(""), anttype=string("")) -> int
00414         Summary
00415                 Get the vp list number of the present default VP/PB for the given parameters (-1 = internal PB, -2 = none)
00417         Input Parameters:
00418                 telescope        Which telescope in the MS will use this vp/pb? 
00419                 anttype          Which antennatype will use this vp/pb? Default: '' = all 
00421         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00423         """
00424         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_getuserdefault(self, *args, **kwargs)
00426     def getanttypes(self, *args, **kwargs):
00427         """
00428         getanttypes(self, telescope=string(""), obstime=initialize_variant(""), freq=initialize_variant(""), 
00429             obsdirection=initialize_variant("AZEL 0deg 90deg")) -> std::vector< std::string >
00431         Summary
00432                 Return the list of available antenna types for the given parameters
00434         Input Parameters:
00435                 telescope        Telescope name 
00436                 obstime          Time of the observation (for versioning and reference frame calculations) 
00437                 freq             Frequency of the observation (may include reference frame, default: LSRK) 
00438                 obsdirection     Direction of the observation (may include reference frame, default: J2000). default: Zenith AZEL 0deg 90deg 
00440         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00442         """
00443         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_getanttypes(self, *args, **kwargs)
00445     def numvps(self, *args, **kwargs):
00446         """
00447         numvps(self, telescope=string(""), obstime=initialize_variant(""), freq=initialize_variant(""), 
00448             obsdirection=initialize_variant("AZEL 0deg 90deg")) -> int
00450         Summary
00451                 Return the number of vps/pbs available for the given parameters
00453         Input Parameters:
00454                 telescope        Telescope name 
00455                 obstime          Time of the observation (for versioning and reference frame calculations) 
00456                 freq             Frequency of the observation (may include reference frame, default: LSRK) 
00457                 obsdirection     Direction of the observation (may include reference frame, default: J2000). default: Zenith AZEL 0deg 90deg 
00459         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00461         """
00462         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_numvps(self, *args, **kwargs)
00464     def getvp(self, *args, **kwargs):
00465         """
00466         getvp(self, telescope=string(""), antennatype=string(""), obstime=initialize_variant(""), freq=initialize_variant(""), 
00467             obsdirection=initialize_variant("AZEL 0deg 90deg")) -> record *
00469         Summary
00470                 Return the default vps/pbs record for the given parameters
00472         Input Parameters:
00473                 telescope        Telescope name 
00474                 antennatype      The antenna type as a string, e.g. 'DV' 
00475                 obstime          Time of the observation (for versioning and reference frame calculations), e.g. 2011/12/12T00:00:00 
00476                 freq             Frequency of the observation (may include reference frame, default: LSRK) 
00477                 obsdirection     Direction of the observation (may include reference frame, default: J2000), default: AZEL 0deg 90deg 
00479         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00481         """
00482         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_getvp(self, *args, **kwargs)
00484     def createantresp(self, *args, **kwargs):
00485         """
00486         createantresp(self, imdir=string(""), starttime=string(""), bandnames=std::vector< string >(1, ""), bandminfreq=std::vector< string >(1, ""), 
00487             bandmaxfreq=std::vector< string >(1, "")) -> bool
00489         Summary
00490                 Create a standard-format AntennaResponses table
00492         Input Parameters:
00493                 imdir            Path to the directory containing the response images 
00494                 starttime        Time from which onwards the response is valid, format YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss 
00495                 bandnames        List containing the names of the observatory's frequency bands 
00496                 bandminfreq      List containing the lower edges of the observatory's frequency bands, e.g. ['80GHz','120GHz'] 
00497                 bandmaxfreq      List containing the upper edges of the observatory's frequency bands, e.g. ['120GHz','180GHz'] 
00499         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00501         """
00502         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_createantresp(self, *args, **kwargs)
00504     def getrespimagename(self, *args, **kwargs):
00505         """
00506         getrespimagename(self, telescope=string(""), starttime=string(""), frequency=string(""), functype=string("ANY"), 
00507             anttype=string(""), azimuth=string("0deg"), elevation=string("45deg"), 
00508             rectype=string(""), beamnumber=0) -> string
00510         Summary
00511                 Get the image name for the given parameters from the given responses table
00513         Input Parameters:
00514                 telescope        Which telescope is described by this response? 
00515                 starttime        Time at which the response has to be valid, format YYYY/MM/DD/hh:mm:ss 
00516                 frequency        The frequency at which the response has to be valid, e.g. '100GHz' 
00517                 functype         Type of the responsefunction requested, e.g. 'EFP' ANY 
00518                 anttype          Antenna type (observatory-dependent) 
00519                 azimuth          Azimuth of the observation (at the location of the observatory, 0 is North), e.g. '5deg' 0deg 
00520                 elevation        Elevation of the observation (at the location of the observatory, 0 is North), e.g. '60deg' 45deg 
00521                 rectype          Receiver type (observatory-dependent) 
00522                 beamnumber       Beam number (for the case of multiple beams per receiver) 0 
00524         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00526         """
00527         return _vpmanager.vpmanager_getrespimagename(self, *args, **kwargs)
00529 vpmanager_swigregister = _vpmanager.vpmanager_swigregister
00530 vpmanager_swigregister(vpmanager)
00532 # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes.