Vector objects are one-dimensional specializations (e.g., more convenient and efficient indexing) of the general Array class. You might also want to look at the Array documentation to see inherited functionality. A tutorial on using the array classes in general is available in the "AIPS++ Programming Manual".
Generally the member functions of Array are also available in Vector versions which take an integer where the array needs an IPosition. Since the Vector is one-dimensional, the IPositions are overkill, although you may use those versions if you want to.
Vector<Int> vi(100); // Vector 100 elements long. vi.resize(50); // Now only 50 long.
Slices may be taken with the Slice class. To take a slice, one "indexes" with Slice(start, length, inc) where end and inc are optional.
Vector<Float> vf(100); //... vf(Slice(0,50,2)) = vf(Slice(1,50,2)); // Copy values from odd onto even Vector<Float> firstHalf, secondHalf; firstHalf.reference(vf(Slice(0,50))); secondHalf.reference(vf(Slice(50,50))); // Now we have aliases for two slices into the Vector
Element-by-element arithmetic and logical operations are available (in aips/ArrayMath.h and aips/ArrayLogical.h) as well as dot and cross products (in aips/MatrixMath.h).
A Vector can be constructed from an STL vector. The reverse operation (Array::tovector()) can construct an STL vector from any Array.
To create any other STL container from an Array (or the reverse), always create from/to a vector, and use the range constructor to create from/to others (like set, list, deque).
As with the Arrays, if the preprocessor symbol AIPS_DEBUG is defined at compile time invariants will be checked on entry to most member functions. Additionally, if AIPS_ARRAY_INDEX_CHECK is defined index operations will be bounds-checked. Neither of these should be defined for production code.
A Vector with a defined length and origin of zero.
A Vector with a defined length and origin of zero. Fill it with the initial value.
Create a Vector from the given Block "other." Make it length "nr" and copy over that many elements.
Create a reference to other.
The copy constructor should normally be avoided. More details are available under the documentation for Array.
If "other" is of dimension one, create a reference to it. See the warning associated with the copy constructor.
Create an Vector of a given shape from a pointer.
Create a Vector from an STL vector (see tovector() in Array for the reverse operation).
Both this constructor and the tovector() are defined in The appropriate templates are instantiated using the macro AIPS_VECTOR2_AUX_TEMPLATES(X) defined in (X is the template argument needed).
Define a destructor, otherwise the (SUN) compiler makes a static one.
Assign the other array (which must be dimension 1) to this vector. If the shapes mismatch, this array is resized.
Create a reference to "other", which must be of dimension one.
Resize this Vector to the given length. The default copyValues flag is False. Resize without argument is equal to resize(0, False).
Assign to this Vector. If this Vector is zero-length, then resize
to be the same size as other. Otherwise this and other have to be
conformant (same size).
Note that the assign function can be used to assign a
non-conforming vector.
Other must be a 1-dimensional array.
Assign to this Vector. If this Vector is zero-length, then resize
to be the same size as other. Otherwise this and other have to be
conformant (same size).
Note that the assign function can be used to assign a
non-conforming vector.
Set every element of this Vector to Val.
Copy to this those values in marray whose corresponding elements in marray's mask are True.
Convert a Vector to a Block, resizing the block and copying values. This is done this way to avoid having the simpler Block class containing dependencies on the Vector class.
Single-pixel addressing. If AIPS_ARRAY_INDEX_CHECK is defined, bounds checking is performed (not for [])..
Take a slice of this vector. Slices are always indexed starting at zero. This uses reference semantics, i.e. changing a value in the slice changes the original.
Vector<Double> vd(100); //... vd(Slice(0,10)) = -1.0; // First 10 elements of vd set to -1
Slice using IPositions. Required to be defined, otherwise the base class versions are hidden.
The array is masked by the input LogicalArray. This mask must conform to the array.
Return a MaskedArray.
The array is masked by the input LogicalArray. This mask must conform to the array.
The array is masked by the input MaskedLogicalArray. The mask is effectively the AND of the internal LogicalArray and the internal mask of the MaskedLogicalArray. The MaskedLogicalArray must conform to the array.
Return a MaskedArray.
The array is masked by the input MaskedLogicalArray. The mask is effectively the AND of the internal LogicalArray and the internal mask of the MaskedLogicalArray. The MaskedLogicalArray must conform to the array.
The length of the Vector.
Replace the data values with those in the pointer storage. The results are undefined is storage does not point at nelements() or more data elements. After takeStorage() is called, unique() is True.
Since the pointer is const, a copy is always taken.
Replace the data values with those in the pointer storage. The results are undefined is storage does not point at nelements() or more data elements. After takeStorage() is called, unique() is True.
Verify that dimensionality is 1 and then call Arrayvirtual void doNonDegenerate(Array<T> &other, const IPosition &ignoreAxes)
Remove the degenerate axes from other and store result in this vector.
An exception is thrown if removing degenerate axes does not result
in a vector.
void initVector(const Block<T> &, Int nr)
Helper functions for constructors.