Module IO

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Description (classes)

Basic classes and global functions for IO and object persistency


This module provides the basic IO functionality for the AIPS++ classes. There are two IO mechanisms:
  1. Class AipsIO provides the object persistency mechanism. The templated global functions in AipsIOCarray.h form a little layer upon AipsIO. They provide the means to put or get a C-style array of any type.
  2. Class ByteSinkSource and its ancestors provide a general IO mechanism.

Both use the underlying IO framework which define where and how the data is written. The how-part is defined by classes derived from TypeIO as shown in the OMT diagram. There are three such classes:

  1. CanonicalIO reads/writes data in canonical (machine-independent) format. This should be used when data are meant to be exportable. It uses the conversion functions in class CanonicalConversion .
  2. RawIO reads/writes data in native (machine-dependent) format. This can be used when data are not exported.
  3. ConversionIO reads/writes in an external format as defined at construction time. This can be used when the external format can be one of several (e.g. VAX or IBM for a WSRT archive tape). In this way the format has to be defined only once and thereafter is it handled correctly by the polymorphism mechanism.
The where-part is defined by classes derived from ByteIO as shown in the OMT diagram. There are a few such classes:
  1. RegularFileIO uses a regular file to hold the data. Internally it uses FilebufIO (see below).
  2. FilebufIO uses the stdio system to do IO in a buffered way. It uses an internal buffer to do physical IO only when needed. See the description of C-functions like fopen, fread or do man stdio for more information.
  3. FiledesIO uses the UNIX IO-functions like open, read to do IO directly. It does not use an internal buffer. Instead it always do a physical IO. It is meant for IO operations where large chunks of a file are accessed and for IO on sockets, pipes, etc..
  4. MemoryIO uses a (possibly expandable) buffer in memory to hold the data.

The IO framework is easily expandable. Once can for instance think of a class AsciiIO derived from TypeIO to hold data in ASCII format.
A class TapeIO could be derived from ByteIO to access tape files. This class can also contain functions to skip to a tape file, which the user can call directly. Similarly a class RemoteTapeIO could be developed.


AipsIO -- AipsIO is the object persistency mechanism of AIPS++. (full description)
AipsIOCarray -- Templated functions to get/put a C-style array from/into AipsIO. (full description)
BaseSinkSource -- Shared base class for ByteSink and ByteSource. (full description)
BucketCache -- Cache for buckets in a part of a file (full description)
BucketCache_CallBack -- Define the type of the static read and write function. (full description)
BucketFile -- File object for the bucket cache. (full description)
ByteIO -- Abstract base class for IO on a byte stream. (full description)
ByteSink -- Class for write-only access to data in a given format. (full description)
ByteSinkSource -- Class for read/write access to data in a given format. (full description)
ByteSource -- Class for read-only access to data in a given format. (full description)
CanonicalIO -- Class for IO in canonical format. (full description)
ConversionIO -- Class for IO in a converted format. (full description)
FileLocker -- Class to handle file locking. (full description)
FilebufIO -- Class for buffered file IO. (full description)
FiledesIO -- Class for IO on a file descriptor. (full description)
LECanonicalIO -- Class for IO in little endian canonical format. (full description)
LargeFilebufIO -- Class for buffered IO on a large file. (full description)
LargeFiledesIO -- Class for IO on a large file descriptor. (full description)
LargeRegularFileIO -- Class for IO on a regular large file. (full description)
LockFile -- Class to handle file locking and synchronization. (full description)
MemoryIO -- Class for IO to a memory buffer. (full description)
RawIO -- Class for IO in local format. (full description)
RegularFileIO -- Class for IO on a regular file. (full description)
StreamIO -- Class for IO on connection oriented socket (full description)
TapeIO -- Class for IO on a tape device (full description)
TypeIO -- Abstract base class for IO of data in a type-dependent format (full description)