

Global Functions -- Filling a table from an Ascii file. (full description)
ReadAsciiTable -- Helper class for readAsciiTable (full description)

Filling a table from an Ascii file. (source)


String readAsciiTable (const String& filein, const String& tableDescName, const String& tableName, Bool autoHeader = False, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1, const separator& autoShape = separator())
String readAsciiTable (const String& headerFile, const String& dataFile, const String& tableDescName, const String& tablename, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1)
String readAsciiTable (const String& headerFile, const String& dataFile, const String& tableDescName, const char* tablename, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1)


  • Table


    Global functions to fill a table from an Ascii file.

    The table columns are filled from a file containing the data values separated by a separator (optionally followed by whitespace). The default separator is a comma. Non-given values default to 0, False, or blank string (depending on data type). A value is not given between 2 consecutive separators or if less values are given than needed. One line per table row should be given. The following two header lines define the columns in the table:

    1. The first line contains the names of the variables in each column. These names may be enclosed in double quotes.
    2. The second line contains the data types of each column. Valid types are:
      • S for Short Integer data
      • I for Integer data
      • R for Real data
      • D for Double Precision data
      • X for Complex data (Real, Imaginary)
      • DX for Double Precision Complex data (R,I)
      • Z for Complex data (Amplitude, Phase)
      • DZ for Double Precision Complex data (A,P)
      • A for ASCII data (must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains one or more blanks)
      The type can optionally be followed by one or more positive numbers (separated by commas without whitespace) indicating that the column contains an array. The numbers give the shape of the array. E.g. D2,4 defines a column containing arrays with shape [2,4]. It "consumes" 8 numbers in each input data line. The last column can contain a 0 in one of the shape numbers. It indicates that the arrays are variable shaped; it "consumes" all remaining numbers in each input data line. If needed, the arrays are filled with default values (0, False, or blank). E.g. I0 indicates a variable shaped vector. I0,4 with a line with remaining input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 results in an array with shape [3,4] (filled with with 3 zeroes).
    If the autoHeader argument is True, the column definition lines should not be given. It recognizes the types from the first data line. It gives the names 'column0', etc. to the columns. It can recognize integer, double, and string types. It is possible to give a shape argument which has the same function as the shape values discussed above.

    There are two forms of the readAsciiTable function:

    1. The simplest form has two input files. The second input file contains the column data. The first input file contains the keywords (if any) and the column definitions. The keywords in the first file, if there are any, must be enclosed between a line that starts with ".keywords" and a line that starts with ".endkeywords". To define column keywords, .keywords should be followed by whitespace and the column name. Between these two lines each line should contain the following:
      • The keyword name, e.g., ANYKEY
      • The datatype of the keyword (cf. list of valid types above)
      • The value or values for the keyword (the keyword may contain a scalar or a vector of values). e.g., 3.14159 21.78945
      After the keywords definitions, the two column definition lines should follow (unless autoHeader=True is given).
      For example:
             KEYI  I  10
             KEYIV I  11 12 13 14
             KEYF  R  1.2
             KEYFV R  -3.2 0 5.6
             KEYD  D  1.23456789
             KEYDV D  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
             KEYX  X  -1.5 -3
             KEYXC X  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
             KEYZ  Z  -3  -1.5
             KEYZV Z  0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
             KEYS  A  "1 2 3 4 5"
             KEYSV A  " 1 2 " "AAA" BBB bbb CCc C "@#$%^&*()"
             .keywords  COLDX
             IKEYS   A "coldx ikey"
             DKEYS   A "coldx dkey"
             COLI   COLF   COLD       COLX        COLZ       COLS
              I      R      D          X           Z          A
      defines a table with 12 table keywords (of which 6 contain vector values), 2 keywords for column COLDX, and and 6 columns. The number of rows is determined by the number of lines in the second input file.
    2. The other form is to combine the two files in one file. In that case the data lines must be preceeded by the optional keyword and column definitions (without an intermediate blank line).


       readAsciiTable ("", "", "table.test");
    creates a table with name table.test from the text file The text file could look like:
      COLI   COLF   COLD       COLX        COLZ       COLS
       I      R      D          X           Z          A
      1      1.1    1.11       1.12 1.13   1.14 1.15  Str1
      10     11     12         13   14     15   16    String17
    resulting in a table with 6 columns and 2 rows.

    Member Description

    String readAsciiTable (const String& filein, const String& tableDescName, const String& tableName, Bool autoHeader = False, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1, const separator& autoShape = separator())

    Create a table with name as given by tableName. If autoHeader==True, the format is automatically derived from the first data line. It can recognize integer, double, and String types. The columns will be named column1, column2, etc.. If the autoShape argument is given with 1 or more axes, all values are treated as a single column with the given shape. Note that one of the can have length 0 indicating a variable shaped array. If autoHeader==False, the layout of the table has to be defined in the first 2 lines of the input file. The remaining lines in the input file contain the data.

    When the tableDescName is not blank, the table description will be stored in a table description file with the given name.
    It returns a string containing the format of the columns in the form COL1=R, COL2=D, ...

    The separator gives the character separating the values. The default is a blank. Note that irrespective of the separator, blanks between values are always ignored. A string value has to be enclosed in double quotes if it has to contain blanks or the separator value.

    Header and data lines starting with the regular expression given in the commentMarker are ignored. By default no comment marker is present. E.g. "#" ignores all lines starting with the #-sign. " *#" does the same, but the lines to ignore can start with whitespace.

    The first and last line argument give the 1-relative number of the first and last line to read from the file. firstLine <= 0 is the same as 1. lastLine <= 0 means until end-of-file. Note that lines matching the comment marker are also counted.

    String readAsciiTable (const String& headerFile, const String& dataFile, const String& tableDescName, const String& tablename, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1)
    String readAsciiTable (const String& headerFile, const String& dataFile, const String& tableDescName, const char* tablename, Char separator = ' ', const String& commentMarkerRegex = "", Int firstLine = 1, Int lastLine = -1)

    This form reads TWO Ascii files. The first file may contain keywords and their values as well as the two lines described above for the names and type of variables. The second file is intended for data only.

    When the tableDescName is not blank, the table description will be stored in a table description file with the given name.
    It returns a string containing the format of the columns in the form COL1=R, COL2=D, ...

    The separator gives the character separating the values. The default is a blank. Note that irrespective of the separator, blanks between values are always ignored. A string value has to be enclosed in double quotes if it has to contain blanks or the separator value.

    Header and data lines starting with the regular expression given in the commentMarker are ignored. By default no comment marker is present. E.g. "#" ignores all lines starting with the #-sign. " *#" does the same, but the lines to ignore can start with whitespace.

    The first and last line argument give the 1-relative number of the first and last line to read from the data file. firstLine <= 0 is the same as 1. lastLine <= 0 means until end-of-file. Note that lines matching the comment marker are also counted.

    class ReadAsciiTable


    enum RATType



    Public Members
    static String run (const String& headerfile, const String& filein, const String& tableproto, const String& tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition& autoShape, Char separator, const String& commentMarkerRegex, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
    Private Members
    static String doRun (const String& headerfile, const String& filein, const String& tableproto, const String& tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition& autoShape, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
    static Bool getLine (ifstream& file, Int& lineNumber, char* line, Int lineSize, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
    static Int getNext (const Char* string, Int strlen, Char* result, Int& at, Char separator)
    static void getTypes (const IPosition& shape, const Char* in, Int leng, Char* string1, Char* string2, Char separator)
    static Bool makeBool (const String& str)
    static void handleKeyset (Int lineSize, char* string1, char* first, char* second, TableRecord& keysets, LogIO& logger, const String& fileName, ifstream& jFile, Int& lineNumber, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
    static Int getTypeShape (const String& typestr, IPosition& shape, Int& type)
    static Bool getValue (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, Int type, void* value)
    static void handleScalar (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, Int type, TableColumn& tabcol, uInt rownr)
    static IPosition getArray (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, const IPosition& shape, Int varAxis, Int type, void* valueBlock)
    static void handleArray (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, const IPosition& shape, Int varAxis, Int type, TableColumn& tabcol, uInt rownr)



    This class contains static functions as helpers for readAsciiTable.

    Member Description

    static String run (const String& headerfile, const String& filein, const String& tableproto, const String& tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition& autoShape, Char separator, const String& commentMarkerRegex, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)

    Run the readAsciiTable.

    enum RATType

    Define types.

    static String doRun (const String& headerfile, const String& filein, const String& tableproto, const String& tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition& autoShape, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)

    Do the actual run.

    static Bool getLine (ifstream& file, Int& lineNumber, char* line, Int lineSize, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)

    Get the next line. Skip lines to be ignored. It returns False when no more lines are available.

    static Int getNext (const Char* string, Int strlen, Char* result, Int& at, Char separator)

    Get the next part of the line using the separator as delimiter. Leading blanks are ignored.

    static void getTypes (const IPosition& shape, const Char* in, Int leng, Char* string1, Char* string2, Char separator)

    Derive the types from the values in the first data line.

    static Bool makeBool (const String& str)

    Turn the string into a Bool value. Empty string, value 0 and any value starting with f, F, n or N are False.

    static void handleKeyset (Int lineSize, char* string1, char* first, char* second, TableRecord& keysets, LogIO& logger, const String& fileName, ifstream& jFile, Int& lineNumber, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex& commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)

    Handle a keyword set.

    static Int getTypeShape (const String& typestr, IPosition& shape, Int& type)

    Get the shape and type from the type string.

    static Bool getValue (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, Int type, void* value)

    Get the next scalar value with the given type from string1.

    static void handleScalar (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, Int type, TableColumn& tabcol, uInt rownr)

    Handle the next scalar with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column.

    static IPosition getArray (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, const IPosition& shape, Int varAxis, Int type, void* valueBlock)

    Get the next array with the given type from string1. It returns the shape (for variable shaped arrays).

    static void handleArray (char* string1, Int lineSize, char* first, Int& at1, Char separator, const IPosition& shape, Int varAxis, Int type, TableColumn& tabcol, uInt rownr)

    Get the next array with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column.