- Global Functions -- Basic math for table vectors. (full description)
- Global Functions -- Transcendental math for table vectors. (full description)
- Global Functions -- Further transcendental math for table vectors. (full description)
- Global Functions -- Miscellaneous table vector operations. (full description)
- Global Functions -- Vector operations on a table vector. (full description)
- void tabVecReptvassadd (TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- void tabVecReptvasssub (TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- void tabVecReptvasstim (TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- void tabVecReptvassdiv (TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- void tabVecRepvalassadd (TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- void tabVecRepvalasssub (TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- void tabVecRepvalasstim (TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- void tabVecRepvalassdiv (TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepnegate (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptvadd (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptvsub (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptvtim (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptvdiv (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalradd (const TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalrsub (const TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalrtim (const TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalrdiv (const TabVecRep<T>&, const T&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalladd (const T&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvallsub (const T&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalltim (const T&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepvalldiv (const T&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
These global functions do the basic math for table vectors.
This means addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
and negation.
In case two table vectors are used, the left and right operand
must be conformant (i.e. have equal length).
Member Description
Add 2 table vectors storing result in first one.
Subtract 2 table vectors storing result in first one.
Multiple 2 table vectors storing result in first one.
Divide 2 table vectors storing result in first one.
Add a scalar to each element in the table vector.
Subtract a scalar from each element in the table vector.
Multiple each element in the table vector with a scalar.
Divide each element in the table vector by a scalar.
Unary minus - store result in a new vector.
(unary plus is already handled in TabVecMath).
Add 2 table vectors storing result in a new one.
Subtract 2 table vectors storing result in a new one.
Multiple 2 table vectors storing result in a new one.
Divide 2 table vectors storing result in a new one.
Add a scalar to each element in the table vector storing result
in a new table vector.
Subtract a scalar from each element in the table vector storing result
in a new table vector.
Multiple each element in the table vector with a scalar storing result
in a new table vector.
Divide each element in the table vector by a scalar storing result
in a new table vector.
Add a scalar to each element in the table vector storing result
in a new table vector.
Subtract a scalar from each element in the table vector storing result
in a new table vector.
Multiple each element in the table vector with a scalar storing result
in a new table vector.
Divide each element in the table vector by a scalar storing result
in a new table vector.
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepcos (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepcosh (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepexp (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReplog (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReplog10(const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReppow (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepsin (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepsinh (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepsqrt (const TabVecRep<T>&)
These global functions do the transcendental math for table vectors
for essentially all numeric types.
The functions are sin, sinh, exp, log, pow, etc..
In case two table vectors are used, the left and right operand
must be conformant (i.e. have equal length).
Member Description
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepacos (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepasin (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepatan (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepatan2(const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepceil (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepfabs (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepfloor(const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepfmod (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReppow (const TabVecRep<T>&, const double&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptan (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecReptanh (const TabVecRep<T>&)
These global functions do the transcendental math for table vectors
for a limited set of numeric types.
The functions are asin, ceil, etc..
In case two table vectors are used, the left and right operand
must be conformant (i.e. have equal length).
Member Description
- void tabVecRepminmax (T& min, T& max, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- void tabVecRepindgen (TabVecRep<T>&, Int start, Int inc)
- T tabVecRepsum (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- T tabVecRepproduct (const TabVecRep<T>&)
Fill a table vector or calculate the sum, product, minimum or
maximum of its elements.
Member Description
void tabVecRepminmax (T& min, T& max, const TabVecRep<T>&)
Determine minimum and maximum value in a table vector.
Requires that the type "T" has comparison operators.
Fills all elements of the table vector with a sequence starting with
"start" and incrementing by "inc" for each element.
Sum of all the elements of a table vector.
Product of all the elements of a table vector.
product can easily overflow.
- T tabVecRepinnerproduct (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
- T tabVecRepnorm (const TabVecRep<T>&)
- TabVecRep<T>& tabVecRepcrossproduct (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
Do vector operations on a table vector (like inner product).
Member Description
T tabVecRepinnerproduct (const TabVecRep<T>&, const TabVecRep<T>&)
The inner product of 2 table vectors.
The norm of a table vector.
The cross product of 2 table vectors containing 3 elements.