Module Exceptions

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Description (classes)

Exception handling

Review Status

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This module provides the exception handling mechanism used in AIPS++. It allows the user to define new exception types and to throw, catch, and rethrow these exceptions. The interface to this exception handling mechanism is very similary to the ANSI standard exceptions. This will make it easy to switch when the time comes.

This module supplies several common exception types . These provide examples for creating new errors.

At some point, this exception mechanism will probably be replaced with compiler supported exceptions.


This example shows how a more specific exception can be caught as a more general exception:
        #include <casa/Exceptions.h>
    #include <iostream>
        main() {
            try {
                throw(indexError<int>(5,"Dummy error"));
            } catch (IndexError xx) {
                cout << "caught IndexError" << endl;


AbortError -- Exception which halts execution (full description)
AipsError -- Base class for all AIPS++ library errors (full description)
AllocError -- Allocation errors (full description)
DuplError -- Duplicate key errors (full description)
IndexError -- Base class for all indexing errors (full description)
duplError -- Duplicate key errors where the bad key is returned (full description)
indexError -- Index errors returning the bad index (full description)