

Input -- Input.h: A simple command-line argument method for applications. (full description)

class Input


Public Members
Input (Int createEnv=0)
void create (const String& key)
void create (const String& key, const String& value)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type, const String& range)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type, const String& range, const String& unit)
void close()
void readArguments (Int argc, char *argv[])
Double getDouble (const String& key)
Block<Double> getDoubleArray (const String& key)
Int getInt (const String& key)
Block<Int> getIntArray (const String& key)
String getString (const String& key)
Bool getBool (const String& key)
Int count() const
Bool debug (Int l) const
Bool put (const String& key, const String& value)
Bool put (const String& keyval)
void version (const String&)
void announce()
static Vector<Bool> makeMaskFromRanges(const String& ranges, uInt length, Bool oneRelative=False)
Private Members
Int getParam (const String& key) const
void prompt (Param& parameter) const
void envCreate (const Char *env, const String& key, const String& def)
void createPar (Int, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&)
void pane()
void keys()


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The Input class name is a reflection of it's role as the early command line user interface for AIPS++ applications. This class provides "inputs" in the form "key=value" or "-key value."


The Input class is a holder of parameters, either automatically assigned values or altered at the execution of the program which utilizes them. The parameters are associations of String "keys" to "values". The parameters may be used as internal values during the program's run. The shell command
    shell% myexecutable limits=1000 happy=True
would run "myexecutable" and set the internal parameter "limits" to a value of 1000 and "happy" to True.

The Input class is instantiated by a constructor with a single Int argument which, when non-zero, switches on the filling of the keys "debug" and "help" from environment variables. These two keys always exist in an instance of Input. No argument to the Input constructor defaults to "debug" and "help" being set to zero.

The default existance of the help parameter allows the user to specify predefined modes for the "help" key. The argument "help=prompt" turns on prompting for parameter values not specified on the command-line. In such an instance, the optional String arguments to Input::create become important. The argument "help=keys" will print to standard output a list of all the parameters. Finally, "help=pane" prints to standard output a pane file usable as a graphic user interface within Khoros Cantata.

The default existance of the debug parameter allows the user to specify levels of debugging, where 0 implies none and higher integers means more. The usage would be as follows:

    Input inp;
    // this will execute the block only for values higher than 5
            // do debugging stuff here

Additional parameters must be created inside the main block (or deeper) of your application. The member function create() is overloaded to accept from one to six String arguments. All but the first are optional. However, should the user decide to call any of the get() functions which return a String, that String will be empty. In this case it is assumed that all values will be filled from the command line. Some examples:

    main(Int argc, char *argv[])
      Input inp;
      // Create a parameter called "foo" which defaults to True.
      inp.create("foo", "True");
      // Create a parameter called "iterbound" which defaults to 2000 and
      // has a help String used in cases of prompting.
      inp.create("iterbound", "2000", "The upper boundary of the iterator");
      // Create a normalising value with a range, type, and unit.
      inp.create("dividend", "10000", The normalization factor of the chutspah",
                 "0-100000", "Double", "clean steps");
The parameters are "filled" from the command line arguments by the member function ReadArguments(int argc, char**argv). If an argument is not defined within the main block but specified at the command line, an exception is thrown.
    inp.readArguments(argc, argv);

Finally, the values of the various parameter's are utilized by calling the Input::getWhatever(key) member functions. They return either a String or are converted to the data type chosen by the "whatever" in the name of the function. The value associated with the passed key is returned.

    // get a boolean
      // get an iteration boundary
      for(Int i=0; i<inp.getInt("iterbound"); i++) {
        // get a double
        chutspah /= inp.getDouble("dividend");

Optional items include:

  1. specifying a version inp.version("$ID:"); will print at run time the version of the program being run.
  2. run time checking of ranges inp.makeMaskFromRanges(const String &ranges, uInt length, Bool oneRelative=False);


    #include <casa/Inputs/Input.h>
    main(Int argc, char *argv[]) 
     // instantiate an Input.  The integer argument of 1 to the ctor builds 
     // the system parameters "debug" and "help" and sets their values to the
     // shell environment variables DEBUG and HELP.
     Input inp(1);
     // set the version to be automatically expanded by the RCS.  This will
     // print the version at run time.
     // We will now create some parameters.
     // Create a parameter with no default value i.e. it must be set by a 
     // command line argument.
     // Create a parameter with a default value.
     inp.create("file", "$AIPSROOT/data.txt");
     // Create a parameter with a help String which will be displayed when in
     // the prompted entry mode.
     inp.create("ubound", "1000", "The number of iterations to clean.");
     // Create a parameter with a type.  This is utilized to create the correct
     // labels on a Khoros pane.  You could do type checking yourself, as well.
     inp.create("baseline", "451", "The number of baselines.", "Int");
     // Create a parameter with a range of acceptable values.  Note: checking
     // must be done by the user as this isn't coded in.
     inp.create("gainstride", "0.5", "The factor by which the Clean strides.",
                "Double", "0-1.0");
     // Create a parameter with a unit String.  Note: checking must be done
     // by the user as this test isn't coded in.
     String help("The velocity of the Earth in the direction of the object.");
     inp.create("velocity", "2.89e+05", help, "Double", "0-3.0e+06", "m/s");
     // Now we close parameter creation and get the values from the command line
     // arguments.
     inp.readArguments(argc, argv);
     // Now we may utilize the values from the paramters we have created.
     // Here we are getting a boolean from the parameter with the key "test".
     if(inp.getBool("test") {
       // Here we get a String from the parameter with the key "file".
       Image myImage(inp.getString("file"));
       // Here we set the boundary of the loop.
       for(Int i=0;i<inp.getInt("ubound"), i++) {
         // Here we set a value to the number of baselines.
         Int baseline = inp.getInt("baseline");
         // Here we set the gain stride.
         // lets add a debugging block
         if(inp.debug(5)) cout << "the chutspah is " << chutspah << endl;


In the earliest days of the AIPS++ project, the desire to start coding right away led to the need for a user interface. The preexistant C language method of argc/argv was enclosed in an object for easier use. This also provided a means to output a pane file. Pane files are used by the Cantata desktop within the Khoros system to build quick graphic user interfaces. The AIPS++ code has moved on to greater heights and left the Input class mostly unchanged.

To Do

Member Description

Input (Int createEnv=0)

The default constructor enables the creation of parameters. If the optional Int argument is non-zero, the parameters "help" and "debug" are created from their shell environment values. This puts the program in no-prompt mode unless environment variable HELP is defined with value "prompt". The output debug level is set according to the value of the environment variable DEBUG.



void create (const String& key)
void create (const String& key, const String& value)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type, const String& range)
void create (const String& key, const String& value, const String& help, const String& type, const String& range, const String& unit)

Create a new parameter, either from scratch or looking it up from an internal list of templates. The function also checks whether parameters can still be created, and whether key is unique for the program. The value, help and remaining arguments are all optional. The multiple definitions are to allow default values

void close()

Disable the creation of parameters. Highly recommended, but not required. readArguments calls it when filling the values from argv[].

void readArguments (Int argc, char *argv[])

fill the parameter list from argc, argv command line args

Double getDouble (const String& key)

Get the double value of the parameter (or 0.0 if unknown key). If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

Block<Double> getDoubleArray (const String& key)

Get the Block value of the parameter (or default Block if unknown key). If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

Int getInt (const String& key)

Get the int value of the parameter (or 0 if unknown key). If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

Block<Int> getIntArray (const String& key)

Get the Block value of parameter (or default Block if unknown key) If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

String getString (const String& key)

Get the String value of the parameter (or "" if unknown key). If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

Bool getBool (const String& key)

Get the boolean value of the parameter (or FALSE if unknown key). If the program is in prompt mode, ask the user for the value.

Int count() const

Get the total number of parameters of this program

Bool debug (Int l) const

See if the current debug level is thresholded

Bool put (const String& keyval)

Set a new value for an existing named parameter Returns FALSE if key is an unknown parameter name.

The single argument is of the form `key=value', where key is a valid parameter name.

Bool put (const String& key, const String& value)

Set a new value for an existing named parameter Returns FALSE if key is an unknown parameter name.

void version (const String&)

Set version string for announcements

void announce()

Announce program and version.

static Vector<Bool> makeMaskFromRanges(const String& ranges, uInt length, Bool oneRelative=False)

Turn a string in the form "5,7,9-11,13,2-4" into a Vector, where each specified position or range, is set to True and every other position is set to False. While the returned vector always has a zero origin, if oneRelative is True, all the numbers in the supplied string are decremented before use. Spaces in ranges are ignored, but otherwise ill-formed strings, or numbers that would fill in beyond the length of the Vector results in an exception being thrown.

Int getParam (const String& key) const

Get the index of the named parameter (0 if unknown key). Anywhere from 1.. if a key is found.

void prompt (Param& parameter) const

Prompt the user for a value for the parameter. If he gives a non-empty answer, set that value.

void envCreate (const Char *env, const String& key, const String& def)

Bind an environment variable to a parameter

void createPar (Int, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&, const String&)

The actual creation of a new (system/program) parameter

void pane()

output to stdout a Khoros Cantata pane.

void keys()

output to stdout a listing of all "key=value" pairs.