

PGPlotter -- Standard plotting object for application programmers. (full description)

class PGPlotter : public PGPlotterInterface


Public Members
typedef PGPlotter CreateFunction (const String &device, uInt mincolors, uInt maxcolors, uInt sizex, uInt sizey)
PGPlotter (const String &device, uInt mincolors=2, uInt maxcolors=100, uInt sizex=600, uInt sizey=450)
PGPlotter (PGPlotterInterface*)
PGPlotter(const PGPlotter &other)
PGPlotter &operator=(const PGPlotter &other)
virtual ~PGPlotter()
static PGPlotter create (const String &device, uInt mincolors=2, uInt maxcolors=100, uInt sizex=600, uInt sizey=450)
static CreateFunction* setCreateFunction (CreateFunction*, Bool override=True)
virtual Bool isAttached() const
void detach()
virtual void message(const String &text)
virtual Record curs(Float x, Float y)
virtual void arro(Float x1, Float y1, Float x2, Float y2)
virtual void ask(Bool flag)
virtual void bbuf()
virtual void bin(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &data, Bool center)
virtual void box(const String &xopt, Float xtick, Int nxsub, const String &yopt, Float ytick, Int nysub)
virtual void circ(Float xcent, Float ycent, Float radius)
virtual void conb(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, const Vector<Float> &tr, Float blank)
virtual void conl(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float c, const Vector<Float> &tr, const String &label, Int intval, Int minint)
virtual void cons(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void cont(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, Bool nc, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void ctab(const Vector<Float> &l, const Vector<Float> &r, const Vector<Float> &g, const Vector<Float> &b, Float contra, Float bright)
virtual void draw(Float x, Float y)
virtual void ebuf()
virtual void env(Float xmin, Float xmax, Float ymin, Float ymax, Int just, Int axis)
virtual void eras()
virtual void errb(Int dir, const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y, const Vector<Float> &e, Float t)
virtual void errx(const Vector<Float> &x1, const Vector<Float> &x2, const Vector<Float> &y, Float t)
virtual void erry(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y1, const Vector<Float> &y2, Float t)
virtual void gray(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float fg, Float bg, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void hi2d(const Matrix<Float> &data, const Vector<Float> &x, Int ioff, Float bias, Bool center, const Vector<Float> &ylims)
virtual void hist(const Vector<Float> &data, Float datmin, Float datmax, Int nbin, Int pcflag)
virtual void iden()
virtual void imag(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float a1, Float a2, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void lab(const String &xlbl, const String &ylbl, const String &toplbl)
virtual void ldev()
virtual Vector<Float> len(Int units, const String &string)
virtual void line(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts)
virtual void move(Float x, Float y)
virtual void mtxt(const String &side, Float disp, Float coord, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual String numb(Int mm, Int pp, Int form)
virtual void page()
virtual void panl(Int ix, Int iy)
virtual void pap(Float width, Float aspect)
virtual void pixl(const Matrix<Int> &ia, Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual void pnts(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y, const Vector<Int> symbol)
virtual void poly(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts)
virtual void pt(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts, Int symbol)
virtual void ptxt(Float x, Float y, Float angle, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual Vector<Float> qah()
virtual Int qcf()
virtual Float qch()
virtual Int qci()
virtual Vector<Int> qcir()
virtual Vector<Int> qcol()
virtual Vector<Float> qcr(Int ci)
virtual Vector<Float> qcs(Int units)
virtual Int qfs()
virtual Vector<Float> qhs()
virtual Int qid()
virtual String qinf(const String &item)
virtual Int qitf()
virtual Int qls()
virtual Int qlw()
virtual Vector<Float> qpos()
virtual Int qtbg()
virtual Vector<Float> qtxt(Float x, Float y, Float angle, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual Vector<Float> qvp(Int units)
virtual Vector<Float> qvsz(Int units)
virtual Vector<Float> qwin()
virtual void rect(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual Float rnd(Float x, Int nsub)
virtual Vector<Float> rnge(Float x1, Float x2)
virtual void sah(Int fs, Float angle, Float vent)
virtual void save()
virtual void scf(Int font)
virtual void sch(Float size)
virtual void sci(Int ci)
virtual void scir(Int icilo, Int icihi)
virtual void scr(Int ci, Float cr, Float cg, Float cb)
virtual void scrn(Int ci, const String &name)
virtual void sfs(Int fs)
virtual void shls(Int ci, Float ch, Float cl, Float cs)
virtual void shs(Float angle, Float sepn, Float phase)
virtual void sitf(Int itf)
virtual void sls(Int ls)
virtual void slw(Int lw)
virtual void stbg(Int tbci)
virtual void subp(Int nxsub, Int nysub)
virtual void svp(Float xleft, Float xright, Float ybot, Float ytop)
virtual void swin(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual void tbox(const String &xopt, Float xtick, Int nxsub, const String &yopt, Float ytick, Int nysub)
virtual void text(Float x, Float y, const String &text)
virtual void unsa()
virtual void updt()
virtual void vect(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Matrix<Float> &b, Float c, Int nc, const Vector<Float> &tr, Float blank)
virtual void vsiz(Float xleft, Float xright, Float ybot, Float ytop)
virtual void vstd()
virtual void wedg(const String &side, Float disp, Float width, Float fg, Float bg, const String &label)
virtual void wnad(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
Private Members
void ok() const


Review Status

Date Reviewed:



This is the class that a programmer should instantiate if he wants to open a "device" to plot to. The device might be local, or it might be remote (i.e., running under Glish). The philosophy of the plotting interface is described in the PGPlotterInterface documentation.

It is possible that the object might not be attached to a valid plot device (for example, the user might have said "no plotting." Programerss should check the isAttached() member before plotting. If you attempt to plot to an unattached plotter, an exception is thrown.

Copying a PGPlotter uses reference semantics -- after copying plotting on the old and new objects will result in the plot commands appearing on the same device. The device is closed only when the last reference is destructed.

You can detach a plotter from a device with the detach() call. If there are no other references to the plotter, this will close the device. (What it actually does is call the destructor on the object. For a local PGPPLOT device this will close it).


     // plot y = x*x
     Vector<Float> x(100), y(100);
     y = x*x;

     PGPlotter plotter("");
     plotter.env(0, 100, 0, 100*100, 0, 0);
     plotter.line(x, y);

To Do

Member Description

typedef PGPlotter CreateFunction (const String &device, uInt mincolors, uInt maxcolors, uInt sizex, uInt sizey)

Define the signature of a function creating a PGPlotter object.


The default constructor does not attach to any plotter, that is isAttached() returns False. An exception is thrown if you attempt to plot to an unattached PGPlotter.

PGPlotter (const String &device, uInt mincolors=2, uInt maxcolors=100, uInt sizex=600, uInt sizey=450)

Create PGPlotter object using the curreent create function.

PGPlotter (PGPlotterInterface*)

Create from the given PGPlotterInterface instantiation. It takes over the pointer.

PGPlotter(const PGPlotter &other)
PGPlotter &operator=(const PGPlotter &other)

Copies use reference semantics, i.e. after copying the new and old copy both draw onto the same surface.

virtual ~PGPlotter()

If this is the last reference, close the plot.

static PGPlotter create (const String &device, uInt mincolors=2, uInt maxcolors=100, uInt sizex=600, uInt sizey=450)

Create a PGPlotter object using the current create function.

static CreateFunction* setCreateFunction (CreateFunction*, Bool override=True)

Set the create function. It returns the current create function. It is, for example, used by ObjectController to attach to glish. The initial create function creates a detached PGPlotter object. If override==False, the function is only set if it was not already set.

virtual Bool isAttached() const

True if it is OK to plot to this object.

void detach()

Detach from the object. If this is the last reference to the object, call its destructor (this will call pgclos on a local device).

virtual void message(const String &text)

This is not a standard PGPLOT command. In the Glish/PGPLOT window, it puts a message in the message line. By default it sends it to the logger. In any event, this is intended for short helpful messages (e.g. saying which keys to press to mark a spectrum).

virtual Record curs(Float x, Float y)

This is an emulated standard PGPLOT command. It returns a record containing the fields:

    [ok=Bool, x=Float, y=Float, ch=String];
    If the remote device cannot do cursor feedback, ok==F.

virtual void arro(Float x1, Float y1, Float x2, Float y2)
virtual void ask(Bool flag)
virtual void bbuf()
virtual void bin(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &data, Bool center)
virtual void box(const String &xopt, Float xtick, Int nxsub, const String &yopt, Float ytick, Int nysub)
virtual void circ(Float xcent, Float ycent, Float radius)
virtual void conb(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, const Vector<Float> &tr, Float blank)
virtual void conl(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float c, const Vector<Float> &tr, const String &label, Int intval, Int minint)
virtual void cons(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void cont(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Vector<Float> &c, Bool nc, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void ctab(const Vector<Float> &l, const Vector<Float> &r, const Vector<Float> &g, const Vector<Float> &b, Float contra, Float bright)
virtual void draw(Float x, Float y)
virtual void ebuf()
virtual void env(Float xmin, Float xmax, Float ymin, Float ymax, Int just, Int axis)
virtual void eras()
virtual void errb(Int dir, const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y, const Vector<Float> &e, Float t)
virtual void errx(const Vector<Float> &x1, const Vector<Float> &x2, const Vector<Float> &y, Float t)
virtual void erry(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y1, const Vector<Float> &y2, Float t)
virtual void gray(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float fg, Float bg, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void hi2d(const Matrix<Float> &data, const Vector<Float> &x, Int ioff, Float bias, Bool center, const Vector<Float> &ylims)
virtual void hist(const Vector<Float> &data, Float datmin, Float datmax, Int nbin, Int pcflag)
virtual void iden()
virtual void imag(const Matrix<Float> &a, Float a1, Float a2, const Vector<Float> &tr)
virtual void lab(const String &xlbl, const String &ylbl, const String &toplbl)
virtual void ldev()
virtual Vector<Float> len(Int units, const String &string)
virtual void line(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts)
virtual void move(Float x, Float y)
virtual void mtxt(const String &side, Float disp, Float coord, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual String numb(Int mm, Int pp, Int form)
virtual void page()
virtual void panl(Int ix, Int iy)
virtual void pap(Float width, Float aspect)
virtual void pixl(const Matrix<Int> &ia, Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual void pnts(const Vector<Float> &x, const Vector<Float> &y, const Vector<Int> symbol)
virtual void poly(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts)
virtual void pt(const Vector<Float> &xpts, const Vector<Float> &ypts, Int symbol)
virtual void ptxt(Float x, Float y, Float angle, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual Vector<Float> qah()
virtual Int qcf()
virtual Float qch()
virtual Int qci()
virtual Vector<Int> qcir()
virtual Vector<Int> qcol()
virtual Vector<Float> qcr(Int ci)
virtual Vector<Float> qcs(Int units)
virtual Int qfs()
virtual Vector<Float> qhs()
virtual Int qid()
virtual String qinf(const String &item)
virtual Int qitf()
virtual Int qls()
virtual Int qlw()
virtual Vector<Float> qpos()
virtual Int qtbg()
virtual Vector<Float> qtxt(Float x, Float y, Float angle, Float fjust, const String &text)
virtual Vector<Float> qvp(Int units)
virtual Vector<Float> qvsz(Int units)
virtual Vector<Float> qwin()
virtual void rect(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual Float rnd(Float x, Int nsub)
virtual Vector<Float> rnge(Float x1, Float x2)
virtual void sah(Int fs, Float angle, Float vent)
virtual void save()
virtual void scf(Int font)
virtual void sch(Float size)
virtual void sci(Int ci)
virtual void scir(Int icilo, Int icihi)
virtual void scr(Int ci, Float cr, Float cg, Float cb)
virtual void scrn(Int ci, const String &name)
virtual void sfs(Int fs)
virtual void shls(Int ci, Float ch, Float cl, Float cs)
virtual void shs(Float angle, Float sepn, Float phase)
virtual void sitf(Int itf)
virtual void sls(Int ls)
virtual void slw(Int lw)
virtual void stbg(Int tbci)
virtual void subp(Int nxsub, Int nysub)
virtual void svp(Float xleft, Float xright, Float ybot, Float ytop)
virtual void swin(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)
virtual void tbox(const String &xopt, Float xtick, Int nxsub, const String &yopt, Float ytick, Int nysub)
virtual void text(Float x, Float y, const String &text)
virtual void unsa()
virtual void updt()
virtual void vect(const Matrix<Float> &a, const Matrix<Float> &b, Float c, Int nc, const Vector<Float> &tr, Float blank)
virtual void vsiz(Float xleft, Float xright, Float ybot, Float ytop)
virtual void vstd()
virtual void wedg(const String &side, Float disp, Float width, Float fg, Float bg, const String &label)
virtual void wnad(Float x1, Float x2, Float y1, Float y2)

Standard PGPLOT commands. Documentation for the individual commands can be found in the Glish manual and in the standard PGPLOT documentation which may be found at The Glish/PGPLOT documentation is preferred since this interface follows it exactly (e.g. the array sizes are inferred both here and in Glish, whereas they must be passed into standard PGPLOT).

Thrown Exceptions

void ok() const

Throws an exception if !isAttached()