

MUString -- Pointed String class to aid analysis of quantity strings (full description)
Global Functions -- Output global functions (full description)

class MUString


Public Members
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MUString &in)
MUString(const String &in)
MUString(const Char *in)
MUString(char in)
MUString(const MUString &other)
MUString &operator=(const MUString &other)
String operator()()
void push()
void pop()
void unpush()
void skipBlank()
Bool testBlank() const
Bool tSkipBlank()
void skipSign()
Bool testSign() const
Bool tSkipSign()
Int getSign()
void skipInt()
Bool testInt() const
Bool tSkipInt()
Int getInt()
void skipuInt()
Bool tSkipuInt()
Bool testuInt() const
uInt getuInt()
void skipDouble()
Bool testDouble() const
Bool tSkipDouble()
Double getDouble()
void skipChar(Int n=1)
void skipChar(Char ch)
Bool tSkipChar(Char nc)
void skipCharNC(Char ch)
Bool tSkipCharNC(Char ch)
void skipChar(const Regex &ex)
Bool tSkipChar(const Regex &ex)
void skipAlpha()
Bool tSkipAlpha()
void skipNum()
Bool tSkipNum()
void skipAlphaNum()
Bool tSkipAlphaNum()
Bool testChar(Char ch) const
Bool testCharNC(Char ch) const
Bool testChar(const Regex &ex) const
Bool testAlpha() const
Bool testNum() const
Bool testAlphaNum() const
Char getChar()
String getAlpha()
String getAlphaNum()
Bool testString(const Regex &ex) const
Bool testString(const String &ex) const
Bool testStringNC(const String &ex) const
Bool tSkipString(const Regex &ex)
Bool tSkipString(const String &ex)
Bool tSkipStringNC(const String &ex)
void skipString(const Regex &ex)
void skipString(const String &ex)
void skipStringNC(const String &ex)
String getString(const Regex &ex)
String getString(const String &ex)
String getStringNC(const String &ex)
Bool matchPair(Char nd)
Int freqChar(Char ch) const
String get()
String get(uInt st)
String get(uInt st, uInt nd)
Int getPtr() const
void setPtr(Int in=0)
Bool eos() const
Bool status() const
const String &lastGet() const
static uInt minimaxNC(const String &in, Int N_name, const String tname[])
static uInt minimaxNC(const String &in, const Vector<String> &tname)
Private Members
void adjustPtr(Int in)
Int initLast()
void setLast(Int st)


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From Measure Utility String


The MUString is a class with a String and an embedded pointer. It can be used to linearly analyse a string for its semantics. Imagine for instance a string that represents an angle. It could be formatted as [+-]hh:mm:ss.ttt or as [+-]hh[hH]mm[mM] or as [+-] or with .'s replaced with dms or as [+-]ddd.fff deg etc.
The available methods aid in analysing this string (see example).
The following analysis method classes are avaible: The following types (X in the above list) are available General string aids are available. The main one a minimax, caseless check of an input String against a vector: static uInt minimaxNC(String in, Int N_name, String name[]) and its vector equivalent: static uInt minimaxNC(String in, Vector<String> name). Success is indicated by a return value less than N_name or the vector length.


See MVAngle class for example background. The following example is the conversion of different input angle formats to a Quantity. A full blown example, but gives some idea of intricacies involved.
     res = Quantity(0.0, "rad");	// result
     MUString tmp(in);		// Pointed non-const String
     Double s = tmp.getSign();	// sign
     tmp.push();			// Save position to rescan
     Double r = tmp.getuInt();	// first field
     Int tp = 0;			// distributor
     if (tmp.tSkipChar('.')) {	// if more than one ., dms format
       Double r1 = tmp.getuInt();
       if (tmp.tSkipChar('.')) {
         r += r1/60.0 + tmp.getDouble()/3600.0;
         tp = 4;
       } else {			// else value with units
         tmp.pop();		// Reset position
         r = tmp.getDouble();
     } else if (tmp.tSkipCharNC('d')) {	// dms
       tp = 1;
     } else if (tmp.tSkipCharNC('h')) {	// hms
       tp = 2;
     } else if (tmp.tSkipChar(':')) {	// hms
       tp = 3;
     switch (tp) {
    case 0: {
       UnitVal u; String us;
       if (!MVAngle::unitString(u,us,tmp)) return False;
       r *= s;
       if (u == UnitVal::NODIM) {	// check correct dimension
         res = Quantity(r,"rad");
         return True;
       if (u == UnitVal::ANGLE) {
         res = Quantity(r,us);
         return True;
       if (u == UnitVal::TIME) {
         res = Quantity(Quantity(r/240.,us).getBaseValue(), "deg");
         return True;
       return False;
     case 1:
     case 2:
     case 3: {			// get remainder od ms and hms formats
       Char tc = 'm';
       if (tp == 3) tc = ':';
       Double r1 = tmp.getuInt();
       if (tmp.tSkipChar('.')) {
         r += tmp.getDouble()/3600.;
       } else if (tmp.tSkipCharNC(tc)) {
         r += r1/60.0 + tmp.getDouble()/3600.;
       } else {
         r += r1/3600.0;
       r *= s;
     switch (tp) {		// make correct units
     case 1:
     case 4:
       res = Quantity(r,"deg");
     case 2:
     case 3:
       res = Quantity(Quantity(r/240.,"h").getBaseValue(), "deg");
     return True;


The class was written to be able to analyse an input string for its Quantum representation as value with units, or os a date/time or as an angle.

To Do

Member Description

friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MUString &in)

Output String starting at pointer


Default constructor creates an empty string

MUString(const String &in)
MUString(const Char *in)
MUString(char in)

Create from String; setting pointer at start

MUString(const MUString &other)

Copy constructor; new pointer will be same as old

MUString &operator=(const MUString &other)

Copy assignment; new pointer will be same as old



String operator()()

Obtain remaining string (same as get()).

void push()

Save current pointer on internal stack

void pop()

Restore pointer from stack (or set to start if stack empty)

void unpush()

Restore stack for one level

void skipBlank()
Bool testBlank() const
Bool tSkipBlank()

Act on whitespace; adjusting pointer if skip

void skipSign()
Bool testSign() const
Bool tSkipSign()
Int getSign()

Act on sign; return +1 or -1 depending on signs found (-- == +)

void skipInt()
Bool testInt() const
Bool tSkipInt()
Int getInt()
void skipuInt()
Bool tSkipuInt()
Bool testuInt() const
uInt getuInt()

Act on integer field. If no integer found in 0 returned; and False

void skipDouble()
Bool testDouble() const
Bool tSkipDouble()
Double getDouble()

Act on Double field. If no value 0 returned and False.

void skipChar(Int n=1)
void skipChar(Char ch)
Bool tSkipChar(Char nc)
void skipCharNC(Char ch)
Bool tSkipCharNC(Char ch)
void skipChar(const Regex &ex)
Bool tSkipChar(const Regex &ex)
void skipAlpha()
Bool tSkipAlpha()
void skipNum()
Bool tSkipNum()
void skipAlphaNum()
Bool tSkipAlphaNum()
Bool testChar(Char ch) const
Bool testCharNC(Char ch) const
Bool testChar(const Regex &ex) const
Bool testAlpha() const
Bool testNum() const
Bool testAlphaNum() const
Char getChar()
String getAlpha()
String getAlphaNum()

Act on character(s)

Bool testString(const Regex &ex) const
Bool testString(const String &ex) const
Bool testStringNC(const String &ex) const
Bool tSkipString(const Regex &ex)
Bool tSkipString(const String &ex)
Bool tSkipStringNC(const String &ex)
void skipString(const Regex &ex)
void skipString(const String &ex)
void skipStringNC(const String &ex)
String getString(const Regex &ex)
String getString(const String &ex)
String getStringNC(const String &ex)

Act on series of characters

Bool matchPair(Char nd)

Match a pair of opening(at pointer)/closing characters (e.g. ( and )). Return False if wrong semantics. The string between the pair (excluding them) will be put in Last. If false, the ptr will be as originally; if True it will point beyond the matched closing character

Int freqChar(Char ch) const

Get frequency of occurrence

String get()
String get(uInt st)
String get(uInt st, uInt nd)

Get part of string

Int getPtr() const

Get pointer

void setPtr(Int in=0)

(Re-)set pointer

Bool eos() const

test for end of string

Bool status() const

Get status last get

const String &lastGet() const

Get String found at last get

static uInt minimaxNC(const String &in, Int N_name, const String tname[])
static uInt minimaxNC(const String &in, const Vector<String> &tname)

Do minimax check on list of Strings

void adjustPtr(Int in)

Member functions Make a new pointer between 0 and len inclusive

Int initLast()

Initialise last settings; return pointer

void setLast(Int st)

Set last settings

Output global functions (source)


ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MUString &in)


Global functions Output

Member Description

ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const MUString &in)