

DirectionCoordinate -- Interconvert pixel positions and directions (e.g. RA/DEC). (full description)

class DirectionCoordinate : public Coordinate


Public Members
DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const Projection &projection, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, const Projection<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, Double longPole=999.0, Double latPole=999.0)
DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const directionType &projection, const Quantum<Double>& refLong, const Quantum<Double>& refLat, const Quantum<Double>& incLong, const Quantum<Double>& incLat, const Matrix<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, const Quantum<Double>& longPole=Quantum<Double>(999.0,Matrix("rad")), const Quantum<Double>& latPole=Quantum<Double>(999.0,Matrix("rad")))
DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const ::wcsprm& wcs, Bool oneRel=True)
DirectionCoordinate(const DirectionCoordinate &other)
DirectionCoordinate &operator=(const DirectionCoordinate &other)
virtual ~DirectionCoordinate()
virtual Coordinate::Type type() const
virtual String showType() const
virtual uInt nPixelAxes() const
virtual uInt nWorldAxes() const
void setReferenceConversion (MDirection::Types type)
void getReferenceConversion (MDirection::Types& type) const
virtual Bool toWorld(Vector<Double> &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
virtual Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const Vector<Double> &world) const
virtual Bool toMix(Vector<Double>& worldOut, Vector<Double>& pixelOut, const Vector<Double>& worldIn, const Vector<Double>& pixelIn, const Vector<Bool>& worldAxes, const Vector<Bool>& pixelAxes, const Vector<Double>& worldMin, const Vector<Double>& worldMax) const
virtual Bool setWorldMixRanges (const IPosition& shape)
virtual void setDefaultWorldMixRanges ()
void setWorldMixRanges (const Vector<Bool>& which, const Vector<Double>& world)
Bool toWorld(MDirection &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const MDirection &world) const
Bool toWorld(MVDirection &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const MVDirection &world) const
virtual Bool toWorldMany(Matrix<Double> &world, const Matrix<Double> &pixel, Vector<Bool> &failures) const
virtual Bool toPixelMany(Matrix<Double> &pixel, const Matrix<Double> &world, Vector<Bool> &failures) const
virtual void makeWorldRelative (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void makeWorldRelative (MDirection& world) const
virtual void makeWorldAbsolute (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void makeWorldAbsolute (MDirection& world) const
virtual void makeWorldAbsoluteRef (Vector<Double>& world, const Vector<Double>& refVal) const
MDirection::Types directionType(Bool showConversion=False) const
Projection projection() const
virtual Vector<String> worldAxisNames() const
virtual Vector<String> worldAxisUnits() const
virtual Vector<Double> referenceValue() const
virtual Vector<Double> increment() const
virtual Matrix<Double> linearTransform() const
virtual Vector<Double> referencePixel() const
virtual Bool setWorldAxisNames(const Vector<String> &names)
virtual Bool setReferencePixel(const Vector<Double> &refPix)
virtual Bool setLinearTransform(const Matrix<Double> &xform)
virtual Bool setIncrement(const Vector<Double> &inc)
virtual Bool setReferenceValue(const Vector<Double> &refval)
virtual Bool setWorldAxisUnits(const Vector<String> &units)
static Vector<String> axisNames(MDirection::Types type, Bool FITSName = False)
virtual Bool near(const Coordinate& other, Double tol=1e-6) const
virtual Bool near(const Coordinate& other, const Vector<Int>& excludeAxes, Double tol=1e-6) const
virtual void getPrecision (Int& precision, Coordinate::formatType& format, Bool showAsAbsolute, Int defPrecScientific, Int defPrecFixed, Int defPrecTime) const
virtual String format(String& units, Coordinate::formatType format, Double worldValue, uInt axis, Bool isAbsolute, Bool showAsAbsolute, Int precision=-1)
Bool cylindricalFix (Int shapeLong, Int shapeLat)
virtual Coordinate* makeFourierCoordinate (const Vector<Bool>& axes, const Vector<Int>& shape) const
virtual Bool save(RecordInterface &container, const String &fieldName) const
static DirectionCoordinate *restore(const RecordInterface &container, const String &fieldName)
virtual Coordinate *clone() const
Vector<Double> longLatPoles() const
Private Members
void toCurrent(Vector<Double>& degrees) const
void fromCurrent(Vector<Double>& current) const
void checkFormat(Coordinate::formatType& format, Bool absolute) const
String formatLatitude (String& units, MVAngle& mVA, Bool absolute, Coordinate::formatType form, Int prec) const
String formatLongitude (String& units, MVAngle& mVA, MDirection::GlobalTypes gtype, Bool absolute, Coordinate::Coordinate form, Int prec) const
Bool toMix2(Vector<Double>& out, const Vector<Double>& in, const Vector<Double>& minWorld, const Vector<Double>& maxWorld, Bool longIsWorld) const
void initializeFactors ()
void makeDirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const Projection& proj, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, const Projection<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, Double longPole, Double latPole)
void makeWCS(::wcsprm& wcs, const Matrix<Double>& xform, const Matrix& proj, Projection::Types directionType, Double refPixLong, Double refPixLat, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, Double longPole, Double latPole)
Double putLongInPiRange (Double lon, const String& unit) const
void makeConversionMachines()
virtual void convertTo (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void convertFrom (Vector<Double>& world) const
void copy (const DirectionCoordinate& other)
void setRotationMatrix ()
void setRotationMatrix (RotMatrix& rot, Double lon, Double lat) const
const Vector<Double> toCurrentFactors () const


Review Status

Reviewed By:
Peter Barnes
Date Reviewed:



This class implements pixel to world coordinate conversions. This class implements geometric conversions (e.g. SIN projection) via the WCS library and also provides an interface to astronomical conversions (RA/DEC <--> l,b) via the Measures module.

Caution All absolute pixels coordinates are zero relative.


Let's make a DirectionCoordinate --- used to represent a direction, usually an RA/DEC, but it could also be, e.g., an AZ/EL pair.
    Matrix<Double> xform(2,2);                                    // 1
    xform = 0.0; xform.diagonal() = 1.0;                          // 2
    DirectionCoordinate radec(MDirection::J2000,                  // 3 
                            Projection(Projection::SIN),          // 4 
                            135*C::pi/180.0, 60*C::pi/180.0,      // 5
                            -1*C::pi/180.0, 1*C::pi/180,          // 6
                            xform,                                // 7
                            128, 128);                            // 8   

In this example is is more convenient to change the units to degrees. This can be accomplished as follows:

    Vector<String> units(2); units = "deg";                       //  9
    radec.setWorldAxisUnits(units);                               // 10
The increment and reference value are updated appropriately.

Set up a couple of vectors to use the world and pixel coordinate values.

    Vector<Double> world(2), pixel(2);                            // 11
    pixel = 138.0;                                                // 12
We use 138 as an arbitrary pixel position which is near the reference pixel so we can tell if the answers look foolish or not. We can actually perform a transformation like this as follows. If it succeeds we print the value of the world coordinate.
    Bool ok = radec.toWorld(world, pixel);                        // 13
    if (!ok) {                                                    // 14 
      cout << "Error: " << radec.errorMessage() << endl;          // 15
      return 1;                                                   // 16
    }                                                             // 17
    cout << world << " <--- " << pixel << endl;         // 18
There is an overloaded "toWorld" function that produces an MDirection in case you want to, e.g., find out what the position in B1950 coordinates would be.

The reverse transformation takes place similarly:

    ok = radec.toPixel(pixel, world);                             // 19   


We could also have made the above DirectionCoordinate using the Quantum-based constructor, which is a little more elegant if you want to use degrees.

Matrix xform(2,2); xform = 0.0; xform.diagonal() = 1.0; Quantum refLon(135.0, "deg"); Quantum refLat(60.0, "deg"); Quantum incLon(-1.0, "deg"); Quantum incLat(1.0, "deg"); DirectionCoordinate radec(MDirection::J2000, Projection(Projection::SIN), refLon, refLat, incLon, incLat, xform, 128, 128);

But note that the constructor will have converted the native units of the DirectionCoordinate to radians. So the Double-based toWorld and toPixel functions will be in terms of radians. If you want the native units to be degrees, then again you can use

    Vector<String> units(2); units = "deg";         
and thereafter degrees are the native units.


Directions in the sky are fundamental to astronomy.

Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Member Description


The default constructor creates a J2000 DirectionCoordinate with a CARtesion projection with longitude,latitude 0,0 at pixel 0,0 and an increment of +1 radian per pixel on both axes.

DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const Projection &projection, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, const Projection<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, Double longPole=999.0, Double latPole=999.0)

Define the DirectionCoordinate transformation. refLong and refLat will normally the the RA/DEC of the pixel described by refX/refY. incLat/incLong are the increments per pixel (RA is usually negative), and the xform matrix is usually the unit diagonal matrix unless you have a rotation or some other linear transformation between the pixel and world axes.

Note that the units are radians initially. You can change it to degrees or something else with the setWorldAxisUnits method later if you want.

longPole and latPole are defined by Calabretta and Greisen (these are reference points not at the native pole). In general you can leave these out and the default values will cause them to be computed appropriately. However, when reading from FITS the LONPOLE and LATPOLE keywords are passed along here.

DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const directionType &projection, const Quantum<Double>& refLong, const Quantum<Double>& refLat, const Quantum<Double>& incLong, const Quantum<Double>& incLat, const Matrix<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, const Quantum<Double>& longPole=Quantum<Double>(999.0,Matrix("rad")), const Quantum<Double>& latPole=Quantum<Double>(999.0,Matrix("rad")))

Create DirectionCoordinate with Quantum-based interface. Parameters are the same as above. Regardless of the units of the quanta, the initial units of the DirectionCoordinate will be converted radians. You can change it to degrees or something else with the setWorldAxisUnits method later if you want.

longPole and latPole are defined by Calabretta and Greisen (these are reference points not at the native pole). In general you can leave these out and the default values will cause them to be computed appropriately. However, when reading from FITS the LONPOLE and LATPOLE keywords are passed along here. To get the default the 999.0 value should be used (units are irrelevant in that case)

DirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const ::wcsprm& wcs, Bool oneRel=True)

Constructor from WCS structure; must hold ONLY a celestial wcs structure Specify whether the absolute pixel coordinates in the wcs structure are 0- or 1-relative. The coordinate is always constructed with 0-relative pixel coordinates

DirectionCoordinate(const DirectionCoordinate &other)

Copy constructor (copy semantics)

DirectionCoordinate &operator=(const DirectionCoordinate &other)

Assignment (copy semantics).

virtual ~DirectionCoordinate()


virtual Coordinate::Type type() const

Return Coordinate::DIRECTION

virtual String showType() const

Always returns the String "Direction".

virtual uInt nPixelAxes() const
virtual uInt nWorldAxes() const

Always returns 2.

void setReferenceConversion (MDirection::Types type)
void getReferenceConversion (MDirection::Types& type) const

Set extra conversion type. Whenever a conversion from pixel to world is done, the world value is then further converted to this MDirection::Types value. For example, your DirectionCoordinate may be defined in J2000. You can use this to get the world values out in say GALACTIC. Similarly, whenever you convert from world to pixel, the world value is assumed to be that appropriate to the conversionDirectionType. It is first converted to the MDirection::Types with which the DirectionCoordinate was constructed and from there to pixel. If you don't call this function, or you set the same type for which the DirectionCoordinate was constructed, no extra conversions occur. Some conversions will fail. These are the ones that require extra frame information (epoch, position) such as to AZEL from J2000 etc. This will be added later.

In the mixed pixel/world conversion routine toMix the implementation is only partial. See the comments for this function below.

virtual Bool toWorld(Vector<Double> &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
virtual Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const Vector<Double> &world) const

Convert a pixel position to a world position or vice versa. Returns True if the conversion succeeds, otherwise it returns False and method errorMessage returns an error message. The output vectors are appropriately resized.

virtual Bool toMix(Vector<Double>& worldOut, Vector<Double>& pixelOut, const Vector<Double>& worldIn, const Vector<Double>& pixelIn, const Vector<Bool>& worldAxes, const Vector<Bool>& pixelAxes, const Vector<Double>& worldMin, const Vector<Double>& worldMax) const

Mixed pixel/world coordinate conversion. worldIn and worldAxes are of length nWorldAxes. pixelIn and pixelAxes are of length nPixelAxes. worldAxes(i)=True specifies you have given a world value in worldIn(i) to convert to pixel. pixelAxes(i)=True specifies you have given a pixel value in pixelIn(i) to convert to world. You cannot specify the same axis via worldAxes and pixelAxes. Values in pixelIn are converted to world and put into worldOut in the appropriate world axis location. Values in worldIn are copied to worldOut. Values in worldIn are converted to pixel and put into pixelOut in the appropriate pixel axis location. Values in pixelIn are copied to pixelOut.

worldMin and worldMax specify the range of the world coordinate (in the world axis units of that world axis in the CoordinateSystem) being solved for in a mixed calculation for each world axis. Some mixed solutions can be degenerate, whereupon you you must say which one you want. Use functions setWorldMixRanges and worldMixMin, worldMixMax to set these ranges, If you don't know, use the defaults (function setDefaultWorldMixRanges. Removed axes are handled (for example, a removed pixel axis with remaining corresponding world axis will correctly be converted to world using the replacement value). Returns True if the conversion succeeds, otherwise it returns False and errorMessage() contains an error message. The output vectors are resized.

If you actually request a pure pixel to world or world to pixel via toMix, then the functions toWorld or toPixel will be invoked directly (see above) and the extra conversion layer invoked through function setReferenceConversion will be active. However, if you request a true mixed pixel/world conversion, the extra conversion layer is not activated (because of the nature of mixed conversions). This situation may change in the future with a partial implementation added.

virtual Bool setWorldMixRanges (const IPosition& shape)
virtual void setDefaultWorldMixRanges ()

Compute and retrieve the world min and max ranges, for use in function toMix, for a lattice of the given shape (for this coordinate). Using these ranges in toMix should speed it up and help avoid ambiguity. If the shape is negative, that indicates that the shape is unknown for that axis. The default range is used for that axis. This situation arises in a CoordinateSystem for which a pixel, but not a world axis has been removed. The output vectors are resized. Returns False if fails (and then setDefaultWorldMixRanges generates the ranges) with a reason in errorMessage(). The setDefaultWorldMixRanges function just gives you [-90->90], [-180,180] (in appropriate units)

void setWorldMixRanges (const Vector<Bool>& which, const Vector<Double>& world)

Non-virtual function. When which is T, use the world value as the center for the mix world range.

Bool toWorld(MDirection &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const MDirection &world) const
Bool toWorld(MVDirection &world, const Vector<Double> &pixel) const
Bool toPixel(Vector<Double> &pixel, const MVDirection &world) const

A convenient way to turn the world vector into an MDirection or MVDirection for further processing in the Measures system.

We could improve the performance of this if it would be useful, however I expect that normally you would just call this once to get a template MDirection, and then call the vector versions.

virtual Bool toWorldMany(Matrix<Double> &world, const Matrix<Double> &pixel, Vector<Bool> &failures) const
virtual Bool toPixelMany(Matrix<Double> &pixel, const Matrix<Double> &world, Vector<Bool> &failures) const

Batch up a lot of transformations. The first (most rapidly varying) axis of the matrices contain the coordinates. Returns False if any conversion failed and errorMessage() will hold a message. The failures array is the length of the number of conversions (True for failure, False for success)

virtual void makeWorldRelative (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void makeWorldRelative (MDirection& world) const
virtual void makeWorldAbsolute (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void makeWorldAbsolute (MDirection& world) const

Make absolute world coordinates relative and vice-versa (relative to the reference value). Note that these functions are independent of the MDirection::Types (set either at construction or by function setReferenceConversion). The vectors must be of length nWorldAxes or memory access errors will occur

virtual void makeWorldAbsoluteRef (Vector<Double>& world, const Vector<Double>& refVal) const

Make absolute coordinates relative and vice versa with respect to the given reference value. Add the other functions in this grouping as needed.

MDirection::Types directionType(Bool showConversion=False) const
Projection projection() const
virtual Vector<String> worldAxisNames() const
virtual Vector<String> worldAxisUnits() const
virtual Vector<Double> referenceValue() const
virtual Vector<Double> increment() const
virtual Matrix<Double> linearTransform() const
virtual Vector<Double> referencePixel() const

Recover the requested attribute.

virtual Bool setWorldAxisNames(const Vector<String> &names)
virtual Bool setReferencePixel(const Vector<Double> &refPix)
virtual Bool setLinearTransform(const Matrix<Double> &xform)
virtual Bool setIncrement(const Vector<Double> &inc)
virtual Bool setReferenceValue(const Vector<Double> &refval)

Set the value of the requested attribute. Note that these just change the internal values, they do not cause any recomputation.

virtual Bool setWorldAxisUnits(const Vector<String> &units)

Change the world axis units. Adjust the increment and reference value by the ratio of the old and new units. The units must be compatible with angle. The units are initially "rad" (radians).

static Vector<String> axisNames(MDirection::Types type, Bool FITSName = False)

Return canonical axis names for the given MDirection type, giving FITS names if desired. BEG think this should be in the MDirection class, but WNB disagrees. Leave it here for now.

virtual Bool near(const Coordinate& other, Double tol=1e-6) const
virtual Bool near(const Coordinate& other, const Vector<Int>& excludeAxes, Double tol=1e-6) const

Comparison function. Any private Double data members are compared with the specified fractional tolerance. Don't compare on the specified axes in the Coordinate. If the comparison returns False, method errorMessage returns a message about why.

virtual void getPrecision (Int& precision, Coordinate::formatType& format, Bool showAsAbsolute, Int defPrecScientific, Int defPrecFixed, Int defPrecTime) const
virtual String format(String& units, Coordinate::formatType format, Double worldValue, uInt axis, Bool isAbsolute, Bool showAsAbsolute, Int precision=-1)

Format a DirectionCoordinate coordinate world value nicely through the common format interface. See Coordinate for basics.

Formatting types that are allowed are SCIENTIFIC, FIXED, MIXED, and TIME If you ask for format type Coordinate::DEFAULT then the selected format depends upon what the value of the enum MDirection::GlobalTypes is for this DirectionCoordinate. For example, if it is GRADEC or GHADEC you would get Coordinate::TIME style formatting (DD:MM:SS.SS), otherwise you would get Coordinate::FIXED formatting by default.

axis says which axis in this Coordinate we are formatting. We have to know this because we may format Longitude and Latitude differently. For Coordinate::TIME style formatting, precision refers to the places after the decimal in the SS field.

If you leave units empty, then it makes up a nice unit for you.

Bool cylindricalFix (Int shapeLong, Int shapeLat)

Fix cylindrical coordinates to put the longitude in [-180,180] range. If False returned, it failed an an error is in errorMessage This fix is not done automatically internally because of the dependence on the image shape. It should be called for any foreign image (such as FITS) that is imported

virtual Coordinate* makeFourierCoordinate (const Vector<Bool>& axes, const Vector<Int>& shape) const

Find the Coordinate for when we Fourier Transform ourselves. This pointer must be deleted by the caller. Axes specifies which axes of the Coordinate you wish to transform. Shape specifies the shape of the image associated with all the axes of the Coordinate. Currently the output reference pixel is always shape/2. If the pointer returned is 0, it failed with a message in errorMessage

virtual Bool save(RecordInterface &container, const String &fieldName) const

Save the DirectionCoordinate into the supplied record using the supplied field name. The field must not exist, otherwise False is returned.

static DirectionCoordinate *restore(const RecordInterface &container, const String &fieldName)

Recover the DirectionCoordinate from a record. A null pointer means that the restoration did not succeed.

virtual Coordinate *clone() const

Make a copy of the DirectionCoordinate using new. The caller is responsible for calling delete.

Vector<Double> longLatPoles() const

Fish out the ref and non-native poles (refLong, refLat, longPole, latPole) Not for general use. Units are degrees.

void toCurrent(Vector<Double>& degrees) const
void fromCurrent(Vector<Double>& current) const

Interconvert between the current units and wcs units (degrees)

void checkFormat(Coordinate::formatType& format, Bool absolute) const

Check formatting types.

String formatLatitude (String& units, MVAngle& mVA, Bool absolute, Coordinate::formatType form, Int prec) const

Format a latitude.

String formatLongitude (String& units, MVAngle& mVA, MDirection::GlobalTypes gtype, Bool absolute, Coordinate::Coordinate form, Int prec) const

Format a longitude.

Bool toMix2(Vector<Double>& out, const Vector<Double>& in, const Vector<Double>& minWorld, const Vector<Double>& maxWorld, Bool longIsWorld) const

Mixed pixel/world coordinate conversion. Vector in must be length nWorldAxes (2). Specify whether longitude (in(0)) or latitude (in(1)) is the world coordinate . It is assumed that the other value is the pixel coordinate.

void initializeFactors ()

Initialize unit conversion vectors and units

void makeDirectionCoordinate(MDirection::Types directionType, const Projection& proj, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, const Projection<Double> &xform, Double refX, Double refY, Double longPole, Double latPole)
void makeWCS(::wcsprm& wcs, const Matrix<Double>& xform, const Matrix& proj, Projection::Types directionType, Double refPixLong, Double refPixLat, Double refLong, Double refLat, Double incLong, Double incLat, Double longPole, Double latPole)

Helper functions interfacing to WCS.

Double putLongInPiRange (Double lon, const String& unit) const

void makeConversionMachines()

Set up conversion machine

virtual void convertTo (Vector<Double>& world) const
virtual void convertFrom (Vector<Double>& world) const

Convert from type_p -> conversionType_p

void copy (const DirectionCoordinate& other)

Copy private data

void setRotationMatrix ()
void setRotationMatrix (RotMatrix& rot, Double lon, Double lat) const

Set up the offset coordinate rotation matrix. Units of long and lat are current world units

const Vector<Double> toCurrentFactors () const

Return unit conversion vector for converting to current units