Module Flagging

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)


Review Status

Date Reviewed:





To Do


DDDiffFunc -- DDDiffFunc: maps two correlations A and B into func(A)-func(B) (full description)
DDDummy -- DDDummy: dummy mapper, throws an excpetion if any methods are called (full description)
DDFunc -- DDFunc: maps correlation A into func(A) (full description)
DDFuncDiff -- DDFuncDiff: maps two correlations A and B into func(A-B) (full description)
DDFuncSum -- DDFuncSum: maps two correlations A and B into func(A+B) (full description)
DDMapper -- Abstract Derived Data Mapper class (full description)
DDSumFunc -- DDSumFunc: maps two correlations A and B into func(A)+func(B) (full description)
FlaggerEnums -- FlaggerEnums: collection of enums for various flagger classes (full description)
PGPlotEnums -- PGPlotEnums: enums for various PGPlot indices (full description)
RFABase -- Abstract RedFlagger Agent base class (full description)
RFADiffBase -- RFADiffBase: abstract class for deviation-based flagging (full description)
RFADiffMapBase -- Abstract base class for deviation-based flagging with a data mapper. (full description)
RFAFlagCubeBase -- Abstract RedFlagger Agent class with a flag cube (full description)
RFAFreqMedian -- RFAFreqMedian: RedFlagger Agent for clipping relative to median over frequency (full description)
RFANewMedianClip -- RFANewMedianClip:RedFlagger Agent;clips relative to median over time slots (full description)
RFASelector -- RFASelector: flags pixels/rows based on a specified selection (full description)
RFASpectralRej -- RFASpectralRej: Spectral rejection agent (full description)
RFATimeMedian -- RFATimeMedian: RedFlagger Agent for clipping relative to median over time (full description)
RFAUVBinner -- RFAUVBinner: flagging via UV binning (full description)
RFChunkStats -- RFChunkStats: vital information and flagging stats for a visibility chunk (full description)
RFCubeLattice -- RFCubeLatice: a cubic lattice (full description)
RFCubeLatticeIterator -- RFCubeLatticeIterator: iterator over a cubic lattice (full description)
RFDataMapper -- RFDataMapper: maps complex visibilities to a single real value (full description)
RFDebugPlot -- RFDebugPlot: holds information relevant to a debug plot (full description)
RFFlagCube -- RFFlagCube: a cube of flags (full description)
RFRowClipper -- RFRowClipper: flags rows based on their noise level (full description)
RedFlagger -- RedFlagger: high-performance automated flagging (full description)