

ImageHistograms -- Displays histograms of regions from an image. (full description)

template <class T> class ImageHistograms : public LatticeHistograms<T>


Public Members
ImageHistograms(const ImageInterface<T>& image, T& os, Bool showProgress=True, Bool forceDisk=False)
ImageHistograms(const ImageInterface<T>& image, Bool showProgress=True, Bool forceDisk=False)
ImageHistograms(const ImageHistograms<T> &other)
virtual ~ImageHistograms ()
ImageHistograms<T> &operator=(const ImageHistograms<T> &other)
Bool setNewImage (const ImageInterface<T>& image)
Private Members
virtual String writeCoordinates(const IPosition& histPos) const


Review Status

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This is a class designed to display histograms from images


This class enable you to display and/or retrieve histograms evaluated over specified regions from an image. The dimension of the region is arbitrary, but the size of each dimension is always the size of the corresponding image axis. The histograms are displayed as a function of location of the axes not used to evaluate the histograms over. The axes which you evaluate the histograms over are called the cursor axes, the others are called the display axwes.

For example, consider an image cube (call the axes xyz or [0,1,2]). You could display histograms from xy planes (cursor axes [0,1]) as a function of z (display axes [2]). Or you could retrieve histograms from the z axis (cursor axes [2]) for each [x,y] location (display axes [0,1]).

The hard work is done by LatticeHistograms which this class (clumsily) inherits. It generates a "storage lattice" into which it writes the histograms. It is from this storage image that the plotting and retrieval arrays are drawn. The storage image is either in core or on disk depending upon its size (if > 10% of memory given by .aipsrc system.resources.memory then it goes into a disk-based PagedArray). If on disk, the storage image is deleted when the ImageHistograms object destructs.

See LatticeHistograms for most of the useful public interface. ImageHistograms exists only so that it can write some world coordinate information to the plots and logger.

Tip Note that for complex images, real and imaginary are treated independently. They are binned and plotted separately.
Tip If you ignore return error statuses from the functions that set the state of the class, the internal status of the class is set to bad. This means it will just keep on returning error conditions until you explicitly recover the situation. A message describing the last error condition can be recovered with function errorMessage.


    // Construct PagedImage from file name
         PagedImage<Float> inImage(inName);
    // Construct histogram object
         LogOrigin or("myClass", "myFunction(...)", WHERE);
         LogIO os(or);
         ImageHistograms<Float> histo(inImage, os);
    // Set cursor axes to see statistics of yz planes (0 relative)
         Vector<Int> cursorAxes(2)
         cursorAxes(0) = 1;
         cursorAxes(1) = 2;
         if (!histo.setAxes(cursorAxes)) return 1;
    // Set to list and plot mean, sigma and rms
         if (!histo.setList(True)) return 1;
         String device = "/xs";
         Vector<Int> nxy(2);
         nxy(0) = 3;
         nxy(1) = 3;
         if (!histo.setPlotting(device, nxy)) return 1;
    // Now activate actual listing and plotting
         if (!histo.display ()) return 1;
    // Retrieve histograms into array
         Array<Float> values, counts;
         if (!histo.getHistograms(values, counts)) return 1;
In this example, a PagedImage is constructed. We set the cursor axes to be the y and z axes so we make a histogram of each yz plane as a function of x location on the PGPLOT device "/xs" with 9 subplots per page. After the plotting we also retrieve the histograms into an array.


The generation of histograms from an image is a basic and necessary capability.

To Do

Member Description

ImageHistograms(const ImageInterface<T>& image, T& os, Bool showProgress=True, Bool forceDisk=False)

Constructor takes the image and a LogIO object for logging. You can also specify whether you want to see progress meters or not. You can force the storage image to be disk based, otherwise the decision for core or disk is taken for you.

ImageHistograms(const ImageInterface<T>& image, Bool showProgress=True, Bool forceDisk=False)

Constructor takes the image only. In the absence of a logger you get no messages. This includes error messages and potential listing of statistics. You can specify whether you want to see progress meters or not. You can force the storage image to be disk based, otherwise the decision for core or disk is taken for you.

ImageHistograms(const ImageHistograms<T> &other)

Copy constructor (copy semantics)

virtual ~ImageHistograms ()


ImageHistograms<T> &operator=(const ImageHistograms<T> &other)

Assignment operator (copy semantics)

Bool setNewImage (const ImageInterface<T>& image)

Set a new image. A return value of False indicates the image had an invalid type or that the internal status of the class is bad.

virtual String writeCoordinates(const IPosition& histPos) const

Make a string with pixel and world coordinates of display axes