

TiledLineStepper -- Step a Vector cursor optimally through a tiled Lattice. (full description)

class TiledLineStepper : public LatticeNavigator


Public Members
TiledLineStepper (const IPosition& latticeShape, const IPosition& tileShape, const uInt axis)
TiledLineStepper (const TiledLineStepper& other)
TiledLineStepper& operator= (const TiledLineStepper& other)
virtual Bool operator++(int)
virtual Bool operator--(int)
virtual void reset()
virtual Bool atStart() const
virtual Bool atEnd() const
virtual uInt nsteps() const
virtual IPosition position() const
virtual IPosition endPosition() const
virtual IPosition latticeShape() const
virtual IPosition subLatticeShape() const
virtual IPosition cursorShape() const
virtual IPosition cursorAxes() const
IPosition tileShape() const
virtual Bool hangOver() const
virtual void subSection (const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc)
virtual void subSection (const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc, const IPosition& inc)
virtual IPosition blc() const
virtual IPosition trc() const
virtual IPosition increment() const
virtual const IPosition& axisPath() const
virtual LatticeNavigator* clone() const
virtual Bool ok() const
Protected Members
virtual uInt calcCacheSize (const ROTiledStManAccessor&, uInt rowNumber) const
Private Members


Review Status

Reviewed By:
Peter Barnes
Date Reviewed:



TiledLineStepper is used to step a Vector cursor optimally through a Lattice that is tiled.


When you wish to traverse a Lattice (say, a PagedArray or an Image) you will usually create a LatticeIterator. Once created, you may attach a LatticeNavigator to the iterator. A TiledLineStepper, is a concrete class derived from the abstract LatticeNavigator that allows you to move a Vector cursor through the Lattice in a way that will minimize the amount of cache memory consumed.

Some Lattices (in particular PagedArrays) are stored (on disk) in tiles. For an N-dimensional Lattice a tile is an N-dimensional subsection with fewer elements along each axis. For example a Lattice of shape [512,512,4,32] may have a tile shape of [32,16,4,16], and there will be 16*32*1*2 (=1024) tiles in the entire Lattice. To allow efficient access of the data in a Lattice some tiles are cached in memory. As each tile may consume a fair bit of memory (in this example 128kBytes, assuming each element consumes 4 bytes), it is desirable to minimise the number of tiles held in the cache. But it is also desirable to minimise the number of times a tiles must be read into or written from the cache as this may require a time consuming operation like disk I/O.

Now suppose you wanted to traverse a Lattice with a Vector cursor of length 512 pixel aligned along the x-axis. Using a LatticeStepper, each Vector is retrieved from the Lattice sequentially and without any consideration of the underlying tile shape. What is the optimal cache size for the above example?

Suppose we have a cache size of 16 ie., the number of tiles along the x-axis. Then Vectors beginning at positions [0,0,0,0] to [0,15,0,0] will be stored in the cache. But the next Vector beginning at position [0,16,0,0] will flush the cache and read in another 16 tiles. This I/O takes time and will occur 16 times for each plane in the four dimensional Lattice. Further when the cursor moves to position [0,0,1,0] the 16 tiles that where initially in the cache will need to be read again. To avoid all this cache I/O it is better to have a bigger cache.

Suppose the cache size is 16*32 (=512) ie., enough tiles to contain an (x,y)-plane. Then the cache size will not be flushed until the cursor is moved to position [0,0,0,16]. Further the cache will never need to read back into memory tiles that had previously been stored in there. The cache is big enough to store tiles until they have been completely used. But this cache is 64MBytes in size, and consumes too much memory for many computers.

This where a TiledLineStepper is useful. Because it knows the shape of the tiles in the underlying Lattice it moves the cursor to return all the Vectors in the smallest possible cache of tiles before moving on to the next set of tiles. Using the above example again, the TiledLineStepper will move the beginning of the Vector cursor in the following pattern.

    [0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,0], [0,2,0,0], ... [0,15,0,0]
    [0,0,1,0], [0,1,1,0],            ... [0,15,1,0], 
                                     ... [0,15,3,0],
    [0,0,0,1], ...                       [0,15,3,15]
Moving the Vector cursor through all 16*4*16 (=1024 positions) can be done by caching only 16 tiles in memory (those along the x-axis). Hence the cache size need only be 2MBytes in size. Further once all 1024 vectors have been returned it is not necessary to read these 16 tiles back into memory. All the data in those tiles has already been accessed. Using a TiledLineStepper rather than a LatticeStepper has, in this example, resulted in a drop in the required cache size from 64MBytes down to 2MBytes.

In constructing a TiledLineStepper, you specify the Lattice shape, the tile shape and the axis the Vector cursor will be aligned with. Specifying an axis=0 will align the cursor with the x-axis and axis=2 will produce a cursor that is along the z-axis. The length of the cursor is always the same as the number of elements in the Lattice along the axis the cursor is aligned with.
It is possible to use the function subSection to traverse only a subsection of the lattice.

The cursor position can be incremented or decremented to retrieve the next or previous Vector in the Lattice. The position of the next Vector in the Lattice will depend on the tile shape, and is described above. Within a tile the Vector cursor will move first through the x-axis and then the y-axis (assuming we have a cursor oriented along the z-axis). In general the lower dimensions will be exhausted (within a tile) before moving the cursor through higher dimensions. This intra-tile behaviour for cursor movement extends to the inter-tile movement of the cursor between tiles.


This example is of a global function that will do a 2-D inplace complex Fourier transform of an arbitrary large Lattice (which must have at least two dimensions).

A two dimensional transform is done by successive one dimensional transforms along all the rows and then all the columns in the lattice. Scoping is used to destroy iterators once they have been used. This frees up the cache memory associated with the cursor in each iterator.

    void FFT2DComplex (Lattice<Complex>& cArray,
    		      const Bool direction)
      const uInt ndim = cArray.ndim();
      AlwaysAssert(ndim > 1, AipsError);
      const IPosition latticeShape = cArray.shape();
      const uInt nx=latticeShape(0);
      const uInt ny=latticeShape(1);
      const IPosition tileShape = cArray.niceCursorShape();
        TiledLineStepper tsx(latticeShape, tileShape, 0);
        LatticeIterator<Complex> lix(cArray, tsx);
        FFTServer<Float,Complex> fftx(IPosition(1, nx));
        for (lix.reset();!lix.atEnd();lix++) {
          fftx.fft(lix.rwVectorCursor(), direction);
        TiledLineStepper tsy(latticeShape, tileShape, 1);
        LatticeIterator<Complex> liy(cArray, tsy);
        FFTServer<Float,Complex> ffty(IPosition(1, ny));
        for (liy.reset();!liy.atEnd();liy++) {
          ffty.fft(liy.rwVectorCursor(), direction);


Moving through a Lattice by equal sized chunks, and without regard to the nature of the data, is a basic and common procedure.

To Do

Member Description

TiledLineStepper (const IPosition& latticeShape, const IPosition& tileShape, const uInt axis)

Construct a TiledLineStepper by specifying the Lattice shape, a tile shape and the axis along which the Vector cursor will lie (0 means the x-axis). Is is nearly always advisable to make the tileShape identical to the Lattice tileShape. This can be obtained by lat.niceCursorShape(lat.advisedMaxPixels()) where lat is a Lattice object.

TiledLineStepper (const TiledLineStepper& other)

The copy constructor uses copy semantics.


TiledLineStepper& operator= (const TiledLineStepper& other)

The assignment operator uses copy semantics.

virtual Bool operator++(int)

Increment operator (postfix or prefix version) - move the cursor forward one step. Returns True if the cursor was moved.

virtual Bool operator--(int)

Decrement operator (postfix or prefix version) - move the cursor backwards one step. Returns True if the cursor was moved.

virtual void reset()

Function to move the cursor to the beginning of the Lattice. Also resets the number of steps (nsteps function) to zero.

virtual Bool atStart() const

Function which returns "True" if the cursor is at the beginning of the Lattice, otherwise, returns "False"

virtual Bool atEnd() const

Function which returns "True" if an attempt has been made to increment the cursor beyond the end of the Lattice.

virtual uInt nsteps() const

Function to return the number of steps (increments & decrements) taken since construction (or since last reset). This is a running count of all cursor movement (operator++ or operator--), even though N-increments followed by N-decrements will always leave the cursor in the original position.

virtual IPosition position() const

Function which returns the current position of the beginning of the cursor. The position function is relative to the origin in the main Lattice.

virtual IPosition endPosition() const

Function which returns the current position of the end of the cursor. The endPosition function is relative to the origin in the main Lattice.

virtual IPosition latticeShape() const
virtual IPosition subLatticeShape() const

Functions which returns the shape of the Lattice being iterated through. latticeShape always returns the shape of the main Lattice while subLatticeShape returns the shape of any sub-Lattice defined using the subSection function.

virtual IPosition cursorShape() const

Function which returns the shape of the cursor. This always includes all axes (ie. it includes degenerates axes)

virtual IPosition cursorAxes() const

Function which returns the axes of the cursor.

IPosition tileShape() const

Function which returns the shape of the "tile" the cursor will iterate through before moving onto the next tile. THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE TILE SHAPE USED BY THE LATTICE. It is nearly the same except that the axis the cursor is aligned with is replaced by the shape of the Lattice on that axis. eg., If a Lattice has a shape of [512,512,4,32] and a tile shape of [32,16,4,16] then tileShape() will return [512,16,4,16] if the cursor is along the x-axis and [32,512,4,16] if the cursor is along the y-axis.

virtual Bool hangOver() const

Function which returns "True" if the increment/decrement operators have moved the cursor position such that part of the cursor beginning or end is hanging over the edge of the Lattice. This always returns False.

virtual void subSection (const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc)
virtual void subSection (const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& trc, const IPosition& inc)

Functions to specify a "section" of the Lattice to step over. A section is defined in terms of the Bottom Left Corner (blc), Top Right Corner (trc), and step size (inc), on ALL of its axes, including degenerate axes. The step size defaults to one if not specified.

virtual IPosition blc() const
virtual IPosition trc() const
virtual IPosition increment() const

Return the bottom left hand corner (blc), top right corner (trc) or step size (increment) used by the current sub-Lattice. If no sub-Lattice has been defined (with the subSection function) these functions return blc=0, trc=latticeShape-1, increment=1, ie. the entire Lattice.

virtual const IPosition& axisPath() const

Return the axis path. See LatticeStepper for a description and examples.

virtual LatticeNavigator* clone() const

Function which returns a pointer to dynamic memory of an exact copy of this instance. The pointer returned by this function must be deleted externally.

virtual Bool ok() const

Function which checks the internal data of this class for correct dimensionality and consistant values. Returns True if everything is fine otherwise returns False

virtual uInt calcCacheSize (const ROTiledStManAccessor&, uInt rowNumber) const

Calculate the cache size (in tiles) for this type of access to a lattice in the given row of the tiled hypercube.


Prevent the default constructor from being used.