// Create a real valued I,Q,U,V StokesVector StokesVector pixel(4.0,2.0,1.0,0.1); // convert to a Complex valued vector of linear polarizations CStokesVector cohVec=applySlin(pixel); // convert back to I,Q,U,V cohVec.applySlinInv(); // Write out the real part cout<< cohVec.real() <<endl;
Construct from scalar, setting all values to a constant.
Construct with four values specified.
Construct from c-array
Construct from Vector (should have length 4)
CStokesVector(const Vector
Construct from RigidVector
CStokesVector(const RigidVector
Assign from a Vector
Assign from a scalar, setting all values to a constant
Matrix multiplication - v*=m is equivalent to v=m*v
Apply conversion matrix from Stokes to linear, in place.
Apply conversion matrix from Stokes to circular, in place
Apply conversion matrix from linear to Stokes, in place
Apply conversion matrix from circular to Stokes, in place
Return a StokesVector with the real part.
StokesVector real();
inner product of two complex vectors
Write out a CStokesVector using the Vector output method.
Construct from scalar, setting all values to a constant.
Construct from Vector (should have length 4)
StokesVector(const Vector
Construct from RigidVector
StokesVector(const RigidVector
Assign from a Vector
Assign from a scalar, setting all values to a constant
Matrix multiplication - v*=m is equivalent to v=m*v
Compute the maximum EigenValue
The innerproduct of 2 StokesVectors
Multiplication of StokesVector by a Complex SquareMatrix
Write out a StokesVector using the Vector output method.
CStokesVector& operator=(const CStokesVector& v)
CStokesVector& operator=(const Vector<Complex>& v)
CStokesVector& operator=(const Complex& c)
CStokesVector& operator-()
CStokesVector& operator+=(const CStokesVector& v)
CStokesVector& operator-=(const CStokesVector& v)
CStokesVector& operator*=(const CStokesVector& v)
CStokesVector& operator*=(const SquareMatrix<Complex,4>& m)
CStokesVector& operator*=(Float f)
Bool operator==(const CStokesVector& v) const
Bool operator!=(const CStokesVector& v) const
CStokesVector& applySlin()
CStokesVector& applyScirc()
CStokesVector& applySlinInv()
CStokesVector& applyScircInv()
friend Complex innerProduct(const CStokesVector& l, const CStokesVector& r)
friend double norm(const CStokesVector& l)
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const CStokesVector& v)
class StokesVector:public RigidVector<Float,4>
Member Description
static String dataTypeId()
StokesVector(Int n):RigidVectorStokesVector(Float f):RigidVector<Float,4>(f)
StokesVector(Float v0, Float v1, Float v2, Float v3): v2<Float,4>(v0,v1,v2,v3)
Construct with four values specified.
StokesVector(const StokesVector& v):RigidVector<Float,4>(v)
StokesVector& operator=(const StokesVector& v)
StokesVector& operator=(const Vector<Float>& v)
StokesVector& operator=(Float f)
StokesVector& operator-()
StokesVector& operator+=(const StokesVector& v)
StokesVector& operator-=(const StokesVector& v)
StokesVector& operator*=(Float f)
StokesVector& operator*=(const StokesVector& v)
StokesVector& operator*=(const SquareMatrix<Float,4>& m)
Bool operator==(const StokesVector& v) const
Bool operator!=(const StokesVector& v) const
Float maxEigenValue() const
Float minEigenValue() const
Compute the minimum EigenValue
Float determinant() const
Compute the determinant of the coherence matrix
friend Float innerProduct(const StokesVector& l, const StokesVector& r)
friend CStokesVector operator*(const CStokesVector<Complex,4>& m, const StokesVector& v)
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const StokesVector& v)