

GBTLO1File -- Digests the LO1 FITS file. (full description)

class GBTLO1File : public GBTFITSBase


Public Members
virtual ~GBTLO1File()
virtual Bool attach(const String &fitsFile)
virtual Bool isAttached() const
virtual const String &file() const
const MPosition &position() const
const MVFrequency &restfrq() const
const Double reqdptol() const
const MDirection &dir(const MVEpoch &time) const
const MVFrequency &lo1freq(const MVEpoch &time, uInt state) const
const Double vframe(const MVEpoch &time) const
const Double rvsys(const MVEpoch &time) const
const Table &souvel() const
const GBTStateTable &state() const
const ROScalarColumn<Double> &dmjd() const
Bool isFreqSwitched() const
Vector<Double> firstLO1(Double &factor, MFrequency::Types &refframe, MDoppler::Types &doptype, Double &vsource) const
Private Members
void init()
void setLO1Table(FITSTable &lo1Tab)
void setLO1State(FITSTable &stateTab)
void setSouvel(FITSTable &souvelTab)
void lo1Row(const MVEpoch &time) const
GBTLO1File(const GBTLO1File &other)
GBTLO1File &operator=(const GBTLO1File &other)


Review Status

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Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Member Description


This constructs a GBTLO1File that has no primary keywords. or associated tables

virtual ~GBTLO1File()

virtual Bool attach(const String &fitsFile)

attach this object to a new FITS file. If there are problems with the file, the return value is False and appropriate warnings are sent to the logger. The resulting object is not attached to any file.

virtual Bool isAttached() const

Is this object attached to a FITS file. This base class is never attached to a file.

virtual const String &file() const

The name of the attached FITS file. Returns an empty string if it is not attached.

const MPosition &position() const

The position of the antenna.

const MVFrequency &restfrq() const

The requested rest frequency

const Double reqdptol() const

The requested doppler tolerance in Hz

const MDirection &dir(const MVEpoch &time) const

Get values from the LO1TABLE at the specified time (UTC) - or the first row before that time if there is not a row near that time.

Telescope pointing direction.

const MVFrequency &lo1freq(const MVEpoch &time, uInt state) const

Get values from the LO1TABLE at the specified time (UTC) - or the first row before that time if there is not a row near that time.

lo1freq, this also requires a state. The appropriate offset for that state is from the LO1STATE table and is added to the frequency from the LO1TABLE. If that state isn't found, an offset of 0.0 is used.

const Double vframe(const MVEpoch &time) const

Get values from the LO1TABLE at the specified time (UTC) - or the first row before that time if there is not a row near that time.

radial velocity of the reference frame wrt the observer

const Double rvsys(const MVEpoch &time) const

Get values from the LO1TABLE at the specified time (UTC) - or the first row before that time if there is not a row near that time.

radial velociy of the source wrt the observer

const Table &souvel() const

the SOUVEL binary table

const GBTStateTable &state() const

the STATE table used here

const ROScalarColumn<Double> &dmjd() const

The DMJD column

Bool isFreqSwitched() const

Are there non-zero offsets (implies frequency switching)

Vector<Double> firstLO1(Double &factor, MFrequency::Types &refframe, MDoppler::Types &doptype, Double &vsource) const

Return the first LO1 setting found here plus any state offset from STATE table, one value per state. Also set is the factor which, when multiplied by the TOPO centric frequencies gives the reference frame frequencies corresponding to the the VELOCITY at the same time as the returned LO1 setting. The desired reference frame, velocity definition, and source velocity in the reference frame and definition are set.

void init()

initialize with default, unattached values

void setLO1Table(FITSTable &lo1Tab)
void setLO1State(FITSTable &stateTab)
void setSouvel(FITSTable &souvelTab)

these functions do the appropriate thing, but do not verify that FITSTable is set to the appropriate extension.

void lo1Row(const MVEpoch &time) const

sets itslo1Row to the appropriate row in the lo1 table where the DMJD value is near or just prior to the requested time.

GBTLO1File(const GBTLO1File &other)

undefined and unavailable

GBTLO1File &operator=(const GBTLO1File &other)