

GBTMSWeatherCopier -- GBTMSWeatherCopier copies Weather DAP fields toa MSWeather table (full description)

class GBTMSWeatherCopier


Public Members
GBTMSWeatherCopier(MSWeather &msWeather, const Record &weatherRecord, const TableDesc &td, Int id)
void copy(uInt toRow, const String &sampler, const String &manager, const MVTime &time, Double interval, Int antennaId)
void reinit(const Record &weatherRecord, const TableDesc &td, Int id)
Private Members
void cleanup()
void detachFields()
GBTMSWeatherCopier(const GBTMSWeatherCopier &other)
void operator=(const GBTMSWeatherCopier &other)


Review Status

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This class copies GBT Weather DAP into the MSWeather table.


This class puts the appropriate values for the GBT in an MSWeather table (which has been previously created as part of a MeasurementSet). On each fill() any necessary additions to the MSWeather are made. Because it works with the Weather FITS files in the same way that the generic DAP copiers must work with multiple samplers and managers, this class was derived from GBTDAPCopierBase.



Writing a copier is a daunting task. There are various dependencies between the subtables. It helps to encapsulate the knowlege and task of filling a specific subtable to separate classes.

Member Description

GBTMSWeatherCopier(MSWeather &msWeather, const Record &weatherRecord, const TableDesc &td, Int id)

construct the copier given the MSWeather table and the record which will contain the DAP fields to be copied. Supply the DAP TableDesc and ID for this copier.


void copy(uInt toRow, const String &sampler, const String &manager, const MVTime &time, Double interval, Int antennaId)

copy the current contents to indicated row of the table, which must have already been added to the weather table

void reinit(const Record &weatherRecord, const TableDesc &td, Int id)

re-initialize things to use the indicate Record, TableDesc and Id

void cleanup()

void detachFields()

GBTMSWeatherCopier(const GBTMSWeatherCopier &other)

undefined and unavailable

void operator=(const GBTMSWeatherCopier &other)