
VLARCA -- (full description)

class VLARCA


Public Members
VLARCA(ByteSource& record)
VLARCA(const VLARCA& other)
VLARCA& operator=(const VLARCA& other)
void attach(ByteSource& record)
uInt length() const
uInt revision() const
uInt SDAOffset() const
uInt ADAOffset(uInt which) const
uInt nAntennas() const
uInt CDAOffset(uInt which) const
uInt CDAHeaderBytes(uInt which) const
uInt CDABaselineBytes(uInt which) const
uInt obsDay() const


Review Status

Date Reviewed:






Template Type Argument Requirements (T)

Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Member Description


The default constructor creates an unusable object

VLARCA(ByteSource& record)

Initialise this RCA from the given BytesSource (which must contain a VLA logical record), and must be readable & seekable.

VLARCA(const VLARCA& other)

The copy constructor uses copy semantics


The destructor is trivial;

VLARCA& operator=(const VLARCA& other)

The assignment constructor uses copy semantics

void attach(ByteSource& record)

attach to the specified ByteSource

uInt length() const

return the length of this logical record

uInt revision() const

return the revision of this logical record

uInt SDAOffset() const

return the position (in bytes) of the start of the SDA, from the beginning of the logical record.

uInt ADAOffset(uInt which) const

return the position (in bytes) of the start of the specified ADA, from the beginning of the logical record.

uInt nAntennas() const

return the number of antennas in the sub-array that this logical record contains data for.

uInt CDAOffset(uInt which) const

return the position (in bytes) of the start of the specified CDA, from the beginning of the logical record.

uInt CDAHeaderBytes(uInt which) const

return the number of bytes in the header of a baseline record in the specified CDA

uInt CDABaselineBytes(uInt which) const

return the number of bytes in the baseline record, including the header in the specified CDA

uInt obsDay() const

return the time in Modified Julian Days that is the reference point for the times given in this record.