Change log Library_scimath_Functionals for AIPS++ version 1.9

A summary of the changes is available.
Change-id:  0163
Author:     Wim Brouw
Date:       2005/02/02
Area:       Library  scimath    Functionals
Category:   New Code
Summary:    Added cross-cloning
To ease the use of Functionals in the Fitting module, I have added cloneAD() and cloneNonAD() methods to all Functionals usable for fitting. If you have e.g. a Gaussian1D gd1; functional with some parameters set, the following can be done: Gaussian1D > *gd1ad = gd1.cloneAD(); or Function > *funad = gd1.cloneAD(); In essence the following table holds: Method In Out In Out clone() T T AD AD cloneAD() T AD AD AD cloneNonAD() T T AD See tGauusian1D for an example