Module Mathematics

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)

Mathematical types, constants, operations



Mathematicians may argue that everything is mathematics, and hence all of AIPS++ should be in this module. However this module will only contain core mathematical operations that are independent of astronomical applications.


The Mathematics module has a variety of mathematical classes and functions. Not all numerical operations are found herein. Very complicated operations might be in their own module, such as Deconvolution. Many whole array operations are in the ArrayMath global functions (part of the Arrays module). Mathematical operations on Lattices are found in the Lattice module. A wide variety of special Mathematical functions is planned for the Functional module.

The classes presently in this module fall into the following categories:


AutoDiff IO operations -- Implements all IO operators and functions for AutoDiff. (full description)
AutoDiff mathematical operations -- Implements all mathematical operators and functions for AutoDiff. (full description)
AutoDiff -- Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation. (full description)
AutoDiffA -- Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation. (full description)
AutoDiffRep -- Representation of an automatic differential class data (full description)
AutoDiffX -- Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation. (full description)
ConvolveGridder -- Does convolutional gridding (full description)
Convolver -- A class for doing multi-dimensional convolution (full description)
DFTError -- Error class for DFTServer class (full description)
DFTServer -- Class containing methods for doing n-D slow Fourier transforms (full description)
ExpSincConv -- Exponential times a Sinc (full description)
FFTEnums -- Lists the different types of FFT's that can be done (full description)
FFTPack -- C++ interface to the Fortran FFTPACK library (full description)
FFTServer -- A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms (full description)
FUNCTYPE enum -- Enum used to identify function type for MathFunc class (full description)
FuncId -- Function ID, for use by MathFunc class (full description)
GaussianConv -- Gaussian (full description)
Gridder -- A base class for gridding (full description)
HistAcc -- Makes a histogram from input values. (full description)
Interpolate2D -- A two dimension interpolator for Matrices or Arrays (full description)
InterpolateArray1D -- Interpolate in one dimension (full description)
KB_Conv -- A Kaiser-Bessel function (full description)
Linear Algebra -- Linear algebra functions on Vectors and Matrices. (full description)
MathFunc -- A class to generate values of mathematical functions (full description)
MathFuncError -- Error class for MathFunc class (full description)
MatrixSolver -- MatrixSolver.h: the base class for solvers of linear equations AX=B (full description)
MedianSlider -- Class to compute sliding median (full description)
Mod_KB_Conv -- A Kaiser-Bessel function multiplied by a Gaussian (full description)
NNGridder -- A non-negative gridding class (full description)
NNLSMatrixSolver -- NNLSMatrixSolver.h: the base class for NNLS solvers of linear equations AX=B (full description)
NumericTraits -- Relationships between numeric data types (full description)
NumericTraits -- A specialisation for T=DComplex of the NumericTraits class (full description)
NumericTraits_C -- NumericTraits specialization for Complex (full description)
NumericTraits_D -- NumericTraits specialization for Double (full description)
NumericTraits_DC -- NumericTraits specialization for DComplex (full description)
NumericTraits_F -- NumericTraits specialization for Float (full description)
Primes -- Creates a reference table of prime numbers, and some functions (full description)
RigidVector -- Fast Vector classes with fixed (templated) length (full description)
SCSL -- C++ Interface to the Sgi/Cray Scientific Library (SCSL) (full description)
Sinc_Conv -- Sine x / x function (full description)
Sph_Conv -- Spheroidal function (full description)
SqM_global_functions -- Various global math and IO functions. (full description)
SquareMatrix -- Fast Square Matrix class with fixed (templated) size (full description)
StatAcc -- A statistics accumulator (full description)
Unary -- Unary (full description)
VanVleck -- A class of static functions to aid with vanVleck corrections of lag data. (full description)
VectorKernel -- Make a Vector smoothing kernel from a kernel specification (full description)
math -- Mathematical operations involving RigidVectors (full description)
spheriodal functions -- Fred Schwab function to calculate spheriodal functions (full description)