AIPS++ and the GBT Systems Integration Tests

Starting in July 1995, AIPS++ has been used as the analysis software for tests of the Green Bank Telescope Monitor and Control system on the 140-ft telescope. The M&C system writes FITS files that are read into AIPS++ Tables, and then manipulated using Glish, and plotted using a Glish client based upon the Xrt/Graph plotting widget.

We start with the first source scan obtained. This was taken at 1:30 UT on July 14, 1995 using the 140-ft under GBT Monitor & Control, the new GBT Digital Continuum Receiver, and AIPS++. There was no fudging on the plot except to tell Glish the value of cal temperature and doing the data operations line by line in Glish.


Next we describe some of the data and show how Glish is used to manipulate the data and produce plots. The names ending in .fits are FITS format data files written by the M&C system. The commands like PlotTPcCE1 are Glish commands written specially (for a description of Glish capabilities, see the Glish manual). The plots are screen-dumps of the output from the Glish plotting client (gplot1d), in postscript format. Rick Fisher gives the following commentary:

  1. Tipping scan from Elev = 15 to 90 degrees,
    az = 0 (south)
    plotTPwCEl(1.6, table, 8, 1|2) or 
    plotTPwCSecZ(1.6, table, 8, 1|2) 
    	One normally solves for the slope and intercept of a straight
    	line fit to the T vs sec(z) data with obvious bumps and data at
    	(sec(z) < 1.05) edited out.  The curve is not a straight line,
    	so a more sophisticated analysis would remove known spillover
    	effects from the data before fitting and possibly use a
    	non-planar atmosphere model.  See the fitTipping() function in
  2. R.A. scan map of 3c273.  Nine scans at 10' intervals from +40' to
    -40' around the source declination.  Each scan was 90'/cos(dec) wide. 
    	To show the R.A.-Dec. tracks do 
            plotRaDec(table, 65) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 66) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 67) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 68) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 69) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 70) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 71) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 72) 
    	plotRaDec(table, 73) 
    	After the plot is reversed with reverseX() to make it as seen on
    	the sky, the scanning direction was right to left. 
    	To get a plot of R.A. or Dec. as a function of time for one of
    	the scans run 
    	plotRA(table, 65) or 
    	plotDec(table, 65) 
  3. Any number of the scans may be used to plot raw data counts from
    individual receivers and phases.  For example, 
    	can used with 
    	plotPhase(table, 0, 1|2, 1|2)	Plots data counts vs UTC in hrs 
    	plotPhaseRA(table, 0, 1|2, 1|2)	Plots data counts vs R.A. in hrs 
    	To plot a declination scan of data counts vs declination use 
    	plotPhaseDec(table, 1, 1|2, 1|2)
  4. The same two scans in item 3 above may be used to plot calibrated
    	plotTPwCRA(1.6, table, 0, 1|2)	Where 1.6 is the cal value in K
    	plotTPwCTime(1.6, table, 0, 1|2)
    	plotTPwCDec(1.6, table, 1, 1|2)
  5. The receiver gain in units of counts per Kelvin may be plotted as a
    function of UTC.  Again, use
    	this time with
    	plotGainTime(1.6, table, 1, 1|2)
    	In this can you can see the effect of using an unsymmetric cal
    	switching cycle which has a tendency to differentiate the
    	intensity-vs-time function, positive when going onto the source
    	and negative when moving off.  This is not a real receiver gain
  6. The effect of the data/position timing error that we are tracking
    down can be seen by overplotting R.A. or Dec. scans taken with opposite
    scanning directions.  For example, use
    	1995_07_18_14:38:33_Dcr.fits	and
    	plotTPwCDec(1.6, table, 1, 1|2)	and
    	plotTPwCDec(1.6, table, 2, 1|2)	without clear() between plots
  7. The scan numbers in an aips_table containing more than one scan may
    be printed with
  8. At the beginning of the July test session we recorded DCR data with
    the counters connected to the internal test 5 MHz test oscillator to
    check the internal timing and counter operation of the DCR.  A quick
    comparison between expected and measured counter values may be printed
    from any of the scans
    	testDataCheck(table, 0|1|2|3)
    	where the scan numbers, 0|1|2|3, refer to the four data scans,
    	The output should look something like
    	Rx 1 ph 1 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 1 ph 2 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 1 ph 3 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 1 ph 4 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 2 ph 1 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 2 ph 2 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 2 ph 3 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
    	Rx 2 ph 4 ( 0.24999 s ), expect 1.24995e+06 measured 1.24995e+06
  9. We also ran tests on the DCR with its V/F inputs connected to a sine
    wave oscillator.  The following scan shows that the two channels track
    in gain to about 0.04%.  More tests of this sort are planned for the
    August run when we will us an accurate voltage source to check the
    absolute gain and linearity of the V/F convertors.
    	To overplot the data from the two channels use
    	plotPhase(table, 11, 1, 1|2)
    [Bob Garwood adds:
        I thought I'd take the difference from the two vectors plotted
        in test.9.a but since I didn't have them available in glish, I
        relied on the plotting tool to get the values. 
        x0 := getX(0);
        x1 := getX(1);
        y0 := getY(0);
        y1 := getY(1);
        I verified that x0 is idential to x1 and then displayed the difference
        ydiff := y0 - y1;
        plotxy(x0, ydiff, "Rx1 Phase1 - Rx2 Phase1");
  10. We ended up with a puzzling result when trying to use 3C273 to
    evaluate the tracking accuracy of the 140-ft by putting the source on
    the beam half-power point.  The intensity variation was much greater
    than could be explained with the position errors as seen on the
    encoders.  We ended up tracking 3C273 at the beam peak, and we found
    that the source intensity appeared to be varying on time scales of tens
    of seconds for reasons we still don't understand.  The data on and off
    the source are in
    	1995_07_19_02:24:27_Dcr.fits	3C273 at beam peak
    	1995_07_19_02:43:03_Dcr.fits	blank sky
    	The plot can be obtained with
    	plotTPwCTime(1.6, table, 3, 1)	3C273
    	plotTPwCTime(1.6, table, 4, 1)	blank sky
    	The overplot of the two scans without clear() between the shows
    	the approximate source antenna temperature and the difference in
    	fluctuation in the two scans.  The source and blank sky were at
    	elevations around 20 degrees, which explains the rising antenna
    	temperature with time as the elevation decreased with time.
    	The receiver gain can be plotted on the 3C273 scan with
    	plotGainTime(1.6, tbl4, 3, 2) 
    	However, the noise on the gain is too large to rule out the
    	possibility of receiver gain being the cause of the apparent
    	variation (blank sky test aside).  A better test is to look for
    	a correlation between source temperature and gain with the
    	following commands:
    	plotTPwCTime(1.6, tbl4, 3, 2)
    	plotGainTime(1.6, tbl4, 3, 2) 
    	plotxy(cal_data, cts_per_K, "", style_="points")
    	which shows that there is no obvious correlation between gain an
    	antenna temperature.  Note that 'cal_data' and 'cts_per_K' are
    	global variables in the first two plot functions, so they are
    	available to the last 'plotxy()'.
    	A more sensitive test is to look at the cross-correlation
    	between the gain and receiver temperature with the following
    	avg_gain := sum(cts_per_K) / len(cts_per_K)
    	gain := 50.0 * (cts_per_K - avg_gain) / avg_gain
    	avg_data := sum(cal_data) / len(cal_data)
    	data := 50.0 * (cal_data - avg_data) / avg_data
    	cc := crossCor(data, gain)
    	ploty(cc[1:100], "")
    	which shows no significant cross correlation at zero delay when
    	compared with the data autocorrelation function:
    	ccd := crossCor(data, data)
    	ploty(ccd[1:100], "")
    	The small negative peak in the data-gain cross-correlation at a
    	delay of 5 may be due to the differentiation effect mentioned
    	above, which induces a correlation between apparent gain and
    	large slopes in the antenna temperature as a function of time.
    	This conjecture needs to be verified, but it's fascinating what
    	various plots like this turn up.
  11. A typical scan to try fitting a gaussian to is
    	plotTPwCRA(1.6, table, 16, 1)
    	   Select the baseline areas to be fitted near the ends of the scan
    	   on the plot, then
    	   Fit result: Intercept = 29.0987 K, Slope = -0.600722 K/atmos.
    	coeff[1] := 29.0987; coeff[2] := -0.600722	# from fit result
    	y := evalPoly(ra, coeff)
    	y := cal_data - y				# remove baseline
    	plotxy(ra, y, "")
    	   Select the data range to be fit with the gaussian on the plot.
    	fitOneGaussian(4.76, 13.48, 0.02)	# guesses from plot
    	   converged = 1 niter = 4
    	   height = 4.88249 center = 13.4806 width = 0.0174697
    	   herr = 0.00867067 cerr = 2.53294e-05 werr = 3.58148e-05
    	All of our source scans were in strong sources so I don't have
    	any noisey data to try on the fitting routine.
  12. We did two mapping runs which can be run through the contour
    routine.  One was run with 10' spacing (HPBW = 21') and one with 5'
    spacing.  Unfortunately, the 5' spacing map was done during the day and
    is badly contaminated by the sun.  The 10' spacing map of 3C273 is in
    	scans := [65:73]
    	mapContour(table, scans)
            The mapContour() routine is lashed together for these particular
    	data.  It works only for west-to-east scanning and north-to-south
    	scan steps.  No baselines have been subtracted.  Since only three of
    	the nine scans had much flux in them, the inner contours are a bit
    	football shaped.  I think I have the coordinates right, but I may be
    	off by a pixel in R.A.  It's hard to tell.

Copyright © 1995 Associated Universities Inc., Washington, D.C.