

CSCleanImageSkyModel -- CS Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the CS Clean algorithm (full description)

class CSCleanImageSkyModel : public CleanImageSkyModel


Public Members
virtual Int add(ImageInterface<Float>& image, const Int maxNumXfr=100)
virtual Bool addResidual(Int image, ImageInterface<Float>& residual)
virtual Bool addMask(Int image, ImageInterface<Float>& mask)
virtual Bool solve (SkyEquation& me)
Protected Members
Float maxField(Vector<Float>& imagemax, Vector<Float>& imagemin)
Float maxOuter(Lattice<Float> & lat, const uInt nCenter )




CSCleanImageSkyModel implements the Cotton-Schwab Clean algorithm. It is derived from SkyModel.


The CS Clean is an FFT-based clean algorithm. Cleaning is split into major and minor cycles. In a minor cycle, the brightest pixels are cleaned using only the strongest sidelobes (and main lobe) of the PSF. In the major cycle, a fully correct subtraction of the PSF is done for all points accumulated in the minor cycle by degridding and degridding.

The CS Clean is implemented using the class.

Masking is optionally performed using a mask image: only points where the mask is non-zero are cleaned. If no mask is specified all points in the inner quarter of the image are cleaned.


See the example for SkyModel.


To Do